Carb Addiction Success Story Interview | DrEricBergDC

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well hello everyone we have a special

guest today Julie Collins is here and I

want to just introduce her because she

is a very enthusiastic person that

actually came to my summit she is uh she

had great success with keto she’s

spreading it all over the place

so welcome Julie how you doing great so

Julie can you just briefly tell us a

little bit in a fennel sketch about your

story with keto yes so in the big big

picture I had to realize that I was and

had to admit that I am a sugar addict a

carb addict and for years I kind of knew

it because I already am in a recovery

program with addiction issues and you

know couldn’t really understand how I

could have such success in that it with

my alcoholism and recovery from

alcoholism and I work a 12-step program

and I’m in a fellowship and you know

normally that’s all anonymous but I

really have to bring it up because it

really applies to the success I’ve had

with keto and there’s another doctrine

you just did a video recently dr. Berg

on addiction and car addiction and

there’s another guy dr. Robert Silas

that I’ve been listening to and he’s a

carb addiction guy and he speaks my

language and it the irony is a year ago

I kind of blindly took step one and said

I’m addicted to sugar I know that how do

you do how do you apply the stuff I’ve

learned to to this sugar thing that’s in

our face on television you know how do I

do it and I did it one step at a time

one thing at a time you know there’s a

level of pain when you’re taking away

the one thing that’s giving you power

and you know it they talk about a higher

power well food was my higher power

alcohol was my higher power and so how

do we find bridges and replace all that

and by educating myself by watching your

videos first of all I listen to audio

books Kito clarity is one that kind of

led me to you and just starting to

slowly educate myself and everyone says


keep it simple how do you keep this

simple when in schools were being taught

the old food pyramid you go to your

doctor he tells you to do low fat you’re

pre-diabetic but lose weight but do low

fat you know it’s it’s so frustrating

and it’s so easy to give up but because

of the stuff I had learned in my 12-step

program I knew to take it slow one day

at a time and just start following the

little signs and I would listen with my

headphones on because my husband would

be like oh my god turn those podcasts

off and I would listen with my

headphones to two or three of your

videos a day after your summit I found

other people to listen to and I loved in

your videos that you tell people listen

to other people listen but then you

think who do you trust and who do you

listen to that’s why the summit was so

helpful because I kind of trust the

speakers that you got I’ll look at other

summit sheets from other summits

throughout the country and I’ll look at

names and I’ll look them up on YouTube

and there’s just so many of you out

there that are changing the world and

the saddest thing for me is it’s kind of

like I quit smoking a year and a half

ago also I put 20 pounds on when I did

that but I have used the 12 steps for my

smoking when I said oh this is working

for cigarettes I’m powerless over

cigarettes interest I’m powerless over

sugar and I just started applying that

over it is so liberating that’s great

what happened our Wow when you actually

like platelets you go to a meeting they

have a lot of carbs there right I mean

there’ll actually yes I’m getting a

reputation for me the very annoying

person okay we grow a lot of our own

food and I would bring a lot of that

like last summer and as I was dropping

all this weight I’m also trying to learn

how to talk to women about weight and

you’re the one that opened that door

with get healthy first and it made me

see how toxic and unhealthy my thinking

is and um this has been really difficult

because everyone when they see me says

Julie you’re so skinny

oh you look so good and that was great

in the summer when I first was reaching

my goals and lost my fifty pounds now

six months later it’s getting old

absolutely it’s kind of rude and it’s

made me see that I do that I did that to

people as well what do you say to an

addict when they come back in the room

and put the weight back on

oh girl you put all your weight back on

yeah very very shift how we talk to

people I know it’s when you um how much

did you weigh at your near peak weight

185 okay I’m very small bone

I had pre-diabetes I was at 117 you know

with my fasting glucose okay I’ve had

high blood pressure I had chronic

snoring chronic heartburn which your

apple cider vinegar cured it

tums should be outlawed I was do that

and that was just your Apple site it’s

on my counter over there um apple cider

vinegar has changed my wife like I had

Hartland since I started that Wow year

and a half ago that’s why I really

started putting trust in your videos

it’s like okay because how do you trust

something when you have doctors telling

you don’t do that it’s gonna hurt you

it’s gonna kill you so I just I kind of

did the is it the a one experiment that

in P no clarity talks about the a1c the

experiment where you experiment on

yourself and I just kind of Nestea

plunge and so oh the fries and the

burgers we’re gonna kill me when people

say keto is gonna kill you as they’re

eating their fries and eating their

sundaes yeah um why not try this and as

I started to work my husband I don’t

snore anymore

three weeks into keto that’s that can

get very irritating if you’re married

and they’re your spouse - snoring oh

that’s like you know the I have read

probably 3.5 million subscribers right

and I also have a three hundred thousand

people on this closed Facebook group and

so I have a chance to that other people

don’t have a chance to not to experiment

with with different theories but

different theories out so I’m constantly

finding out oh go ahead and try this see

how this worked try this and then

getting Oh lots of feedback if I send

out a questionnaire within one hour I

can get 900 responses back and I can

quickly find out like oh that was a

terrible idea or that’s like brilliant

we’re gonna actually I’m gonna do a

video on that to focus on that so that’s

really what I do I just get so much

feedback I bake so anyone that says that

that can’t work yeah and he told me for

three years

you’re pre-diabetic it was wait blah

blah blah and I would do it I had done

sugar Buster’s a year ago years ago you

ever read that book yes I did stirs and

it didn’t work I was eating Triscuits I

was eating you know and and and for me

sugar is a trigger

I can’t gargle with tequila I can’t you

know some of my friends now to say

you’ve lost all your weight can’t you

have a cookie now and I tell them I

can’t gargle with vodka no I and I have

to treat sugar like that and on your

Facebook page a lot of people say

there’s all this cheating talk and not

everyone’s a Carbajal like I am so if

you’re doing keto and you’re carbajal

‘ok my recommendation is the only way is

abstinence yeah cuz you because you

can’t even do the keto treats and all

that because it’s just gonna open up the

door for if you’re fine all this and you

start doing that and then the next to

something else

you do those for a while and I’m gonna

help me the irony now is it doesn’t

trigger the dopamine because the sugar

okay wanna oh great

like I’ve got cupboard full of bars not

I want prime rib I want steak I want me

I am I have been leaning a little bit

more towards carnivore lately like two

to three days a week because I have some

digestive issues when I’m much yeah but

I still need my vegetables and I do feel

better when I eat the vegetables yet my

constipation when I’m doing carnivore is


Wow I eat a lot of leafy greens and


first vegetables and I’ll get backed up

I do a day of just meat and dairy you

know and then those days I mean a 12 to

14 ounce ribeye I know that that’s

against some of your thinking but for me

a couple days a week I can work out I’m

jogging my whole life I’ve never been

able to run or jog and I can’t hug now

that’s amazing

it’s just I just wished the food

industry and the pharmaceutical industry

and my husband said TV is wrecked for

you and I said why and he said because

all you do is get bad at it during the

commercials no simcha all the you know

all these um you know insulin resistance

is a problem take this and it just I am

so sad for people did you see the latest

disease out there they just came up with

I guess it’s maybe not it’s probably a

couple years old but it’s called binge

eating disorder bed and this is now like

a psychiatric they took this normal

behavior the binging and snacking and

they just made it a disease they have a

drug for it and serious side effects I’m

talking like death stroke the heart

problems and and yeah if you actually

are into some fad diets like cutting out

food groups you know yeah and also if

you can’t go for a few hours without

eating and snacking

if you eat when you’re not hungry if you

eat alone like I did a video on it I

don’t know if I really because you what

I got rid of my snacking cuz you I do

puzzles now if I’m like when you snack

that’s good

snacking is a killer it is yeah at the

next summit that I do which is going to

be at the end of August I definitely am

going to be talking about that a lot we

have some really interesting speakers

coming this time I really wanted

speakers that are going to get practical

information that is not too technical

yet very credible so I really spent some

time to figure out who were inviting and

I have just over-the-top speakers so

you’re interested I love it that you

didn’t overdo it with the vendors and

one thing I would suggest to people when

they go to summits or whatever

is that um you can’t rely on if it says

Kido right you really have to learn what

your body can tolerate and what

ingredients it can have some people can

say oh this I’ve tested my glucose and

it doesn’t knock me out of ketosis I can

have this don’t follow the pack on that

you’ve got to learn what your body can

tolerate because not everybody some of

these young my son is doing keto now he

I won’t tell his story online that

wouldn’t be fair to him and I I just

attraction rather than promotion a year

of them all coming here for holidays and

I would have all the keto stuff and they

would avoid it and then after Christmas

after they’ve set the example for year

finally in January my son said hey mom I

need help I need to do keto he’s 28 and

got above two hundred and sixty seventy

pounds I’m had some blood work that I

won’t put him out there but you know

he’s and he has now lost 30 pounds Wow

and I went to spent a weekend with him

because he’s got a baby due April 4th

Wow exciting

and I’ve been talking a lot about

children and sugar and I’ve kind of made

amends him that part of the reason his

metabolism is broken at such a young age

younger than mine showed up is because

the way I fed him so I can’t wait to

make grilled cheese chocolate orange ah

so great because we have a my

granddaughter is living with us right

now and so it’s I mean you can imagine

this is one keto sugar-free baby

everything that goes in her mouth is

like high quality and you can just see

it like I should probably do some videos

on her bone structure her development

her coordination she’s calm she’s like

the perfect kid am useless and is great

one thing I’d love to say and this and

I’m throwing myself out there I really

don’t care because if it helps someone I

was diagnosed bipolar okay and this was

after a relapse from alcohol that I got

that diagnosis I think I’ve had those

brain issues my whole life but I think

I’ve been addicted to sure

since I could ride my bike to 7-eleven

and alcoholic since I first drank I mean

my brain likes that stuff both of them

and I think I was misdiagnosed I think I

had ups and downs and sleep issues

because of carbonation and heart

toxicity Wow so there’s dr. Peter

Bregenz have you heard of him

and I started when you kept telling us

in your videos do your research do your

research I started my doctor when I told

when he said you’re no longer

pre-diabetic after I’d been on keto

three months but your cholesterol is

high maybe you might need some statins

but I had listened to cholesterol

clarity and I had listened to you and

learn to how to start talking to him and

I said and I had listened to dr. Peter

Bregenz and I said give me six months

can we try getting the office seroquel

with your guidance in case I go into a

deep dark depression because the

seroquel can raise your cholesterol and

it can also cause some of the other

things can we wean it off and see if

this healthy fat in my brain and them no

longer having sugars brings that

cholesterol down so after your summit I

got my blood tested mm-hm and when I

went in I said can you test for large

particles and all of this is from you

and some of the speakers you had dr.

share and now they you know they’re not

Natalie who was ever coming I recovered

yep I ever coming

well I knew how to talk to the doctor

and I said well you test for large and

small particles and this is after

getting off seroquel and all that and

the nurse said we don’t do that and I

said well I’ll pay out-of-pocket and I

said but I would like you to test for

large particles I didn’t really even

know what I was talking about anyway it

came back my ratio had been 4.7 my ratio

is now three point four after summit and

I got an email not even from the doctor

saying you’re fine Wow so sanics Wow

seroquel in nine months I go to bed at

10 p.m. I can’t stay awake past that I

am up at 6 a.m. like my body just wakes

up but my your life going back to when I

was 12 and the sugar addiction I’ve


slept in my life Wow yeah and I’ve never

um not suffered from this it was like

pain and it’s gone like I feel better

than I did in my 20s so you definitely

are very up tone your way up there so

that’s awesome

plus you there listening or curious

about the particle and the cholesterol

let me just explain because LDL is

considered the bad cholesterol but

there’s two types of LDL there is the

large buoyant like you can imagine

they’re like big fluffy things and then

there’s small dense LDL okay so these

small dents can penetrate through the

wall of the artery and create damage the

big ones can’t so if you have high LDL

and you get your a deeper cholesterol

test and it measures like those

differentiating between the two you’re

gonna fight if you’re on keto you’re

gonna find that you’re gonna have high

levels of the large buoyant and very

small levels of the small dense so Karen

my wife I had her gonna get tested and

her LDLs LDL was very high so but but if

you looked at looked at a deeper it was

the large buoyant and it wasn’t a small

small was normal what it’s almost like

he knew they know that if your even if

your LDL is high if those other numbers

it was just interesting that yeah it’s

um it’s it’s kind of like an advanced

test that they don’t talk about there’s

not a lot of doctors that know about it

yet but trust their patients like if

someone doesn’t stick with it well

here’s the thing they’re taught in

school to do a certain way and there’s

so many things that conflict with that

they just reject it they’re not very

open-minded all the time and so they

have a certain way of doing this so

anything that conflicts makes them wrong

but there’s certain doctors that are

like okay all right let me let me learn

about it but there’s quite a few that

are just not open to new things

unfortunately until the entire

nice change around which is not going to

happen very soon I have my year

follow-up in two weeks

oh wow Wow it’s gonna be interesting

well I’m excited to have you at this

this year’s summit we’re going to have

even more people you can grab better

speakers and I want to thank you for

your time I just wanted to hear about

your story and also the amazing kind of

tie in with the whole recovery program

that you’ve been through and you’re

using that as a tool now for carbs

because it really you need to there

might be a wall had weight you know if

I’m not an alcoholic how do I get into

those meetings and there are no 12-step

meetings for but there are open 12-step

meetings of any addiction you can even

go to al-anon to an open meeting and

there’s a book called the 12 steps for

anyone who wants them oh one Amma’s you

can get it online you can apply the 12

steps to any addiction one if you find

one safe friend that’s doing the same

thing you are the philosophy in the

12-step world is it’s one person sharing

their experience strength and hope with

another person with the same issue and

it’s that communicating and admitting

that you’re powerless it makes it makes

you that’s that’s what becomes the

energy and so I tell people try to find

a support system of some kind and then

watch as many dr. Berg videos as you can

do you my favorite book of yours it’s

your smallest one is this one oh yeah

that’s it that’s a very short one but a

lot of pictures simple but important so

yeah that’s a real popular one it’s

because some people don’t have want to

watch videos but dr. Berg keep doing

what you’re doing and I know that like

they still sell cigarettes at gas

station so it’s gonna be a long time

till the commercials shift from a semca

to dr. Berg’s electrolyte powder right

but that’s what I’m saying is that all

of you in that world keep doing what

you’re doing because you are saving

lives and I know that sounds dramatic

high blood pressure pre-diabetes

depression my arms were falling asleep

at night

I was to more and more medications and

slow yeah I read romantic but I’m gonna

get to place my grandkid now absolutely

well that’s so awesome and thanks for

your feedback and your sharing your

Aussie well I like that so especially

since you’re everything you’re saying is

total it makes total sense so thank you

so much you summit go to dr. bird summit

all right awesome