How To Slow Down The Aging Process: 3 Life Hacks For Anti Aging – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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so in this video I want to show you some simple things you can do to slow down

the aging process now some of the information I’m gonna talk about in this

video is out of this book right here I’m gonna break it down really simply but

it’s this book is called oxidants in biology fascinating read you

need a medical dictionary to get through it because there’s a lot of biochemistry

but there’s some gold nuggets in this book okay and they’re talking about the

balance between antioxidants and oxidants okay in the environment so you

have this constant battle because if you’re being exposed to all this

oxidation you can kind of compare this to a car rusting out I mean it’s kind of

weird that oxygen would create damage but too much of it can be very very

damaging to your cells okay the mitochondria which is at the heart of

your metabolism it’s the energy Factory and it actually has an engine and uses

oxygen to break down fuel so it actually releases oxidants okay now some of that

is good for the body in that these oxidants that your body makes kills off

microbes but when the mitochondria and other parts of the cell become damaged

and you’re getting too much oxidation from that that can actually destroy the

cell and create all sorts of problems and set you up for even getting cancer

so there’s a positive part of oxidation and there’s a negative part and the same

thing goes with antioxidants which counter the oxidation you can get

antioxidants from food and your body can make antioxidants and that is called

endogenous antioxidants this means antioxidants that are made within your

body as compared to exogenous antioxidants which are antioxidants

outside the body okay so from vegetables for example but a really really

important and misunderstood area is building up your antioxidant Network and

getting your body to make more antioxidants so I’m going to show you

just a few things you can do to build up this network without taking external

antioxidants the hormone called melatonin is a very powerful antioxidant

okay this occurs when you’re sleeping so when it gets dark and the

less light coming into the eye there’s an entire cascade of things that happen

in your brain and one is you get a spike of melatonin melatonin actually gets rid

of hydrogen peroxide maybe you have used hydrogen peroxide in the past let’s say

you had a cut and you want to sterilize it to kill the bacteria you you put the

hydrogen peroxide and it bubbles up and it kills off the microbes well your

cells actually make hydrogen peroxide to kill off microbes as well but sometimes

our bodies make too much hydrogen peroxide and that’s very toxic to the

body because it’s creating too much oxidation well if you have enough

melatonin this can counter that and that’s just one thing that it does but I

don’t recommend going to the store and buying melatonin what I am gonna

recommend is just getting more sleep or take naps okay so the second thing that

they talk about in here is the difference between occasional exercise

and regular exercise regular exercise as in routine in on a regular basis will

build up your endogenous antioxidant Network okay

now initially when you do exercise let’s say it’s an intense workout you’re gonna

generate tremendous amounts of oxidation it’s gonna break down the muscle tissue

let’s consider bad right but as you do it over time your body gets used to it

it starts to adapt and it starts to build up huge amounts of antioxidants to

counter the stress or oxidation damage from exercise so regular exercise on a

consistent basis will help to build up your antioxidants and protect you

against oxidation and you are going to start looking younger when you do this

and it could be as simple as walking every day but routine regular exercise

is very very important so we have high quality regular sleep or naps and

regular exercise it seems really really simple next one is fasting and I’m

talking about regular fasting as in intermittent fasting because you can’t

just do fasting on a long-term basis because at some point you have to eat

right but intamin fasting would be a regular

routine of combination of fasting and eating and that produces huge spike in

your endogenous antioxidant Network an ideal pattern for you to work up to

would be 20 hours of fasting in a 4-hour eating window so let’s say for example

you a tab 3 and then the next meal would be at 4 5 6 and 7 ok so it would be 4

hours later that would be like the eating window but then you’d fast for 20

hours that would be very very beneficial if you’re new to my channel I put a link

below of how to do that the benefit of fasting is something called autophagy

autophagy means self eating so your body is actually recycling its own tissue one

of the bad effects from oxidation that causes aging or premature aging is what

oxidation does to your proteins okay it creates what’s called miss folded

proteins and these proteins kind of gunk up and they get stuck in the body they

don’t exit the body that well and they clog up things between your neurons

creating memory problems and eventually Alzheimer’s they clog up the heart and

they’re in the eye they’re in the kidney they’re in the nervous system so there’s

miss folder proteins come from oxidation and also they actually create oxidation

they create a toxic effect in the body and your body has a hard time getting

rid of these because they’re non-functional well it just so happens

that fasting through autophagy can take these miss folder proteins

put them into a garbage disposal and start to break down these proteins okay

there’s actually detergents that your body uses in certain enzymes to break

down this protein and on the other side it spits out brand-new amino acids that

your body can then use to rebuild so fasting really slows down the aging

process as well as stimulate certain genes that help

so here we have sleeping or napping regular exercise and intimate of fasting

these three are very very very powerful and that’s why I want to put your

attention on this okay the next thing to do is to avoid

excessive amount of oxidants now a body makes enough oxidants for us to then get

more externally iron for example like let’s say for example you’re taking a

multi supplement from the drugstore read the label make sure it doesn’t have iron

in it because that’s one way to get the wrong type of iron

the thing about iron is it’s very difficult to get rid of iron if there’s

too much so you want to avoid cooking and iron skillets for example and

definitely don’t take iron as a supplement unless you have for example

some anemia which you’re low in iron and you tested it in which case you can take

a food base iron which comes from like bovine liver make sure it’s grass-fed

and of course one of the biggest things that creates oxidation is high levels of

sugar in the diet even your blood Sugar’s being high that will just

oxidate the the eyes kidney the nerves the brain so this is a real big one

right here glycation what is that that is the combination between sugar and a

protein so if you’re eating foods that are cooked with sugar and protein that’s

really really bad or you’re consuming foods with fat and sugar together heated

that would be very very bad that creates some serious oxidation so that would be

like ice cream for example because you’re cooking in this fat with this

sugar you’re gonna get a lot of glycation and glycation also happens in

our bodies if you have high levels of blood sugar and your body is 98.6 it can

actually create glycation of your your red blood cells and one of the tests for

that which is related to diabetes is called a1c that’s glycation of the

protein in your blood so you want to reduce the glycation simply by knocking

out this sugar okay and then vegetable oils especially the corn and the soy oil

very high in omega-6 creates a lot of oxidation

frequent meals will increase oxidation thus the intermittent fasting so let’s

say for example you join the gym right and they have this CrossFit class and

they’re working out every single day and year fifty-five years old very bad

you’re gonna over train it’s too much exercise without much recovery it’s

gonna create a lot of oxidation and then we have cortisol having too much your

cortisol over a period of time without enough recovery is really bad this has

to do a stress also if you’re taking prednisone or a cortisol or any

medication that can create some massive damage and the damage is creating is

oxidation so stress in general creates a lot of oxidation on your body but if

you’re getting regular exercise and good sleep you can easily counter the stress

of life but you need to look at the big picture and really look at the balance

of these two okay we want to build up your endogenous antioxidant Network and

of course we have trans fats you want to avoid those and then there’s a lot of

other things avoiding chemicals pesticides GMO foods all of that creates

oxidation and the last thing I’m going to just touch on is exogenous

antioxidants raw vegetables cruciferous usually you want to steam some of your

cruciferous but then have your salads raw and that’s part of the photo

nutrients in cruciferous which give additional health benefits that go

beyond just vitamins and minerals alright guys so that was your tip of the

day the next step is for you to go ahead and implement this

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