Not Losing That Last 20 Pounds No Matter What You Do? Try This! – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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now recently I talked to someone on the phone who was very very very frustrated

juice crying she was protesting because her husband was losing weight her

friends were losing weight she’s eating healthier than them

and she’s not losing the way she said I’m doing everything right it’s not

working I don’t understand why it’s not working maybe I need to go back to

another diet maybe I should do this or do that

she’s just very frustrated that she has to spend so much work with so little

result now when you’re evaluating something like this you need data you

need to get data from the person and you’re comparing what they’re doing to

what they should be doing to try to find out what’s going on number one she says

I’m not losing despite having a good metabolism okay so the next question is

what makes you thinking of a good metabolism okay and she said well I eat

a lot of food a lot of calories but I don’t gain weight I just can’t lose

weight and she’s 20 pounds overweight okay so because she’s eating a lot she’s

not gaining weight she’s thinking she has a good metabolism now if we just

isolate what her problem is she has a certain set point okay a certain weight

that she cannot get below no matter what it doesn’t necessarily go up it doesn’t

go down your her body just loves to be at a certain weight what she didn’t

realize is what’s really behind the set point so if your focus is on exercising

more or eating less and you don’t understand what’s behind this you’re not

going to get results what’s behind the set point is very severe insulin

resistance and insulin resistance is a situation where the insulin is no longer

working anymore and the cells okay won’t let the fuel in because one of the

purposes of insulin is to allow fuel in the cell okay in nutrition in the cell

if it doesn’t go in there anymore your cells will be starving of fuel they

won’t get the nutrients and then extra fuel that you do consume is being stored

as fat and what happens as a compensatory thing

the body compensates and makes more and more and more insulin and the more

insulin you have the more of this set point you’re gonna have and no matter

what you do I don’t care if you exercise six hours a day like the weight just

doesn’t barely come off okay it’ll just be stuck at a certain point we’ll come

back to this in a bit next thing keto is not working okay now

it was working for the first two weeks and then stopped working find out she’s

doing a lot of keto bombs with dairy as the fat in the keto bomb okay we’ll talk

about that the second two we’ll come back to that next piece of information

is she is fasting she said but for 12 to 15 hours okay what I told her was that

she needs to be at at least 18 hours to start fixing instant resistance 18 hours

fasting to really start seeing the change if you have a bad problem with

insulin resistance or slow metabolism or this stuck setpoint 18 hours is the

starting point okay if it’s less than that it’s it’s gonna take too long all

right next piece of information after the first two weeks when she lost weight

then she got her period for the next two weeks

she had severe menstrual cycle problems okay that usually comes from Dairy

when you consume dairy especially if it’s not quality and I’m talking about

grass-fed organic just dairy products from regular milk

okay it’s not grass-fed it’s than organic that’s gonna add a lot more

estrogen and other hormones and that’s gonna throw off your cycle okay action

steps number one be very cautious on who you get advice from you have a friend or

personal trainer or doctor all giving your data what’s happening she’s getting

too much data overload she doesn’t know what’s the vital stuff the true stuff

versus is the trivial versus the false and you’re just swimming in a sea of

data and you not sure exactly what to do a

couple things that I mentioned to her is that you don’t ever want to take advice

especially related to weight loss if that person or expert it has a weight

problem okay it’s like going to a dentist with bad teeth okay you’re not

going to get the best information you want to go to someone who gets amazing

result not necessarily has a certification okay

a lot of times when you go to Google and you do research on the first second page

third page you have that all the credible sites that are first right

they’re all medical sites because they’re certified they’re more credible

right but I’m looking at the information it’s not very effective it’s not gonna

work so if you’re trying to do research or find the truth on the internet

sometimes it’s very difficult because you don’t know who to believe credible

is the person who gets the best results okay right number two I told her a hyper

focus on fixing insulin resistance in her mind she’s like well I can’t give up

these keto bombs and dairy because I can’t even think about doing this

long-term because it wouldn’t be enjoyable

I said don’t focus on the long-term healthy eating plan right now we have a

big present time problem we need to fix this we fix this then we can actually

think about what you should do as a maintenance or a long-term plan but

don’t focus on anything but insulin resistance so that means you need to

actually do intermittent fasting a lot longer okay that’s the number one thing

number two you need to bring your carbs down a little lower

apple cider vinegar can really help you and you need to increase the more fat at

the meal only not between the meal but do it non-dairy okay because I think

that’s what’s messing up her cycle but more fun at the meal will allow her to

go longer within a minute of fasting now there is a valid point of consuming too

much fat and having your body use the dietary fat as your ketones and not your

own fat but we’re not actually interested in that at this point we’re

interested in fixing insulin resistance by doing intermittent fasting

longer okay because if we don’t do this we can’t fix this and this is way more

important than trying to lose weight at this point we’re trying to fix the

underlying cause of this and to do that we must do in a minute fasting a lot

longer you cannot fix insulin resistance normally if you’re doing 12 to 15 hours

you have to go a minimum 18 but preferably 20 or even more okay number

three we want to handle any other problems than weight other health

problems okay with her it’s the cycle if you have a very severe menstrual cycle

for two weeks that is going to completely and utterly change your body

chemistry it’s going to throw you off it’s gonna make you hungry you’re gonna

be irritable you’re probably not sleeping it could be a big barrier okay

so I think just by giving up the dairy that alone will probably minimize this

greatly other problems maybe you can’t sleep you have sleep apnea or you have a

thyroid problem or you have some inflammatory condition or autoimmune

problem or you have a digestive problem I have videos on each one of these I

have quite a few on each one of these you can start some out and find out what

your weakness is but you need to solve this other health problem right here

next one non-dairy keto bums okay I already mentioned that you can do keto

bombs with coconut oil with nuts things like that okay I also told her this is

very valuable to determine if you have insulin resistance you want to do this

test called Homa IR a lot of times doctors don’t even know about this test

you just have to find a doctor that does get this test done it’ll tell you how

bad this is so you have the right estimation of effort to solve this

problem okay but the one factor to know if you’re on the right track or not is

this is your hunger going away okay less hungry if your hunger is going

away that means your insulin resistance is improving if you can’t go a long

period of time you can’t fast between meals we know you

still have a problem with insulin resistance so this is your your best

indicator not your weight loss nothing like that but your hunger and again in

some resistance is a situation where insulin is not connecting to the cell

it’s blocked it’s not allowing the fuel in there so here’s your cells are

starving all the time okay and that’s going to make it really hard to do

intermittent fasting all we’re trying to do is switch you from sugar fuel to fat

feel step by step so you’re more over here and once you’re over here it’s

going to be really easy hunger goes away you have energy you feel good you

finally lose weight thanks for watching if you’re liking this content please

subscribe now and I will actually keep you updated on future videos