The Best Stretch for Shoulder Pain | DrEricBergDC

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all right if you have shoulder pain you need to  try this simple stretch it’s awesome you’re going  

to relieve your shoulder pain within seconds and  this simple exercise is based on an amazing book  

that i’m going to highly recommend you get and the  book title is called shoulder pain the solution  

and prevention fifth edition by a doctor by the  name of john i think it’s pronounced kirsch he’s  

an orthopedic surgeon and he wrote this book  based on a real simple discovery that he made  

that has to do with just simply stretching your  arms overhead and hanging from a overhead bar and  

he said in his book 95% of all shoulder surgeries  are unnecessary and he said and i believe this  

hanging is the most important exercise to restore  the dynamics of the bone and ligaments that pinch  

the rotator cuff muscles so when you’re hanging  you’re taking this humerus which is the arm bone  

and you’re stretching in a way to affect the  chromium which is the top part of your scapula  

it creates the space between the articulating  surfaces and helps to restore the normal anatomy  

of the shoulder so try this just 10 minutes a  day and this is what you do you get some type  

of a bar that you can hang from and you’re going  to be hanging from 10 to 30 second intervals  

with both hands with your palms facing forward  not like this but like that and you might want  

to start out not hanging your entire body  weight because you might not be used to it  

so maybe you stand on a chair and you’re just  stretching your arms down with some body weight  

and then you gradually increase more and more  resistance to the point where eventually you’re  

hanging your entire body away now when you’re  hanging you want to really make sure that your  

shoulders are completely relaxed the only thing  that should have tension is your grip strength  

so you want to start out hanging for 10  seconds and then work up to 30 seconds  

and then rest for a minute and then repeat and  you do this for 10 minutes it’s that simple and  

it creates a huge improvement in your pain now in  the book he’s also going to talk about exercises  

you’re going to add to this later but if you  want to see instant relief with shoulder pain  

just do the hanging part all right thanks for  watching and i will see you in the next video so  

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