The Vitamin Deficiency behind TIRED and STRAINED EYES | DrEricBergDC

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let’s discuss the number one vitamin

deficiency behind tired eyes

now you may automatically think it’s

your computer screen which is possibly

true but there’s also a vitamin

deficiency behind tired eyes

this deficiency can also create strained


it could actually make your eyes

sensitive to light

it can cause a burning feeling in your


make your eyes very irritated feeling

like there’s little sand particles in

the eye when there’s not

you can make your eyes water now i had

this problem when i was in my late 20s i

wish i would have known what it was


it was driving me crazy it created a

dryness in my eye which then created

cracking in my cornea and i had all

sorts of eye problems

but this deficiency can create bloodshot

eyes and eventually cataracts in fact

they treat corneal thinning

with this

nutrient but what happens when you’re

deficient in this nutrient

the cornea it’s kind of like a

protective shield on the surface of your


starts to become abnormal specifically

the blood vessels in that layer well can

you take a guess what this deficiency is

if you guessed vitamin b2

you are correct

if you’re deficient in b2

you also may feel like your throat is

sore or experience cracking in your lips

especially in the corners and even a red

tongue now in past videos i talked about

cracked corners of the mouth being a

vitamin b3 deficiency

and a b2 deficiency because vitamin b2

actually helps vitamin b3 convert from

tryptophan into the active form of b3 so

both of these vitamins could be involved

and also vitamin b2

allows for the conversion

of vitamin b6 from the inactive form to

the active form so

if you know anything about vitamin b6 as

well as b3 they’re very very important

vitamins and they’re dependent on

vitamin b2 you can also experience

like migraines or even headaches behind

the eyes if you’re deficient in b2

well where do you get b2 it’s in liver

and organ meats

it’s in meat


and fish

and chicken

and milk products like cheese

it’s also in green vegetables to a

certain degree but not as much as these

products right here

you can also get it in nutritional yeast

and even brewer’s yeast

and some of your microbes actually make

it and the other question is how do you

become deficient well

if your microbes make b2 and you take

antibiotics that could be one reason

another reason is you consume refined

grains which i lived on

all up until it’s probably you know


especially refined wheat and this is why

in certain countries they fortify grains

or at least refined grains with some of

these b vitamins but of course they’re


also if you’re doing like refined corn

products you know corn chips corn


that can create a deficiency of b2 not

to mention other vitamins as well

sometimes you’re more deficient in b2 if

you’re a vegan

or if you’re a vegetarian athlete

because your mitochondria needs b2 and

if you’re using more energy

you can use up your b2 reserve if you

don’t have enough you can experience

that another situation would be

hypothyroidism okay and then of course

alcohol that’s a given

and high amounts of sugar so if you’re a

diabetic for example you may be

deficient just because there’s higher

levels of sugar and in the metabolism of

sugar you need b2 as one of the enzymes

as well as b1 also if you’re under high

stress okay

you can use that more b2 all right i’ve

just given you the secret of how to fix

your tired eyes and of course

the blue light from the led you know

computer screens is a huge factor now

the next most appropriate video

would be on a topic called


electromagnetic fields check it out i

put it right here
