Leptin Resistance is Behind a Weakened Immune System | DrEricBergDC

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hey everyone today i have another

special guest

ivor cummins is here welcome i iver how

you doing

hey eric great to see you again good

seeing you too

so uh ivor has been to both of my

summits the keto summit and he always


incredible information he’s an expert in

cholesterol cardiovascular health and


calcium in the arteries which he is

going to be talking about but

so so there’s also a relationship


um the risk factors for this uh

situation that we’re in right now uh

maybe you wanna

mention that or talk about that

yeah eric i’ve actually the last few

weeks i’ve kind of diverted my attention

from cardiovascular and metabolic and

all the usual stuff to this big issue

and um partly because i’m fascinated

it’s it’s an absolutely fascinating


and tragic one for many people of course

we won’t forget that

uh but also because the world out there

is so focused on it that right now

is probably not the perfect time to be

doing my

usual stuff because there’s such a

hunger to know more about this and i’m

very well positioned to decode

the science for people so i’ve been

doing a lot of work on it

and yeah as you just said i mean the

risk factors for corona it’s so

striking hypertension cardiovascular

disease copd

all the classic signs of insulin

resistance or leptin

resistance syndrome which is an epidemic

in our modern world

and we saw that from the china data at

the very start i picked up on it

way back and i said wow this is hitting

the very people

that the heart disease hits right it’s

the same people the same metabolic

issues fascinating fascinating um you

know for those people that don’t know

um see you’re an engineer and i assume

like i think

electrical engineer but no it’s a

biochemical engineer

biochemical yeah which is a completely


uh animal because you have to know

chemistry and biology

and all this stuff so you can read the

research and understand it and pull


and which is very very interesting so i

just want to make that

note which is important yeah

you do need the expertise now that was

my primary degree and then i spent

a couple of decades slightly different


but you never really forget and

interestingly in college doing


the biochemistry classes in the in the

various years

they were the ones that were my most


they could because they were fascinating

you know we did genetics we did all of


citric acid cycle all metabolism and

we actually did a lot of that stuff

fascinating but then my

my job i didn’t really use it much but

many years later of course eight years

ago when i had

poor blood test results i had to go back

in and research

and answer the questions so it’s been

great to go back to it yeah

oh that’s great yeah so the uh risk


for um the colbit you have um

uh high blood pressure is a tablet list

cardiovascular obesity

diabetes insulin resistance

i mean that all just comes down to this

insulin resistance thing

it does exactly and copd as well but

that’s largely connected too

so the orthodoxy or

the establishment is seeing these as all

these different things but of course you

and i know

they all go back to the same roots of

insulin resistance

and maybe a little thing to add as well

is leptin

resistance so way back at the start of

this whole issue i

interviewed dr ron rosedale he’s kind of

a genius i think

and he’s stuck in india where he works

to help with their diabetes epidemic

and obesity epidemic and he was the guy

who actually originally 25

30 years ago he discovered the crucial

nature of

insulin and measuring insulin and leptin

another hormone

and he actually worked out originally


of course the atkins diet the keto diet

is correct

a no-brainer because you keep your

insulin and leptin low

and you keep your glucose low and that

is the best thing for long life and


but he went through with me in a full

hour-long podcast

how leptin resistance for which is kind

of the same as insulin resistant to

anyone listening

leptin resistance is the kind of

core part of a poor immune function

and without going into detail he went

through how leptin

not only when your leptin signaling is


when you’re insulin resistant which are

leptin signaling being disruptive

completely undermines your immune system

and all of the processes that cause the

issues with this virus

and leptin is even actively involved in

the immune system it’s part of your

immune response

and if you’ve disrupted that signaling

because you’ve become overweight and

insulin resistant

leptin cannot do its immune function job


so again without going into the weeds

it’s so intimately connected

now aren’t people um they’re associating

leptin with

hunger appetite right

yeah so leptin is a fat cell hormone but

it’s also

excreted and used in many other places

but generally leptin is part of your

appetite control system

and if you eat and your fat cells you

know expand

the leptin signal tells you long term

that you’re getting enough food and it

reduces your appetite

the tragedy is if you become leptin


the system doesn’t hear the signal


and then the appetite is not controlled

so it’s very like insulin resistance

but also there’s one special challenge

which is a corner case very interesting

that sometimes people who are middle

aged particularly females

when they actually lose a lot of weight

and they lose a lot of fat cells

they become low leptin which is very


low leptin is healthy but sometimes the

lower leptin

tends to trigger a little bit of


and that and that can make it hard for

people who’ve lost weight who hit a


you know they’re lower leptin now and it

tends to keep the appetite triggered

so you just need to learn to understand

that and

and overcome it but yeah now the things

that uh

correct or improve insulin resistance

they’re the same things that

improve the leptin absolutely for the

person in the street so to speak

the beauty of it is if you want to get

into the science that’s great but leptin


insulin resistance there’s no real

separation in terms of what you do

to stop them happening or what you do to

make them worse

they’re really tight at the at the hip

now is there any relationship between um

the metabolic syndrome issues

and uh ace2 inhibitors

ah the ace2 inhibitors yeah so

dr rosedale actually went through that

in some detail

a lot of people think that maybe the

ace2 inhibitors

the drugs are causing maybe the higher


and what dr rosedale pointed out was

that’s not necessarily the case that

your ace receptors they’re actually


just because there’s more of them

doesn’t mean necessarily

that you’ll draw in more virus

there were studies he quoted so i think


it’s a bit simplistic to say that

the drugs for hypertension are causing

more ace receptors and bringing in the


i think what is probably more likely is

the kinds of people who are on those


they suffer from insulin and leptin

resistance right they’re given to people

with hypertension

and most hypertension is undiagnosed

insulin resistance

so the drugs associate the blood

pressure drugs associate with worse

outcomes but but it’s really confounded

i think

it’s just that they give the drugs to


overwhelmingly and people with


and it’s really those people’s metabolic


that’s really linking to the worse

outcomes and and the

challenges wow so when you talk to this


doctor did he uh mention

the susceptibility goes up when you um

for um when you have leptin resistance

and then the immune system goes down and

then the virus could

potentially take over is that was that

the connection or

yeah absolutely that uh leptin

resistance like insulin resistance

it’s like a smelly room you no longer

kind of

smell after a while in the smelly room

and when your body is

subjected to high leptin and high


you can your body no longer hears the

signals and that’s when things go crazy

he also stressed that the leptin itself

is a part of the immune system response

a very

very direct part and in fact

il-6 which they’re all talking about


because this issue this virus causes a

cytokine storm

or it causes your immune system to send


a whole load of attack vehicles right to


the virus attack cells with the virus

but what actually happens that hurts


is your own immune system goes overboard

and ends up killing a lot of other cells

and basically bringing it down down the


and ron had a great way of describing it

he said your immune system is very

powerful but

what happens with this virus is your

immune system comes out with all these

cytokines like machine guns

you know shock and awe and firing all

over the place

and sure they kill cells with the virus

and they kill the virus

but they kill a lot of other stuff too

including the person

so leptin he described as a very

important part of

modulating or controlling that response

and when you’re leptin resistant not

only does it stop your immune system

doing what it should do properly but it


fails to control your immune system from

doing what it shouldn’t do

so on every side of this leptin


sits at the seat yeah off the modern

population susceptibility

and if we were all insulin sensitive and

leptin sensitive

at a rough guess we’d probably have 10

times less

impact from this and people might not be

aware but worldwide

or in europe this virus is looking like

it will cause around three times

more excess deaths than the 2018 flu


so the 2018 flu season if you look up

the all-cause mortality in europe

caused around 180 000 extra deaths

um in the peak of the winter in 18

in 700 million people in europe so 180

000 currently corona has caused around


000 extra deaths so it’s not too much

higher than 18

and the way the curves are going where

the deaths are coming down now in nearly

all countries

it looks like it might be three times

worse than 2018 flu

so just to put things in perspective

that’s the way it looks

and of course if it was 10 times less


no one would notice just like in 18.

right exactly um when we talk about the

cytokine storm we’re talking about an


uh situation where you have these

cytokines which are um the ones we’re

talking about are

there’s two different there’s like

community cytokines have several

um functions one is a communication

signaling the other is a yeah pro and


when we’re talking about the

inflammatory ones that go in there and

just create all the damage so your

immune system is creating the damage

um and i think that um you also have on


innate part of the immune system now i’m

sorry the adaptive

you have the t regulatory

cells and those t they’re like to

suppress ourselves they’re the

the firemen that can put out the fire

but they get weak

so sometimes people think it’s an

overreacting immune system like it’s a

a real strong immune system but actually

it’s weak because

they’re out of balance we don’t have

this buffer we don’t have the brake pads

it’s all accelerator

and then the body just starts to go down

from there

now is there any relationship because we

know that vitamin d

obviously suppresses the cytokines and

it also

improves these t regulatory cells is

there any relationship between vitamin d


leptin or there

there is and again it could get

complicated here but

the recent studies from vitamin d are

fascinating and actually i think you had

a youtube video on one of them the other

day with the 780 people the indonesian

one yeah

yeah yeah so these are

incredible because one came out with

around 230 people i think from the


very interesting but very early and then

the indonesian one with 780 people

and that was fantastic because when

people get older

they tend to have lower d so maybe it’s

just that they were older people got

worse outcomes

but those guys corrected for age

statistically and they corrected

for sex and corrected for comorbidities

or other illnesses

so that study was stunning but the long

story is there’s four studies now but

the upshot of it is

four studies out on humans on corona and

vitamin d

and rough and tough if you’re below 30

nanograms which is my rule i like to be

at 45 but

below 30 is where i’d worry below 30

people have

10 times the risk of of severe outcome

or death

from this virus now to put things in

perspective for people

the who told us that meat might cause


based on their studies which showed me

was maybe 1.1 times more likely

for you to have cancer which is a joke

if you’re below

two times or double the risk the study

is a joke really

but this is 10 times and the link to

leptin is that

the thing about vitamin d is you can be

low on vitamin d

and it can cause the problems with the

immune system like not modulating or

controlling it and many other things

but the other thing vitamin d is is a

master marker

because if your leptin are insulin

resistant obese

with dysfunctional visceral fat

low low adiponectin all these things

around the metabolic disease that we’re

always talking about that keto

fixes well people in that bad state

it drives down your d status

so interestingly you can certainly push

up your d with supplements but some

people who are inflamed in

that state they really need to fix their

diet and get

sunshine and fresh air and get healthy

because some people the supplements find

it very hard to rise their vitamin d

but if they start eating the right thing

doing the right stuff

their vitamin d can rise even if they

don’t really have supplements

so people need to know it’s a two-hander

there’s lots of things that drive low

vitamin d

in that blood test one of them is not

having enough d

you know get your supplements in the

winter get your sun

but the other thing is that d is marker

telling you

you may have an inflammatory problem so

it’s a great marker for all the leptin

resistance and stuff we were talking


fascinating you also have the fatter you

are the more

difficult it is to convert and absorb

the vitamin d through the skin so you

have that

and then you have um i mean for those of

you that haven’t

seen this video um they put people in i

guess it was three groups

and the group that had normal amounts of

vitamin d

i think the mortality rate was four

percent and the one that was

uh insufficient of vitamin d

the mortality rate was 88 the one that

was deficient

in vitamin d had a mortality rate what

was it 99

i’m like that’s close to that

so it’s that’s significant

it was stunning because you know i i

always have enemies on twitter you know

the anti-low-carb anti-keto

pro-statin crew you know and i’m always

arguing with them and it’s it’s okay

but they came out against me for

promoting and explaining and describing

these studies

and they don’t like them and they said

they’re associational so yes they’re not

a placebo

randomized controlled trial where you

give someone more vitamin d

and prove that they have better outcomes

but in associational studies like i


if the risk ratio or risk multiplier you


is less than two times you know that’s

kind of weak

but when it’s 10 times you know

that fulfills the criteria for serious

causality yeah and these are powerful


right oh my gosh it’s incredible um i

know um

this there’s several drugs coming up

there and i know there’s a push to have


double-blinded controlled studies

clinical trials the whole thing right

there’s this big push

and that’s cool that’s very cool and i

think we need to have that

um but my question is will they be doing

that for the vaccine

that’s a that would be interesting

question i highly doubt it

but they should they’re pushing that but


somehow they get out of doing that with

the vaccine because you want these

things safe

so yeah and i think the problem with the

vaccine it’s almost like we have to


ourselves i find it difficult to even

talk about the science i can talk about

statins no problem and cholesterol not

being a cause

all these controversial things no

problem but they’ve created an

environment where if you even talk about

safety and vaccines you get accused of

being what they say

anti-vaxx and the problem is that

that’s the day that science ends when no

one can no longer

speak freely and discuss data and

unfortunately that’s kind of what’s

happened with these vaccines

so my mind is the original vaccines the

measles and all those things from years

ago were pretty

solid as a rock and proven out

it’s just nowadays there’s around 20 new


and my perception is that they’re not

getting the

due diligence and very careful testing

they may be showed

it’s almost like there’s always new ones

and they’re just boom boom boom boom


and it it can be a danger when there’s a


panic even though to be quite honest as

i said it’s three times worse it looks

like than 2018

so it’s not exactly a panic

it shouldn’t be a panic but i think

there’s a feeling of panic

and i hope people don’t cut corners

because there’s a feeling of panic

i think a lot of european countries have


mild lockdowns they’re now coming down

in the number of fatalities

they were overwhelmingly very aged


and people with with medical conditions

they’re not that they’re not

there yeah they’re important too of

course don’t get me wrong

but we have to have a perspective on

this and the curves are coming down

and a dozen european countries are

lifting restrictions

and the summer’s coming in and

interestingly coronavirus family has

been researched

for 30 years and there’s one thing

that’s unique

coronaviruses are highly seasonal and


previous studies have shown coronavirus


to spike in the winter in the northern


and then to disappear in the summer so

we may have really good news if the


makes this corona behave like others if

people the

the debt rates are falling the spread


and there may not be a need for a

vaccine at all

perhaps i think you’re right on that in

fact um i’m going to be releasing

a video on that exact topic um on

temperature and humidity

and how it’s it’s it it’ll start to

actually get better and better

um it’s you know i thought that we’re

supposed to think critically

as long as it’s not critical to certain

groups of science or whatever scientist

um i want to switch gears um a good

friend of yours

uh did a really great movie recently

can you can you tell us a little bit

about that

yeah that’d be great eric because we’re

trying to get the message out there so

this is super

so back to the calcification scan and

just a really quick reminder for people

so again thinking risk ratios if you

have really weird cholesterol you might

be 1.3

times more likely to have a problem but

it’s very noisy

if you have hypertension maybe 1.7 times

more likely to have a heart attack in

the next 10 years

but if you take get a scan a calcium


cac score it sees the calcium and the

inflammation uh caused calcium buildup

in the arteries in your heart in a

five-minute scan

and the amount of that you have that can

be a 10

times risk for a heart attack in the

next 10 years

or even 20 times so this quick 5-minute

scan for 100 bucks

it tells you the truth tells your risk

so what we did in the movie is we got

the heroes of the 1991

uh big final in ireland in irish


so there’s a little bit irish football

in there and we got them now

in their late 50s and we scanned 45 of


and the key thing was that all of them

their doctors said they were fine

there was no need for any treatments

they were all healthy

good to go and we scanned them and we

picked up 9 out of 45 with

super high scores and two or three of

them have since had emergency surgery

based on the scan result which saved

their life

and one even had a heart attack just

before the surgery but luckily he was


but we were able to walk in there and

find that out

and their doctors were shocked you know

so really important this scan it’s


and not just for heavyweight people or


we’ve got tons of toffee or

slim people who are fat inside and the

scan will tell you who’s at risk

but what we did is one guy we picked our


so a few of the guys took measures to

stop their score getting higher over the


and we had great success but i won’t

give away the movie

but our hero we followed patty o’rourke

who’s the captain of one of the teams

back in 91

quite famous in ireland and he said guys

what should i do and guess what eric

everything we said he should do you

would agree with

and it involved eliminating refined

carbohydrates he had to get rid of the

breads the banana breads

you know the cereals and he began to eat

real food

you know meat fish and eggs and real

food and he got

a blood glucose meter and he was

checking himself a few times a day and

keeping a log i mean this guy

did the work and vitamins and minerals

you know magnesium

k2 you know fish oils

he was taking a full set of those

and magnesium potassium i think and at

the end of the year we re-scanned them

and let’s just say it’s a very happy

story he

booked the trend yeah wow in fact we had

three cardiologists as part of the movie

including william wheatbeller

ellie davis and an australian cardio and

a british cardiologist

who’s actually in the movie uh scott


and scott’s quote at the end was you

know this

this is a big disrupter for cardiology

and preventative cardiology and what

we’ve done here in this film

uh opens up a bright new future of

genuine prevention in the coming decades

and i think that’s true so yeah i’m

gonna put a link down below you guys

need to check this movie out

um i’ve heard it’s incredible

um go ahead

oh yeah it’s gonna yeah it’s extra time

movie dot com

and uh absolute super if you can put a

link but it’ll really help us because

this whole issue

our funder and sponsor his business has

been hit really

really bad with this virus issue and you

know it’ll just help us get the message

out if people share it enjoy it

download our stream and uh yeah we put a

year and a half’s work in

and yeah it’d be great if people could

check it out but they’ll also find out a


as well you know it’s not all one way i

just want to tell you guys what he’s


about this uh uh i mean even if you’re

on keto or not on keto

you go to the doctor and they say oh


everything’s fine but your ldl is high

and i hear this all the time even

though i was like ldl is high of course

they’re not measuring the

the uh the particles they’re not

measuring the uh

what type of ldl there’s a couple

different kinds

and when you’re consuming more fat in

the diet you’re going to have

maybe some higher ldl in it but the type

is not the

the small dense type that can invade the

arteries and create inflammatory markers


it’s the large buoyant thing that’s

floating through the uh

the bloodstream and to to know that

you know you can get another test that’s

a little bit more in-depth which i think

is a good idea

um but hands down as far as the

indicators are

predictive um i guess indicator for

cardiovascular actually i think it’s all

all mortality

if i’m not mistaken one of the best

predictors for

all mortality is the cac test right

correct me if i’m yeah for sure and in

fact we saw it yet again

in all our 45 people we did blood tests

and the only things that gave a hint

of the high score high scoring people

was low hdl

maybe high triglycerides kind of


and hba1c which you probably explained

to people before blood sugar

but otherwise the ldl the total


it predicted nothing so we got nine guys

with massive scores

and your your ldl total that they had

you could tell nothing it could be low


noise so the calcium scan bypasses all


guesswork blood tests and goes straight

to do you

have disease what is your risk when the

body uh

is inflamed and that you’re getting

oxidative damage in the arteries the

body’s going to try to heal it with

eventually calcium and it’s a real

simple test i had it done

and it’s very inexpensive and you can

pick up information it’s on a scale

you want it to be zero sometimes it’s

really high sometimes it’s not but from

that score

you can get a lot of information it is

one of the best predictors

of mortality um and so

also if you haven’t if you guys don’t

know about ivor

i’ll put a link on his website as well

because in his youtube channel because

i mean he he has studied this stuff like

forever and yes

he knows pretty much i don’t know anyone

who knows more than him about this topic

uh the calcium that builds up in the

arteries so um

learn more about it and um if you

have a high score there’s tons of


um but the worst thing is having a high

score and not even

getting the test and not even knowing

about it and then being surprised one

day and going

why did it end up in the hospital or

just dying so it is such a

simple cheap test everyone should get it

done but you need to know about what it


yeah great no thanks for that eric

absolutely and you know so many

tragedies vastly higher numbers will die

from chronic disease alzheimer’s heart

disease than our current issue

which will pass and like you say people

will die and they never

had a chance to take action and if you

do get a very high score which means you

have a very high risk

if you intervene and take action with a

lot of what you say eric

and you know vitamins minerals keto get


sugars down insulin down you take action

you can stop that score rising

and after a year or so if you’ve slowed

it down and stopped it going up

that makes you almost as safe as if you

got a zero in the first place

so a high score is not a sentence a high

score just means hey i gotta do all the

right stuff

fix the causes that drove this

progressive disease

and then in a year or two come back and

you find out ah

you know it was going up and up and up

and now you know what it’s slowed down

and that means you’re

really really safe compared to where you

were you know

that’s the key that’s awesome thanks so

much i

appreciate it and then people are going

to really get a lot out of this so

thank you thank you eric thanks