My #1 BEST Intermittent Fasting Tips for Faster Weight Loss - Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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today i’m going to give you the number

one best tip

for intermittent fasting weight loss

results now i am going to give you more

tips than just one but i want to give


the most important tip but starting with

some other tips that might not be as

important now a lot of people are doing

intermittent fasting with either minimum

or moderate results

they’re not achieving what they could


if they knew what i’m about to tell you

so if you’re going to do fasting might

as well do it correctly and get as much

results as you can and of course in this

video we’re focused on weight loss but

there’s so many other benefits uh

building a new immune system

growing new brain tissue

improving your mood

improving your cognitive function focus



and dropping your inflammation whether

you have an autoimmune problem or you


allergies or you have irritable bowel

syndrome or arthritis

intermittent fasting is so beneficial

for those things but most people do it

for weight loss

all right let’s start with number six

first and number six is really

understanding what’s happening in your

body when you’re doing fasting

um you’re not starving your body you’re

actually mimicking something that our

bodies were designed


operate with which is

not eating so frequently so what’s

happening is you’re activating certain


that increase survival and i’m not

talking about just barely surviving i’m

talking about thriving i’m also talking

about turning off genes

that are disease genes turning off

cancer genes basically you just turn off

the bad stuff and you turn on the good

stuff you’re actually targeting


insulin sensitivity

you’re making insulin

way more sensitive so it can work again

because insulin resistance is at the

heart of the very reason why you are

overweight in the first place and have a

difficult time losing weight and have a

certain set point that you can’t seem to

get below it’s the insulin if you have

too much insulin because you have

insulin resistance

it’s going to be very difficult to lose

weight so fasting is the most important


to fix that problem in fact fasting is

the most important health creating thing

you can do in your life so many diseases

and chronic health problems are

connected to high insulin and so you’re

fixing years of bad eating and eating

way too many carbs when you do fasting

all right so that understanding is very

very important going into this because

it’s not just a little thing you’re

doing something very very important

all right number five adding

hit or high intensity interval training

now what is

high intensity interval training well

that is short periods of high intense

exercise with a good amount of rest so

you’re doing this full body exercise

but not very long just short intervals

that way you can spike growth hormone by

700 percent you can produce way better

results in doing the treadmill thing for

45 minutes at a moderate pace so high

intensity interval training will greatly

help you

if you don’t do it too frequently you

want to do it

once or twice a week with a lot of rest

in between because if you do it like

some people i know every day

the results just go way down why because

you don’t have a chance to recover and

all of your results occur in the

recovery so we want to create this

stimulus and then let the body recover

and do its magic and so if we combine

this type of exercise with fasting we’re

going to see better results all right

number four there are certain herbal



specifically target those insulin

receptors and make insulin more

sensitive remember i mentioned this

weight loss is all about correcting this

insulin problem so anything you can do

to fix insulin sensitivity is going to

help you lose weight so it’s not about

taking supplements or teas that

stimulate your metabolism it’s about

drinking teas or even supplements that

help this insulin sensitivity and

there’s two t’s that i’m going to

recommend one is berberine which is

probably just as effective as a

medication called metformin which they

use for diabetes metformin

helps you improve insulin sensitivity

and so does berberine so berberine would

be a great tea to start drinking through

the day the other tea that’s really good

is green tea so both of those teas are

what i’m going to recommend and there’s

something else that’s not a tea but it

can help you apple cider vinegar so

you can do a teaspoon or a tablespoon

and a glass of water okay because you’re

diluting it you’re not taking it


it’s not going to bother your teeth too

much but you could

drink it through a straw if you’re

concerned i like to add a little lemon

with that or even blend an entire lemon

with the apple cider vinegar

and then drink it down with a straw

because now we have the lemon which is

an acid but those things can actually

help you as well all right number three

being consistent now if you weigh


every single day

you’re not going to see much and it’s

going to be discouraging if you look at

yourself in the mirror from one day to

the next you’re not going to see any

difference because it’s going to be so

gradual and the chances of you dropping

off go up if you’re discouraged and you

don’t see results

so the best thing to do

is take a picture of yourself don’t show



do another picture of yourself maybe in

two weeks or even this is better yeah a

month so you can really see some changes

that are occurring you have to really

acknowledge that this problem has been

going on for a very very long time and

it’s going to take some time to undo

and in the process of

doing this it can be discouraging if

you’re not seeing results but just

realize it is working

and one of the best indicators to know

it’s working is that your appetite and

cravings will go away that’s what i want

you to focus on as well as maybe your

clothes fitting looser maybe your energy

improving your mood improving but not

the weight loss it’s get healthy first

then lose weight

not the other way around your body

considers this extra fat as a survival

mechanism and it doesn’t like to get rid

of survival so what you have to do is

focus on

really getting your body healthy and a

big part of that is fixing insulin and

it takes some consistency if you’re

doing it sort of


let’s say you’re doing the ketogenic

diet like not quite consistent

your results are not going to be there

and so you’re going to have to really

bite the bullet and do it for real just

a tiny bit of carbs

whether that’s a half a glass of wine

every other day

or maybe a little snack of some

carbohydrate like a piece of bread can

severely block your progress for up to

48 hours


if you’re doing something that’s not on

the program every other day

and you’re not seeing results realize


you just knocked yourself out of ketosis

and you never give your body a chance to

be in ketosis long enough to really see

the results it’s the little things that

you need to avoid that will make a huge

difference number two doing the healthy

version of the ketogenic diet with

intermittent fasting they both

complement each other

what are we trying to do we’re trying to

fix insulin resistance how do you do

that well you lower your carbs and you

don’t eat so frequently and this is why

intermittent fasting with lowering your

carbs is going to be essential if you’re

doing intermittent fasting and you’re

eating a lot of carbs

don’t expect a lot of great results

unless your metabolism is already really

good and you haven’t created insulin

resistance which is rare

most people have insulin resistance they

just never were tested by it because

their doctor never did a test called

homa ir

and never evaluated the fasting insulin

levels okay they looked at the blood

sugar levels but not the fasting insulin

levels if you want more information

about that

i put a link down below now with number

two recommendation healthy ketogenic


i want to emphasize nutrient dense foods

on this program so i highly recommend

you don’t make a habit of eating out

much why because the food at restaurants

unfortunately has too many

bad things and they don’t focus on

nutrient-dense foods and there’s a lot

of like omega-6 corn oils and soy oils

in the food and you really don’t know

what you’re getting so it’s better if

you control your own food and focus on

things like eggs salmon grass-fed

hamburger big salads

the more

nutrient empty your foods are the more

of that food you have to eat

to get healthy

so why not focus on nutrient-dense foods

unfortunately farmers are paid on weight

and yields not the nutrition in those

fields so

i’ve done a lot of videos on this and i

will put some links down below but doing

the healthy version of keto with

intermittent fasting

is number two in importance all right

let’s do number one

are you sitting down for this okay

transition from your two meals a day to

one meal a day that’s called omad now

why is this so important


you get 23 hours of fasting

and that’s when the magic happens

when you transition from this

18 hours of fasting or 16 hours of

fasting or 20 hours of fasting to 23

hours of fasting it’s huge your liver

has a chance to really regenerate your

entire digestive system has a chance to

reset the insulin receptors that have

been so downgraded start becoming

extremely sensitive your ketones start

increasing by three times

and your body is finally becoming fat

adapted to the point where if you did go

off the program your body can bounce

back fairly easily in other words if you

do omad your body becomes a fat burning


so my most important tip for immune

fasting is to do a lot of it okay

especially if you have a slow metabolism

especially if you’re not seeing results

with weight loss now that you have some

really important

information underneath your belt um you

need the details

of how to do intermittent fasting and i

put that video up right here check it

