How To REMOVE Blackheads Permanently | DrEricBergDC

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today we’re going to talk about

blackheads and how you can naturally get

rid of your blackheads now like i said

in many other videos

to fix a problem you have to understand

it so i’m going to give you a little

understanding not too much not too

technical and then we’re going to get

right into how to fix it but not the

typical fix where you’re trying to fix

something from the outside in

by doing things on the skin

using pore strips like putting a tape on

and ripping it off no we’re not going to

go there i’m going to show you how to

fix it from the inside out get to the

root cause rather than just keep

treating the symptom over and over

because you want to ultimately

make sure it doesn’t keep coming back so

what is a blackhead

and also what is a whitehead okay

they’re very similar

and they call them comedones okay

comedones and that comes from the latin

word which means to eat up which they’re

relating to a parasite worm okay because


way back when they came up with this

name it looked like a worm so comadom

comes from the word worm-like now the

difference between a whitehead

which is called a closed comedome and a

blackhead which is an open comedom

really just boils down to this one thing

in a blackhead the material that’s in

the pores okay that’s black is being

exposed to air or oxygen so it’s

oxidizing very similar to if you were to

cut open an apple and leave it exposed

to air it’s going to turn brown right

same exact thing happens in your skin so

a closed homodome which is a whitehead

is like a little pimple it has a

membrane over the white material and so

it’s not exposed to oxygen so it’s not

going to turn

brown or black so that is the difference

so what we’re dealing with is a clogged

hair follicle slash

problem with this sebaceous gland which

is the oil gland so we have this

combination of things happening and so

this material is a combination of and

you can call it pus which is oil



keratin which is a type of protein so we

have oil bacteria and a little bit of

protein and that forms a little plug and

so what most people do which is a big

mistake is start to

over over wash it and try to clean it

out thinking that it’s dirt or dirty

pores when it is not that it has nothing

to do with dirt in your pores but not

having that knowledge you might think

wow yeah i need to scrub my face more so

they scrub their face they over wash it

they use cleansers and they start using

this tape or it’s called a pore strip

where they just put this on their skin

and they rip it off or their nose and

they’re trying to pull this stuff out

the problem is they end up making it

worse because

they don’t realize that there’s this

layer of

friendly bacteria and other microbes

living on your skin that’s part of your

immune system that’s protecting you

against the bad bacteria and so when you

over cleanse or wash the area you

sterilize it and now you make your skin

wide open to becoming infected because

we do have a bit of an inflammatory

infection going on in these small pores

so why is this material manifesting

where is it coming from what’s involved

well if you look deeper there’s several

things going on

we have a spike in androgens okay and

you see this very commonly in puberty

that’s why you see a lot of teenagers

with blackheads

and so androgens is a type of

testosterone it occurs both in boys and

girls and there is a weaker testosterone

and a stronger testosterone it’s called

dht so basically

you see people with acne blackheads

whiteheads with more dht

so the question is where does that come


well that is coming from a spike in

insulin okay

and another hormone which is like

insulin called insulin-like growth

hormone number one don’t get too caught

up into the name just realize that there

are two things that are making this

occur both of them increase the oil

production the size of the pore as well

as some of this extra protein material

but that’s really interesting but it

doesn’t really tell us what to do unless

we understand what triggers


and a spike in igf number one and that

would be three things okay refined

carbohydrates which is a pretty broad

category we’re talking about the sugars

we’re talking about the bread the pasta

the crackers the waffles the pancakes

all the things that you may love so

refined carbohydrates will greatly spike

insulin and crave this problem the next

thing that is on the list that’s very


that’s certain things in dairy think

about it what is dairy well dairy is uh

is milk that helps grow

a cow okay or other animals it’s a

growth type thing so it’s filled with a

lot of hormones that can affect our body

so any form of dairy whether it’s

yogurt it’s even kefir

cheese especially milk

can have a a big effect on your skin

especially if it’s commercial where

they’re you know adding other things in

there and the commercial milk

it comes from cows that are fed a lot of

omega-6 grains and they’re not doing as

much grass

grass-fed cows have more beneficial

things that are less anti-inflammatory

but anyway all you need to know right

now is dairy can definitely worsen this

situation okay and the third thing is a

certain type of fat

and the type of fat that

makes things worse with blackheads

whiteheads and acne is omega-6 fatty

acids not all the omega-6 fatty acids

but most of them like the corn oils the

soil oil which is in

a lot of foods that have refined

carbohydrates it’s in a lot of

restaurant foods okay so we have omega-6

fatty acids

corn oil canola oil

cottonseed oil

things like that and if you looked at

graph this over time

in our diets in the last 20 years we had

this massive spike in refined

carbohydrates sugar and also dairy in

different forms especially even the

sweetened yogurts

and a massive spike in the omega-6 fatty

acids all right so that’s all very

interesting but now what can we do about

it what is the plan well number one

okay and this will work this is working

on the inside out you want to get rid of

these refined carbohydrates you want to

go a little carb if you’re not familiar

with what that means i’m going to put a

link down below number two you want to

eliminate dairy right now okay all dairy

just get it out of the diet and that

includes even cheese okay and you’re

going to see a huge change in your skin

all right number three we want to

decrease or eliminate all these extra

oils omega-6 fatty acids and you

probably need more information on this

especially if you don’t know what i’m

talking about i’m going to put some

links down below because omega-6 fatty

acids are so

all over our diet that it’s going to

actually quite surprise you so by

decreasing omega-6 fatty acids in

increasing omega-3 fatty acids

your skin is going to thank you okay by

not having these blackheads anymore or

even acne

so what is omega-3 fatty acids well that

would be like the fish oils

that would be like cod liver oil

especially because collagen oil has

vitamin d and vitamin a whereas the fish

oils don’t but

if you start eating more seafood and

fish that would be a good idea

especially salmon or you can just use

some cod olive oil and

if you don’t like the taste of that we

have them in capsules i put a link down

below all right in number four okay

this is the icing on the cake i’m sorry

i should talk about cake right now

borage oil

borage oil is a type of omega-6 fatty

acid it’s called gla but

it doesn’t create the normal

inflammatory situation that a lot of

these other omega-6 oils do

in fact it’s anti-inflammatory it helps

thin the sebum or the oil it helps break

down the plug

that protein plug

which we want it helps reduce

oxidation in fact it creates an

antioxidant effect okay

and i mean a lot of people that take

borage oil notice a big change in their

skin so that’s definitely something you

want to add to the list all right so now

that you have a plan for your skin the

next video to watch would be relating to

omega-6 fats okay so check that out i

put it right here
