How to Increase Blood Oxygen Levels Using Nutrition – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys dr. Berg here in this short

video we’re going to talk about the

three factors that affect oxygen and

their nutritional factors okay in the

body so what happens is we have this

condition called acidosis that’s

different than alkalosis it means your

body’s too acid so the ph is too low and

we’re talking about in the blood

normally the blood pH should be slightly

alkaline and what happens is the pH goes

slightly too low okay so we’re just

talking to small little variations so

when your body is too acid your

breathing is going to be off you’re

going to be like you’re going to sigh

frequently you’re going to kind of go

just can’t get enough air it’s air

hunger that’s one of the big symptoms

all right so what do you do basically

very simple you take calcium magnesium

take it before bed take a little calcium

magnesium boom correct the pH the way

you get this condition is actually being

in ketosis for a period of time now it’s

not a bad thing to be in ketosis because

you’re burning fat but ketones are

acidic so you always have to offset it

by eating more calcium magnesium what I

do I consume so much vegetable that I

don’t have a problem with a loss of

calcium okay or I might do some cheese

on a regular basis at night but just

realize if you’re breathing soft you

need to alkalize your body with alkaline

minerals vegetables or calcium I’m using

would be the best thing all right

another way to know that you need

calcium is or magnesium is if you have

cramps and your cats okay so that’s

acidosis secondly vitamin C deficiencies

vitamin C is stored in your adrenal

glands and vitamin C allows your body to

hold oxygen in the body longer and

better and so with the vitamin C

deficiency you won’t be able to hold

your breath very long okay you will not

be able to you’re going to get out of

breath when you climb stairs fast your

muscles will fatigue faster without

vitamin C especially if you’re going up

in kind like your legs are heavier but

mainly you can’t hold your breath for a


time that’s adrenal problem but see the

adrenal stores vitamin C so you just

don’t have enough vitamin C to store it

so it drops out and you have oxygen

problems mainly shows up incline walking

up stairs out of breath you know that

type of thing all right just make sure

that when you take vitamin C you always

take it from a food concentrate don’t

take it from some synthetic pill because

the type of vitamin C you’re getting

from synthetics are just ascorbic acid

and that’s just one little piece of the

vitamin C complex you need the whole

vitamin C complex so I like to get it

from food base a good source would be

the wheatgrass juice powder that

actually provides the full vitamin C

complex then we get to vitamin E vitamin

E deficiencies will create problems with

high altitude breathing problems at the

top of every mountain top you will see

empty bottles of vitamin E because

mountain climbers consume a lot of

vitamin E to help them climb higher and

be able to survive at higher altitude so

if you’re deficient in vitamin E the

muscle tissue in your heart will demand

so much more oxygen you’ll start getting

cramping of the muscles in the heart and

so like angina pain chest pain is really

a vitamin E deficiency so vitamin E

provides the oxygen to the muscle tissue

if you’re if you have muscle damage from

an injury you need vitamin E so vitamin

E is really important in recovering

muscle tissue and increasing oxygenation

of the muscle itself and the heart all

right where do you get vitamin E you get

it from raw nuts you get it from the

vegetables you get it from avocados okay

that’s what you get you get it from a

lot of them you can get it from

basically seeds nuts vegetables things

like that alright so those are the three

factors that you want to look at if you

want to increase your oxygen carrying

capacity and I will see you in the next
