Sugar Alcohols Making You Fat? – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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our alcohols actually making you fat so

recently on my show I had a lady call in

and she wanted to know why she gained

four pounds of weight after she did a

keto meal she cooked for her family I

think it might have been Thanksgiving

she had the meal and then she had the

chocolate chip cookies and she was using

alternative sweeteners sugar alcohols

but she still gained four pounds so

let’s talk about that for those of you

that are new to sugar alcohols well this

would be an example of we throw tall

Zala tall there’s a whole bunch of them

I’ll put a link down below for more

information but these are compounds that

are sweet and they’re derived from sugar

but they don’t have the same response as

sugar they don’t spike insulin and they

also have less calories for example

sugar calories has four calories per

gram these have one point three to two

possibly three calories per gram so the

three big side effects from sugar

alcohols are bloating gas in diarrhea

these usually happen when you consume

excessive amounts anything over like 25

grams but some people are very sensitive

to them and if they just consume like 10

grams they can get diarrhea so there’s

another difference between sugar and

sugar alcohol sugar gets absorbed in the

small intestines a hundred percent sugar

alcohols do not get absorbed in the

small intestine now think about you have

23 feet of tubing or piping or plumbing

before it hits the large intestine so

sugar alcohols are dealt with by

microbes in the large intestines then

that’s where you may have a reaction if

you consume too much so you have this

compound this sugar alcohol that is

absorbed slowly through the system but

the microbes can ferment it and that’s

where you get the gas okay so there’s

the microbes are trying to eat it and

they can start producing some of the gas

and create a lot of water attention this

is before the diarrhea okay so when you

gain weight when you consume foods with

sugar alcohols

its water weight it’s not actual fat

other people can consume them in smaller

amounts but if you’re finding that you

continue to gain weight every time you

do this you’re gonna have to avoid them

so it’s really a situation you’re gonna

have to test the waters some people can

consume these without any water

attention they can still lose weight

other people cannot but the big point I

want to bring up about sugar alcohols is

that you’re not gaining fat you are

retaining fluid completely different

situation so all of these desserts made

with sugar alcohols are really meant to

help you in the transition coming off

sugar there’s gonna be a point when you

don’t need them anymore because you have

no more cravings so from my reality

using sugar alcohols is really a

temporary thing it’s not a long-term

solution alright thanks for watching hey

guys I’m not sure if you have my app yet

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should download it ok this is what it

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recipes on there and this is new and

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it I want to know