5X Your BRAIN CELLS | DrEricBergDC

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you know it’s been thought of that our

brains do not regenerate our brain cells

are not renewed okay this is a

completely false information because the

brain cell can regenerate in fact it’s

the rate at which your brain cells

regenerate that determines how your

cognitive functions going to work or not

work as you get older So today we’re

going to talk about how to actually


this regeneration of your nerve cells by

a factor of 5x okay now yes this

research was done in animals and there’s

also a lot of research done in humans as

well so as I go through the list I want

to cover a lot of different things that

you can do to increase the size of your

brain and you don’t have to do all of

them you just need to pick as many as

you can do and if you wouldn’t mind go

ahead and add those to the comments of

those things that you feel that you can

add to your current lifestyle to

increase the size of your brain or at

least the Regeneration of your neurons

because this list could be a little bit

overwhelming to some people you know you

can’t do everything but you just do what

you can something is better than nothing

and the general term for a nerve

regenerating is called neurogenesis a

lot of This research is done on a part

of the brain called the hippocampus the

hippocampus well they don’t know exactly

but it’s involved in the relay of

information that’s connected to memory

learning spatial navigation remember

layouts of certain things problem

solving which you kind of need your

memory for problem solving reasoning and

something else called object in place

memory that’s like remembering certain

objects in certain environments like

where did I put my keys Etc now realize

this just because you don’t remember

where you put your keys does not mean

you have a problem with your brain it

could be that you just ate poorly the

day before it could be that your blood

sugars are not quite correct if your

spouse a family member or your parent or

whatever starts having memory problems

the worst thing you can do is to remind

them of that and point that out because

it’s almost like the more that you

remind someone like you know are you

losing your memory uh the more they

start losing their memory and even when

I was in practice I would notice this

with married couples that would be

coming in sometimes the spouse would be

correcting them if they you know said

something wrong or pronounce something

wrong or forgot something and I pulled

it aside and I just said you know what

if they do that again just kind of

ignore it okay

and I followed up with them and I found

that the person stopped making these

mistakes when the person stopped

reminding them that they were making

these mistakes so I think what happens

if you hyper focus on something it

actually sometimes could make it worse

one thing that’s really interesting

about the brain okay is that

if we take a look at the size of the

brain and how much it weighs and we

compare that to the rest of the body it

only really makes up like two percent of

the whole body weight yet it requires 20

percent of the oxygen of the body

20 of the metabolism of the body is

given to the brain so it’s an energy

Hawk and this is why this first thing

I’m going to tell you is so important

out of all the things you can do to

increase the size of the brain and

prevent atrophy is regular consistent

exercise and the type of exercise that

would be best is aerobic exercise and

what I mean is getting a lot of oxygen

now this is not to say that other types

of exercise is is not also really good

but if you can also include long walks

for example or some type of exercise

where you can get a lot of oxygen that

would be even better than other types of

exercise but I personally like to mix it

up I do high intensity on certain days I

might do hiking or long walks on other

days that is the most important

thing you can do to enhance

your brain regular exercise on the

opposite would be inactivity right not

exercising being inside all day that

would not be good for your brain the

second most important thing for your

brain would be

fasting and I’m going to say just like

intermittent fasting but also a periodic

prolonged fasting very potent stimulator

of certain factors that help grow your

brain and repair the brain function so

you need to be doing two meals a day

with maybe a fasting period of at least

16 17 18 hours okay that would be ideal

but if you can do longer like a one meal

a day and and fast for 23 hours that

would be even better

and this would all depend on your

lifestyle and also how much repair that

you need to do on the brain because

maybe you have some other issues like

but the point is that when you eat too

frequently and have these snacks which

is just a killer for a lot of problems

the brain suffers the most okay so this

idea that you have to constantly fuel

the body of the brain is false

information it does very well when you

don’t eat so frequently and then

periodic prolonged fast for like maybe

48 Hours the next thing cold therapy

very potent stimulator of neurogenesis

which is the regrowing of your nerve


so that could be an ice bath that could

be in just taking a cold shower some of

you are not going to do this but some of

you will do it but it definitely will

stimulate the Regeneration of brain now

if you combine all three of these you

can look way back in time when we were

always Starving in the cold and we’re

constantly exercising to run and chase

animals to eat them and so our DNA has

been developed off that has adapted off

those three things to survive better

because we needed

our brains sharp so if you’re out in the

cold and you’re exercising and you’re

not eating you can really support your

brain versus always being in a very

comfortable environment being around

food all the time like having a

refrigerator and just sitting back and

being inactive other things you can do

omega-3 very very potent stimulator of

growing your brain that would be like

cod liver oil why because a good portion

of the brain is composed of something

called DHA which is a type of omega-3

fatty acid okay so that would help you

greatly and it’s very easy to do to have

some fish oils or cod liver oil that you

consume on a regular basis

now on the flip side of that the other

oil that’s really bad for the brain is

oxidized oil like in the oils that are

heated like vegetable oils to create

those oils you have to heat them up with

solvents like hexane and then you use

them in heat too right you actually use

them to fry something or cook something

or deep fry something very very bad for

your brain of course recently we’ve

substituted those for the saturated fats

being the coconut oil the lard the

butter are actually very very good to

cook things in they’re very stable as

long as you keep your carbs low

and so that relates to the next point a

low carb diet because sugar and refined

carbs and just eating a high carb diet

creates a lot of oxidation to the brain

and the Hallmark of neurodegeneration is

glucose hypo metabolism where glucose is

not being able to be metabolized in the

neurons okay that’s the Hallmark that

occurs within the nerve cells which

means the destruction of the nerve cell

occurs because it’s not getting glucose

fuel so does that mean you need to eat

more glucose no it means that you

already ate too much glucose and you

created insulin resistance and now you

basically create this resistance for

glucose as well and that’s what destroys

it you basically starve off the nerve of

energy how can we use that information

we can lower the amount of glucose that

you eat and we can feed your neurons

a much better fuel which is ketones so

ketones are the fuel that can bypass

this damage of glucose and go right in

and feed the neurons directly so how do

we do that well we just lower our carbs

and our bodies will naturally generate

ketones we can also take ketones as a

supplement we can fast and generate

ketones do fasting intermittent fasting

we can also consume MCT oil because

you’re going to generate more ketones

now I’ve mentioned cold therapy but you

also can do heat therapy which like in a

sauna or a hot shower that can also be

beneficial but not as beneficial as the

cold therapy I’m sorry another thing

that’s really beneficial to the brain is

vitamin B1 thiamine and the opposite to

that a thymine deficiency which is very

common is the worst zinc for the brain

okay when someone does not have enough

B1 you start developing this condition

called wernick key course cough syndrome

it’s a condition where you’re very

deficient in B1 and the neurons are

degenerating okay so you have all sorts

of problems in the brain and this

usually occurs because you’re eating a

lot of refined carbohydrates or too much

sugar and so when you don’t have enough

B1 you actually get inflammation in your

brain and B1 is uh connected to so many

positive things for our bodies but

especially for the brain and also to get

rid of stress all right the next one is

probiotics which is interesting because

there is a connection between your gut

and your brain right I mean the microbes

in your gut make all sorts of the

serotonin and other neurotransmitters

and other factors so if there’s a

problem in your gut there’s a problem up

here in fact one of the side effects of

taking an antibiotic is problems with

your brain mood cognition and even

potentially certain types of dementia

which is interesting so if you just

support your gut you actually can help

this regeneration of your brain cells so

that would be consuming like foods that

have friendly microbes probiotics

sauerkraut fermented food

certain vegetables that are grown on

soils that have microbes and also that

fiber in the vegetables can actually

feed the microbes if you have many

different types of vegetables or

different types of lettuce leaves that

would be better because it’s going to

create a more Diversified microbiome but

also there’s another antibiotic or at

least something that was patented as an

antibiotic and that is glyphosate that’s

the chemical in the GMO so that can

actually alter our gut microbiome

another reason why you should have

organic type foods now another thing

that can actually support your brain is

the sun you’re going to get a type of

energy called infrared from the sun over

50 percent of the sun’s Rays is infrared

and it can penetrate through your skull

okay and actually that can increase your

melatonin which can act as an

antioxidant to support your brain but

that’s interesting and then also you

have the vitamin D from the Sun that can

also help the brain versus being indoors

to all sorts of artificial lights that

do not help your brain at all and then

there’s also plant-based phytonutrients

that are really good for your brain

curcitin turmeric B phytonutrients in

green tea I mean there’s just so many

different autonutrients in so many

plants that can help you then we also

get foods high in choline okay choline

is kind of the raw material for

acetylcholine a really

common neurotransmitter in your brain

you need acetylcholine and that’s made

out of choline so what foods are high in

choline well you have egg yolks okay you

also have organ Meats fish okay so all

of those are really important for your

brain and then we also have grass-fed

animal products right grass-fed versus

grain fed grass-fed are more

anti-inflammatory because of the omega-6

to three ratios you want those like one

to one so that’s just another point that

you want to be aware of when you’re

consuming animal products there is a big

difference and then we get to its

sufficient sleep not just the number of

hours of sleep but the quality of sleep

that you get okay is very very important

if you have an insomnia and you’re

living on caffeine and stimulants it’s

going to start to affect the

Regeneration of nerve cells now what

about this topic of coffee well too much

caffeine can definitely create a problem

with your brain but if you have just a

small amount of coffee it’s not going to

be a problem

especially since there’s polyphenols in

the coffee that can support the brain

but excessive amounts of caffeine if you

drink too much can override that and

create a lot of problems because if you

think about it when you drink coffee it

does stimulate your cognitive function

right so over stimulation of that can be

damaging another really key nutrient for

the brain especially the hippocampus is

zinc okay zinc is involved in different

enzymes if you’re deficient in zinc that

can create an atrophy of hippocampus and

affect your cognitive function as well

as your mood now since I mentioned this

topic of Omega-3 like the DHA oils which

is so important in brain health and it’s

a real easy thing to implement I put

some more information up with this video

right here you should check it out