The Dr. Berg Show LIVE - September 1, 2023 | DrEricBergDC

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thank you

welcome back everyone we’re here with

another q a and uh of course I have to

always give this disclaimer anything

that I say uh can’t be

construed as being medical care or a

replacement for your current therapies

so you have to check with the doctor

with any type of medical things because

pretty much


according to the law they’re The

Gatekeepers of your body so anyway

um that being said let’s Jump Right In

absolutely good morning everyone and

we’ve got a great lineup in The Green

Room uh and we’re excited to talk to

them always terrific questions from Dr

Berg which the audience astutely answers

and then of course tons of questions

from social media and we do not


you know gauge anyone more important

than other we love everyone so we try to

kind of stagger it make sure everyone’s

getting some attention so why don’t we

start off with um social media this

morning Jane from YouTube could you

please discuss the cause and treatment

of PBC disease primary uh biliary

cirrhosis if I said that right

yeah and of course

this is just my opinion from a natural

nutritional standpoint what we’re

dealing with is the

you have the gallbladder and you have

this little tube that’s connected from

the gallbladder back up to the liver and

then from the gallbladder comes right

down into the small intestine and

sometimes there’s an infection and it

gets uh scar tissue and then you start

having problems with um the bile flowing

freely through this tube right and so it

can create a lot of problems and it can

back up

um into the liver and create

inflammation and a lot of abdominal pain

and digestive issues

um for that I would I would research and

look at tadka that’s a the type of bile

salt that’s very unique in that it

mimics bare bile so that way you can

keep the bears alive because they make

it synthetically which seems to still

work nicely so um Tut cut is a remedy


helps the flow of bile if there’s sludge

if there’s some obstruction through

those bile ducts so then you can have um

the benefit of bile and the benefit in

your digestive system so you just might

find that there’s less pain there’s less

backup into the liver there’s more

digestion of those fat soluble things as

well as the

the other function of being able to get

rid of the excess cholesterol that can

be in the liver so that’s one of the

purposes of bile but if you look at my

video online on Tucka there’s some I

mean it’s quite it’s magical what it can

do with so many different things so you

can check that out just type type Dr

Bergen Tucka on YouTube all right very

good let’s see if we can help Mandy out

with some suggestions she’s on YouTube

can you suggest any way to address

restless leg syndrome and a burning

sensation in the feet I do take d3k2

natural yeast uh and she probably meant

nutritional yeast and the problem is

with the right leg but both feet are

burning and it’s hard to fall asleep I

bet it is

yeah you know that condition sounds to

me it’s like something like peripheral

neuropathy so hopefully you’re taking

benphotamine okay that that’s for

peripheral neuropathy and it usually

comes with alpha lipoic acid together

those are two um wonderful things for

the nerves

um I don’t know what your diet looks

like but I would I hope you get on keto

and intermittent fasting because

um that would ultimately correct it I

used to have that problem restless leg

syndrome I mean I would get up in the

middle of night and just my legs I just

wake me up little did I know I was

connected to eating all these carbs and

sugars and ice cream every single night

Ben and Jerry’s a quart of ice cream

every night

um for many years and I didn’t think

twice of it until the restless legs

started kicking in

um this is really a problem in the uh

with this um

issue with the depletion of vitamin B1

when you’re taking so many carbs so I’m

glad you’re taking B1 you just might

need to take a lot more of it and then

also change your diet okay so that’s

like even more important


on a rare occasion it could be coming

from an imbalance with magnesium and


so but first try the the low hanging

fruit which is the changing of the diet

and then adding that benphotamine

all right very good wealth as they call

themselves on YouTube I’m on healthy

keto and wonder if it’s okay to eat

chicken an omelette salad vitamin E

complex and drink your electrolyte

formula all in one meal or is it too

much I guess omad is his thing

no I think it’s totally fine that’s

totally fine

um I don’t see any problem with that at

all very good keep it up I’m sure you’re

going to get healthier every day Alina

from YouTube are there any natural

solutions to addressing depression uh

what are your thoughts on that that is a

terrible plague Among Us

you may want you might want to research

and try

um higher amounts of vitamin D3 like

like 30 or even 40 or even 50 000 I use

and just take it all at once and then

wait like three days

four days and then take it again and

that that can help you because think

about during the winter months people

tend to get the blues right why because

they don’t get much sun and that’s the

vitamin D aspect right and also bee out

in the sun as much as you can in nature


um a lowered state of emotion as well

so we have that


and then of course um

that’s from a nutritional angle vitamin

D I think um

the other thing too is I would uh watch

some of my videos on I actually list all

the different potential causes of

depression and one the most common was

vitamin D but you also have a lack of

sleep lack of energy I’ve never found


that has depression and a ton of energy

okay like very energetic it’s usually

they have fatigue so when you fix the uh

the physical part of the body many times

that can influence your mood

um another thing I would do is work on

the your uh probiotics like add more

probiotics uh change your diet get on

less carbs and then see if that doesn’t

help your mood

all right very good well someone’s in a

good mood in London her name is Margaret

and she’s one of our first contestants

if you will and Margaret if you will

unmute yourself I’m going to do the same

thing and you are on with Doc

it was supposed to bring her on ta-da

drum roll there she is Margaret go ahead

we do one question please

go ahead Margaret yes good to see you Dr


nice seeing you


um I

I just want to thank you for all you do


you sort of saved my life I was diabetic

metformin 18 months ago I came across

your site and then I started

kitu and then watching my diet so I’ve

been off both insulin and Metformin but

my sugar level are still a bit High I

can’t get them down all the time they

are still in the double figures

sometimes they go down sometimes they

don’t and recently the doctor said my

LDL is 10.3 and they are concerned so I

just wanted to know

I know you’ve been telling us what we

can do what can I take to reduce both

the to help me with my double figures of

the sugar as well as my cholesterol

so this is just my opinion okay so I

just want to give you my two cents on

that when you’re a diabetic

and even uh you have this uh

this insulin resistance that’s behind

that’s sitting in the background that um

and this is why metformin addresses the

insulin resistance in which actually uh

helps the the cells become more

sensitive to insulin so you can then

have the insulin work a little bit

better on lowering the blood sugars

right now the fact that your blood

sugars are not lowered it tells me that


those receptors still need some more

work okay


something else going on

um especially if you’re not on a high

carb diet you went on low carb and your

sugars are high it doesn’t make sense

does it well there’s something else that

contributes to this that I want to share

and I did a video on it and and it has

to do with um your liver making

sugar okay your liver is making sugar

out of

other things not carbohydrates like

proteins and fats your liver can make

sugar and this is a this happens after

you you get someone on keto and they’re

diabetic they do much better but then

they might have either the dawn

phenomena they wake up the blood sugar

is higher or you just have a harder time

taking this residual sugar so this is a

liver issue and it’s going to take some

time but there’s things you can do to

speed it up all right

um don’t don’t change what you’re doing

just be really strict with what you’re


um but if you add

um berberine okay that will help if you

also add apple cider vinegar that will

help if you add cinnamon

that will help and there’s many other

herbs like

ginseng and turmeric that you can add

that will support the liver I would do

that and then re keep reevaluating and

you should in theory see it starting to

come down normally as that insulin

resistant issue goes away and your liver

starts to heal I will mention that

even though the liver is the most the

toughest organ in the body

sometimes it does take up to three years

to fully heal a damaged liver so give it

more time and this is what we call you

patient in fact uh you have to have

patience Right In fact when you go to

the doctor’s office you have waiting

rooms so you can have patience and wait

and I’m just being very sorry

all right well thank you so much uh


that’s great we’d love to hear back from

you after a period of time and hope that

everything resolves wonderfully for you

it sounds like you’re on the right track

okay let’s go back to social media uh

let’s see Jess from YouTube will a

plant-based diet help reduce fibroids

I don’t know I don’t know I’m not

against a plant-based diet I just think

that it’s more difficult to do keto

because of how you’re going to get your

protein and you have the B12 and you

have the the bioactive forms of zinc and

iron and uh the active form of vitamin A

you know retinol you have all the

precursors there but then where are you

going to get these active forms you can

do it but it’s just more difficult so um

it really depends on what you eat what I

would do is I watch my videos

um on how to do a vegan style Keto


you may have to add more nutrition into

this mix but that that’s what I would

recommend all right very good and I

recommend it it’s time for our first

quiz question there it is Dr Berg


all right dieting is one of the biggest

things that directly causes rebound

weight gain I guess this would be a true

or false right Steve oh uh you know I

guess it is and I’m afraid that must be

my fault not doing this so that’s true

or false does that happen or not and let

me just if there’s any confusion true or

false let me ask it again great true or

false dieting is one of the biggest

things that directly causes a rebound

weight gain

true or false folks all right let’s go

back to uh social media as we wait for

that uh improving one these names the

person’s name is improving one from

YouTube what recommendations would you

make to someone with uh

Vitiligo I guess that’s the skin

condition right that’s a situation where

your your skin you you have this like

almost like a bleaching effect you have


um white spots through the body

um because of lack of melanin and so um

that usually is triggered by some type

of stress response cortisol is involved

because they sometimes they uh people

with a condition called Addison’s has

Vitiligo it’s usually a stress situation

so what I would do if I were you

um most of the research that I found on

this topic relates to research on

vitamin D higher levels in Vitiligo

which addresses

or at least addresses uh in a

significant way autoimmune problems

which that could also be connected so

look at Vitamin A’s you may find a nice

solution with that so test the waters

and I’m really sorry that your your

parents named you that name it must have

been terrible going through school

having you being called uh what was that

Steve let’s see it was improving one and

what if he didn’t improve yeah

I don’t know if your name last name is

one I I wouldn’t have called your first

name improving I know and their second

child improving too is doing very well

so I can see and speaking of people uh

remember we just heard from London from

Margaret but there’s also a lot of folks

listening today from the UK the rest of

the UK Canada Mexico India Jordan South

Africa Sweden Oman turkey Finland Poland

Eritrea Yugoslavia Zambia Uganda Iran

Kurdistan the Virgin Islands Argentina

Egypt Spain Kashmir Hong Kong Belgium

Australia Nigeria Israel Norway Bermuda

Iran Japan Pakistan Trinidad and Tobago

Iran Peru Albania Albania Switzerland

France Tanzania

Brunei hold on my little screen just

flipped up let me grab that thing there

and let’s see uh Iran Japan Pakistan uh

Ireland Peru Albania Switzerland France

Tanzania Brunei now I’m caught up

Croatia Russia Portugal moldovia

Scotland Denmark the Netherlands Nigeria

Chile Armenia Taiwan Bahrain Kurdistan

Thailand Jamaica Nepal United Arab

Emirates Bulgaria Bangladesh Germany and

all across these United States of

America so thanks everybody so much for

tuning in to the show and thanks

everybody so much for answering the

question now again as a point of

confusion this is not a question it’s a

true false true false dieting is one of

the biggest things that can directly

cause weight gain

and the audience uh said 98 of a

respondents say it’s true and two

percent say it’s false

it’s true I mean when I when I did

surveys uh in my practice when I was

practicing I’d ask people all the time

when did you notice you start having a

problem with your weight and and losing

the weight

and then you find out well they just

they tried many times it’s almost like

the more times they died the harder it

is to

lose the weight and that’s mainly

because of the uh the body’s adaptation

to that lower lower calories especially

I mean back I guess definitely back in

the 70s and 80s low calorie diets were

even more popular than they are now but

um you start lowering your calories

and you might actually start

gaining weight over or I mean after

after you get a little bit older so

let’s say you’re in your 20s and all of

a sudden now now you try to diet when

you’re 30s or 40s or 50s

wow that’s going to be a challenge

interesting okay I’m sorry doc stepped

all over I was going to say that

solution to that would be

to not necessarily go on a diet but just

a longer lifestyle change and I don’t

even honestly consider

healthy version of Keto as a diet or

intermittent fasting because that be

that could be something that is just a

natural healthy way of eating you’re

just not eating all these extra

refined carbs and you’re eating

healthily I mean to me that’s like

normal that should be your normal diet

so I don’t know that’s just my opinion

all right well it’s valued around the

world Maria from Facebook I’ve heard

that a lot a lot of opinions speaking of

which that coffee is not good for you

what’s your opinion on uh coffee not

being good for you I know oh well okay

not good for you well I think it’s the

abusive coffee

um some people are sensitive genetically

there’s a certain Gene that helps you

get rid of caffeine in coffee and um

some people just can’t get rid of

caffeine and so they drink coffee they

don’t feel good they don’t sleep good

other people can drink more coffee

coffee does deplete vitamins like

vitamin B1 for sure but um personally um

unfortunately it’s very addicting and I

am I will say I’m addicted to coffee but

I only do one so it’s like

one small little cup which is very tiny

I’ve done videos on it so um

if if you’d ask me

should I start drinking coffee is it

going to give me health benefits I’d say

no don’t start don’t start I don’t even

start I think it’s better if you don’t

drink coffee I don’t think it’s a major

contribute to problems with your bodies

but it’s just something that

um 80 of the population drinks coffee

and I just wouldn’t drink excessive


um that’s my my two cents on and if you

do drink I would drink um organic coffee

because of all the pesticides

interesting for what it’s worth I cold

brew my coffee it’s actually brewed in

the refrigerator heavy cream according

to Dr Berg’s okay and I just love it and

I am a little addictive but I have

slowed down I only have two of those

jugs a day so I guess that’s we could

call that Improvement all right now

let’s see uh James from YouTube I just

got back from Italy which Dr Berg loves

after eating everything

um in sight what is your suggestion for

getting back onto omad and I guess maybe


Keto well stay away from Italy stay away

from all that good food and then you’ll

be okay so that way you don’t have

access to it because it’s it’s

dangerous no I’m just kidding now it’s

uh you could actually do it you can do

the keto version

um but it’s um you have to um there’s

certain keto doctors now that are

are really um going after it in Italy

and helping people have alternative type

things to um the pasta and pizza and

things like that but the point is that

there’s a higher I will say there’s a

much higher quality of food in Italy and

France and other parts of Europe for

sure than America


um and they more than Americans they

stick with the cultural Foods um well we

don’t really have a culture food in

America but


but I think the way to get back on track

is to start with um

uh intermittent fasting and


rip the Band-Aid and Jump Right In don’t

do it gradually and then within probably

a day or two you’ll start doing better

um in fact I even did a video on it you

can watch it because I go through a lot

more information okay well in the South

we do have some traditional foods we

have possum pie and then you can get

some roadkill as a side put some sausage

gravy on top of it and there you go

that’s true that’s true yeah good point

there Steve I have developed some habits

over here okay now the second question

of the day has been properly formatted

and there it is

okay true or false there’s no such thing

as a slow metabolism it’s really a

highly efficient metabolism All Right

audience climb onto that

and let’s see uh hafizer from Facebook

is there a natural way to fix a hiatal

hernia also what’s behind the best way

excuse me what’s the best way to address

bad breath

boy you get slipped into two questions


um well I think the hiatal hernia

originally came from a weakness within

um some of the supporting connective

tissue around

in your abdomen and so in that case uh

you know I there’s a couple things right

a couple things that I I would look at I

would check your vitamin C because

vitamin C deficiency can affect collagen

support and strength the collagen itself

um and the fascia and then also check

the um the acid in the stomach because

many people have hiatal hernia have a

low stomach acid and

they can’t break down the amino acids so

you don’t get the benefit of the

complete amino acids into the tissues so

taking butane hydrochloride maybe five

or six before you eat might just help

you with that in the meantime there’s

some great stretch type acupressure type

treatments you can do for hiatal hernia

and I did videos on that

um but you have to type in Dr Berg

hiatal hernia for many of the topics

that you want to research because


um they’re ranking now more medical

sites uh than alternative sites

um the other other point I was going to

bring up you said bad breath

um that could come from

usually an overgrowth of the wrong

bacteria in your mouth because maybe you

took an antibiotic

um or maybe you’re eating foods that are

are disrupting your Flora

um wheatgrass juice powder can provide

some really good chlorophyll to help


um your body and that seems to help for

any type of like bad odorous type stuff

in your gut that can come up or in your


chlorophyll from the wheatgrass juice

powder and then start taking things like

sauerkraut probiotics

um kimchi and even a probiotic to start

to change the um the ratio of good

bacteria to bad bacteria because usually

it’s a imbalance that’s creating this

bad breath all right very good and by

the way for those of you in the

conundrum are trying to search for Dr

Berg’s video I would we would urge you

to download his free app on Android or

on Apple products and that way you’ll be

able to do some very efficient research

because they are properly labeled and so

on there’s a lot of other good resources

on that app as well okay let’s see why

don’t we go back to the green room again

and this time why don’t we bring in

Anita she’s been smiling through the

whole time very excited I think to be on

very cheerful person let’s see if it’s

true she’s put under the pressure of

being on the air Anita unmute yourself

and you’re on with Dr Berg

hello Dr Berg my family and I are a

great fans awesome

so I have a question it’s in regards to

my daughter so my daughter’s been

suffering from severe headaches for a

few months now and now and now she’s got

pain in the face

um starting on the forehead sinus area

and Jaws

um she had an MRI done a few months ago

and the diagnosis was something on the

pituitary gland on or in the pituitary

gland either a pituitary adenoma or a

rat key syndrome so after we found out

we were doing the intermittent fasting

so my question is would the intermittent

fasting or getting your body to a state

of autophagy has a positive effect on

this and are there any supplements and

natural products that she can use

because the alternative is surgery and I

really don’t want her to go that route

so this is a perfect example of what

people are searching for

on YouTube and internet and

unfortunately that to try to find that

information it’s more and more difficult


it just conflicts with the mainstream

medicine but how old is your child my

daughter is 28. 28. yeah okay I was

thinking maybe like three or four years

old so all right we’re dealing with 28

years old okay so

um the first thing I would do is get

back to the basic eating and on all

these conditions and make sure she’s

doing not just an intermittent fasting

but keto and just see what happens with

that I would highly recommend

um you also watch all my videos on

headaches even no there’s a

tumor on the pituitary even know that

you know many many times that can be

asymptomatic and not even causing that

headache right it could be some of the

other factors I’ll give you just some

random ideas on that um a lot of

headaches come from

digestive problems they come from um

fluorescent lights

um a lack of sodium uh something going

on with your liver I mean there’s this a

whole long list but I would

it’s now that you narrowed it down

um if you if you put her on a product

it’s called pituitrophin PMG from

Standard Process pituitrophin PMG and

she just took like one before bed

uh that may uh support this issue and

I’m not making any claims or guarantees

but it’s just something that supports

it’s something very specific and Taylor

Made to the pituitary gland

um so anytime there’s a problem with

that gland this kind of just gives the


um what it needs to help support it much



the the other thing is that when you

evaluate something like this you know

you really need a lot more information

and digging in and testing and things

like that I don’t have that information

I don’t like things that I would want to

know is um what potentially could have

created that tumor in the first place

was there

severe stress was there a chemical

exposure was there something that might

have triggered that and then because

they don’t that that doesn’t just come

out of the blue there’s something that

causes it so I would look into the

history and then once you have that data

then you could have Clues on what you

can do to bring things Back in Balance


um but that’s what I would recommend

right just from what I have as far as

what you told me

about them how do you how do you spell


I knew you’re gonna ask me that um p-i-t


I think it’s t r

but two etrophin the two trophin I am

terrible at spelling but let me just let

me just see here okay okay I think it’s

p-i-t-u-i-t-a-r-y or in the trophin

t-r-o-f-y and then p m g

um and that’s by standard process

that was my pack job at spelling that


um you should be able to find online

it’s not a prescription and uh you just

want to take one before bed

um and um I use that I’ve used it in

practice for a lot of issues with

pituitary imbalances


like I remember even children that were

not growing very well like they’re just

their growth is stunting stunted and you

put them on that and they just shoot

right up I mean it’s just crazy so


and also for older people that have loss


let’s say muscle mass and they don’t

have enough growth hormone to replace

that uh but two tropin is good for that

as well

um so anyway it has a lot of


all right so


interesting doing and just try this and

let’s see what happens yeah and then

also because the pituitary uh releases a

hormone called ACTH which then caused

the adrenals to release cortisol you

want to make sure that um her stress is

the lowest possible Right the lowest

possible stress and then do that for a

bit a while and then go get it

re-evaluated and see if it’s improving

if it’s improving then

why would you want to why not just keep

going in that direction if you can

improve something you know just even a

little bit

um but I think um

there’s a lot of unknowns right now


but if we go in the direction of

creating more health I think we’re going

to be more successful

awesome thanks so much Anita we

appreciate you coming on and hope to

hear back with uh a more stable daughter

there who’s feeling better okay let’s go

back to uh in fact I think it’s time for

quiz question

number three let’s see I don’t think we

did the truthful did we uh do we answer

quiz question number two no we didn’t

um and quiz question number two was a

true false and it said

um there is no such thing as a slow

metabolism it’s really highly efficient

uh metabolism so


72 percent of our respondents say it’s

true and 28 say it’s false

it’s totally true this is really

interesting I mean

when you think you have a slow

metabolism it’s not true it’s it’s

actually your body is adapted to years

of diagonal dieting in the past and then

the body becomes

becomes better for survival under in in

situations of famine


you know it’s like a survival mechanism

if we’re in K the caveman times where

you know we’re just trying to hunt for

food only those who were very overweight

would survive because they their their

system is very efficient uh versus a

fast metabolism you burn up all your fat

and then you you die so

it’s really a slow metabolism is super

efficient if you have a car that is very

that can get go longer on a gallon of

gasoline it’s more efficient that’s

exactly equivalent to someone with

what’s considered a slow metabolism so

we’ll just have to get a t-shirt for you

and just say I’m not overweight I just

have I’m just very efficient at burning

fat and I can burn fat a lot longer it

sounds better but that’s what happens

especially when you go on a low calorie

diet over a period of time I mean take a

look at

The Biggest Loser what happened with

that group not only did they gain all

the weight back but they gain a lot more

and now it makes it even harder to lose

weight so just with anything

whether it’s exercise or whatever when

you exercise you create a stress your

body breaks down and then it becomes


when you diet and you lose weight and

you restrict calories your body becomes

more efficient at burning fat so how do

we solve that problem well we don’t we

keep providing the same amount of

calories but make sure they’re quality

make sure there’s nutrients make sure we

don’t create a starvation effect in the


and um that’s with healthy keto and

intermittent fasting and I and I already

know um when people do that they lose

the weight it’s a lot easier they get in

the fat burning and they don’t create a

problem with

this um this what’s considered a slow


all right very good well how about uh

quiz question number three I think you

spoke briefly about fluorescent light so

here it is

okay what influence does fluorescent

lighting have on a child in a classroom

and boy it assures a lot of that

so climb on that

okay here we go our latest question

comes from covered in cake from YouTube

I remember watching a video of yours

where you said you started eating

breakfast again is that still the case

no um I did a video on that I did say I

told everyone it was an experiment I was

testing it out because I was going to

try to shift the time of eating and have

a breakfast and then like at three

o’clock right

so I did that for a while

um it just was really really hard with

my with the schedule and other people

eating you know just it just didn’t work

because I’m not hungry in the morning

um but it does I wanted to test it out

to see if it helped me sleep better and

it did a little bit but

instead I’ve reverted back to eating

like at noon or one and then an early

dinner and that seems to work uh for my

schedule and um for everything else so

that’s what I’m doing right now very

good okay covered in cake uh that should

give you some idea of which direction to

move first remove the cake and then

you’ll be able to see clearly what sort

of routine you should do Rudy from

Facebook I’m reading the book how not to

die in the beginning of the book the

author shares a diagram that indicates

the keto diet can narrow the arteries

what is your take on that premise

yeah it’s written by a vegan doctor

um which I really disagree with a lot of

his things that he talks about

um but um

I mean let’s I’ll give you one example I

just did an interview yesterday with

someone I’ll release the video it’s a

success story here’s a guy

for almost 400 pounds

52 or 3 years old almost 400 pounds this

was back in February now he’s a hundred

pounds less okay but he’s off a lot of

medications he’s doing fantastic and and

then we have close to if I’m not

mistaken 8 000 success stories of people

not just with losing weight but taking

less meds improvement with blood

pressure improving improving with

cardiovascular function

based on

you know you might say well that’s not

real research but then you think all

these people are making it up I mean


um to be to say that keto is not healthy

it really depends on the the definition

of your version of Keto too because I

always recommend the healthy version

um in fact

the diet that I recommend probably is

includes more plant-based things than

some of the vegans that I know because

you’re doing big salads and vegetables

things like that but you’re also having

a moderate amount of high quality


um why would that cause any problems


thinning of the arteries or thickening

of the arteries or whatever


he’s talking about I think it you’re

reducing inflammation when you’re

reducing these higher levels of refined

carbs and that inflammation comes down

in the arteries as well so


just because someone says it doesn’t

make it true you have to look at both

sides and and look at the whole picture

well it certainly does and you know my


my physician who I go to now suddenly

aspirin which has been the miracle drug

according to traditional medical science

is not anymore it won’t help your heart

Eliquis is the only way forward but I

mean and the problem is and who knows if

that’s true not could be but you know

for years people have been you know

relying on the advice of medical doctors

who said aspirin is the miracle drug and

now it’s not so you know it’s very

difficult to follow traditional uh you

know Medical Science because the rules

change constantly is it constantly

moving both so it’s very frustrating in

that regard but anyway so

um you know aspirin is now degraded all

right let’s see if we have some answers

we certainly do and the last question

asked what influence does fluorescent

lighting have on a child in the

classroom and besides Illuminating their

books 55 percent of our response it says

it depletes vitamin D interesting 25

percent say it creates mental fatigue

and the final 20 say it affects

serotonin levels

oh I’m sorry sir I didn’t mean to put

you up forgive me we’ll get to you next


everyone uh of those answers are correct

um but I I actually I’m doing a video on

this I’m releasing the video uh

releasing it soon but I found some

really interesting research on how it

affects your ability to learn and uh you

know yes it causes fatigue and eye

strain but it affects the cognitive

function to the point where you don’t

concentrate as well and your fidgety and

you’re Restless I mean this is

incredible just by having a certain

light on in the classroom you know

fluorescent lights you want incandescent

lights you want also they need to get

more sunlight but you know we’re talking

about you know getting off like

artificial foods and artificial

flavorings and artificial colorings and

all that but what about artificial


uh especially especially if someone has

any type of autism they should

definitely change the lighting around

them I mean how many um how many of you

sit in a an office for more than eight

hours with with bad lighting you know or

it’s lighting is very very important so

invest in at least in a full spectrum

light incandescent light and then as as

the day gets longer and it starts to

become let’s say dark out

um you should probably start dimming the

lights wherever you are and start slowly

bringing the light down and that way

you’ll find that you’re gonna sleep

better because

especially the uh fluorescent lights can

affect your ability to sleep


because they inhibit melatonin but a

candle by the way only inhibits

melatonin by like two percent

incandescent lights limit melatonin by

40 so you could um improve your sleeping

just by changing

um the light source and the intensity of

that light which is interesting very

good all right well listen we gave you

an exciting preview of Lucas from Texas

but just before that uh bringing them on

we’re going to go ahead and launch the

next question there it is Dr Berg

okay what are the best two antidotes to

sleeping in a closed room with higher

amounts of CO2 levels because you know

when you’re in the room

let’s say you’re there’s not a lot of

ventilation you could just build up the

CO2 and because maybe you’re using up

all the oxygen in that room right so

what are the two antidotes to that to

fix that problem

all right very good and Lucas finally

you’re on with a purpose there you go

and your one question please for Dr Berg

in 30 seconds

you’re getting some coaching there

aren’t you

hey good morning so I started keto in

2019 I’ve had a lot of success with it

and also with the intermittent fasting I

went from 300 to one point I was 150

right now I’m going to steady about 190

and so yeah I’m sticking with it I’m

even you know getting others on it yay

I’m about to turn yeah thank you thank

you I’m about to turn 30. I’ve kind of

hit some issues I’ve been not very

tolerating with the cold uh it’s led to

to me kind of fainting I’ve had some

public talks where I have to stand up

and and do like a 15-minute talk in

front of people and uh I fainted on

stage it’s real embarrassing and it’s

just been it’s just been a struggle I’ve

very lethargic

um not a lot of energy

um can’t really exercise as much as I

used to so we’re thinking if maybe it’s

a thyroid problem and so I just wanted

to get some advice on them still doing

keto and if sometimes omad sometimes for

long fasting as well

so that’s a really good great question

because I do remember two years ago when

I turned 30

um I didn’t have a similar thing but I

do understand that that change

of a new decade but here’s the thing

that I’m that comes right to mind and um

I would start taking higher amounts of

vitamin B1 natural vitamin B1 because

that supports something called the

autonomic nervous system

and that’s you have the sympathetic

comparison pathetic they both work

together to

maintain equilibrium and homeostasis so

there’s a very severe version of what

you told me called pots and that’s a

situation where you can’t even stand up

you just like collapse or faint you’re

better off lying on your on the bed or

something like that that is a problem

with the autonomic nervous system which

you have that you know it’s part of your

adrenal glands and other other places

and any type of stress can trigger it

um but

um I would take B1 that supports the

autonomic nervous system and fortunately

for you

there’s another great solution

um I need about maybe three to four

weeks before I release it but I found

um a company that has very inexpensive

devices that you can get

um that’s the technology to measure the

autonomic nervous system both both sides

sympathetic and parasympathetic

um it gives you all sorts of data about

the vagus nerve and it gives you

information about biofeedback on what

you’re doing so now you can do your own

science on

and testing on various things to see

what improves it and kind of look inside

the body

to measure

um things and see if what you are doing

improves certain things

and understand what’s happening

internally it’s a great test that uses

what’s called heart rate variability

technology which I’m going to explain in

future videos so stay tuned for that

because I think that would be a great

tool for you

okay I’ll have to look into it um they

did have me on vitamin B’s I just I just

don’t feel the difference you know maybe

it’s just not the natural form so the

thing with the B1 is

I’ll give you an example there’s um when

I when I I’m into the genetic testing

many people have um

DNA problems with absorbing B1

at the cellular level so if you took

let’s say for example you took a

synthetic version and you took the

normal amount

you wouldn’t see anything

so you might you might have that

situation when you need a lot a lot more

of that so I would take high amounts I

would take high amounts of vitamin B1

and give it more time now

um that’s not the only thing that you

can do as well you might want to support

the adrenals with ashwagandha

um different herbs that are adaptogens

to see if that doesn’t help but it

sounds to me like it could be like

a deficiency of


the resiliency or the adaptation of the

adrenals adapting to

stress and gravity and and other things

the fact that you’re cold right yes

tells me that your body’s tolerance is

lowered you can’t tolerate as well so

now I’m thinking okay yeah that’s

definitely autonomic nervous system is

something in that area and um so

I mean even the remedy for that would be

like higher levels of B1 but then

support the adrenals over time that’s

the area that I would dive into and look

more into more than anything else

sure thank you so much you’re welcome

well that’s great well listen you just

spoke in front of thousands of people

Lucas without fainting so I’m going to

call that signs of improvement that’s

absolutely fantastic well you know um

Steve when someone does get on keto FYI

they the need the demand for B1 goes up

so if you’re deficient even going into

keto and you don’t take the B vitamins

or electrolytes that could put more of a

strain on any subclinical deficiency

that you had going into it so

yeah that’s um that’s what I would

recommend all right very good well we’ve

got some answers on quiz question number

four which asks what are the best two

antidotes to sleeping in a closed room

with higher CO2 levels and 85 percent of

our respondents say add oxygen

generating plants in the room that’s

that’s neat 20 say add infrared lighting

and 15 say eliminate uh uh emfs

you know uh

I think those answers are valid um


um if you add plants to your room a

couple plants big plants

um they give you oxygen they’ll take in

that CO2 and give you more oxygen but it

is true that like when you when you

sleep in a closed room the circulation

sometime it’s you don’t necessarily have

the same oxygen levels and CO2 levels as

you would if the if you’re outside uh

this is probably why most people when

they crack the window open they sleep so

much better so either open the window or

add plants to your room to balance out

this CO2 oxygen situation

um also when you’re at work or in a

classroom with a lot of people that are

sucking up all the oxygen and you’re

left with this imbalance of CO2 it does

even affect your ability to learn study

Focus concentration

so this is another video that I’m going

to do to show the effects of this

imbalance with a bit too much CO2 and of

course I won’t mention anything else


other sources of how you developed too

much CO2

um but I’m sure you can read between the

lines all right very good okay thanks

audience let’s see back

for more of our social media


uh let’s see healthy reviews good grease

okay so this person’s going by healthy

reviews plus from YouTube what is your

opinion on consuming Nightshade plants

you know I

for some people they’re a problem but

you know

I I haven’t seen a big problem with

people with night shades I mean things I

I used to look at and get people off

night shades and I didn’t see that was

the big culprit to a lot of problems and

night shades are talking about like

um eggplant


you know also like tobacco leaves don’t

eat tobacco leaves right or tomatoes

um right now tomatoes are in season

they’re nitrate I I’m consuming so many

tomatoes because it’s I I can’t even

keep up with my garden that I mean

it’s crazy and I love them because the

season comes and goes and then you can’t

get these tomatoes so we’re canning them

and dehydrating and freeze drying them

but um there’s nothing better than a

really good tomato from your own garden

but um I don’t it’s something you want

to test out I mean if you have arthritis

or and just avoid them and see if you

feel better

then you would want to avoid them but

you know of course potatoes are not on

the keto list anyway but

I I don’t I don’t uh I think I’ve mixed

feelings on these nightshades

all right very good by the way Terry

wanted to remind this takes us way back

that these are not names they’re handles

like back when they’re we all had CB

radios or the truckers do and they go

come on Orange Blossom bring it back so

I get that Terry but uh those are days

long ago anyway so I understand that’s

probably not their birth name but anyway

they’re funny so why don’t we kick out

with the last question and then we’re

going to go to the last uh nice person

Lena on here so there you go Dr Burke

okay what is the only situation where

ketones are toxic to the body

All Right audience dig on that as you

always do and Lena uh make sure you’re

unmuted and you are on with Dr bird

hi Dr Burke

so much for your educational videos so

much appreciated I have a question on

intermittent fasting I’ve been on a 16

hour intermittent fasting six days a

week for two years now and I’m trying to

prolong a fasting once at least once a

month to help with my insulin

but I’m having some problems usually by

the 40th hour I’m completely wiped out

I have zero energy I’ve been drinking

green tea throughout the fasting I’ve

been drinking Celtics sea salt as well

as vegetable broth

um two other factors I’m not sure if my

impact this is that I I have

hypothyroidism as well as I’m considered


and how long are you fasting that once a


oh I can barely make it to 48 Hours

usually by 40th hour I’m like barely

making it to the table okay I totally

understand I think what you could do

um is I would um

do a smaller level of that for a while

because your body just has to adapt and

it’s quite a big step or for your

pre-existing issues that you have to

jump right into that because yeah 40

hours if your body’s like okay I’m done

then eat because you’re not quite at

that level your body has to adapt so

maybe what you do because I think you

said you’re doing a 16 hour fast right

yes so maybe you go start experimenting

with 17 hours and then 18 hours and I I

like 18 hours as a fast

best because that’s pretty routine you

can do that and then do that for a while

I will guarantee if you fast for 18


you’ll definitely fast a lot longer for

when you do the prolonged fast and then

the other thing is that um

maybe you also try


an 18 hour fast and then you go

to omad maybe once a week

once a week

so you’re you’re not going crazy you’re

just going like 23 hours of fasting so

you go 18 and 23 and then do that for a

while until your body gets comfortable

with that

um and I think then you’ll be able to go

longer and longer so it’s it’s one of

those things that it’s just like if

you’re going to the gym and you lift too

much weight you won’t be able to do it

or you’re just not used to it so you

have to work get your body to adapt

and become stronger to be able to

tolerate going for longer periods of

time what’s happening at the cellular

level is um the mitochondria is not

converting energy from your fat like you

should and maybe you’re right you don’t

have a lot of extra fat but still even a

thin person has enough fat I mean to

last a good long time without food so

uh that’s what I would do and then also

make sure that your nutrients are right

like you’re taking the B vitamins

electrolytes and trace minerals and

omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin C just

make sure you get those

squared away and um

I think um yeah that’s what I would


thank you so much you’re welcome okay

good luck with that uh Lena you know you

hear these stories about the folks on

life rafts that are a hundred days or a

year and talking about metabolism and

fat levels it’s a miracle that they come

back alive you know gnawing on jellyfish

every week or something so what in a

miracle the human body really is

so uh let’s see yeah the final question

of the day a terrific one asked uh what

is the only situation where

ketones are toxic to the body and 100 of

our respondents say ketones are

detrimental when they are caused by

ketoacidosis or type 1 diabetes

so you get 100 correct this is a

ketoacidosis situation A type 1 diabetes


how common is this it’s not it’s not

very common so in other words if you’re

not a type 1 diabetic okay and even if

you are you just take your insulin

you’re going to be fine but they’re

talking about if you are type one and

you forget to take your insulin okay

that’s that’s where the problem is you

wouldn’t necessarily want to go on keto

in that situation but but what about if

you don’t have diabetes type 1 okay I

mean even if you had type 2

and you go on low carb and you start

getting in the ketosis

is that going to be toxic are those

ketones toxic no because you there’s no

way it’s impossible to generate that

many ketones to the point where your

body becomes acid to acid it’s not going

to happen it’s impossible so there’s a

therapeutic version of the ketogenic

diet that is super healthy and normal

our bodies were never designed to eat

the amount of carbohydrates that people

eat and so um when you type this

you know are ketones dangerous on

YouTube or Google you are going to get

pages of pages oh yeah it’s toxic

because if you’re gonna have

ketoacidosis to scare people and

discourage them from trying it when this

is completely false and misinformation

even though it’s very high in Google

unfortunately so anyway you have to um

understand these Basics before you

accepted as truth especially when you’re

getting into these questions and ketones

it’s super healthy it’s non-toxic it’s

actually very therapeutic too much

glucose is toxic I mean that’s why

there’s a term called gluclotoxicity I

mean just look that up

that’s that’ll be interesting yeah if

you want to feel rotten keep chugging

the sugar okay so uh Dr Berg in the

United States we just love it we can get

stuff uh shipped to our door very easily

is there any movement on our

International efforts to get your great

products to all those that wish to have


always and and I think um

um if I’m not mistaken we we might even

be in India right now but um yeah we’re

making the products more available and

um we’re also keeping the quality the

same okay if not better for certain

things because

um you know one of the things about um

these ingredients

and we’re and we you know I have like 50

different vendors that Supply

ingredients for our products so we’ve

just about

um contacted every single one and just

doing a severe major Deep dive into

I want to know everything about

um those ingredients to make sure that

they’re like the best quality in fact

parallel to that we’re going to be

growing our own ingredients in a

greenhouse so we’re building that as

well so

um I think transparency is going to be

really important because of all the



things you can’t find out about

transparency especially in the Vitamin

World and you’d be shocked to find out

where your products come from even like

the electrolyte powders I did a video on

this if you add a drop of iodine to your

electrolyte powder and it turns dark


there’s hidden sugar in there usually in

the form of maltodextrin which is a

carbohydrate starch and that’s a good

starch test just add that drop of iodine

and it’s a legitimate test and if you do

that with our products it won’t turn

purple it stays yellow

so just just another way to sell people

cheaper ingredients

and uh you know at your expense

um it’s just not not good

okay JJ from Facebook wants to know

which supplement might help with as they

recover from shingles horrible condition

yeah that’s usually triggered by a

lowered immune system mostly by a stress

event and there’s a couple uh natural

things you could take that are forms of

zinc so zinc is a really good one to

take when you have shingles it puts that

virus back in remission because that’s

the thing about shingles it’s a it was a

chickenpox virus that goes dormant into

your nervous system and it just hides

out and waits until you get older and

you get sick and you get stressed and it

comes out and it kicks your butt so as

long as you don’t get older stressed or

have any body problems you’re totally

fine but in the meantime what you can do

is you can um

stay healthy keep the stress low take

your zinc and even vitamin D and keep

that darn thing in remission so it

doesn’t become a problem but vitamin D

is very very important as well in

shingles I was on a boat trip when I

lived in Southern California and one of

the gentlemen that came on board had an

attack of shingles and it was a fairly

small boat and I’ve never seen firsthand

such suffering I mean it was really yeah

painful terrible terrible terrible awful

awful awful okay okay Gina from YouTube

I am on coumadin should I be taking

vitamin K2

again I’m going to get in trouble if I

answer that but I would do the research

on it vitamin K1 is the thing that you

want to avoid on Kuma team but check

with your doc to see if you can also

take vitamin K2 I mean you’d want to get

a a product that doesn’t doesn’t have a

blend of K1


but I will say this there are

medications out there

um that are our blood thinners that are

like Coumadin but you can still take

vitamin K

or K1 and K2 I would try to find those

get on those that might be a better

approach so that way you can have all

your leafy greens and on that note I

appreciate everyone’s attention

wonderful comments stay tuned for some

interesting videos and I will see you

next week same time

