Before & After Keto – Intermittent Fasting & Weight Loss session with Dr.Berg & Michelle Spiva | DrEricBergDC

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so welcome everyone we have another

amazing interview Michelle welcome so

you sent me here before and afters there

I’m very impressed I wanted to do I

wanted to find out about your your

history of what what happened that you

start gaining weight when you’re a

little bit younger maybe you could tell

me about that and tell me your story

okay well um I I would say that I always

had a weight problem but looking back in

pictures I think it was in my mind right

and I really started noticing it in my

college years you know the famous

freshman 30 well nine when grew up there

it could be because I’m from Louisiana

and I was going to school in New Orleans

so okay that makes us yes it could have

been that but what I did notice was over

the years I had all of the stuff that

you explained the high estrogen the

heavy heavy cycle fibroids all of that

stuff and I always had to struggle with

weight I wasn’t really a dieter because

I just I just don’t believe in it but I

would try to do what I thought was

healthy eating which in hindsight it

really wasn’t I had a lot of high stress

jobs after college and grad school and

it just it kind of like inched up you

know so I was okay here then in my 30s I

guess you know who does better I’ll tell

my age I have a problem with that I just

decided to you know like by sheer force

of will go to the gym everyday and get

it you know get it controlled and that

was still struggle I changed careers so

now I’m a full time on author and

consultant and I sit all the time and I

will just tell this quick little story

if you’ll permit me um it was December

31st 2016 last year

and I had just come back from a cruise

and normally when I take my cruises I

can walk I can do all the stuff dr. Berg

I was so um sick I slept like two days

straight on the ship it was a chore to

walk from my side of the ship to where

the food was and I had the nerve to be

upset about that and it was just a

different different thing I didn’t even

get to get off the ship to go to any of

the ports and that kind of stuff and I

kept getting severe leg thigh and calf

cramps and by this time my brain fog was

so bad I remember I would like get up to

go and get something and by the time I

got to the next room I would have

totally completely forgotten why I was

in there Wow

yeah and so it was really bad so get

back from the cruise and I get on the

scale and that was my my breaking point

I think because the scale said are you

ready for this I’m only five I’m am five

six some more like five five and a half

and my scale said I was 249 pounds oh

wow that was probably freaked me out

right there yes yeah that’s what I was

just like you know okay I can’t do this

and like I said I write for a living I

write you know novels and so I sit a lot

what I realized was something had to

change and I was watching a YouTube

video on doing some research for a book

it was December 31st and this ad comes

up are you having these symptoms no way

yes and I never really watched ads and

then it has a little pictures of the

people’s you know little play-doh bodies

and it had click here to take this

evaluation and right am I getting punked

you know because it was everything I was

going through and no one had ever

explained that to me so I went through

and all of that and I’m going to just

you know you can edit this out if you

want to dr. Perry felt a little hot with

you and the reason why was because you

got it kinda like you get your mouth and

I want to do the sweet here you get your

mouth all ready for that cake and you

bite into it and there’s nothing so I

was so excited I wanted more information

I tried to get on the membership website

and it told me it was an error and what

I found out was like I said this is a

little embarrassing I was trying to sign

in on January 1st and whatever program

was running the membership had not

updated to be able to reflect 2017 Wow

it kept telling me you can’t get in here

so anyway one of your staff persons just

happen to come in on the on January 1st

and saw I guess mine and a few others

and got a soft subtle and I will tell

you I spent all day January 1st of this

year 2017 just Netflix in dr. Burke I

had never heard of you before then to be

honest and I just want to say Nestle say

I’m talking about I stopped writing all

I did was that and I will tell you I

realized I had become a sugar addict

when I went back and looked I had not

eaten real food in about three days it

was so bad I was sitting there with a

can of sweetened condensed milk just

eating it out of the can so you know I

mean I just be open right hey

I mean I would go I would go like to

Walmart late at night because I needed

my fix because I was writing books on

pure sugar and I would like to have 50

bucks worth of candy and when I say

candy I like

the hard crunchy you know like cinnamons

and you know and that kind of stuff

because I was like just

I was mainlining sugar basically now

doesn’t so you definitely were not oh

that’s amazing yeah I remember uh

actually my thing and college was the

jumbo bag of Doritos I would eat the

whole thing I’m some serious like one

big pack down it just like that and I’ve

always wondered what my fingers were

swollen like like blow up like balloon

and I was retaining flour I’m like it’s

all the MSG I was like addicted yeah you

helped me get off of the nuri toes

bunions the lady’s chips and all of that

and I’m just going to tell you now I

walk down the sugar aisle at Walmart now

and I just do it just to see you know

just you know and I’m like yeah I got

nothing on me wow that’s control well

you know I don’t know if it’s control as

much as it is reframing and when I say

reframing you don’t I yeah my years of


yeah a therapist I’m you know consulting

myself and making sure I use the I word

I did not realize how thick I was until

I started getting healthy

I had tingling in my hands and feet I

had on the like except tux before the

heavy cycle the brain fog the muscle

spasms all of the stuff that is

indicative of having just being right at

the point of having the issues and I was

winded all the time because I really was

not moving I was like I am like self I’m

in a self-mummification kind of thing

here yeah um was that when you were

still writing too were you writing them

as well keeping rewriting at that point

yeah see that was a thinning

because I’m a self-published romance

author and that cycle is very fast so

for me I need to basically publish a

novel each month and so sitting 14 hours

a day writing on average anywhere from

five to ten thousand words because when

I say novel I mean I’m writing hundred

and ten thousand more novels and

publishing each month so it was just

like just feed the Machine to get it

done and I was on this this rat race and

I could not oh one other thing I when I

would take my shower and you know how

hot water will raise your pressure I had

to be careful because I fell a few times

you know from just being so out of shape

having the hot water affecting my heart

and everything and I was like I don’t

want to die in the shower and if someone

have to come find me and I’m this bad oh

my gosh how did you how did you because

you have to have creativity when you’re

right you have to really how did you

because it with all that sugar it would

put someone literally in a brain fog on

steroids how did you do it like I said

it was pure force of will and you know

when I had deadlines and there were such

a big penalty if you don’t know if you

don’t make the deadline like you know

penalized and this kind of stuff um I

would do what I could and then take a

nap do what I could and the old that was

another thing my sleep quality was

horrific I could not get good sleep I

would try and I just could not get good

sleep Wow

yeah so like I said it was it was really

really bad and I don’t know if you can

tell I’ve got this mic in the way but

I’ve got this mic in the way but the

little thing that I didn’t take for

granted like neck you know the stuff you

can’t fake right right like the neck

rolls it doctor

so now yeah now I’m like a cheerleader

for all things Kido

all things dr. Berger genius

I just tell everybody like this man just

just go he is he is doing a universal

good wow that’s awesome so so okay you

started watching the video to start

becoming aware of what you need to do

realize you’re a sugar crack I mean a

sugar a junkie and yes Oh sugar crack it

was and so then so then basically you

started and did you start with the keto

first or the intermittent fasting how

did you like do this okay

so what I did was first I started off

and I got your supplements I mean when I

said I’ve got the supplements I went

full bore in and got the supplements and

started with Keogh and I have to thank

you and Karen for the wonderful recipes

and so I had to relearn how to cook for

myself and started with all those

recipes and you know I had to like go

and figure out where to find some of the

stuff but I did and I will say January

and February I didn’t really exercise I

just ate and I did not stop the snacking

and when I say the smacking it wasn’t

sugar or the bad stuff but it was things

like okay so for instance January I had

to learn that you cannot eat a bag of

extra gum I don’t believe the sugar-free

if a lot of people it’s a lie and I’ll

say okay why why is it not working I

mean I lost nine pounds at month but I a

not wanted to I want us to stuff like

the other you know big girl the big

fluffy girls like me and okay oh we lost

nine pounds well I was eating thirty


gum a day because I still knew that you

know that choo-choo kind of thing so I

learned that you helped me with that

Febuary see you can tell I had seen four

hours to winter in February I had to

learn that dr. Byrd is not trying to be

mean stop snacking so I went down to

three mill I lost 12 pounds in February

now mind you I was still not walking I

was still in exercising snow that March

I had to go to a conference and I was

like you know what if I should look like

this this is not gonna be cute and so I

started trying to walk and I would get

so winded it was really bad but I

actually started saying you know if I

could just get a mile in I’ll be okay

so in March I started walking

it wasn’t until and I’m gonna just be

honest with you it wasn’t until the end

of April this is four months the end of

April then I was able to even consider

looking at intermittent fasting

so in May Oh so from January to April

I lost 28 pounds which was phenomenal

for me and I started feeling better but

I’m still doing the three meals and not

really consistently doing daily movement

in May and June and now here I actually

started walking each day and now I’m

working up to what I call vlogging and

doing some little weights and stuff in

so as of today I’m just under 60 pounds

total loss

since yeah since and so for the women

out there you guys I was killing a size

18 women and now I’m in a loose size 10

wow that’s fantastic so on I just want

to say that I think one of the

breakthroughs for me was not about the

gold it wasn’t about the objectives of

trying to lose the way it was more so

you said and some of

videos that weight gain is indicative of

illness or disease disease and so I

focus on that and I was like you know if

there’s weight here it’s because I’m

unhealthy and so that I think the reason

why I can walk down a little sugar aisle

and go on to these conferences and

everybody around you is ordering

cheesecake and just all the sugar and

I’m like no I’m fine and I’ve gone to

two two conferences this year and was

still able to eat keto on my trip that’s

so that’s so fantastic you know the when

they say an average person ate 145

pounds of sugar and you probably fit

that and more but then I can tell you I

probably because I started trying to

calculate it and I got depressed because

in a given day now I don’t really

this is this is how you can trick your

mind I don’t drink sugary drinks or

sodas and stuff never never really help

so I was telling myself I was okay but

when I could eat a bag of Twizzlers in a

day high Smalley’s and red hot candies

and you know a little cinnamon dead skin

the Werther’s high you know choc I mean

terrible and all of that I mean I’m

talking about bag wow that was I was I

was amazed I was still alive to be

honest yeah I’m just blown away are you

funny now how many meals are you doing

now I’m one wow that’s amazing one meal

a day um and you actually helped me

understand that it was my metabolism

because all through my life I would

actually forget to eat and so trying to

do the three meals I felt pressure to do

it and I felt like I’m doing this

because someone said to do it and so

when I decided I was going to go to

intermittent fasting in May

what I’m feeling I think healthy enough

I tried that Emil it was still too much

and because I wasn’t hungry I was like

why am i eating if I’m not hungry and so

now what I do is based on what I’ve

learned from you and the membership and

you know getting making sure I have my

supplements and stuff I feel a little

more empowered to do the one meal

because I make sure that I have the

necessary component so in order to get

you know my seven cups of vegetables I

always have a kale and spinach shake so

that’s three of my cups there and then I

have the other four cups in a healthy

salad and my proteins I’ll do um oh you

taught me a little bit about you know

the different types of proteins with the

meat I was never real red knee person

but I was killing chicken and so now I

have learned to mix up chicken with

other meats even you know breakfast

chops and things like that that all

black in and those types of things and

just really having a variety my my

relationship with cauliflower has

blossomed and so just a lot of great

things and so what I try to do each day

is make sure that I have a meal that’s

between 12 600 1200 and 1600 calories

and I do that by having cheese nuts my

kale spinach shake a salad and then a

healthy fat so like if that means I’ll

have like a little bit of avocado or you

know guacamole but you know a soup or

something like that you know just a

supplement then that’s how I do it

awesome now right now you’re continuing

to write how was your creativity now

compared to before

okay so last year I struggled through

and I wrote nine novel for the year this

is July and I have already written seven

all of them sugar-free and Wow it’s not

Apple so your cognitive function is much

better of course

yes definitely I have actually had

conversations with authors for just that

fact and the reason why is because with

the way creativity works you know bear

patients with me on this you find that

and and I tell them look we are mortal

beings pooping out immortality there is

a price to be paid for that birth and a

lot of times it will trigger anxiety

depression panic attacks and those types

of things because you have to be

creative on a dime and in time and when

you have that pressure it can mount and

all of those hormones and all of that

stuff going on inside if you’re sitting

you’re not eating right um

it’s bad and so we have bad habit as

authors that I think this way of living

just a minute uh nature of it eradicate

that you know so that’s that’s another

thing that I would say about the

creative process it is a hand-in-hand

kind of thing because of the clarity

that you get because of the energy that

you’re able to sustain because of the

guilt listening of okay oh one of the

things that I want to say is when I talk

about guiltlessness when we write you

know and we’re forgetting to eat you go

to what the quickest the easiest and

traditionally that is going to be

something that’s not very helpful

whether it be fast food or snacks or

those types of things and so now because

of eating ketogenic Lee and for me in a

minute fasting if I pure quote unquote

forget to eat I know what my meal is

going to be and I know that I am eating

to really actually feel the machine to

make sure I get my potassium in and my K

me too thank you for teaching me to make

sure I take those by the way and all

those other things so yeah I hope I

answered that question yeah that’s

amazing that’s awesome so you know it’s

there’s a common thread like your

awareness is so high now and now you

have the knowledge of exactly what to do

and how to get to where you really need

to go

and now you’ve felt that you’ve

experienced it you know it’s true

because you you see it and wow it’s what

a story amazing um it must be something

about the eating because now when people

see me and they see my skin and all of

that kind of stuff they’re like what are

you doing and she really opened it up

you know for whoever might see this I am

NOT young I am I’m 48 and to be able to

have all of the like collagen I mean

none of this is going on it’s no

flabbiness and you know that’s weird I

set up this this was the true test that

it was working I always and I don’t know

if you can see this they guess that back

ok so you know you can’t fake the neck

or like arms and stuff and for women

this is gone you know you get the little

fat pocket right that’s one of the

weirdest things when you notice a fat

pocket is going you like yeah yeah

you’re I mean I just saw the picture of

your face before and after me like you

could just see this everything’s coming

down it’s dramatic it’s it’s amazing I I

mean I have people saying you know you

look so much younger I mean of course

I’m rocking my gray and of course this

is my workout hair doctor bird but right

but it’s something when other people can

see the health and that’s what I

wouldn’t want to say I’m not concerned

as much about you know them seeing oh

you’re losing weight no it’s the health

it’s the quality of the clarity in my

eyes and my

and you know the vitality that’s coming

back and that’s one of the biggest

things that I’m very grateful for um

what if Bob Marley’s saying his death

you can’t buy life you can’t and

so for me being preventative now is a

blessing and it’s it’s really a gift

that it just keeps on giving it’s

helping me be you know able to produce

and do what I do and chai is really

something that’s awesome yeah I think

the just if anyone is watching this and

they haven’t watched some of the other

videos the principles you’re talking

about is get healthy to lose weight not

lose weight to get healthy it’s a simple

thing but it’s an altered sequence that

we’ve been brainwashed to say that oh

yeah obesity is a health risk and you

know you need to lose weight to get

healthy well oh really going to starve

yourself to get healthy but if you get

healthy the right way fixing insulin

resistance that’s the big thing the

weight will come off and and you start

feeling good and you get all the

benefits I mean the benefits are huge

but until you do it you don’t really

know it so anyone watching just you just

need to bite the bullet jump in do it

drink the kool-aid no not the kool-aid

sugar free cooling exactly so I wanted

to just really thank you I mean I you

know words can’t even express it but I’m

going to attempt to say that it’s not

even about weight loss again it is about

the fact that I am I have been freed

from a lot of the haunts of my family

diabetes heart condition high blood

pressure in those types of things and I


flirting that closely with those

symptoms who’s a wake-up call for me and

I mean it’s only been six months I mean

I’m not where I totally want to be but I

am on a forward consistent movement and

this is not a diet

this is sustainable for the rest of my


I’m very helpful and I don’t have that

and why I don’t have that I didn’t

recognize how much of a burden in the

back of my mind that that was a worry

that I would end up with those symptoms

or those conditions and now I don’t have

that concern well so doesn’t you’re not

in the fear of constants here am I going

to get this that whole thing cuz you

know yeah yeah awesome Michelle thank

you so much for the interview this is

going to get a lot of people hope and I

really appreciate it your if a wonderful

personality oh thank you and so thank

you so much for sharing your platform

with me I’m very humbled and so just my


thanks thanks have a great afternoon you

see Emma
