Calcium and Osteoporosis – Calcium Might Cause a Heart Attack – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey this is dr. Berg again in this short

beauty we’re going to talk about calcium

and osteoporosis this is the loss of

bone and there’s another condition

called osteopenia which is the kind of

the precursor or the thing that happens

just before osteoporosis there is a myth

going around that women get osteoporosis

because they’re lacking calcium well the

the big huge trials that were just done

the research on women that take calcium

just found out that the more calcium

they take the more they get heart

attacks especially if they’re

postmenopausal and I’m going to cover

why that is but most osteoporosis is not

a calcium problem per se it is a problem

with cortisol cortisol is a stress

hormone that is made by your adrenal

glands and if your adrenal glands are

overactive and the way that you become

overactive is is especially during

menopause because the adrenals back up

the ovaries during menopause because

they make estrogen so yes estrogen can

affect osteoporosis but just the fact

that the adrenals can’t make up the

difference from what the ovary up when

the ovary was producing before so we

have these weak adrenals you go through

menopause and then you lose your bones

it’s not because you’re not eating

enough calcium it’s because the high

cortisol because the three nails are so

tired they’re failing to back up the

ovaries okay now what happens is when

you have high cortisol it’s very

destructive on the protein in the bone

so you lose protein most of your bonus

protein and it’s very destructive on

calcium as well so you lose calcium lose

protein lose other minerals and you lose

your vitamin D levels I would say most

of the vitamin D deficiencies in the

United States especially in the northern

version because they don’t have as much

Sun is adrenal high cortisol that’s why

we become low low in vitamin D okay

alright so cortisol that’s really what’s

underneath this osteoporosis so this

comes down to

stress stress will cause high cortisol

so I’m not saying live on I go live on a

desert island by yourself I’m just

saying instead of taking calcium start

do things to start to improve the stress

situation change your environment do

things that are less stressful work on

your adrenals nutritionally acupressure

go for long walks there’s a lot of

things you can do for to lower cortisol

so it’s rarely a calcium problem

directly studies have shown that higher

calcium and I will put the studies below

so you can look them up yourselves and

just realize I’m not making this up high

high levels of calcium will double the

chance of getting a heart attack and why

is that why because when you take

calcium calcium needs a transporter

vitamin there are two transporter

vitamins ones vitamin D which transports

the calcium into the blood but there’s

another vitamin called vitamin k2 that

transports calcium from the blood all

the way into the tissues the function of

vitamin k2 is to mobilize the calcium

out of the arteries and on the soft

tissue and put it in the bone vitamin k2

is in a lot of the fats it’s in

grass-fed butter it’s in egg yolks it’s

in goose liver it’s in all the things

that the doctors tell you not to consume

if you have a heart problem right well

we need k2 you can get this in a tablet

form take a hundred micrograms and you

can then also take vitamin d3 I would

take ten thousand international units

together these two together with a

little fish oil may be cod liver oil so

if you took all three these together

this would be very very beneficial to

protect your bones why because this is

going to transport it this will help to

transport it as well and then of course

I’m not telling you not to neglect

cortisol fix this too but these are very

good protective vitamins to help

transport calcium the other thing is

just by lowering cortisol your vitamin

d3 will go up as well but this is very

beneficial now if you already have

osteoporosis you’re going to need to

take some calcium I do not recommend

taking calcium carbonate if you’ve been

taking calcium go get your bottle right

now and look at the label make sure it’s

not calcium carbonate that’s limestone

you’d be better off chewing on the

cement outside it’s just rocks it’s not

going to absorb you need calcium citrate

calcium lactate calcium gluconate all

the different types of calcium but not

carbonate but if you have osteoporosis

you might want to add calcium to this

and that would be your like your your

bone building factors and to prevent the

heart attacks the last point I wanted to

make is that is this many people ask me

like what food can I can I get these

vitamins it’s very difficult to get

vitamin D from food unless you consume

cod liver oil but you can get it from

the Sun so if you go outside ten minutes

a day or 15 you can get 10,000 IU’s so

that way it’s it’s free you don’t to

take it okay but definitely the k2

that’s the one that you want to take

more of to help prevent this and then

again check with your doctor if you have

this I’m not telling you that this is

going to cure your diagnosed this is the

reason why you have osteoporosis but I’m

just giving you some extra data to

present to your doctor so you guys can

figure it out but it takes if you have

osteoporosis it does take a bit of time

to have that be restored it could take

several years because it’s a really a

major problem in the body when you have

osteoporosis your body has been very

very very health wise been way way down

so give it time it’s not going to come

back in two months it’s going to take

probably yours but this will help you

hope you enjoy the video I’ll see you in

the next one