Join Dr. Berg and Karen Berg for a Q&A on Keto (Part 2) | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys sorry for that we had some

temporary technical difficulties okay so

so getting right back to what we’re

gonna do here we’re gonna actually

answer another question here before we

go to social media so Ian from

California had a question go ahead in

BOM hello thank you guys for taking my

call oh I very much appreciate what you

guys do here I’ll just jump right into

it I’ve been doing keto for about 14

months I started it 294 pounds and I’m

down under 200 now so I’m down about 95

oh wow yeah it’s you know it’s amazing I

feel like a brand new person I guess I

am a brand new person 11 of the last

pounds have been within the past three

months so you know I’m slowing down and

tapering down my concern is my lipid

panel results so I could just rattle

these off for you back in back in August

I got it done and the total went from

265 to 281 to last week 344

triglycerides went from 68 to 46 to 40

last week HDL went from 44 to 52 to 61

and then LDL went from 200 a to 220 to

275 okay so you know the LDL and the

totals it went up but I went back and

watched your video talking about

cholesterol and I looked at the the

triglyceride HDL ratio which would be 40

over 61 which is 0.65 which is less than

2 what you say is great so I guess I’m

just needing some words of wisdom from

dr. Burke well I’m glad that you brought

this up because I was going to talk

about this topic anyway might as well

bring it up right now and so just listen

take notes okay you ready ready for this

I’m ready okay good so here’s the thing

guys I want to talk about why your

cholesterol could go up on a ketogenic


first of all Karen um when you know what

LDL is bad yeah and what typically

people think when the LDL goes up when

you get your blood vessel you’re like

what’s your when you get a blood vessel

blood test

LDL up means that’s really

and what is it doing to the body it’s

hurting the body it’s clogging up

arteries yeah yeah then you have to get

rid of all the fat in your diet okay

good so this that’s that’s where it

actually is totally 100% 110% false that

is not how it works so let me explain

something guys so you got LDL so-called

bad cholesterol and HDL good cholesterol

there they’re not even cholesterol

they’re lipoproteins okay they’re

proteins because the body can’t

transport fat without a shuttle so if

you if you picture this Karen like you

have a Love Boat okay The Love Boat

Remember The Love Boat yes I loved it

okay so The Love Boat is like the LDL

okay because they’re there shuttles so

LDL and HDL are two love boats one’s

going out to sea and that is basically

the LDL and the one that’s coming back

from sea back to the liver is the HDL

the so-called good cholesterol so that’s

really there’s shuttles so they’re kind

of cruise liners right so if you take

take a look at lvl inside LDL you have

cargo the primary cargo is basically

triglycerides triglycerides that’s

basically fuel for the body

those triglycerides are used for energy

to turn through ketones and fatty acids

so that’s the primary goal of LDL but

there’s also some secondary goals in

there - there’s cholesterol in there

there’s fat soluble vitamins there’s

antioxidants there’s all sorts of stuff

so the primary purpose of that

cholesterol in the LDL the so called bad

cholesterol is to go and repair the

artery damage and because here’s the

thing like people this idea that

cholesterol is like going out into the

body and then clogging things up no no

no no that’s not how it works because

the lining of the arteries have little

receptors for LDL they’re called LDL

receptors that reach out and grab the

cholesterol when they need it if there’s

damage so the primary purpose of LDL is

to provide fuel and secondary purpose is

to help repair damage in the artery wall

so so Karen you think you the body makes

he’ll do right right so if it’s

considered bad why would your body make

it is it a mistake no I don’t think

there’s a reason for it there’s a reason

your body has receptors for it so it’s

it’s actually reaching out and grabbing

it when you need it because the body

would not would much rather have like a

like a patch over a hole than an actual

hole in your wall right I mean you

wouldn’t want to necessarily have a

whole new wall you want to patch it up

so the cholesterol comes in there to

patch the hole in the artery with with

calcium as kind of a spackling thing and

so if there’s damage damage in the wall

you can actually have that occur and

your body’s just trying to heal it so

the LDL is not the criminal it’s in the

crime scene but it’s not it’s just

passing through to help you okay now

when you do a ketogenic diet you’re

basically running your body on ketones

okay you’re running your body on fat

fuel and triglycerides that’s the blood

side that’s what’s in the fat cell so

it’s going to be coming out and it’s

going to be going into the body to use

it to be used as fuel the key thing

Karen is that if your triglycerides are

low this means that your body is using

them you’re using them as fuel so it’s

totally fine to have high LDL as long as

your cholesterol your triglycerides are

low which years are and your HDL is high

it’s totally fine you just have to

really understand the mechanism probably

what’s happening is you actually lost

all this weight and then now what’s

happening is a lot of the excess

triglycerides that were in your fat cell

are mobilized as fuel and now your

cholesterol is high because your body’s

finally dumping that from the fat cells

because that at some point it’s to start

dumping the the reserve of cholesterol

so you really have nothing to worry

about is especially if your

triglycerides are low and your HDL is

high it’s a normal thing

your body’s trying to heal whatever the

key is to eat really healthy as far as a

lot of vegetables and the kale shake

just to kind of

make sure there’s no more holes or

damage in the artery wall which

basically came from high levels of

insulin okay

there’s some great there’s a video I’m

gonna release on this by Dave Feldman

he’s a great guy you can look him up

he’s an engineer and he has some he’s

like the human pincushion he’s doing

like live experiments and it’s just

amazing data okay so I hope I answered

that yeah thanks for the question

let’s go - sure Esch from Toronto you

had a question go ahead cheers dr. Barry

how you doing good how are you

they stick to the point I don’t waste

time I did eat oh we’re about two years

ago for six months I mean worked well I

lost like 40 pounds it was so good and I

I got out of Quito and I started in the

normal way of living a game and I gained

so much weight like I’m about 190 pounds

now I have to lose 30 pounds but six

months ago when it’s taking up all the

sugars out of my body what’s happening

I’m getting depressed just society but

I’m not suicidal and the doctor said he

needs some SS all right but I don’t want

to get into toast so I got back on the

food again everything’s normal

no more depression nothing that was my

first problem okay and the second

problem and the second problem is when I

take kale celery cucumber I mix it I

make it use of it I mean like smoothie

and I drink it yeah when I drink too too

much other your two glasses of it a

trinket and I get diarrhea in about half

hour so when I get diarrhea

I get dehydrated and I get my grid with

aura which I get blind almost okay okay

so these are actually let’s take let’s

take the first one first okay so when

you’re depressed when you get on keto

all that means is that you’re you’re a

little very low on B vitamins so there’s

something going on with your gut that

could either probably not allowing you

to absorb them so

a good probiotic would help you

something like maybe called effective

microbes you can find it online it’s a

really good one but but start taking a

lot of nutritional yeast that should

help bring your mood back up the other

thing is which i think is complicating


you’re eating certain vegetables that

your body obviously does not have the

enzymes for or you don’t have the

microbes for yet so you’re gonna have to

substitute your vegetables for a

completely different type of line of

vegetables maybe something like regular

greens like lettuce greens instead of

some kale and celery that you you have a

problem digesting just just switch it

over that’s the simple way because when

you have diarrhea you’re gonna basically

wipe out a lot of the fluids and acids

and that alone could throw off your

electrolytes big-time especially

potassium and so you now you actually

are aggravating the condition because

you’re going to be dehydrated because

you’re losing electrolytes and the

fluids and the acids and now you can’t

pull in the minerals so you have to

replenish that probably with some good

lactic acid things like kombucha tea

things like that so and add some more

fomented vegetables so take more B

vitamins okay number one and number two

switch your vegetables to things that

aren’t going to cause diarrhea

alright good question alright Karen hey

okay so first I’m going to say if

Facebook people can hear you may want to

go to YouTube there’s a little technical

difficulty sorry about that

you never know in this world of media

where there’s bugs or not bugs so thanks

for hanging in and produced her

suggesting that we restart again dr.

Berg all right guys you know what just

hold on 30 seconds do it really fast

let’s reboot this thing and try to get

this thing on everyone will show me but

unfortunately the stay-put


all right we’re back Wow

all right Karen do you what did you want

to you want to give a shout out what do

you want me to all question cuz you’re

right in the middle of giving a shout

out thanks for your patience guys yeah

well first of all shout out last I saw

it was Australia Romania all over the

United States British Columbia Texas New

Jersey Wisconsin dr. Berg you want to

shout it out to the home hopefully

they’re from Kenosha the homeland yeah

she’s dead she’s head California Arizona

just all over the place I have question

though so Jimmy wants to know is too

much lettuce gonna kick you out of I

think this is a good question because we

run into people or either having some

diarrhea or constipation constipation or

they basically can bump him out of

ketosis but here here’s the thing if

your metabolism is moderate to good you

can do large amounts of vegetables okay

but there is a point where like I

recommend a lot of vegetables like 10

cups right and there’s very few people

that will do that sometimes I get seven

it’s a minor point because there the

amount of calories the amount of carbs

and vegetables is very very low however

with some people I will say it could

slow you down a little bit so but it’s

so rare and it’s such a small fraction

of the population I would stick with the

vegetables first and then if you really

need to alter them go for it but there

are and I have a video on this you you

want you know if you have regular greens

like lettuce and stuff and celery it’s

just there’s so few carbs in there that

it’s very unlikely but you know some of

the other things like maybe like squash

and might be an issue

maybe cauliflower possibly for certain

people so you can try to maybe reduce

those and see if you actually lose more

weight if you do then ride with it cut


get down to your ideal weight and then

add it back in alright alright Karen do

you have you want to ask another

question go for it do you know about or

what are your thoughts on this snake

diet yeah there’s a guy that uses a lot

of swear words diet like what are you

eating thing

no no no it’s basically the snake dot

it’s this guy who basically he’s either

really yeah yeah that’s her screaming at

him so that’s his diet the snake died so

that’s what that’s all about

oh you do know no I’m scared I collect

passed it one time because you sent me I

thought it was yeah I don’t know what

what do you think about that I think I

don’t really watch his video so I don’t

really comment on that okay so do you

have any other comments

any other questions yeah we get this

sometimes somebody’s asking what if

their adrenal and liver body type

remember the body types yep yeah so if

you’re a dream little number here’s the

thing about that guys you want to get

the basic protocol in there like Health

Aikido and enema fasting don’t even

worry about the body types and then once

you get going then you can tweak it it’s

right in the book right this book right

here which all of you have and then I go

into specifically what body type you

should do but some people are a mixed

body body type and the problem if your

adrenal and liver for example question

is what do you do you focus more on the

liver adrenal well in here I talked

about it

but if you have a choice you want to go

for the adrenal purse because that’s

usually more of a priority than the

liver but even if you mess up and focus

on the liver you’re still going to get

improvement because everything is

connected the hip bones connected to the

thigh bone but typically the adrenal one

is the real big one as far as a priority

because of stress can dominate

everything else because it produces

cortisol yeah so so let’s go right to

Rachael from California I think you had

a question that we may have just

go ahead Rachel I yes I ended up in the

urgent care I called you last week

because the diarrhea just wouldn’t stop

it was all liquid yeah and I notice that

I ate bacon and in cheese bill she’s I

would get diarrhea right away as soon as

I ate that food and so I don’t know if I

have to stop it and or what could I do

for that so I have a question you you um

you were eating a certain way and then

all of a sudden something you ate

triggered the diarrhea is that right

well no I said it started with eating

the salads

I had salad and then after that we all

started I was still doing the keel and

and and it just keeps getting worse I

this is what I think that hey Pat

happened Rachel I think there was some

type of microbe in that salad you see

this all the time where you know they’re

doing recalls on spinach and salad

there’s there are microbes that live in

the soil and you can get these like

e.coli and then comb you get diarrhea

that’s the number one symptom and it can

last for a long time it can throws off

the whole system because typically most

people don’t have a problem cells unless

there’s some other raw other issue now

if you’ve never ate salad before in your

life then that’s a whole different scene

but chances are I think there’s a

microbe so I would probably get a

evaluation on the ER

maybe a stool sample to see if there is

a microbe in there that’s disrupting

everything and then you’re gonna have to

consume things like some keeper

blackberries but not a lot of other

foods maybe some some type of fiber to

kind of slow the process down right now

even psyllium seed until things can get

under control check with your doctor on

that because we have to settle it down

before you start eating because you

don’t you wiped out your your flora and

so you definitely need to start taking


big time right now to put that back when

I’ve done colonics and Kol Emma’s and

different cleansing things

you know after period of time I can’t

just go back to regular eating I have to

slowly build up I’ll do soup I’ll do

fermented foods for a day and then I’ll

gradually start adding bigger foods

because you don’t have the microbes to

digest bacon right now so go ahead and

do that Rachel all right good

so I need to go to Ruth she’s been

waiting she’s in Texas

go ahead Ruth good morning dr. Byrd can

you hear me yeah wonderful

I have last year I’ve gone from a size

16 18 to size 8 already

that’s our party Bell that’s our

celebration Bell I was surprised

lethargic had gall stones diabetes all

the normal stuff that the American diet

does for us right but I am finally to a

point now I mean I worked on healing my

stomach first with the colostrum with

the l-glutamine doing the probiotics and

using the fermented vegetables and now I

have all this energy that I want to go

swimming and biking and hiking and do

yoga but my adrenals wake me up at 3:00

in the morning now when I first started

I took the adrenal support and it took

me down too much it made me very tired

so I switched to the renal fatigue added

the l-tryptophan the pantothenic acid

and finally got back up so I’m kind of

fearful to go back into the adrenal and

cortisol relief but I’d like something

that I can do to keep from that 3:00

a.m. wake-up call I mean should I just

wake up and do some work and go back to

bed or take a nap later in the day

should I try the adrenal fatigue or the


all relieved yeah good question what you

should do is take the adrenal the Corso

relief about three o’clock in the

morning when you’re waking up because it

makes you tired right okay well like you

take the sleep aid before I go to bed

yeah that you you should probably take

all of your adrenal stuff right before

you go to bed because you’re right when

you wake up at 3:00 that’s there too

that’s right where the adrenals that

like it’s usually about imbalance with

the adrenals so you’re kind of revved up

the other thing is have you done the

acupressure yet on your your body yes

every night I have the tool and I like I

said most all your products I’ve pretty

much bought them from the beginning and

I’ve been using em it’s just kind of

tweaking them as to when to use them you

know and and how much to use like the

digest day the gallbladder formula are

fabulous I love those the minerals the

only thing that I’m not able to do is

any of the powder drinks because of the

stevia for some reason all the natural

sugars are not the natural substitute

sugars cause me you know stomach pain

right under my rib cage

but everything else I’ve been able to

use and like I said I have the adrenal

fatigue and I was taking it and I had to

stop taking it because my blood Sugar’s

were going up too high and I think it

had to do with over stimulating my

adrenal somehow when I stopped taking it

the blood sugar went back down yeah so

when we get this thing that’s kind of it

should be better by now you’re doing all

the right things all these other

indicators are better then what I like

to do at this point is pull the string

get a little more data I would do a

cortisol test there’s a great one that

is a hair analysis of course all hair

analysis is from Canada

I can’t I’ve done a video on it I don’t

have it offhand but you can search it

and you could find out it’s kind

that gives you an average of your

cortisol level you could do a saliva

test but make sure every four hours but

we need more data to see what’s

happening inside of your body is like

what’s happening with cortisol is it is

it or is it the like adrenaline for

example adrenaline could be another

factor what happens to with blood sugars

especially at night if your have insulin

resistance and the insulin was high it

can push the blood sugar down and then

the adrenal can be kicked in there in

the middle of the night when the blood

sugars are too low to compensate so I

think what I would do is I would do that

and then continue to tweak things that

take the supplements before you go to

bed and then also go for very very long

walks like maybe in like an hour and a

half in the evening okay thanks Ruth all

right Karen over to you okay good quick

question if somebody has the old book do

they need the new one yeah you you need

this book here because the old book the

seven principles is outdated with

outdated information this is all the new

data that is if there’s a lot of new

data over a thousand hours of work and

giving you the new information which is

a lot better than the old information

I’m constantly changing and improving

things as we find things that work so

yeah you need to get the new book okay

good and then the next question can you

talk a little bit about cheese for

somebody who’s a diabetic how to handle

that on the keto diet well I think

cheese is good just make sure you don’t

get the low fat you want to get the

fattiest cheese you could find because

the higher fat is the least amount of

stimulus to insulin and we’re trying to

actually decrease the need for insulin

by eating certain foods and there’s a

thing called an insulin scale Karen that

you glad you brought up it’s right here

the I’m sorry the insulin index which is

a scale of insulin of all the foods that

trigger insulin you’ve heard of the

glycemic index right Karen oh yeah those

are foods that increase blood sugar but

wouldn’t you want to know what foods

increase insulin yes I would okay good

so you can download it there’s a link

down below

and it has some information about cheese

as well but yep that’s right okay what

tell me over to me now okay so one more

at one point about your vegetables some

people when they get salad and things

they don’t always clean it sometimes

like they’ll buy from the farmers market

and you don’t clean it sometimes it’s

triple washed well that’s fine but you

might want to get in habit of just

cleaning your vegetables because you

never know what’s in there

I mean sometimes I’ll like cut up on the

vegetables I like see oh wow there’s all

sorts of things going on there so clean

those just to make sure there’s no yes

like microbes like little worms and okay

fun stuff like that can okay I was

finding money here no no just pair of

old short microbes oh my friends Karen

alright so Thomas has been waiting from

New York

go ahead Thomas you had a question about

trace minerals good morning dr. Johnny

good I like taking walking to the first

lady of Quito as well up a big fan hi

dr. Berg your electrolytes powder in

your trace minerals could you explain

the difference please yeah big

difference the trace minerals are

minerals needed in very small amounts

like selenium like iodine cobalt even

iron then you have regular minerals like

electrolytes that are needed in larger

amounts potassium calcium magnesium

sodium those are the bigger minerals and

so the electrolyte powder has the bigger

minerals that you don’t need a lot of

amounts but you know what’s within the

electrolytes is I put the trace minerals

in there so it kind of killed two birds

with one stone but the trace minerals do

not have the other minerals in any

significant significant amounts and

trace minerals help proteins in the body

so you would want to take the trace

minerals if you wanted to strengthen

your nails your hair your collagen so it

doesn’t necessarily boost energy but it

actually helps body proteins good

question Thomas

I’ll have to do a video on that one

alright can hey what do you think about

water pills like diuretics yeah yeah so

again I’m not gonna answer medical

questions but the thing is I always have

to ask a question why are you holding

fluid in the first place why is the body

holding fluid usually because you’re not

consuming enough potassium so if you

consume 7 to 10 cups of vegetables

you’re gonna find your fluid you

probably won’t hold fluid very much so

the need for diuretics might not be

there but check with your doctor I’d

like that Karen did you like that answer

I liked it a lot ok good yeah so Rachel

you’re from Ohio you had a question you

broke your leg oh sorry about that

last year and i had tried doing keto

before a long time ago but i I don’t

know why I keep coming back when Weight

Watchers and I’m dealing with Weight


so and my leg isn’t healing and I am

more really obese right now I lost them

100 pounds the accidental Weight

Watchers but it’s I’m just

yo-yo and I’m 38 probably what like my

leg was at the right or left leg that

you broke it was my left distal femur

Wow you broke yeah

it’s not healing and they’re swimming I

need a bone graft or something ok and

I’m I just feel like I can do something

with food maybe to help it or

nutritional I don’t know healed a boner

yes can I give you my two cents on that

sure ok so first of all you need to do

get some vitamin k2 k2 that’s something

that’ll help the calcium in the bone

that’s number one number two the Kido /

instrument fasting common

done healthily based on this book right

here okay will greatly help in the

healing a recovery process I’m gonna

tell you why because you’re gonna help

regulate and support insulin levels and

when you support insulin levels the body

can then start absorbing more nutrients

calcium and the fat side with vitamins

and protein which the bone needs to help

heal so that’s why like a diabetic that

has blood sugar problems they don’t heal

as well as people that don’t have

diabetes so I think this is your answer

to speed things up now the problem with

Weight Watchers is that you’re hungry

and you’re up roller coastering and

you’re craving when you do ‘quite other

than fasting your cravings go right down

your hunger goes down and the longer you

do intermittent fasting you your body

goes into a self-cleaning mode it starts

to heal a lot faster and repair and

inflammation goes down so bite the

bullet do it jump right in Rachel and I

think you’re gonna be happy you did that

alright good over to Karen hey okay so

someone asked if fish oil breaks a fast

yeah the fish oil so just are not going

to be enough oil to break a fast so

you’re gonna be totally fine doing fish

oils it’s just very small amounts of oil

so I wouldn’t worry about it

okay now what if apple cider vinegar is

too acid for someone they have some kind

of condition where they’re sensitive to

it’s following it or something like that

well there’s certain people that just

can’t do it because either they have an

ulcer or they have gastritis

inflammation in the gut and so in which

case you don’t want to even consume it

now you could get into pill form

there’s something called digest formula

I have it has it in powder form that

might be better but if you react to it

then your system is sensitive and you

might need to do more of the wheatgrass

juice powder for a while to help heal

the system and then go back to it but

you know people that have inflammation

in the stomach or an ulcer that that

takes a long time to heal Karen

it could take probably you know four to

six months of healthy eating so yeah so

you just give it time okay I have

another interesting question here yeah

go ahead just what give me the

interesting ones I want some interesting

not the same question the interesting

yeah give me this interesting I don’t

think we’ve ever had this question

before does pipe smoking pipe tobacco

affect results on keto well the thing

about pipe tobacco or even cigarettes

there you’re basically you’re gonna

deplete the adrenal factors and also a

lot about them and see and it creates a

lot of oxidation in the tissue so your

body’s not its breakdown and destruction

of the tissues of the arteries and the

eyes and it’s kind of corrodes and

oxidizes like rusting out the inside of

the body so you literally if you’re you

know doing that you’re gonna have to

counter that with eating really really

healthy foods the foods a lot of vitamin

C B vitamins to counter the damage

because it adds another layer that of

destruction to the body so so we need to

say a lot are you talking about really

doing keto way everybody else is doing

keto or do you know doing you know and

then additional supplements on top of

that you might want to do additional

supplements on top of that a lot of

phytonutrients like the lady was doing

the kale shakes right you should be like

I would start you know if I was addicted

I’m sorry I mean craving tobacco I would

be down in Cal shakes each day I was

doing supplements to counter that

because it is a factory or just depletes

you of nutrients fair enough fair enough

good turn okay over to you all right

good let’s go to Christy from North

Carolina you had a question about high

levels of glucose a few weeks ago about

keto and high glucose that was a big

relief to me a few mom mid-may I started

stalling with weight and my blood sugar

it had been and I’ve been doing kiddo

since March when I started doing that my

blood Sugar’s have gotten down

to like the 8090 range and I didn’t

measure before Tito so I don’t know

where they were then I do have a history

of family diabetics as well but um about

six weeks ago my weight loss stalled and

my blood sugar shot up to one 138 now

it’s staying around like 110 or whatever

so I assume it’s my insulin healing but

will this cause weight loss stall and

you said it could take a long time how

long is a long time I know it’s

different for everybody but let me ask

you this Christy

do you have other positive indicators

like other positive benefits even though

your Sugar’s hide you have other

improvements in your body um I’ve been

kind of even my my waist measurements

and just kind of sticking around the

same right now okay

do you crave sweets I do okay are you

doing heat oh and I don’t have time to

go into the exact thing but do you feel

like you’re doing it correctly are you

doing it partially I think I’m doing it

well for a little while I was doing

water tip here and I just cut that out

because it’s fermented with sugar and I

thought maybe that was messing me up but

for the last few weeks have been pretty

strict again and are you doing in a

minute fasting yeah okay are you how

many times wind your first meal usually

around I usually do about 18 to 22 hours

fasted Wow and eating around one o’clock

okay alright so are you doing any type

of B vitamins nutritional yeast and

electrolytes when I remembered that’s a

bad habit that I have forgetting okay

well just a couple tips here Chris

Christie I think you’re on the right

track I think the fact that you’re

craving tells us there’s something that

we need to improve the biggest thing I

look at is are you doing it correct are

you sure you’re doing it based on what I

talked about you know I doing a lot of

greens and you not make sure you’re not

doing enough protein are you doing

enough fat so I like to in a minute

fascinating but there’s always these

hidden things like the water kefir that

might be an issue

that being said what happens when you do

this your insulin starts coming down

because the need for insulin is not

there because there’s not a lot of

carbohydrates in the diet to do with so

you don’t need the amount of insulin

that you would when you’re eating high

glucose and sugar so what happens is

that because the insulin is not there

which is a push down wave your sugars do

rebound a little bit higher but your

it’s not out of control I mean they’re a

little higher but it’s not terrible so I

think you’re in you’re in the process of


I would tweak it with the nutrition

consistently I have a lot of other

things in the videos of what you can do

with exercise get over my sleep decrease

stress add some other supplements in

there and then that’s gonna speed things

up a lot maybe another you know three or

four weeks and you should see some

really good change the other thing is

keep a log of what you eat so you can

look at it and evaluate it in a new unit

time so you can kind of like step

outside yourself and go oh that’s what

I’m eating I didn’t realize that you

know that’s also important so stay tuned

we’ll be more videos on that as well

Christine so thanks for calling dr. Berg

yes we have a special watcher oh yes

who’s watching oh hey mom how you doing

give you a shout-out every everybody on

Facebook is saying hello to March oh

that’s great that’s awesome

now I’m gonna segue okay good segue okay

so someone’s getting cystic acne or

describing their situation as cystic

acne newly on intermittent fasting

what’s happening well there’s two

reasons for that typically it’s the

insulin is high and your skin should get

better within a minute fasting but if

you’re going through a toffee G which is

the recycling of old proteins and

clearing out of microbes it could be a

little bit of a detox reaction the other

thing it could do Karen is affect your

ovaries and that could actually then

throw up the hormones and give you a

little acne so what I would recommend is

probably support the ovaries with more

iodine see calc would be the best thing

in fat soluble vitamins make sure your

diet is really good to support the ovary

because the ovary needs supporting good


hey I wanted to say something that I I

forgot to say for several weeks now is

that this year doing keto purely well

not as much as dr. Berg right

but really doing keto I had almost no

seasonal allergies Wow awesome thing for


that’s good time that’s awesome yeah so

if you guys or you have kids that are

having trouble with allergies I really

recommend it and we did get a couple of

questions on teens and little guys doing

keto how many vegetables you know how

many cups of vegetables would you

recommend and how to adapt it for a

little guy you want to talk about that

right there with the kid I’m gonna

actually do a whole program for kids and

even a seminar but you start out finding

something that they like some vegetable

and you start giving it more of that is

but here’s the thing when you actually

get a child in to get them replace the

junk and don’t even tell them that

there’s no sugar in it you know start

making these keto bombs and little

cookies and low sugar and then what

happens when their blood sugars are

better they’re naturally gonna go for

more on vegetables if you have a child

that’s way out of balance and eating

junk they’re only gonna crave one thing

and that’s the chicken wing no the

chicken tenders that’s why they’ll

consume they’ll like a chicken tenders

so like in the jello tenders

yeah and jello that was you all right

Marge green jello Doritos and chicken

tenders yeah so once you get your body

in balance you’ll want healthier foods

that’s just how it works yeah and it’s

interesting because when you when people

leave a lot more junk food they even

though they’re eating a lot more

equality junk food they’re still hungry

after that because of the issue so you

have a kid doing that it’s this out of

control and I want it just on that note

Karen yeah we are seriously thinking

about probably definitely going to be

doing a keto summit in the fall

we want you to come out you know

something we want you to come out

because number one it’s gonna be an

awesome two-day event maybe a one day

maybe two we’ll see

DC’s awesome never well that’s the

second thing I was gonna tell him yes

just yeah okay go ahead in the fall if

you’ve never been here you have to check

out this area it’s gorgeous they have

things to see history old town you also

have these vineyards which you’re not

probably going to drink it but you can

go check them out

I mean there’s a lot of things to do

there are tons that I mean it’s not and

of course if you’re living here you

don’t beautiful

don’t don’t go out and see these things

but if you’re coming in from the outside

you got to check it out that way you

come to the convention this some yeah

the Kolar summit a summit and then spend

a couple days to go go to old town check

out the different tours they have yeah

we could probably even arrange buses or

something right I think they can arrange

that and that’d be fun no we could

arrange like a big what do you called

the big bus yeah we’ll talk about that

care we’re gonna get a Jellico bus and

travel around and I’ll be driving okay

but just we’ll stay tuned we’ll have a

promo on that soon okay we’re gonna

figure it out let’s see this Karen’s

like promising only thing you get be

like no we’re not going to do the jackal

bus okay so we have Constantine from

Kentucky it’s constant constant okay hi

how you doing good how are you okay I’m

doing pretty good

but I have a couple of questions okay I

do in a minute fasting and keto and I

only eat once a day and I’m 254 pounds I

have lost I want to say 10 pounds

already but I want to know exactly how

many cards and protein and calories I

need to consume a day if I only eat once

a day and and also whatever is pickles

okay to eat you know so why are you in

why are you on the keto diet and like

the exercise wise I want to do more than

just walking but is it safe to do more

than just walking like can I do

exercise like I got a gym membership and

I want to know if I can you know go to

the gym and really do like some cardio

to help with the weight loss in the end

I don’t take any vitamins but prenatal

pills so I want to know do I need to

take more you know fan of other you know

and then also I’m trying to get it all

in I’m sorry I have I brought online

this neo filled super powder collagen

and I don’t know if it’s good or not but

I want to know is that’s healthy and in

the heavens tummy

fiber because they say they helps with

the constipation and then like the


it’s like a you know one question this

could be another 20 minutes I think that

was all in one breath wasn’t it that was

good yeah okay so let me just kind of go

through this because you’ve exceeded the

number one question okay so yeah to get

into all the calories I’m gonna you can

here’s the thing there’s videos on that

you can all these you can find the video

on the different calories I mean at your

size maybe you do fifteen fifteen

hundred calories if you’re doing one

meal it’s gonna be hard but I would try

to do maybe between 13 to 1,500 calories

from that one meal I like the fact that

you’re doing one meal so hours the carbs

try to push them down as low as you can

I mean if you can get them down to 15

maybe even 10 it might be hard if you

could what would happen you would lose

more weight pickles are totally fine

just make sure it doesn’t have sugar

don’t do the prenatals if they’re

synthetic do a food base prenatal okay

and then you ask another question that I

can’t even oh exercise yeah yeah you can

totally add the exercise in there just

beat things up other than walking I have

videos on that so I’m not gonna actually

repeat that watch the videos and then

collagen is fine you can do that you can

add that to the mix make sure you have

it with the meal and then the last

question I can’t read my handwriting

Oh fiber get your fiber from your

vegetables okay all your your seven cups

of vegetables all right

you exceeded for the next three weeks of

answers so hey iris that’s all for you a

woman who can get twenty questions about

one breath she is on my list I like her

but I have a question Trisha is is

asking why would she be so jumpy like if

somebody comes in a room and she’s not

expecting it or walks up behind her

totally jumpy hi nurse I mean like this

like okay yeah so that that’s um usually

a dominating sympathetic nervous system

Karen okay okay that’s an adrenal thing

so you want to support the adrenals and

the biggest thing that I would recommend

is nutritional yeast a lot of it cuz

that’s the b1 to help the adrenals chill

out and then do the adrenal acupressure

tool thing right here that’ll you can do

that every night before you go to bed it

kind of starts calming the adrenals to

get more sleep but it’s an overactive

adrenal issue yeah mm-hmm good okay now

we’re gonna go to Karen from Arkansas oh

go ahead Karen hello thank you doctor

for taking my call and I kind of need to

give you just a little history of myself

and then I want to let you kind of guide

me and where I need to start with your

program I started out can you connect as

it in 20 seconds oh all we could do is

answer questions and I’ve had a partial

line removal and then I’m just now had

my gallbladder removed about a couple

weeks ago it was full of gallstones and

I’m just kind of left as to where do I

start because I used to go like every

week to the hospital to get fluids

because my sodium was getting down to

120 s 125 that kind of range and it

would just i’m just eat salt to try to

keep it up and my endocrinologist has me


cortex in Florida the Florida Neff

I take in the morning and at night Oh

point one and then the cortex he kinda

let me guide myself as to how I’m doing

but when I first started all this and I

still don’t have any appetite okay so

now let me see some let me give you some

general chips simply because I can’t

actually tell you how to treat a disease

but I’m gonna give you some food tips

and nutrition tips to support what’s

going on okay because Addison’s is a low

adrenal it’s the adrenals are not

putting out their hormones so it’s

different than Cushing’s which is

pumping out too much so that’s what’s

happening it’s usually autoimmune so

it’s an immune problem I think to

support a healthy adrenal function my

adrenal fatigue formula might really

help you to support that in addition the

gall bladder formula because you don’t

have a gall bladder to support what’s

missing those two things I think would

be good and yes a lot of sea salt are

going to be good working on the adrenal

because the thing about the Addison’s is

like you need these you need these

adrenal judo support so and you’re gonna

need a lot more salt cuz it’s kind of

going right through you so I would take

something called adrenal fatigue formula

that’s for like someone that is really

fatigued adrenals and then sea salt and

also do keto in an ANA fasting hardcore

because that’s going to help your immune

system over time to support that because

that’s what’s behind Addison’s okay

thanks Karen I’m sorry I had to go short

with you there

alright so Karen do we have a question

there are so many questions we’re really

having a good time on social media today

and liz is watching hi Liz hey Liz Liz

Liz used to list the one that worked

well for us for Liz clap oh hey Liz yeah

awesome liz is doing great

yes bloggers are doing better yes okay



here’s one our oats useful yes for

cattle and different farm animals I felt

yeah so you had you have the oat which

is like you can make Quakers oat instant

cereal which comes with a lot of sugar

it’s whole grain but they add a lot of

sugar in there

it’s just don’t get me started on that I

know but here’s the thing the the oats

are grains and we don’t on the keto we

don’t want to do grains because they’re

gonna they’re high on the glycemic index

same with buckwheat by the way somebody

asked about book we same thing you don’t

want to do all the grains unless it says

heart healthy whole grains on the box of

Lucky Charms Lucky Charms it’s healthy


that’s my sarcasm everyone okay so okay

so this comes up all the time trying not

to take repeat questions but I think

this pushes one of your buttons here

what happens when you have high insulin

but low blood sugar

well you’re pushing my buttons now show

your button well that’s what happens is

high insulin is going to push your blood

sugars down you’re gonna end up with low

blood sugars especially if there’s not a

lot adrenal function there because the

adrenals aren’t helping you so that’s

usually a weak adrenal but it’s a very

simple solution follow this book these

two books and problem solved doctor

burgers are any book you recommend to

help no I don’t have any book that to

recommend but what happens I have a list

of all the things that you can do to

help support healthy insulin levels and

I mean it really does work and high

insulin is the number one problem out

there that’s behind a lot of problems

and that’s all I’m gonna say Karen right

but I do want to go only for educational

purpose it’s not to meant to diagnose

anyone or cure anyone don’t tell anyone

right if you get cured don’t mention my

name right okay Vincent from the UK you

had a question yes my question was ah


this really fast

and it’s becoming crazy and drizzle and

pimple there I’m curious if there’s

anything I can do within my diet that to

reducing the size or hopefully remove it


the only other options have been offered

are subject to options and I would

rather not go though

got it here’s just some ideas that you

can research ok that’s my way of around

about telling you what to do but here’s

the thing that I would research there’s

something called ip6 it’s an inositol

product ip6

that is really good for the immune

system so research that ip6 and also i

would recommend taking seek help seek

help is really good to help balance

things in the body and then I would

definitely hardcore get a healthy

ketosis is I’m gonna fasting reevaluate

with the help of a doctor in about two

months and see what happens that’s all

I’m gonna say I’m not gonna say anything


thanks Benson alright so Rachel you’ve

been waiting a long time you’re from

Texas go ahead alright sorry can you

hear me yeah I can hear you so excited I

just got your keto kit and I just want

to tell you I guess as a someone who is

trying you know I’m sure a lot of people

have too but your electrolyte powders I

don’t get forty-seven hundred grams or

milligrams whatever it is potassium but

I try to with my with the vegetable but

I haven’t gotten the full amount well I

was a little over yesterday five

thousand thirty-eight

high in energy was off the charts and I

was so happy or no reason and I have


I’m struggled with depression and it’s

all right there in your potassium Wow

awesome you know it’s funny you said

that what you alright

yeah well what’s so funny it’s like a

lot of people they’ll say I’m depressed

but you know what sometimes they’re

exhausted I mean try to be

depressed if we need a lot of energy

just try it like you have a lot of

energy and try to just be depressed it’s

almost impossible so when you bring your

energy up it brings the mood up and also

the electrolyte with the potassium helps

insulin resistance which actually brings

your mood up and plus all the cell’s

well need potassium for energy but go

ahead sorry you can interrupt any time

but I’m the one that called you last

week I’m type one diabetic so I want

influence Wow your diet is phenomenal

you are wonderful and and I also but I

okay oh I wanted to say I don’t think I

I was been on the comments so long on

hold that I don’t even think I’m asking

a question I wanted to ask you now that

I’m on the phone I just wanted to show

you that that oh I’ve been wanting to do

the intermittent fasting start at 10:00

and go to like 6 but I wake up kind of

hungry you know and I want it’s kind of

hard but now that I have to take about a

little over 24 ounces of water to take

with my 16 ounces for my life so my

putter and my eight ounces for my rods

wheatgrass juice and then my more water

for my nutritional yeast horse pill you

know it keeps a key open I can start my

eating etiquette

that’s awesome that’s awesome I want to

know how am I supposed to eat 1,500

calories yeah do you mean tell you what

you can do what you can because when

you’re doing in a minute fasting the

quantity of food goes down because think

about it you’re not just eating those

calories your body is eating your own

fat calories so if you’re losing a

couple let’s say you lose the pound a

week gets another 3500 calories that

you’re eating on top of your regular

meals yeah you’re eating that your body

is eating that so that’s awesome thanks


alright let’s go to Sarah Samira from

Belgium go ahead Samir

hi dr. break thank you for taking my

call I want to ask you something I have

problems with digestion it’s been three

years I am being on a lot of fruit and

vegetables only in the beginning I went

and I went fully roll in the beginning

and it felt so good I kept going on and

on and I could eat some time meat but

nowadays the last year it went it always

went weaker and weaker my digestion has

gone really weak I don’t know what I

have done my liver is so congested and I

have tried a lot of herbs a lot of

things and I’m actually underweight and

I’m losing more weight ooh last days

because I don’t observe any any any food

at all only thing I can eat is food

fruit and vegetables but I wonder if my

girl father has some damage after after

being on kind of all that low-fat but

now fat it just gives me problem I don’t

know how to get back to the normal ok

again let me tell you what to do and a

lot of histamine allergies and a lot of

problems sleep problems and losing

weight everyday and not be able to

digest without digestive enzymes so get

some paper I’m gonna tell you what to do

right now ok so here’s what you do

number one you probably need to support

the goal but it with some bile salts ok

you’re taking enzymes but you need bile

salts take it after the meal that will

slowly start building up your bowel

reserves because what causes lack of

bile is low fat diets fat saturated fats

increase the production of bile you

probably depleted it and now you’re like

you’re trying to eat you can’t do it and

especially if you’re doing ketone them

in the fasting if you’re not eating

enough fats you’re gonna even lose more

weight so I think that’s what you’re

missing you’re gonna have to cut out the

fruit and add start adding a little more

slowly more fat maybe some fermented

vegetables but that that’s what you’re

running into right now unfortunately so

a couple things you can do to also

support the liver and gallbladder well

you’re in the Belgium so that would be

hard to order a couple products but if

you find purified bile salts and choline

those two together I think that’s gonna

be the icing on the cake I’m sure I

shouldn’t talk about icing so go ahead

and do that and let us know in a couple

weeks give us a call back hey Jerry

you’ve been holding for a bit

how you doing you’re from Los Angeles

good okay thanks for your time so my

question is been on keto for about nine

weeks and lost about 40-plus pounds but

recently I T yeah thank you but recently

I take when I take MCT oil it irritates

my gallbladder and pancreas yeah and I

don’t know got it

yeah that’s one of the challenges

sometimes with these oils especially

like MCT oil it is it is a refined food

because it’s out of the normal complex

of a coconut so you’re eating that much

it forces the pancreas to pump out a lot

of enzymes lipase to try to to try to

break that down so if your pancreas is

already weak you can kind of irritate it

so I would do this Jerry I would consume

your fats within the normal whole food

that you’re eating whether it’s animal

protein or cheese or avocados like don’t

add extra oil just eat the fats within

the food that you have and then add the

vegetables in there to give it time for

the pancreas to kind of recover and I

think that’s all you need to do and on

that note don’t forget to download this

index right here stay tuned for more

videos coming up right Karen yes

absolutely and have a great weekend guys

where are you next week Friday okay
