Dr. Berg Interviews Santiago Vitaliano (Intermittent Fasting & Ketosis Before & After) | DrEricBergDC

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so welcome San Diego is a pleasure

finally to meet you I saw you before and

after I was blown away I had to meet you

and just find out your story can you

just tell me a little bit about like

growing up did you ever have a weight

problem yeah by the way of a follower of

you for a long time and I appreciate the

work you do so thank you for that yeah

bro my life including my family we’re

kind of chummy only late now four five

we became healthy conscious including my

brother as well and frankly like any

normal family there’s a lot of they

missed information out there so what can

help me God

rarely I was brought up in Argentina

young middle-class family we had all

kinds of the streets and things my

family has definitely agreed to we used

to have staples or a belief based out of

flour wheat and sugar or green four

meals a day it’s like that and all my

life in the struggle to keep away to the

particular diet stop eating start myself

and then go back right where I began

extremely frustrated and cannot probably

die well I have a question about that

because it I always have them in the

States and I have this illusion that

people in other countries it’s a lot

healthier there’s no junk that’s not

true right problem loss the world is my

business on our study and what has

happened with relaxation and the

distillation of processed foods you find

out just about everywhere you go even

out regions in the middle of the Amazon

is the studying truly fun product they

become absolutely like anyone want you

to be which is not meant least I’m a

food and that’s the end of the story

wouldn’t we want to accept it or not

this is different story but the fact is

that our organism is year to only use

one thing and is on fire and was it us

the problems in the way to ourselves and

the whole body works is program for

hundreds of thousands of years and all

this food has only been a product of the

last 50 years

yeah that’s so true so so you’re going

along and then how recently ago did you

say you know what I need to figure this

out I need to find a way to lose weight

what was the turning point

well he was right not to mind for about

three and a half years ago I was

miserable to feature I share with you

was literally from month for it it had

totally rich bottom in terms of my

self-esteem and pretty much ski top I

was eating whatever and I was wrong

because of having to restart on track my

life as well I really wanted to come

from yellow to a one condition and part

of that vision was actually having good

audio of this warning and frankly nobody

before me in my family I know that had a

peace pact and it’s as well I’m gonna

figure this out and he was not an easy

road because where were some people

don’t work for others and myself my

metabolic syndrome was quite a cute as

you can see for my belly and my kind of

person that exposed today it’s fun with

me ah right I was swept up this me

within two hours I’ll be retaining water

and I will be back into the training

time but not and we like that food

addiction is group real gang I mean she

would like the very Mullen Harris I have

never tried drugs in my life but

I can tell you that I’m a sugar addict

because middle I have it the whole cycle

starts on together they’re put to weaken

fighting so for everybody out there

isn’t my thing shoes or was in your

shoes I mean there’s no way around you


stay away from it there’s no cheating

there’s no colleges have one more on it

because you know we can go against years

of evolution and your brain will

definitely Kiki anymore mm-hmm so what

did you do you stumble on something to

hate this makes sense I’m going to use

this what what was the thing that you

started well it was a process uses

journey on the storming work to me with

any work to me but I can give you some

of the Big Island makes the difference

once I realized that it wasn’t the food

but it was the reaction on my body

publish this work and really by the

release of insulin and in this anyone

would trigger the release of insulin

with the key judgmental factor in me

actually achieving my goals I would be

some sort of equity groups in Paris

where I’m at today and you know I see

your phone push your salt you want a

little more so sometimes depending on

hey I having a glass of wine and Friday

or I going out we’re open to eat some

cheese here there yes of course I’m

human and then my money projects and

importantly I adapt that the biggest is

has the be a daily diet

are staying away from all refined

products ah not engaging and related or

comes from kind of green fascist

California I stay away from there

although impersonal cheese although she

has a very high easily respond to my

burrito that holds the challenge with II

and generally stay away from dairy

products are they eating literally green

schedules and healthy proteins mostly

organic ah I will see you want me out


okay potential collapse and then for

nearly three intimately happy um they’re

only monkeys for chooses among birthdays

and useful actually I only have one

coffee in the morning on coffee around

any time with a tablespoon of coconut

oil organic coconut oil and just plain

water and what I noticed is that that

has been great because it regulates for

my own Lucy chris macness postural

increase my growth hormone my

performance Jim actually originally

positive think that I can never

additionally on before I understand

shape of my life at 45 and I suppose

thanks to changing my diet so in the

days that you eat how many meals do you

have questions after meeting will become

4 p.m. and 8 p.m. and like you always

say I was really great so then we sort

of a huge salad I have like four or five

cups which means it’s made for our

cattle and they have a furlong

vinaigrette I don’t have any vegetables

I do um Tommy vinegar and apple cider

vinegar with a tablespoon of almond

butter and that actually creates a

really flavorful benefit and I have that

cheese ball with about as a normal and a

balanced approach because we near most

very controlling some uneasily goes up

you have high amounts of protein and I

think bad and that’s what a nice table

real um they also realize the negative

second fruit sauce this in Witney on for

whatever reason and abilities all

consumers so now I can keep my cookie

take me to a Sunday for us so for

example honest and they’ll have a able

to constantly there’s just you get the

benefit of the approximate veteran of

the supper-table but that are managing

to people in the way of my manager case

depending on

or not and first to keep it between you

know 1,800 2,200 calories and I’m

working 10 photos and like that and that

is smiler love my chocolate sauce

everything actually beautiful from our

own profile today is 1070 was too huge

to have though and now how would you

like what would you say to someone who

has this idea that if you don’t eat

you’re going to lose your muscle mass of

proven medical studies that show that

the body actually increases your overall

increases just impossible to protect

mano marks

yes in the first year sample equal the

body reaches ah and each lack of your

levels you can’t reduce volume but

that’s because you’re burning I’m eating


Rico’s burning of glycogen even buckles

you cannot shrink from the first day the

reality is that the reason why these

will be coming on earth and we have

understood is that magnets provided us

with the right systems knowledge to

preserve ourselves preservation and

actually the interesting and most my

clothes fab is that dice from work and

shame one guy for work how many devices

are always trying to go to the basics on

how systems work and the biggest aha

moment was when I realized that if I

were to little my calorie take from amid

lower body regulate this 2200 today and

I will take all our sanity 20% less

talents well over a period of a week my

body will adjust and all the third of my

basically rate will go down so I keep

going to date this little bird on motor

to where at the end I was eating very

little to the week and cold and my

performance in June or whatever it was

it was now in this I thought already

back but when I started fast the army

didn’t jump into this kind of fattening

routine day one you have a page number

music my life and the first thing I

really respected it actually what people

think you have metaphor for the my

people don’t get but the reality is for

normal an early diagnosis is when we

wake up

yes previously this was until the DK 4

p.m. and then eventually realize was

wrong because of the focus policies and

it was a long long to see a flaw II and

my originals are my awareness go up -

Michael system will be on a higher alert

mode and I would feel great I dyed my

let me look this on Sunday at 6:30 a.m.

any I am coming to you whatever two days

from their history and wanting to have

and be because of coffee cassis

tablespoons of coconut oil and after

break and he fact if I have time clock

and I gotta have a fever because money

Japanese goes through the roof a yeah I

think that the in you do coffee right in

Miami they have some really good coffee

Cuban coffee right but they uh I guess

for people they have this idea that well

how am I going to go from one meal to

the next and it really has to do with

your actually your body is using your

own fat as the fuel between the meals

and so you’re not starving you keeping

your calories at enough so your body is

never sensing a starvation but you’re

manipulating the frequency of eating to

optimize you know growth hormone and

testosterone so the whole creatures

actually when fast eat less calories

um a day I mean there’s output but you

will see later is they actually measure

is both the oxidation of SAP protein we

call the hydrogen bond and they track

that over a period of five days anyone

is realized was that oxidation flag


converts into the fast oxidation of the

protein in your market is almost

non-existent and a measure that is a

material is created and then basically

you have a blast it’s oxidation rocks or

cars or service minimum and what they

realized was that we actually build to

those the processes of e53 all our life

and then passing by the modern society

and obviously because of the food

industry unfortunately Kyrgyz medical

industry quite frankly we have grown

accustomed to eating and grazing

constantly and maybe meaning today

diseases including diabetes every rainy

day because we just really don’t give

ourselves the time to process the energy

we ingest and we don’t give our bodies

the chance to do the natural thing in

constantly feeding ourselves model aleni

who let them that’s a very good

articulate way of explaining it because

um it’s like this is the original diet

that we should be on and people think

when you’re going to start eating

normally I’m like I am eating normally

so it’s just a big confusion it’s an

educational problem that I think it’s on

my side now that we’re actually dealing

with and trying to oh yeah there we go

yeah we’re trying to get the word out

because there’s so many people that are

just wasting your time doing the wrong

thing and when it’s so simple once you

get the facts and you do it there’s a

little bit of a transition phase but the

other question I was going to ask you is

them how many tons a week do you do


um only three really I don’t want to

over an exercise and and one of the

things that I know is that you agencies

don’t cover up quickly but I do put

myself significantly meaning does those

days that I go I wear our rate monitor

in my heart on AB

um pension Delphi hope can attest to

that race between 160 and 170 and I

pushed myself because that also pushed

my system pushes my hormones and keeps

me young and in fact I lower my

metabolic age 2 Omega 25 being 45 verses

where before I was a metabolic age of 52

at age 3 I’m 41 and it was very

interesting I think the most important

people need to understand is that

exercise helps regulating wrongs and

helps your body but it doesn’t dictate

the shape you have I mean once people

understand that the fact is made in the

kitchen or actually the absence of being

eating more than anything else is that

you gonna lower your body fat below 10%

and you simply going to melt away you

wouldn’t believe is the biggest

transformation to was when I started

this I when I was a little kind of

programs exhibits and things nothing

seemed to work

until I went I’m beyond to me on a 40

day fast they were feeding me on less

than 100 calories a day

what now I know they’ve considered a

ketogenic diet at the time I didn’t know

in Frank was the first week I was the

keto Hugh and I was feeling weak and

whatnot but by say day six

although the ton of this great feeling

off awesomeness started kicking in and

then by day 20 it was like every morning

I was like literally one wake up early

to go and we myself I have this you know

I remind scale that shows me buying fat

and whatnot and I couldn’t believe the

changes and I couldn’t believe how

awesome self and it how effortlessly

was to draw a pound of the pound of the

power the power of you flat and by the

morning I had my first season I think

that’s so little key that once you

actually experience this correctly and

you feel what it feels like you’re not

going to go back because you now you

know it’s like I mean I feel like I’m

kind of just up all the time I’m just

feeling up just move my mood everything

is like energy like I would

go back because it was just like but at

the time I didn’t realize I was stuck in

this blood sugar issue so but now that I

know I’m like man’s if you could only

feel what it feels like and the weight

loss just comes right off

yeah yeah and I’m tightly once you

understand it announce how the body

responds then you start making the right

decisions right like for example on one

of your VD should mention about the

public route [ __ ] that was the book I

was ingratiate I say hey why not the

sentence should make sense on when I

gather a man in breastfed by everyone

and actually starting anyway because

what had happened that try sugar my

implement and I just didn’t know better

that butter although being a fat it’s

supposed to be healthy for you

it sugar my insulin response so here I

want I’m just following protocol eating

that fat yet I was gaining weight

I left the bulletproof coffee and I just

went back to my own you know regular

coconut or whatever tablespoon even my

body immediately responded positively so

I get two takeaways that follow

protocols always be curious and not

understand the widened cognitive and

adjust based on Hani what a response not

everybody responds the same to

everything yeah and then then you you’re

basically you’re you can predict things

you can understand you can see how your

body responds you can build up a health

reserve so if you want to go off on a

Sunday you know what’s going to happen

you know I can get right back on but it

really puts the person in control versus

being in a trap of stuck in this body

that I can’t lose weight I’m stuck and

it was just terrible but I wanted to

mention I I noticed on your website I

checked you out and you have a very cool

thing that I wanted just to ask you

about it’s a it’s actually a grill that

you have and I want to put a link down

below because I think one of the

challenges that I’ll have when I cook

especially like meats it never tastes

like it should like like I go to

restaurant they cook the steak that’s

just perfect or this piece of meat or

hamburger like I’m always struggling

with that but there’s an interesting

little guess a kind of a grill that you

have that

it’s very very even you cook it very

even right you can drain the grease out

tell us about that it’s an invention of

mine I mean funny with is yet operated

on for five years to get it what it is

and its patented are we going to bring

it out to the market pretty soon but

being myself originally from Argentina

you know we’re gonna grill it and our

grill system is pretty different than

the American system and when I started

really heating that estate I love trying

to date friends and family when I can I

was always very frustrated with three

things one my food will get charred

because when the fat melted it would hit

the combustion system or whatever it was

unable to simply create a big old fire

to the nastiness of the flavor that we

get instilled in my protein okay and as

we having to clean that mess so they

have to be a better way and I want to

discuss creating one with some be known

to me today with corn or grill I have a

whole bunch of other company of

businesses that end up can sending from

this very simple design and what it is

simple an angle wedge great is that

because of a very heavy action 70 pounds

made out of cast iron it collects both

radiant heat convection heat and allows

the protein to cook much quicker more

evenly and creates a barrier between the

fumes that the fuel produces where you

use gas art or whatever and the proto so

not only does it cook easily across the

whole surface it also healthy for you

because the fat nemi discharged and that

have a lot of cancer options on

substances I and you get to enjoy a

healthier near

archive of or protein and obviously work

with fish and vegetables I think that’s

cool I like sorry so this is a really

cool invention I I have a grill I am and

the problem is like you you put this

meat on the grill especially I like

fatty meat and I love hamburger and I

make my own hamburgers and the the fat

goes down and it mixes with the charcoal

it comes back up I mean that right there


causes cancer so anything that could

reduce your cancer rate and make it just

a good tasting piece of meat I’m I’m

totally into it but I think it’s think

you did a good job

oh you should try it out we’re going to

send you on and then I’m looking forward

to your comments okay cool

listen I want to thank you Santiago for

this great interview your

before-and-after is amazing and awesome

so thank you so much and I’ll talk to

you real soon we’ll do a follow up

sounds good

I thank you for the work because I’m

here to show you a video oh my pleasure

okay have a good one