Dr. Berg Interviews Naturopathic Doctor Nadia Pateguana (PCOS) – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys welcome back we had a special

guest it’s Nadia petiguana and nice to

meet you I’m glad that you’re here

you’re a naturopathic doctor right

that’s right thank you awesome

absolutely you know the reason I wanted

to bring you on is two reasons one is

that you are gonna be one of our special

guests at the upcoming summit which I’m

really excited to have you attend and

you have a lot of great experience in in

Quito and in a minute fasting and

polycystic ovarian syndrome actually you

you work with dr. Fung right Jason come

in Megan yeah awesome will welcome your

you’re right now living off the coast of

Africa right no I’m from the coast of

Africa I’m living in Portugal so I okay

great well welcome I so what’s the

lichen in your country I’ve never been

there is what’s the food like

so I’m from a country called Mozambique

which as you said is on the coast it’s

on the east coast of Africa it used to

be a Portuguese colony so there’s a

connection between Mozambique in

Portugal that’s why I’m importing right

now because I speak Portuguese and so

Mozambique isn’t on this it’s right on

the border with South Africa so it has a

lot of influences it had a food-wise

three major influence is obviously the

African influence all around Portuguese

the Portuguese warn Mozambique for 500

years and Indian because there’s a very

large Indian community of Pakistani I

guess that part of India but back in the

day it was it was when they came from

India was India and so that’s what the

food is like it’s a mix of Portuguese

which basically it’s a kind of food that

has a lot of pork a lot of seafood a lot

of olive oil

that’s the Portuguese type of

Mediterranean type of cooking mixed with

very spicy food like Indian spicy food

and then African food at least in our

country and

a peanut based type of curry sauces


you’re getting me hungry this designs

really good sounds amazing

so compared to American foods I’m sure

it’s healthier I would imagine well it

used to be I think which is part of my

journey my professional journey I I grew

up in Canada so I’m from this lovely

tropical exotic country but I grew up in

Canada so I only went to I left

Mozambique when I was one so I only went

to eat in Mozambique when I was 25

turning 26 when I finished naturopathic

College as soon as I finish as soon as I

finished my board exams I was dying to

go back to my home country really

because I thought I was gonna do all

these great wonderful humanitarian

things which is a very North American

kid mentality to be totally honest and

then when I got there I realized that

wasn’t really gonna be the case and so I

started working against my will but that

was the only thing that was available to

me then I started working as a

nutritionist dietician and what did I

learn I learned that the people in my

city of course cities are very different

than the countryside but in my city were

very much exposed to the western-style

diet so right now the diet is very much

KFC coca-cola heats in that kind of diet

of course they still have their

traditional dishes and but the funny

thing is the only these traditional

healthier dishes on holidays it’s much

more of a holiday type food during the

week people tend to eat a very Western

based type of diet in my opinion and so

the people that I was seeing in clinic

and that’s why I had to kind of learn

this cuz I didn’t I wasn’t taught this

in school was how to treat metabolic

syndrome I was seeing people that were

obese diabetic with cardiovascular

disease and eventually just by luck

stumbled across sort of fertility

struggles and got into that because of

my own personal journey but really the

diet is was wonderful

it’s a wonderful diet but it’s been very

like every other country it’s very

influenced by globalization in the

Western culture yeah hey we I know that

very I’m like I’m from the Midwest and

this is what we were raised on I didn’t

have a chance to even start in a nice

good healthy country but um the you had

infertility issues and then you why

don’t you just stumble on some things

that just turn things around for you

well actually because like I said I

because I didn’t really I wasn’t taught

in naturopathic College just like no

it’s it’s different than medical doctors

right or the instruction education of a

naturopathic college is very much geared

towards natural therapies and

acupuncture and homeopathy and of course

we do all the medical sciences and we do

we do have nutrition probably more than

medical doctors but it’s not just like

you probably got in school you know for

your 3 whole 3 hours and I got a little

bit more than 3 hours a lot more but it

wasn’t it still wasn’t the way that

we’re hoping today that people are gonna

learn nutrition so it was very much like

you know this food has this vitamin and

that food has this and so when I went to

Mozambique and people wanted help to

lose weight I had to make it up I didn’t

have any face to go on oh you know I I I

was given everybody at the beginning the

very same eat less move more more Whole

Grains sort of I really was until I

started to figure out ok this is not

gonna work and then I had some basis a

natural at the college we did talk about

gluten and so I started to remove some

grains and eventually I started to make

up my own plans based on just trial and

error point very early on in my journey

I would say within the first year or two

I’ve been a naja path for 15 years now

so right at the very beginning I had

this person get pregnant accidentally

quote-unquote and that was that’s when I

started to realize that there was

something there way before I started

trying to get pregnant and their story

was very interesting because it was a

couple that had it was a South African

couple had been married for 13 years and

six or seven years into their marriage

after many IVF it’s funny because South

Africa is a very big IBF medical

community they’re not they have very I

have family members that have gone

through it very successful they’re very

good at it I’m not sure why but that’s

just an aside so the this couple had

tried IVF numerous times I’m

successfully and they adopted a little

girl so by the time they came to see me

in Mozambique they were living in

Mozambique at the time your daughter was

already six or seven so anyway they’ve

been married for about thirteen years

and she’s never got pregnant with IVF

and whatnot then she did my diet which

was an ethos it was a very low carb diet

I mean at that point I’d already figured

out that in order to help people lose

weight I had to go low-carb I figure

that moves less move more eat less thing

wasn’t worth thinking that I am going to

get away but I had to call it in detox

mm-hmm do is I would throw in this eat

dogs once a month and then the rest of

the month we were eating healthy cards

and then you know and I was doing this

carb cycling thing with them so that was

I don’t know 12 13 years ago and then

three months later this woman and her

husband come to my office and the

husband is the one that’s wanting to

know what’s what’s going on how is my

wife pregnant it’s been 13 years we’ve

done IVF we’ve done what happened here

and I didn’t know nor was that the

intent she just wanted to lose weight so

that was my fruit and that that of

course stayed in my mind and then it

started to happen more and more often

and then it became a dope like don’t go

to that doctor unless you want to get

pregnant and then it just kind of

happened and and somewhere down the line

I had my own issue and I and I went back

I said you know I don’t know what it is

but that’s what I gotta do to get

pregnant and it worked for me as well so

by the second time I try to get pregnant

I did have a doctor a friend of mine and

she said she made a connection for me

she’s like it’s insulin resistance

that’s what it is and I was like

Wow and so then for men of course you

know it was very clear and it coincided

with the time that I went back to Canada

I had my second child

I met dr. Fung and I started working

with them so fascinating so let’s talk

about PCOS we it’s polycystic ovarian

syndrome and they always say that

insulin resistance is associated with it

but actually it causes it I mean it’s

like thank you yeah yeah and then when

you when you say you you got her

introduced to Jason Fung and then use

I’m sure that at that point I would

imagine that you started to implement a

lot more innovative fasting or he was

already well very well known to me maybe

not as well-known as he is today but in

naps but I had already been

quote-unquote stalking him okay cool I

knew enough about him I had started

fasting I I did start keto way before

that but I started fasting we were very

interested in his work my husband had

already started looking at to fasting

and actually my husband’s very first

fast was a super long fast it was a 12

day fast so we were very into it and

then I went to a conference and I knew

some people in South Africa and they

introduced me to him and so it was you

know but I had already contacted him

before I was in Toronto and I wanted to

work with him you know IMing was off and

and so it all worked out so there’s a

lot of women now that are getting some

ideas somewhere to the internet I don’t

know what article they’re reading but

yeah well women shouldn’t do fasting

because it’s going to mess up their

hormones what’s your what’s your take on

that well most people that I’ve worked

with over time not because I wanted to

to be honest this fertility thing as I

said just kind of stumbled upon me

mostly I worked with people with

metabolic syndrome right but the reality

is that people most people that look for

this kind of help or the photo and

nutritionists are still women and

probably you know pre perimenopausal or

postmenopausal around eyes

probably been you know the highest

percentage of people that search for

people like me and since I’ve been

working with Megan and Jason Megan and I

worked very closely together in clinic

when I first started with them I was in

clinic because I was a natural path I

could work in in clinic and couldn’t

work which was great that’s how I got my

basis right

and same with them when the majority of

their of their patients are women so

Megan and I’m gonna give me this source

here because way better than anything I

can tell you is just to go to the source

she’s got a series of blogs on women and

fasting because because of this and so

if you go to IDM program comm slash blog

and you search women and fasting there’s

a series of blogs that Megan has written

as a woman number one she’s a young

woman she’s in her mid thirties but

she’s a woman nonetheless and she has

treated thousands of women you know

adult women in all age groups and so

what she says and then I’m gonna leave

this out there for you I know your

listeners and the people that follow you

or very informed people and so it would

be easy enough for them to understand

this but what she says is that every

time she reads something but women that

shouldn’t be fasting and then she goes

in searches that person and their

repertoire and their experience

you just can’t compare their experience

to her experience I mean she’s been

doing this for over eight years both

personally and professionally they have

thousands of women that they have

followed so it’s really a myth why would

I leave it there I agree a hundred

percent in fact if you pull the string a

lot of times I said well I’m doing I’m

doing fasting and it’s making my

hormones worse you find out it’s like

the five and two I said oh so you’re

basically five days of the week you’re

pretty much eating than normal whatever

you want and then two days you’re doing

a low calorie diet and you’re sorry yeah

and you’re you personally you’re not

gonna have a chance to adapt secondly

it’s not the way to build fertility I

remember you know when I was in practice

I was um putting people on fasting and I

noticed would improve fertility I

remember one lady she she actually

was scheduled to come in she didn’t come

in called her offices and her husband

answered says oh yeah I told my wife she

can’t come back to you

I said why because she’s getting worse

oh yeah after you know you’re treating

and she’s getting worse she’s feeling

sick like oh well sorry to hear that

two weeks later they show up my office

we’re sorry that was morning sickness

she got pregnant and I’m like you’re


so yeah it does improve fertility

because you’re especially if you do it

healthily I mean you’reyou’re not just

starving you’re having nutrient-dense

foods and but the main thing is the high

insulin what that does to a female’s

hormones and a male hormone I mean it’s

just messing everything up

so so that’s like we need to talk about

androgens for example um I guess people

actually automatically think well they

didn’t they can’t seem to get their wits

around how insulin can trigger antigens

but it does since the resistance

increases antigen so yeah there’s great

diagrams out there q if you look it up I

mean dr. Frank and I are doing some work

together on PCOS it’s something that’s

gonna come out next year but and so

there’s a lot of there’s there’s some

significant research out there I mean

from my friend in Mozambique in in 20

whatever year it was 2012 to say to me

what do you mean it’s insulin resistant

I think Barcelona I think that’s what

she did her her oh it she was like so

obvious like wrong and it really if you

look it up insulin we think of insulin

and we think Ivy’s right we think

insulin and we think obviously metabolic

endocrine hormones but it has major

reflective functions and yes does affect

both female women and men and what you

want to do is balance out that insulin

you can’t have too little but you can’t

have too much either and so that’s

exactly we’re trying to do and it is

true that in the process a lot of women

feel like their cycles make it longer or

make it shorter I mean they’re there

it’s still balancing out right there’s a

there’s there’s a sort of balancing act


on there and when insulin is is leveled

then your your reproductive hormones

work out better there’s other things do

move it if insulin affects mood because

it affects the sympathetic nervous

system it has other functions except

that we all think of or many people

think of insulin as just being an

endocrine or metabolic hormone but it

isn’t no it’s actually one of the most

it’s probably the most dominating

hormone because in the presence of too

much insulin you get a nullification of

thyroid all all the of the growth

hormone testosterone you have all these

hormones or just get nullified

especially when you’re dealing with fat

burning too so it’s you know you can do

all these great things you could try to

stimulate your thyroid hormones your

growth hormone your anti-aging hormone

but if your insulin is too high those

things get nullified you cancelled out

you don’t see the benefits so yeah it’s

um I think just a matter of educating

people on the truth of this so and then

with fasting you instantly have this

additional benefit of repair action and

genes that get turned into start turned

on to start to repair all all different

parts of your body so that’s like huge

so the combination and that’s what I

always recommend you know if you were to

do the key to a little carb and then

just eat constantly all day long you

know it’s not gonna help you so you want

to do both that’s just that’s my opinion

I’m sticking to it

well your opinion though is is not just

an opinion of course it’s based on a lot

of experience and seeing this firsthand

a lot of people are talking about eat or

they’re talking about fasting but then

as Megan says if you go and look into

their experience they have no experience

right this subject matter they’re giving

a lot of opinions no experience for

whatever reason whether because it just

didn’t want to get into it or because

they read something a long time ago and

they were just turned off by it so now

they’re just repeating what they’ve

heard but what experience do they have

have they actually as anyone has any

medical doctor or any health

professional that’s people through the

ketogenic diet or intermittent fasting

how about

say Oh No you know I was wrong it’s

caused them harm I haven’t seen that yet

no one I have not seen that absolutely


yeah I mean like unless you’re in

practice and you work with real people

over and over and over over a period of

yours you’re not gonna see this like

even with me I didn’t accept insurance I

was all cash practice so it forces you

to you know people are gonna pay you

you better get results or they’re not

coming around so it forces you to take

it to the next level where you’re doing

everything you can to research and

figure things out because unfortunately

in school like you said I think I got

four and a half hours of nutrition less

sorry it wasn’t it was so it was just

all the wrong information I think there

was a little nutrition class and then

there was a it was a joke and so you’re

graduating going okay how do I do this

so you just have to figure it out when

you graduated so there’s there’s not

enough time to really learn everything

while you’re in school because you just

have to get through the tests I mean

unfortunately that’s how its rigged you

know so yeah so that’s interesting I

mean as a naturopath I I look at my

colleagues now I don’t practice as a

naturopath anymore only because I’ve

moved out of Canada and now I’m in

Portugal I have to figure out getting a

license here I did get a license in

Mozambique in about six months let’s see

how long it’s gonna take me here I mean

I I like to keep my my license active I

do like to see people in clinic so it’s

something that I’ll probably look into

but since I’ve been working with IDM its

it’s gonna be three years coming up very

shortly the first two years I was in

clinic but during that time we already

had this online program so you get to

speak with a lot of people all over the

world which is wonderful and for me

that’s really all I want to do I

consider myself a dietary educator I

don’t necessarily work as a naturopath

so it doesn’t matter to me whether I

have a naturopathic license or not does

naturopath tend to do many other things

you know they’re running Theriot

specifically they’re considered primary

health care providers this is

in Canada and the province where dr.

Fung and Megan are at so I was actually

supposed to be following people as a

primary health care provider but that’s

not really what I do I provide dietary

education so I help people as you said

with low carb diets and intermittent

fasting and I can do that anywhere

online what works out really well

especially because people need constant

support when they’re starting out they

have questions they want to be able to

you know call you and so this is the

program that Megan and dr. Fong have set

up I think that’s smart you’re gonna

reach more people and you don’t you know

we with the internet you eliminated

space so you can pretty much contact

anyone anywhere without having to drive

there or travel or anything like that

it’s so nice and and I’m sure I don’t

know how to get that if this happens

with you but you have someone that might

meet some help and they they start

presenting all their symptoms and

everything and it really comes back down

to okay well let’s first make sure

you’re doing the basics okay you know

boom boom boom and usually they’re not

you get them doing the basics nothing

fancy and they start seeing amazing

results so that’s one of the things that

frustrated me frustrated me because I

didn’t do enough education in my clinic

so they were constantly just dependent

on dr. Berg what do I do for this what I

do for that and now it’s just what I’m

doing videos put them out there this is

how you get the basics in there and then

the amount of results and you don’t have

to necessarily treat every single

symptom because they it gets better by

getting in these basic really vital key

things which I think if they were

implemented it would just you know

create a huge dent into all these these

problems now and the drugs and

everything it’s just insane I mean

the simple thing of cutting your carbs

down fasting those two things right

there okay so you’re gonna handle so

many issues yeah and it sounds I mean

today when we tell people well let’s do

some fasting but let’s cut your carbs

they you know you know get unless it

come to you right once they’ve already

done their own sort of processing and

journey and they come to you and they’re

ready beautiful it works out really well

it’s simple you know it’s this is what

dr. Fung is always saying it’s simple

it’s free you know fasting is super easy

once you exercise that muscle of course

when I’m talking about fasting there’s

many different schedules for many

different people and you can you know

you can start with the basics which is

just cutting out snacks for example this

is huge and then you know all the other

intermittent fasting scheduling

protocols can be implemented over time

depending on people’s comfort level

depending on their goals etc but when

you tell them tell somebody who’s slowly

not ready or hasn’t been properly and

educated they think you’re completely

nuts and brought it it’s so funny

because just this weekend or I guess

today’s Saturday but just yesterday it

was it was a holiday here on Thursday so

for me this is a long weekend but I was

looking at the history of sort of the

Canadian dietary guidelines because it’s

the same as everywhere else in the world

right the dietary guidelines are very

similar all over and influenced by a

whole bunch of stuff I was looking I

wanted to see what it would it look like

before you know the famous 77 1982 sort

of guidelines like Amen started all this

craziness that were you know but we’re

now kind of having to deal with and and

I found this awesome little thing it’s

called it’s not a it wasn’t a guide live

it was like a food what what you should

eat basically for Canadians in 1949 and

it was they had breakfast and they had

some instructions basic stuff it was

like an egg and bread yes they did he

carves it’s not that people didn’t eat

carbs but if you look at this just this

basic it was a breakfast with you know

with an egg and it was a piece of slice

of toast I think with butter and it was

cereal with milk

I was breakfast

was it said lunch or lunch or dinner

assuming that people weren’t having a

whole bunch of meals which many very for

me this doesn’t shock me because I

always use the example of Mozambique

people in Mozambique

not in the city but in the country still

live a very rural obviously life me can

live off the land okay they don’t have

money to go to grocery stores and buy

stuff so they live off the land if I

basic things there’s basically two or

three things that they buy a month and

then the rest of the stuff they grow and

they have one or two meals simple and I

think people think of fasting is this

like oh my gosh craziness but not too

long ago people were having two maybe

three meals and that was it and that was

normal no snacks snacking was completely


there was no packaged stuff anyway you

know most of the time there is people

just didn’t they live off of normal

stuff you know they could have bread

they did have rice they had potatoes

potatoes was on this pie line I think it

was pretty important back in 1949 in

Canada but it was yeah within their

meals and dr. fun talks about this all

the time you know every culture let’s

have a staple you know like in parts of

of Africa sweet potato or it’s Tsavo

which is a root whatever and in Asia we

all know they eat a lot of rice it’s

within their meals the main thing there

is that they were eating main meals not

snacking so they were eating two three

meals a day what’s happening now with

your patients and my clients doctor is

that they’re already insulin resistant I

already have a metabolic syndrome so now

we’re not talking about healthy diet now

we’re talking about therapeutic eating

and how our therapeutic fasting right

because now you’re gonna you’re trying

you’re trying to help somebody reverse a

situation that’s been caused by eating

too often so now you need to eat less

often right

yeah our bodies were developed ten tens

of thousands of years to not eat and

that’s how you know we’re not like we’re

specialists at starving and surviving

under conditions where where there’s not

a lot of food that’s it’s in our DNA and

we do very well with that we’re really

good at storing fat we can store an

unlimited amount of energy and that came

that environment but now I know it’s

hard to believe but you can actually

call someone in order food delivered to

already cooked within a half-hour that’s

incredible it’s amazing eats even

existed it to lemon was to Portugal I am

sure they have any Canada but I just I

didn’t know it’s like you can get food

instantly because I got to eat every

hour and a half I just have to

constantly eat if it’s the situation

it’s terrible

well I’m really excited to have you come

to our summit have you ever been to

Washington DC I don’t think that I have

no not Washington I do have a very good

friend that lives in Washington you’d

think I would have gone sooner but I’m

so excited oh you’re gonna love it

you’re actually gonna be in Maryland but

it’s right over the border but it’s just

a simple gorgeous place it’ll be at the

Gaylord hotel which is a hotel that I

always wanted to do an event at or a

seminar we’re doing our second one it’s

just it is just simply gorgeous it’s

massive and they’ll be the coolest

people that you’ve ever met will fly in

there and these are people just watching

us on YouTube and they know they’re

gonna come and they’re all just very

enthusiastic and we’ll have a blast some

great speakers and you’re gonna be

talking about PCOS in detail but but

making it simple for people to get so

it’s going to be exciting I’m super

excited I loved your your YouTube video

there’s a proper name for it but your

launch figures it’s super it made me

really excited to think about being part

of it

oh great yeah I had um I had Jared who

basically is a guidance never been

trained on video he just watched YouTube

videos he learned how to edit he does

all my he’s my videographer he does all

my video and editing and he just did an

incredible job of putting together

the difference between last year and

this year’s we’re gonna we’re shooting

for a thousand people so it’s gonna be

double the size so it’s just a bunch of

really amazing people that just love the

information and we’re gonna have a

really good time so those of you that

are watching it’s a mandatory seminar

you have to come though

I’ll put a link down below so you could

actually check it out but we’re already

filling up pretty fast and so those are

people are sitting on the edge don’t

wait too long because I would hate to

have you go our books we can’t fit

anyone else in the room because you have

to book these a year in advance by the

way and this is what’s happening to do

many of the low carb conferences that

we’ve been going to right like before it

was like you know a couple dozen people

maybe then it was a hundred two hundred

and now we’re seeing close to a thousand

people and then it’s you know a month

before or so we’re saying there’s no

more spots and we’ve got a whole bunch

of people that are desperately trying to

get a spot but you can’t right you can’t

magically create more room and we’re

spying this hat this is happy it’s

happening which is a good sign it just

there’s a whole bunch of doctors that

come to these things because doctors of

course you want to make a difference

it’s not a big bone right but they want

to learn a and then there’s a whole

bunch of people other people that have

been affected by this personally and

just really want to be continued to be a

part of it or people that are learning

about it so I I it is true what you’re

saying I think if people are interested

in coming to this one specifically I you

know I’m saying that just based on

experience for my own clients because I

know I had a lot of people really

disappointed that they hadn’t weren’t

able to go to past ones yeah awesome

thank you so much