Dr. Berg Evaluates Tara Shimer Symptoms (Part 1) | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys we’re back with another

interview and this time we have Tara and

Tara is the owner of the ketogenic

Baking Company and I the way I found out

about her is I online I I saw this

incredible I think it was sneaker

snickerdoodle granola and I wanted to

check it out so I ordered it and I was

like blown away so I had to contact her

and see how she made this so that’s how

we we met but so you you also had some

health issues so don’t want to actually

kind of kind of just use as an example

of how a good evaluation would go and

some of the pitfalls that a lot of times

the doctors when they evaluate people

they just basically list your symptoms

and they connect with what remedy that

you’re supposed to take and you gave you

gave me a little history so I can see

what’s happening like you go to these

doctors and you just you don’t really

dig deep and to find the cause right so

can you tell me like I have some

questions number one was there a point

in your life that you were actually fine

and you didn’t have any health problems

I want to say no probably probably

before age 13 I was maybe decently

healthy I don’t think I had any notable

symptoms that were consistent well see

this is always important because there’s

always a time that things are going

along and then they get worse so the 13

to be interesting and I think doctors

don’t ask this got enough because

there’s always something that was

triggered now the first thing that comes

to mind when you’re 13 is that you

probably are going through puberty your

menstrual cycle maybe you can tell me is

that when your first period was around

there was it earlier first period was 12

and it was pretty normal but 13 was when

I actually began so I developed an

eating disorder

okay so this is what I wanted to know

about because you know you gave me your

history but I want to know is there

anything behind this scene so an eating

disorder and was that did you notice

that your cycle was off first or you

just developed an eating disorder right

away and then all of a sudden things

started to go out of it out of whack my

cycle was actually there pretty normal

from what I understood to be normal at

the time I think looking back I can see

maybe there was already some estrogen

dominance going on just based on the

cramping as well as the flow

so once the eating disorder happened was

when it disappeared for two years right

okay so that was the first thing that

the chain reaction and then as far as

eating disorder how long did that last

how did that how long that problem last

anorexia continued through high school

until I was about 18 and then I

developed bulimia though it wasn’t until

a few years ago that that stopped so

from age 13 to 18 you basically went in

a very low-calorie type thing yes

got it so we got all sorts of

nutritional deficiencies that can happen

and then with bulimia how long did that


see I’d say six six years okay six years

and did you also go on low calories as

well and oh yeah okay so that that would

explain so we have quite a few years of

that body stress and what’s your age now

28 28 okay so so just to kind of

summarize some of the symptoms that you

told me there was a you had hep-c right

okay and then you had a blood sugar

issue I think you said your blood

Sugar’s were 177 right yes so that’s

some serious blood sugar issues

you got a metformin you’re still on that

Foreman right

I was diagnosed with PCOS got it for

those people that never heard of that

that’s polycystic ovarian syndrome

it’s a condition where the ovaries are

developing little follicles a little

cyst and then there’s higher levels of

androgen okay going on and there’s

facial hair things like that I don’t

know did you get those symptoms as well

I’d actually had no symptoms the loss of

period that’s one of the reasons why I’m

considered to be this serious my case

okay so just a little side point on on

that when you went to the doctors

obviously did your research probably

what did the doctors tell you that’s

causing PCOS I was not told what was

causing it actually and when I requested

metformin because I’d done my own

research I was told no and that birth

control was the answer Wow interesting

and when you researched online I would

imagine did you find any causation to

that like will cause up the causation

behind the misinformation no PCOS Oh

lutely and I had already begun a

ketogenic diet so I had already started

to see my blood sugar fall it was when I

found the blood sugar the 177 that shot

me into researching and figuring out the

insulin issue was that was that a rest

was that a fasting sugar 177 it was it

was six hours after eating half of a

quest bar so Wow

Oh carb you know yeah so so basically

what causes PCOS is insulin resistance

is high insulin that’s really what

causes it so because high levels of

insulin converts to androgens so that’s

that’s that connection at the time - you

had other symptoms like rage and

depression and all that - right yeah


so then you want an intermittent fasting

and that cleared right up

so we in it so we know it was blood

sugar those and this is I did a video on

this - where you have all these mood


mood disorders that people are taking

psych drugs when in fact it’s just a

blood sugar issue also you had the hair

loss constipation weight gain fatigue

right and yes I was prior to

intermittent okay got it now also they

found your t3 was slightly lower right

got it and so you’re on are more that’s

a natural thyroid hormone which is way

better than synthroid and then you also

had IBS right yes still still would say

that I do there was some suspected SIBO

he want to mention and I’m so I wasn’t

actually tested for it because I wasn’t

interested in having all that sugar for

but um but my symptoms matched up and I

did end up doing an herbal protocol and

I haven’t had symptoms of SIBO since

then okay

and then also oh yeah your insulin you

did the intermittent fasting and your

the depression just vanished and then

three months you lost thirty pounds

which is quite amazing I didn’t have to

make any effort Wow well but currently

you have high levels of progesterone

right yes okay and then chronic high

levels of cortisol yes and my estradiol

is very low so now we have low estradiol

okay and I’m gonna come back to that in

a second but you’re still on metformin

which is for a pre-diabetes or insulin

resistance and also an armorer for

thyroid let’s see also you had digestive

issues or do you have currently have

digestive issues well actually it was

your Apple Center video that taught me

well a few years back and that started

me realizing that it was a low acid

issue so since then I’ve done I’ve done

some things like you know slow down how

I eat or when I eat and

chewing you know chewing more but still

taking the apple cider vinegar I also

supplement with HCl and then I had a

test that showed my pancreatic output

was just low in general so I began

taking digestive enzymes okay so as long

as I have those things my digestion is

okay got it

okay do you get any pain or tightness

right here in your upper back like upper

right shoulder not consistently but

occasionally and I have suspect while

I’ve been told my gallbladder is under

under outputting as well that’s what I

was gonna ask you about because the

gallbladder you get a lot of those

videos it goes right to the right

shoulder and sometimes even cause

headaches I mean people that have even

pain in their hand or the right side

it’s all gallbladder okay so we have

that oh and terrible insomnia right

mm-hm that’s my biggest symptom I think

other than the law of the MN areia okay

yeah no no cycle so and then you also

keep melatonin doesn’t help in fact your

melatonin is high okay so you’re

basically melatonin doesn’t help all



okay so now

so basically when I evaluate this I’m

looking at all this data and I’m trying

to putting in little buckets to see

where everything falls into and and the

way that you saw problems like this is

you try to take you solve a couple

little pieces of it and then you start

solving a little more of it and a little

more of it then it all falls into place

because there’s you’re probably sitting

this whole complexity where you know you

get this conflicting data this unknown

information and you’re trying to this

someone says maybe try this and you try

that so it’s one big ball of confusion

sorry an example of that being that PCOS

you’re suggested to exercise more and

eat less

while hypothalamic amenorrhea it’s the

opposite right yes right and I have

symptoms of boat right and so here

here’s there’s things that we don’t know

and there’s things that I think we do

know we know there’s a problem with

insulin we know that your endocrine

system is off we know we had years of

stress on the digestive system and the

endocrine system and nutritional

efficiencies we know that the stomach

acid thing really helped you so let’s

just take the thyroid there’s two main

big reasons why the thyroid can mess up

one is that high estrogen which can’t be

your case right now because it’s low so

the other reason would be liver and

gallbladder because you can’t convert

can’t convert t4 to t3 so have you ever

taken bile salts um so I was taking off

and I had a food sensitivity test the

mediator release test which showed that

I was sensitive to beef so I was worried

that I shouldn’t be taking bovine

anything that’s what my nutritionist had

said okay I have a lot of food

sensitivities that’s another thing okay

yeah yeah well that’s that’s definitely

related to adrenal gland I’m going to

come back to them but as far as the bile

goes if you get

bile salts I have a gallbladder formula

Chai’s bile salts and you can you can

get it straight just bile salts it’s

purified bile salts it’s not any beef in

there so there’s no protein right okay

so you’re not gonna have an allergy got

it and let me explain the the importance

of the bile salt if you can’t produce

produce in a file you can’t pull that

you personal you’re not going to convert

your thyroid hormones so then you have

to take that hormones in long-term

taking thyroid hormones cause your

thyroid to go to sleep so now and then

you become more dependent on the thyroid

over time so I always look at fire rat

hormones is a very temporary solution

until you can figure it out yeah that

bile salt ii will also is controlled by

your stomach acid so you’re doing the

right thing by taking betaine

hydrochloride and apple cider vinegar

because that’s gonna help release more

bile but when women have a problem with

bulimia or anorexia it really destroys

the gallbladder

that’s it could just hammers that

gallbladder constantly and so they

usually have gall bladder symptoms down

the road so they’re gonna need to kind

of support that because most of the bile

is recycled in the body it’s and so when

you lose it you you have to almost put

some back to see you have enough so you

can recycle it because your body can

just not not make anymore

but the bile salts help you will help

you start absorbing all the key fat

soluble vitamins that you need vitamin A

D and K to start supporting these other

glands and organs which is really

important especially a lot of the

hormones that you’re having a problem

with our sex hormones like cortisol

estrogen progesterone they’re all

steroidal hormones so if you can’t feed

them the the essential fatty acids that

you need from the fat because it’s not

really absorbed it’s gonna have a hard

time thriving so that would be one thing

so by adding the bile salts you’ll kill

two birds one stone you’ll convert t4 to

t3 and you’ll start nourishing

badi a lot better now the other thing is

that your sleep if someone’s not

sleeping they’re gonna have a hard time

healing especially the adrenal glands so

because there’s two glands that make

progesterone the ovary and the adrenal

gland and I think your high progesterone

is coming from the adrenal function

because you have high course all that’s

adrenal so your adrenals are just

overworking because your body’s probably

still to some degree in a flight or

flight mode it can’t just turn off so do

you find when you sleep when you try to

sleep your body just won’t relax fully

yeah so that’s a flight-or-fight and

that’s usually comes from an overactive

adrenal gland so I think the the most

important thing for you right now

would be to get your adrenal glands to

turn off because they’ve been stimulated

for so long and now the question is how

do you turn them off right right

honestly I think you’ll have more

success with more of a physical

technique than a nutritional technique

and there’s some I don’t know if you saw

the videos on the acupressure techniques

that I have online

did you ever see those yeah oh wow if

you start start researching the ones on

the adrenal with acupressure there’s a

there’s a technique I developed and I

used to use in my office for years on

tens of thousands of people basically

doing acupressure which is a version of

a combination of acupuncture without the

needles and massage but we used it on

the endocrine system Wow like no one

even connects to that that you can do

that your adrenals are on top of the

kidney and they have acupressure points

that are kind of nerve connect conduct

connections from the outside to the


so I basically show people how to

manipulate these communication lines to

just turn off the adrenals

the biggest effect that people would

feel after I was done is they would go

can I just take a nap and just just

caused them to go to sleep they’re just

so relaxed to go home and they sleep

like a baby okay

of course babies repple not crying so

that sometime can be a problem no it’s

good but yeah there’s and so here I am I

developed this technique working on all

these people and they’re sleeping there

they come in with stress they feel

better and it’s a way to clean up the

old stress and there’s not just one

point there’s like five different areas

of the body that you work on and I even

show people in my new book it’s all in

the book I put a chapter on the on

pulling out stress and I show people the

techniques but the problem was that

unless I had an associate I couldn’t

work on myself as much as I would like

so that’s when I developed up like a an

acupressure tool that mimics my own hand

so I can then work myself okay that’s

that massage tool that I have that you

bathe it’s a tripod and you can lay back

and hit the points on the neck on the

you can use it on the adrenals so I

think that would be a really simple

inexpensive way of working on your

dreams and you’d work on that before bed

each night for a half hour and I will be

in a state of shock

if you don’t fall right to sleep and

through sleep through the whole night I

will be like very surprised if you don’t

feel that because it’s so effective

especially if you’ve never had it done

and if people want to know like what is

that how would I know if I need that if

you press on your abdomen and it’s

really tense especially right below the

ribcage that’s usually the adrenals are

just like in a state of like flutter

fight so they’re they’re tense so when

you work on those points you’ll kind of

melt that whole area and you’re just

like it’ll feel really relaxing okay so

that’s one thing I would do for the

sleep so then you could start to heal

the adrenals and turn off some of these

high-level hormones because what’s

interesting about the adrenal is it only

has an on switch it doesn’t have an off

switch did you know that

it’s kind of like what have you like you

go through stress and then it

accumulates like a bucket and you’re

just full of stress and then it just

stays there so what’s that yeah and then

the other as far as a nutrient thing

goes I’m curious do you do nutritional

yeast I don’t that’s one of my cities is

yeast I know it’s so sad I know okay so

then what you might have to try you

might have to try some type of other B

vitamins like some of the fat soluble B

ones that they have been poach I mean

would be one you could get that source

have you ever tried that

it’s called been poach I mean you can

look it up and I and the reason for that

is that that b1 is really good for the

adrenals and it just will it’ll help a

lot especially the stress and internal

tension okay so it would you put healing

like I guess I I’m assuming I have a

leaky gut because of the sensitivities

so I worry that I’m wasting nutrients

when I take supplements I kind of

stopped for a while now because I found

out that I had a leaky gut you know what

do you think that what probably caused

leaky gut was the high level of insulin

that you had because it destroys the

epithelial level layer of the inside of

the gut as well as the arteries and so

now could be leaking you develop

allergies so one thing to help you heal

that well there’s two things one is

vitamin C from sour kraut sauerkraut has

especially from the health food mark a

health food store or the farmers market

it has like 700 milligrams compared to

everything else is only like under a

hundred so that would be a really good

vitamin C source for you to start

healing that

the other thing that would help heal the

internal lining of your skin and your

colon which would be the wheatgrass

juice powder because the chlorophyll and

the it just it’s good for any type of

ulcers it’s cancer of the mouth open

wounds itis anything itis inflammation

of the stomach or the colon okay great

that’s what I would do and you probably

eliminating all the other things that

will aggravate it like the wheat and

grains the other thing that you are

doing now I think too is you’re doing in

a minute fasting right it’s been cures

now I’ve done it every day okay

and how many times do you eat once well

I would say it’s one slit up over the

course of four hours so I eat slowly

over four hours okay so I think that is

going to also help heal your gut

overtime as well because you’re taking

the stress off your digestive system and

you’re letting it heal yeah so I think

the act the combination of the

acupressure which will help the adrenal

which will then create a cascade of

effect and really start calming

everything down adding some purified

bile salts will start converting the

thyroid and then eventually hopefully

you can come off the thyroid medication

and then the other thing that I’m

curious about

you’re still on metformin right yes now

what happens if you come off metformin I

don’t know I haven’t come up with it um

I guess I’m I’m worried that my I guess

I’m just worried I’ll be kicked out of

ketosis but I’m eating too many

vegetables or I’m too insulin resistant

or what have you

yeah I think probably the cortisol and

the sleep is is keeping you from being

in a full-blown you know healing of your

insulin I think that’s kind of the last

thing that’s keeping you from fully

getting there so then you have the

confidence to come off in that formula

because I think eventually you will be

able to because you’re you’re doing in a

minute fasting so that’s the biggest


you’re not consuming sugars right now so

I think yeah I think I know that you had

it for a long time and it’s chronic but

I think it would be nice to have you off

that completely eventually yeah and so

it’d be great

yeah so number one the bile salts number

two wheat grass number three

acupressure to the adrenals watch watch

the videos on that I have just a ton of

videos on that and then also the

sauerkraut from the vitamin C for the

gut so we hit that with him to the

thyroid this sleep adrenal and then your

progesterone will start coming down okay

that’s coming from yeah so I’m just kind

of connecting the dots and it does make

sense let’s see if there’s anything else

yeah and just keep taking the support

for the stomach because you know just

years of losing your stomach acids to

heal that it does take it tests take

some years you have to just stick with

it over time

good so does that make sense to you does

that any questions on those


no actually it’s amazing I finally have

someone to really take all the pieces

and put them together because I’ve seen

so many practitioners as I’ve emailed

you about and I just no one has ever

tried to put them all together so thank

you so much you’re welcome

yeah and that’s the key is you just try

to take one thing at a time and see if

it fits like a puzzle but the mistake

that I made in a lot of other people

when I was when I was really sick when I

was 28 actually was I would just try

this vitamin for this symptom I wasn’t

really understanding what’s behind

anything but anyway I think let’s go

ahead and apply these and then we can

just maybe do another Skype later and

just see how you do yeah that would be

wonderful thank you you welcome and then

anyone watching if they wanted a really

good alternative kind of a pleasure food

if you like granola I’ll put a link down

below of your

psychos it’s a really great product and

I think especially for someone making

the transition and they want something

good if you added like the almond milk

to that this would be the most

incredible cereal like for a child or

yourself yeah I ate it this morning it’s

amazing so I’ll put a link down down

below for people to check it out but so

thanks for this interview and I think

hopefully some people will get some tips

on it and maybe figure out their own

body issues thank you so much dr. Burke

you’re me really appreciate it sure no


okay cool all right awesome

all right it’s good so we’ll edit this

and then we’ll we’ll send it out thank

you so much I’m just like I’m just so

overwhelmed with gratitude for you thank

you I really appreciate it my pleasure

no problem

all right and I will I’ll email you I

guess if I in a few months if I wants

everything I’ve been doing it for a

while yeah yeah give it a couple months

and then let’s do another one and just

see how you do

well awesome thank you you’re welcome

okay see ya bye bye bye