The Dangers of Sugar – Karen & Dr.Berg's Discussion | DrEricBergDC

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check this out 26% of teens have

pre-diabetes or diabetes that’s one out

of four Wow is that yeah it’s the worst

in the world it seems ridiculous

especially because with social media and

the internet people are so much more

educated I would think on food and we

have all these you know organic is

coming up and all these alternatives and

things like that that the situation

would be worse

is it worse or is it it’s it’s really

bad in fact this in the United States

has the most high fructose corn syrup of

any place in the world to which we’ll

come back to that don’t let me forget so

we’re looking at this trigger and this

is a sugar cube okay one and a half of

these equal one teaspoon okay here cubes

so a Snickers bar for example has ten

point eight cubes okay this is a this is

snicker bars an average a person per day

consumes about thirty to thirty one

teaspoons of sugar a day now this is it

takes two like one and a half to equal

one teaspoon so that’s yeah a little

over two teaspoons yeah yeah this is

right here right so we’re chillin with a

tremendous amount of sugar going in our

bodies 30 of those good night so let’s

just take this thing like this

don’t let me so did you realize that an

average American consumes all of this

every two weeks no yeah that’s crazy

this is about 400 teaspoons in weeks so

where are they getting that if they’re

not eating donuts and lollipops well

it’s it’s liquid candy its soda its

juice it’s in all the hidden sugars like

bread pasta cereal crackers biscuits

waffles pancakes muffins juice like I

said right that’s enough

I’m just demoing just playing

so incredible so let’s just take a look

at it this is only this is this is only

like a little more than 10 teaspoons

maybe 12 teaspoons so every day the

average American has three times that

yeah that’s a lot of sugar it’s


yeah coca-cola has 13 cubes okay Red

Bull is 11 sprite right must be

healthier 13 cubes a day

I mean per per container Mountain Dew is

18 cubes Wow one 12-ounce can now lucky

tribes have you ever had that cereal

because I grew up on Lucky Charms

and what were the other ones Lucky

Charms and more puffs no the ones with

the marshmallows I don’t know all the my

boo count yeah all those Lucky Charms is

14 cubes of sugar okay now after serving

per container so you have to actually

multiply hundreds every box which is

probably about 15 16 gatorade 32 ounce

the Gator is 22 of these cubes Gatorade

its sugar water so wouldn’t so Gatorade

is supposed to be a half drink or a

fitness a fitness drink right this whole

concept of you’re burning up your sugar

so you have to put it back it’s just

totally crazy but I thought drinks like

that fitness drinks were to rehydrate

you well they have throw a little salt a

little potassium in and that’s that’s

their electrolytes they don’t have all

the left lights you have like there’s no

hardly any potassium there’s no magnet

magnesium so don’t get me started

so now juice let me just take juice like

grape juice orange juice that’s supposed

to be healthy right right natural yeah

well it’s basically we have a little

more than one cube per ounce

okay sugar so basically this isn’t

everything so if you say you have a

glass of juice for breakfast

you’re getting that yeah and then you

have a soda at lunch maybe you have

several sodas a day but then what about

things like how do you factor in

condiments and ketchup here’s what you

do when you read labels the first thing

you want to look at is the first

ingredient that’s the majority of the

product so if it says high fructose corn

syrup you know you’re getting the

majority of it I purchase corn syrup the

second thing you look at Karen yeah is

the sugar grams all right how many grams

of sugar so it might see like ice cream

for example you might see thirty grams

of sugar then you look at the serving

size serving size is like three-fourths

of a cup or half of a cup then used to

multiply how many serving size in that


so in a pint there’s four serving size

times the total so it’s actually you

know it’s not like and who needs a

serving size of anything really I mean I

almost I want to buy a box of cereal so

we can just see how much is a serving

size it’s probably like three quarters

of a cup or something I mean that’s a

really little amount and people usually

just fill a bowl same with ice cream

right so you might be having four

serving sizes in one sitting

oh let’s take salad dressings like you

have massive nut and low-fat salad

dressings you have massive sugar per

teaspoon so if you calculate it out it’s

like the whole thing is just like

sugared water so you really gotta read

the labels and just make sure that sugar

gram is that close to zero as possible

yeah well it’s so easy to make salad

dressing you don’t have to you don’t

have to buy salad dressing it’s so easy

to make salad dressing but if you’re

going to you have to really look at the

sugars and you know one of the things

that I was shopping for a couple of

weeks ago we’re bullion cubes and I

sugar in that couldn’t believe well

there’s actually a lot of

crap inside of a bouillon cube I thought

it was just you know dried broth I just

said that’s it I just started making my

own broth when I needed it we were

recently at a wedding and we right

across the street we go to this little

store it’s like a little shopping store

right mm-hmm and we were just not

deserving all the products in there like

that was that was mind-blowing just to

look from the viewpoint of every single

thing and sugar in it I mean way more

than I thought I tried to find something

with that sugar so what does that tell

us it tells us that there’s not a lot of

awareness out there with sugar or sugar

is getting added for whatever reason to

everything I mean you can’t buy brown

mustard without sugar

why mustard it’s mustard yeah I know

mustard they put sugar in meat that’s

hidden as like dextrose or maltose crazy

static sugar so go to any like well any

place in the freezer section and I

challenge you to find the process I’m

talking about desserts pot pie and

pinatas pot stickers I mean anything I

think you know I look and I go oh here’s

a nice wild-caught fish with a pecan

parmesan the crust it oh this is perfect

sugar it’s incredible sugar let’s take a

french fries you ever got a McDonald’s

before lately no they basically we take

this potato which is a high glycemic

index and then they don’t just fry it

they coat it with sugar dextrose right

so if you combine that amount of sugar

with that starch and then it’s

deep-fried in corn oil or soy oil which

is GML you have an interesting product

amazing it’s gonna spike your insulin so

much and what do people eat with french

fries catch

I eat I use manage people other people

other people catch up and I’m sure it’s

got something with sugar I don’t know

well the point is they have a hamburger

fries right and do they drink something

to do with that unsweetened iced tea it

is the most deadly combination you’ve

got other people soda a soda with a

burger with the fries I mean that’s like

a massive insulin spike on steroids

people are doing it I used to do it yeah

well also it’s like msg I mean there’s a

lot of different names for sugar and

people don’t always know what to look

for MSG is not a set of glutamate it’s a

hidden salt it’s a flavor enhancer it

spikes insulin more than sugar I didn’t

know that yeah and it’s hidden as

modified food starch and many other

names actually right yeah tried a lot of

other try to find try to find a food

that’s processed it doesn’t have

modified food starch it’s in you didn’t

caught his cheese unless it’s organic so

what’s happening our bodies now is it’s

rejecting sugar and to do that there’s a

mechanism a defense mechanism that we’ve

set out in the body and that is called

insulin resistance but it don’t we want

the body to resist sugar we do that’s a

survival mechanism but what we want to

do is not get that sugar but if we keep

giving it sugar a body’s gonna say oh


we’re gonna shut it down so it starts to

develop earplugs in the receptors for

insulin so we start blocking the sugar

and insulin to the point where now the

body says oh we can’t do with this so it

starts making more and more insulin try

to create the effect that’s what’s

happening and insulin resistance is a

pre-diabetes situation

okay so eventually a person becomes a

diabetic I mean it’s like one 103 adults

1 or 4 kids will be a diabetic that’s


yeah that’s crazy so now what’s gonna

happen once you’re diabetic it’s gonna

affect four main cells in the body

I can it take take a guess we’re getting

technical here oh yeah four cells yeah

like great brain cell liver cell okay

you’re getting close the retina I was

actually I was gonna say that next yeah

the retina and that’s why a diabetic

goes blind eventually oh yeah retina the

next cell effects is the nerves

specifically the peripheral nerves which

is the fingertips and the toes and the

bottom of the feet

that’s why diabetic they have numbness

tingling and burning mm-hmm guess what

happens after that the nerves are dying

you get something called gangrene okay

let’s literally the rotting of your your

toes and then the feet you have to chop

that off oh yeah these are just the

effects of people mystic we’re trying to

increase the awareness right I know

those are two cells okay the next cell

is the inner lining on the artery okay

and don’t feel yourself that endothelial

cells yeah it creates inflammation and

literally holes on those cells so that’s

when the cholesterol comes in the

calcium comes in and it starts building

the clot heart attack stroke as a side

effect of the diabetes okay sugar okay

we’ve got three right OH Gretna

peripheral nurse heart or arteries and

next one is the kidney cell I was gonna

say that no your I was actually gonna

say that I would have I would have

gotten one right I picked that up so I

mean the long-term effects of diabetes

is you’re on kidney dialysis I mean it’s

pretty bad you got to go to the center

and get your kidneys filter I think it’s

every day or every other day or

something like that but it’s terrible

it’s just like you’re constantly it’s

painful and there is some miserable

thing okay so that’s a horrible life

yeah that is a horrible life in a

horrible future and how many kids

one out of every four child and it’s

raising two okay answer getting worse

over time so okay so I get it that’s the

good news that is the bad news now

here’s the thing is if it’s it’s not you

know environmental it’s got to do with

what people put into their bodies that’s

totally controllable so this is where

you come in right so so the reason I’m

not ready recommending everyone good at

the American Diabetes Association

website because if you look at their

website they’re allowing people to have

a lot more sugar than they should have

so they’re not there in our opinion

right that’s our opinion because the

link between so-called science and

diabetes they still don’t know what

caused it

it’s obvious to us but of course there’s

a lot of funding for these institutions

so they can’t come out and really say it

but the point is that you the consumer

can start controlling the amount of

sugar that goes in your body and we see

it in all these testimonials and all

these Skype testimonials and videos

we’re not claiming it we’re just

reporting what people are telling us

these are the conditions I had I did

intermittent fasting I did ketogenic

diet and I got rid of all the sugar and

now these are my body statistics you

know especially for belly fat I mean the

the short-term symptoms of insulin

resistance is you get tired after you

eat you have to take a nap that was me

right always now secondly is you get

craving for carbs okay that’s a big one

you have urination problems at night

you’re getting up urinating you have

brain fog vision problems okay that’s

the short-term effects long-term effects

belly fat stroke fatty liver Alzheimer’s

dementia man other than that you’re

perfectly fine

but more terrible I wanted to bring up

was I had a black blood sugar problem

and I just wanted to have Karen you did

I not have a blood sugar problem or did

I have a picture think you’ve clearly

stated you already did but yes you did

in my 20s yes it was so bad I had to

come home take a nap the inside the eyes

are all like they felt like sand a

bloodshot I mean I went out for years

hmm I was exhausted yeah I don’t know

what it was we tried everything I was

doing cleanses your candles what a detox

is nothing working I’d still have a

photo of him with this ear Kendall

actually they pulled out I could

probably I could probably make some

money off of that you probably couldn’t

really get it’s the next trend but the

other thing too is uh what about the

juice I was doing juiced I was doing ice

cream and you sing also purchase you did

a lot of juicing we tried everything

remember I mean certain diets worked for

certain people

we have strong opinion on things

obviously because it’s what’s being

forwarded on our Channel

but remember when we were just eating

vegetables okay now I don’t know some

people love this I’m gonna say I don’t

want to upset anybody in any way a lot

of people feel great eating vegetables

we did this and I was bruising I don’t

even know what I was such I was bruising

my hair was falling out he was feeling

horrible certain people need animal

protein yeah we definitely needed animal


yeah well we would be I was it was so

bad everywhere we would go I would I was

in San Diego driving down the street and

I said head Karen it says a yellow

building says the health house so Micah

members that house like let’s go maybe

they can help me that was the opposite

these people were the opposite it was

like raw milk and meat right so we know

we weren’t feeling great so we said okay

we’ll try this so that had its own you

that had its own things but we

immediately felt better every health

food store we go in there come out with

another remedy I was trying everything

was I’m not trying and I think when we

were doing the vegetable thing it wasn’t

just that we were eating vegetables real

a lot of pasta at the time and I think

that probably was our big issue with

feeling so crappy it wasn’t that we were

having great big salads and getting very

creative we’re doing a lot of beans and

a lot of pasta and a lot of rice and a

lot of those things

arthritis my fingers down my spine I

mean that’s really what drove me to

research health and then become almost

obsessed about it just teaching it

learning it and I’ve been studying it a

little bit here and there kind of

dabbling in it ever since completely

completely obsessed but hey we’re the

beneficiaries of that that’s right so do

it right so I’m live so I’m like I don’t

read fiction or nonfiction basically

what do I read greatness physiology for

fun all things about the the cell of the

mitochondria the latest hot novel on

mitochondria it’s fascinating stuff

someone I’m glad that you are that

interested essential I know I’m glad is

fascinating the affects of this and the

mitochondria and by the way since you

brought that up there’s something very

interesting about you can’t even have

insulin resistance unless the

mitochondria which is Energy Factory in

the cell becomes dysfunctional so in

other words it’s like a pre thing that

happens with the mitochondria if you can

keep your mitochondria strong then you

can prevent insulin resistance I’m gonna

make a t-shirt like that we should have

mitochondria mitochondria that’s strong

right by mitochondria fist but you can’t

ask me how to how do you do how do you

do that that’s a good question oh

we’ll cover the ha no I’ll tell you know

it’s it’s vitamin b1 b1 is protective

against diabetes and insulin resistance

but sugar depletes b1 so if you were to

take like the nutritional yeast you can

actually improve blood sugars and

protect yourself against it guess how

you get a b1 deficiency eating too much

sugar and refined grains right Reds

cereal crackers do yours things waffles

pancakes muffins Donuts don’t know it

depletes b1 so that’s how you’re getting

a depletion and then you set yourself up

for getting to complications of diabetes

griffith neuropathy vision you go blind

gangrene other than that you’ve totally

fine okay so I’m picking up a senior I’m

kind of you know I have all this data

I’m kind of putting it together that

sugar is slightly bad talk to them right

it’s bad so you know so so this is a

little bit of where I come in because

okay I would like to do that you know

you know how I have these like um

partner swapping like celebrity spouse

swap kind of thing I almost want to do a

challenge and and let someone come live

in our house in my shoes for for a week

or two and I know that’s really mean we

used to call him that just because it

got to be sort of like what can we eat

they probably get skinny pretty fast

yeah but but the point is like not

people don’t know how to function in

life about that so really I mean there

are a lot of ways that you can eat but

definitely looking at the sugar in

ingredients is one thing there are a lot

of alternative sweeteners out there that

you can start to play with experiment

with there are gobs I mean we put

recipes out but there’s gobs and gobs of

recipes on the internet and cookbooks

filled with recipes on ideas of food

that you can eat that don’t have sugar

in them that’s right so this is starts

with awareness understanding what sugar

does what it is

and making you aware of what you’re

putting your body without even knowing

it mm-hmm

so again every two weeks one of these so

you’re gonna educate your kids yeah so

that’s really important the whole family

making sure their whole family’s on

board and maybe the whole family isn’t

gonna be on board at first because they

want to have whatever their thing is

that they’re gonna have but that one

person a lot of times it’s the woman of

course who leads the household right and

you get started and make the change and

then just stop buying things stop

bringing things into the house and it’s

a gradient it’s not gonna happen all

overnight right so you have any last

words of wisdom before we end off I am

filled with wisdom but no I I mean this

was cool and good to know about sugar

and all of the medical things the thing

that really hits me hard is to see all

these kids out there that are obese and

that are pre-diabetic I mean it’s it’s

really our responsibility as as parents

and as adults to to fix that so it’s

such an easy thing to do and it’s

unnecessary and I really think I have to

we got to do something about it we’re

gonna do something locally - yeah we’re

gonna start to do something should

actually tell me - I think we’re gonna

film something locally and just help

these kids and parents because I know

parents don’t they don’t want to cause

that effect in their kids they just

don’t know or they’re confused or you

know they’re - well I’m having a ghave

nectar now instead right or and how do

you feel about agave nectar okay since

you brought it up I brought it out do

you have another half-hour

now agave nectar is 97% fructose ok

fructose behaves differently like this

right here is cane sugar sucrose half of

this is glucose and half of is fructose

all you need to know is that the

fructose is the really really bad sugar

for your

liver because in your cells you’re just

picking up glucose for it you can’t pick

up fructose so everything is shunted to

the liver and your livers like freaking

out because you’re doing this every two

weeks and everything is that has to be

converted over to liver fat fat around

the organs and fatty arteries and all

sorts of inflammatory conditions so

fructose is the real deadly one that’s

creating if you have belly fat or a

liver roll which is underneath the

ribcage we know it’s probably from

fructose and it’s your livers body so so

God yes sure is just off fructose so

they say it’s low glycemic yeah it might

be but it’s gonna create the same

problem just a different pathway okay

okay okay on that note yeah well we’ll

see you guys next time okay thanks for

coming out right

you too thanks for coming out you’re
