Reason Why You Feel So Irritable on Keto ? – Dr. Berg on Mood Swings & Ketosis | DrEricBergDC

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hi dr. Burke here we’re going to answer

the question are you irritable on your

intimate fasting program do you get

grouchy are you Eddie you get tired do

you get a headache so let’s talk about

why that is when you initially start in

a minute fasting you’re relying on your

sugar fuel initially and then you’re

going to switch over to fat burning so

the goal is to get you in a state of

running on your own fat fuel which is a

lot more stable but initially before the

transition you’re going to have to adapt

to it okay in your liver in your muscle

you have the stored sugar and that’s

stored glucose add something called

glycogen so it’s a glycogen reserve you

don’t have a lot of it and you run out

of it pretty quickly so you here you are

eating you spike your sugar and then you

run out of the storage sugar and you end

up with low blood sugar and that’s why

you have these symptoms so what we’re

trying to do is trying to switch over to

fat-burning where now we don’t end up

with this low glycogen reserve because

we don’t have to rely on the store sugar

we don’t have to tap into the stored

sugar we’re just running on we’re just

having like a switch turn right into

your fat reserve like that that’s the

goal but here’s some here’s some

mistakes that a lot of people make when

they start doing this okay they just

have a little bit of carb a little bit

of fruit half a banana a little juice a

little piece of chocolate ketchup a

little bread you know a little apple

when they’re trying to do intermittent

fasting that is going to completely

nullify and destroy in a minute fasting

when you’re doing intimate fasting

you’ve got to do this correctly as far

as what you eat at the meal that’s why I

recommend a keto within a minute fasting

so that meal or even any snacks that

you’re doing what you shouldn’t be doing

should not even consume even a little

bit of the wrong thing like let’s say

you’re eating like some dates or popcorn

now if you do that just realize it’s

going to throw you off for probably a

day so I don’t know if you knew they’re

not but yeah it’s got a while it’s not

going to be just like a simple thing now

as you start adapting to them and

fasting and you’re really in fat-burning

your system is going to be when you go

off the program you might feel it a lot

more because your body is so used to now

burning fat and then when you switch to

sugar burning it just completely throws

you off for example when I was recently

going to do our manufacturing for this

ice cream that I’m going to create and

it was a disaster I’ll tell you the

story but we go out there and they

already have their line of grain of

course we’re going to do ours which is

zero sugar and theirs is not zero sugar

it’s a lot of sugar so of course he

wanted me to sample some of this summers

ice cream and I didn’t want to say no so

I I just had a little bit like the

smallest bit of sugar and I’ve been so

clean for so long that sugar I just

could physically feel the sugar going up

tired need to take a nap in the car and

then it dropped down I’m like wow I’m

now I’m like hungry and I’m feeling my

blood sugar so it’s so when you start

doing this and you start getting clean

you are going to feel the effects of low

blood sugar a lot more than you did

before I’m sorry about that but that’s

going to happen so you don’t want to

just do a little bit of alcohol

chocolate bread ketchup because it’s

going to throw you off or I’ll longer a

period of time than you might think

now some of your watching is going well

that that’s impossible I can’t do it

well it’s fine go ahead and do it but

just don’t be surprised if you have

these reactions just realize okay I

screwed up for a day I don’t really care

I’m going to I’m going to start Monday

right also when you do this to make this

transition smooth in order to switch

over faster you need more potassium so

you need those big salads huge salads

more vegetables you need that without

that it’s going to be really hard to

make the transition you also need the

vitamins nutritional yeast very

important also if you think you’re going

to do like a low-fat protein for your

the steak and a vegetable that’s not

going to cut it why

is not enough fat the fat is necessary

especially in the beginning to get you

go from this meal to this meal without

the blood sugar issue okay so if you go

low-fat you’re going to be like you know

I’m hungry an hour later not working so

make sure that when you even you know

you do meet make sure you do the fattier

portion don’t go go fat I think but add

some fat in there especially in the

beginning vital okay next thing is that

don’t try to go into this too fast don’t

go right to one meal a day or two meal a

day do three meal for a while gradually

start pushing the second meal in the

morning closer and closer to lunch to

the point where you can drop out but you

got to do this gradual at your own pace

especially if you had diabetes or really


insulin resistance before this before

you started and then the other thing is

uh if your sleep is off let’s say you’re

traveling and you have jet lag or your

stress is high both of those factors are

going to make it even more difficult so

just realize those can throw you off do

what you can to get a nap but the sleeps

off and the stress is high that will

throw off the blood sugars to do what

you can to go for long walks and kind of

overcompensate alright thanks for

watching hi guys hey listen I created a

pretty amazing evaluation quiz down

below that actually analyzes your

symptoms to find the cause the root

cause of all of your symptoms the most

likely cause so take the quiz now and

we’ll send you report