What is Ovary Body Type? - Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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now the next body type is the old ovary

body type this is it right here see this

body type look where they gained the

weight lower part and the hips thighs

that’s estrogen dominance take awhile to

guess why you don’t see very many men

that look like that they don’t have

ovaries very good so the ovary will up

produce too much estrogen the estrogen

makes fat around the superficial from

here down it will also make your arms

get big and the breasts get big I had

one patient

she was so estrogen dominant she became

a size H I didn’t even know it goes that

high I thought D double triple D was the

highest let’s see a b c d e f g h yeah

that’s estrogen dominance how do you

know if your estrogen dominant if you

look like that and also you have heavy

periods cramping PMS all that guess what

that’s going to do it’s going to make a

fibroid I see so many women fibroids its

estrogen dominance so what’s the


cut it out I mean they’re not doing

anything there are foods you can eat

right now that will balance estrogen

it’s called the cruciferous vegetable

cruciferous vegetables are like kale

broccoli brussel sprouts cabbage all the

foods that no one eats those are very

estrogen they’d clean up the estrogen

they balance it and the chemicals thank

goodness we have those foods in our diet

if we ever eat them but mainly people

cook the heck out of them nothing so

estrogen dominant will cause anything

wrong with this cycle heavy periods

headaches that time of the month

cravings that time of the month

PMS how many of you know people that are

PMS okay I can see the husbands are not

like they’re like

so you have all these different issues

that happen that time of the month if

it’s cyclic because the hormones go on

waves just like all these circadian

waves fertility infertility because

estrogen you know it’s really amazing

things you have this estrogen dominant

patient and guess what they give them

birth control pills but the it’s the

exact opposite thing you’re going to put

it more in estrogen dominance what food

should they stay away from soy why

because soy is very estrogenic and the

soy that’s in America is not the same

that’s another place it’s not fermented

it’s like it’s just soy powder soy

protein isolates what does that do it’s

going to grow tumors in your liver and

your in your where else in the ovaries

and the uterus it’ll grow tumors it’s

very trimmer producing yeah I see it all

the time there were even some men that

came in they were drinking so much so

amount they sort of lactating that was

enough for me to cut it completely out

of diet but there’s estrogen is very

very bad for the liver and it’s hairy

it’s in almost lot it’s in a lot of

foods isn’t it it’s genetically modified

it’s almost hundred percent genetic you

modified in the US and that means they

alter the structure so there’s a lot of

unknowns right now there’s no studies so

the you know doesn’t have to be on the

label to to be genetically modified they

could just stick it in there so you have

a soy it’s in also in a lot of

prepackaged foods a lot of diets yeah

isn’t it interesting the stuff that

causes estrogen is energized why did I

use it because it’s so cheap it’s so


I made a kale shake with I was going to

put some protein and the guy that was

helping me develop the for Mesa so you

got to put some soy and it’s really

cheap like what I’m not going to put

that in there that’s going to like kill

people so I put spirulina that’s like

that’s vegetate a vegetable sea

vegetable so it has some egg white

organic egg white and kale but the point

is that you don’t want to do a lot of

estrogen with that because it want to

make sure if they’re doing meats and


they have organic hormone-free this body

type craves dairy they like ice cream

cheese yogurt it’s while they’re trying

to get some hormones in there to try to

balance something because they’re out of

balance and will never work though so

they have a lot of issues with that

and then when they get to be age 52 the

ovaries stop working okay but guess what

you have a backup organ here’s the

ovaries the adrenals are little

triangles on top of the kidney these

start doing the work so now if the

adrenal glands are weak going into

menopause you’re going to overload those

things and now this is going to do all

the work and so now you’re going to have

all sorts of problems with hot flash

flashes night sweats okay does anyone

have a hot flash okay so hot flashes are

basically a short circuit in the

electrical system of your body that’s

kind of like it’s blowing that heat

right there someone’s having a hot flash

right now so that would be hot flashes

so this body type ends up looking like

this body type after menopause so what

am I trying to tell you I’m trying to

give you a clue that you better do

something now before it’s too late now

some of you in your mind you’re thinking

wow I’m a mixed body type

I’m everything right you always have a

primary too much estrogen will block the

thyroid that’s why when you get pregnant

you might end up with a thyroid problem

because the excess estrogen will block

this and then create all sorts of

problems many many borderline thyroid

cases need to take that red medication

when the pregnant because of the spike

of estrogen so all these things work

together if the liver is bad which we’re

going to get to next

your thyroid can’t work the your thyroid

needs that liver to convert like eighty

percent of all the activation of that


courser you liver so I had a lady she

came in she did the wrong diet for her

body type she did the high protein diet

okay she was a liver type liver types

should not do high protein diets okay

what happened she lost weight but she

also lost all of her hair

well she had two gray hairs she had a

wig a very nice wig um and she came in

and she said doctor we gotta help me I’m

like okay what’s going on she goes look

at Shh okay yes we need we need to work

on that

so I said um what happened to you she

goes I just did this diet I lost all my

hair I said bingo you mess with your

liver and then the block the thyroid now

here’s the problem she was going to she

was she was gonna get married okay

her husband future husband had no clue

she was completely bald okay that’s the

situation when she would it’s like it’s

it’s like the honeymoon night um honey

now that were married um surprise like

and then he pulls off his toupee I think

there was like a movie where you can

pull off your arm and your leg so I

worked on her I do a technique which

which works on old stress it’s an

acupressure not puncture and we worked

on her and worked on the liver and she

got her hair back in three weeks tiny

little hair she came back she was real

happy got married never told them went

great yeah so these hormones have

dominating things dominating power to do

certain things we when you actually age

when you go from 20s 30s 40s 50s okay

hormones change metabolism slows down

would you agree with that you can’t keep

doing the same thing with the calorie

counting you have to look at the

hormones in relationship to the

triggering of the fat burning hormones

I’m going to show you something before I

get to the next body type real fast

hormones there are three dominating


that if present in small amounts will

completely block and cancel all the fat

burning hormones okay in other words you

have two things you have things that you

should avoid and you have things that

you should do the things that you should

avoid are much much much much more

important than the things that you

should do it’s the little step okay so

let’s take this one the first one is

called insulin insulin is a hormone that

regulates sugar it decreases sugar it’s

triggered by sugar so every time you eat

sugar it spikes the insulin okay you

become a diabetic and then sugar goes

high it doesn’t go down so you have to

take insulin in the presence of just a

little tiny bit of insulin it can cancel

out and completely destroy all the good

stuff that you did so let’s just make

this real let’s take a cookie 80

calories you can walk that off in about

a mile but the sugar in that one cookie

will will block that burning for 72

hours if you have a slow metabolism like

most people do a half a glass of orange

juice a glass of wine unless dr. oz told

you do it which I’m just being sarcastic

because like wine is alcohol sugar it’s

like it’s going to completely block you

so we got insulin right it’s the little

stuff that’s going to really mess you up

so we have to we have to give you

substitutes for the thing you credit I

already know a habit is almost

impossible to break so we don’t want to

take all the pleasure away from you in

life we want to tweak it so there’s

things you can eat brownies for example

that have no sugar and no flour and you

can eat those you just have to know how

to make them and we have the recipes

we’re giving you and you can actually

have it in the refrigerator and go for

that every night or when you when you

like that number two cortisol too much

cortisol that’s the stress you’re not

going to lose weight and that how do you

get rid of stress sleeping walking I

teach people to do an acupressure

technique which basically pulls the

stress that you do it before bed and you

just get into a good sleep and it

extracts the old stress

so cortisol will block fat-burning

that’s why you have like when you have

physical trauma and then you have losses

loss of a loved one or divorce whatever

that will hit the drain a thousand times

harder than a physical trauma that’s why

you have people that like after like

this major event they’re just like they

never recover that’s why you get

autoimmune diseases like lupus MS they

all come after losses okay so then we

have the last hormone that makes you fat

is called estrogen remember all this

hidden sources of estrogen it’s in the

hormones in Europe people are thinner

than Americans in America we got girls

going to the menstrual cycle out earlier

larger breasts kids are fatter you might

say it’s a lot of different things but I

think the hormones are really messing us

up if you now do you guys realize that

turkeys are fed hormones that’s why

they’re bigger they’re huge right they

can grow and fast if you consume the

turkey that’s been injected with a

hormone is it possible that some of that

residue can get in your body if it makes

a turkey a Butterball turkey

is it possible to make a butter ball out

of you a Butterball turkey idea welcome

to America you’re in the wrong country

at the wrong time so some of these poor

countries they’re really rich in

nutrients but they come here and they

just get that I see it all the time they

move to America I’m like you doing fine

till you moved here welcome to Virginia

so we have to eat and understand how to

fortify our hormones okay