Dr. Berg Explains Brain Insulin Resistance | DrEricBergDC

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hi guys I have a question do you have

brain insulin resistance kind of what is

that that’s a condition where you’re

almost you’re pre-diabetic but it’s

really affecting your brain in the

aspects of memory loss okay let’s say

your Trent you can’t retrieve words as

fast as you want or you’re going in a

room and what am I going in this room

again like you’re losing that where do I

park Alzheimer’s too I mean it’s a huge

connection with diabetics being also

having Alzheimer’s and that is simply

because the brain is highly sensitive to

insulin okay insulin regulates brain

metabolism so you’ve probably heard that

the brain runs on sugar that’s true and

what happens when you eat a lot of sugar

or you’re a pre-diabetic but a lot of

people are pre-diabetic don’t even know

it you’re building up a lot of sugar

into the body and into the brain so the

body is going to resist that and it’s

going to start to block the insulin

because the insulin is like the trap

door that allows the sugar in so it’s

going to create a condition called in

for the resistance in the cell so you’re

going to lose the ability to absorb

insulin and sugar to the brain okay

what’s going to happen you’re going to

basically shrink cells neurons you’re

going to destroy cells you can starve

cells you’re going to create

inflammation in the brain you’re going

to create plaquing in the brain it’s

going to really affect the neural

communications in the brain I’m going to

put some links down below because there

is a huge amount of research being done

on this right now in fact you know what

they’re doing they’re spraying through

the nostrils this highly permeable

insulin to actually help the person’s

memory and it’s working but you don’t

want to do that because you start

injecting the person with insulin or

spraying it you never fix the real cause

you’re just going to make it worse

because as the body gets more insulin

it’s going to resist it more to the

point where then you’re going to require

more and more insulin to create the same

effect now in what’s once thought and I

have this writing guidance physiology I

look this up and it’s true the common

thought was your brain is insensitive

in Flint and then what does that mean it

means that you don’t need insulin to

absorb glucose glucose will go right in

and you don’t even need insulin but is

now known that you do need insulin in

the brain and and when they actually

realize that everything made sense

because all these pre-diabetics also had

a big sentence of memory loss especially

diabetics have a problem with memory and

just mental cognitive function and then

they start getting Alzheimer’s so what

I’m going to say right now is this if

you are starting to lose your memory if

you have Alzheimer’s or you know someone

I would instantly put them on an eating

plan that fixes insulin resistance okay

and that involves several things and I

put some links down below of the good

details of how to do that and you will

see huge improvements in mental capacity

cognitive function and memory so go and

do that and actually put your comments

below and I’m looking forward to seeing

the results thanks for watching

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