5 Extreme Weight Loss Hacks - Dr.Berg on Keto on Steroids | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys so today we’re gonna talk about

keto on steroids okay extreme weight

loss this is not for everyone it’s for

those people that need to lose some

quick weight and some people that want

an unfair advantage and one that just

dive in and do whatever it takes to lose

weight healthily and fast okay so

typically when you do keto you have 5%

carbohydrates 20% protein and these are

calories total calories and 75% fat okay

so that’s typically what you would do

what I’m gonna recommend is slightly

different we’re gonna give you five

packs or strategies okay starting with

number one normally you would do 20 to

50 grams of carbs to do the 5 percent

right we’re gonna bring the carbs down

to zero okay so yes this is extreme it’s

not for everyone

but think about it the amount of

carbohydrates determine how deep into

ketosis you’re going to go okay so we

want to go in there hardcore so if we go

zero carbs you will go into keto very

very fast now the thing with protein we

don’t want to go too little we don’t

want to go too much if we go too little

you may start losing muscle mass we

don’t want that and might feel weak

because you need protein to replace body

tissue we go too much it’s gonna bog

down your liver and kidney and also it

can potentially spike insulin we don’t

want to do that the sweet spot is

between three and six ounces okay now

this really depends on several factors

how young you are how big you are how

slow the metabolism is there’s a lot of

different factors for me I’m 180 pounds

I need about 55 grams of protein per day

and that’s pretty much what I consume on

a daily basis I’m not gonna get into

calories at this point but I just want

to kind of give you a reference if

you’re smaller than me you know have a

little less if you’re bigger than me

have a little bit more okay so now the

strategy with protein is we don’t want

to go lean we don’t want to go low-fat

protein we want to get our fat in

protein as one so you want to start

consuming food that combines your fat

and protein and naturally well we

definitely do not want to go lean

because the leaner the protein the

higher the insolence

like there’s a lot of information

related to something called an insulin

index okay I’m gonna put a link down

below on the video if you want more

information on the insulin index that

goes beyond just the glycemic index very

interesting some protein types that we

don’t want is chicken Dairy Dairy tends

to be a problem with a lot of people

allergies and trying to find the quality

is an issue so I’m just gonna recommend

avoiding dairy at this point turkey we

that’s very lean as well we don’t want

it in Turkey we don’t want to do turkey

bacon lean steak you can get a fatty

steak but don’t do a lean steak we don’t

want to go lean fish we want to do a

fatty fish peanuts are a low quality

protein I don’t recommend it what we

want to focus on our fatty fish like

salmon sardines both of these are very

high in omega-3 fatty acids and high in

DHA very very important there’s other

types of fish and seafood that you can

consume but these two are my go-to pork

now a lot of people don’t like pork

that’s totally fine personally I have a

high quality pork from the farmers

market pork sausage I love it it’s very

fatty it’s a very good thing to do in

Quito plus it has a lot of B vitamins

and it’s if you are against pork because

it’s unhealthy and you’re eating chicken

then you need to reevaluate that because

chicken by the way is a very unhealthy

birds okay unless you do organic from

the farmers market you’re going to get

something very low-quality

so I really like pork because it it

seems to digest well in my body and it

actually has a good amount of fat

hamburger fatty hamburger very very good

on a keto because we want the fat and

the protein when you’re at the grocery

store don’t get the leanest hamburger

okay it’s like it’s actually quite

disgusting it’s hard to eat it there’s

no flavor as well eggs very good


organic now you can also do bacon as

well okay bacon believe it or not if you

fry it and take the grease out it’s not

as fat as you might think okay but it’s

fine because it kind of has a one-to-one


50% fat and 50% protein most of these

are a one-to-one ratio maybe a little

bit fat here okay so that’s what you

want to do with the

team now as far as the fat goes you

don’t again want to add extra fat like

you don’t want to add MCT oil or a keto

bomb or Extra Butter to this program why

because we’re doing extreme weight loss

and I’ll explain why in a second the

types of fats that you can add in

addition to these would be avocados

because that will cover a lot of

nutrition and very very healthy fat

olives are good as well okay pecans are

really good has some protein and fat

almonds not as good as pecans but still

really good ok it’s like a 1.5 ratio of

fat to protein I think pecans are like 2

to 1 or even 3 to 1 if I’m not mistaken

so the key is to make sure that the fat

naturally comes with the protein ok

together so it’s not separate so now

there’s a sweet spot for the amount of

fat that you consume per day and it just

happens to be for an average person ok

it could be a little bit more or less 75

grams ok when you consume and what your

body tends to burn more of the dietary

fat when you consume less than 75 grams

typically on average I’m being very

general your body will start to consume

its own fat what we want to do is get

your body to burn its own fat we don’t

want to do unlimited fat where your body

is just turning the diet fat into

ketones and you definitely don’t want to

do the exogenous ketones where you’re

taking this supplement because we don’t

want to have you run on that we want you

to run on your own fat this would be a

new concept for some people ok so that’s

what would that look like

okay well 67 grams of fat here’s an

example 4 strips of bacon

that’s 13 grams 2 eggs 10 grams of fat 4

ounces of steak 24 grams ok a fat one

ounce of pecans 20 grams of fat so 67

grams of fat would be a perfect amount

of fat to help you get in the factory

now we don’t want to start going extreme

low fat we don’t want to go low fat so

we don’t want to go below like 50 grams

of fat ok 50 to 75 I think is a really

good number because we

these fats for a lot of different

reasons it’s gonna help you get into

ketosis it’s going to support the brain

it’s going to give you that type of

vitamins omega-3 essential fatty acids

and a lot of other things that’s what we

do with the fat that’s what we do with

the protein leafy greens okay why

because two things number one we need

our potassium magnesium nutrients

vitamins that type of thing which is

very very important and we need about

seven cups of vegetables minimally okay

don’t have less than seven cups the

other thing that we need in addition to

vitamins and minerals is the fiber from

the vegetables and again I’m not

counting this as carbs because it’s so

much fiber we’re not doing a high

glycemic carbohydrate we’re doing a

extremely nutrient dense fiber which is

not very sweet okay so leafy greens are

not very sweet the fiber is going to

specifically feed the microbes in our

digestive system which then will turn

into a very healthy fat called butyric

acid it’s a fatty acid and that acid

will basically help insulin resistance

and even lower insulin it’s really good

for blood sugars so this is going to

actually help us lose weight the

potassium in the leafy greens will also

help you lose weight because it lowers

incident resistance the goal is to keep

insulin as low as possible so this is

what we’re taking consideration as we’re

going through this zero carbs the fiber

exact amount of protein more fat which

is neutral with insulin fat is the one

of the only things that does not trigger

insulin now let’s get to intermittent

fasting so if you’ve never done this

before I recommend you go right to two

meals a day I’ll put a video down below

on in a minute fasting so you can just

quickly get updated on how to do that

but you want to go into 2 minutes a day

if you’re already at 2 meals a day

you’re gonna go to one meal a day ok so

the key is do not eat unless you are

hungry ok that’s really I find a lot of

people are eating when they’re not

hungry the way that you know that it’s

working is that your hunger goes away

that means your body is eating your own

fat so let your body tell you when to

eat okay so we’re gonna go for a period

of time and Wow I’m not hungry good ride

the way to ride the wave all of a sudden

I’m hungry at six o’clock and the

evening good that’s your your first meal

it’s totally okay to eat at different

times during the day okay now what’s

gonna happen if you’re new to this and

you’re not gradually going into this and

I suggest maybe you want to go into it

gradually but if you don’t and you just

go to one meal a day and do what I’m

saying it’ll probably take three days to

get you fully into adaptation and you

might go through some fatigue and things

like that but it’s a fast way to jump in

and get the results and if you’re okay

with that go for it

there’s some key things you want to know

sea salt it’s very important to consume

sea salt on your meals per day you need

about a teaspoon of sea salt every

single day not a heaping teaspoon but a

level teaspoon okay very important it

wouldn’t hurt to consume some

electrolytes as well get one with high

amounts of potassium okay the other

thing that I find that will help you and

this helps a lot of people is that when

you have a hard time consuming salad

because you’re not easy used to

consuming that much consume your salad

wait for an hour and then consume the

rest of the food okay we’ll consider

that as one meal just spread out for

maybe two hours okay that’s not going to

be a problem because you’re not going to

really spike instant too much from

eating that salad so you can come spread

it out let your digestive system deal

with the salad and then add the protein

in fat that way you’ll have less

bloating okay now on the salad you can

put apple cider vinegar little C so if

you want the saw mcvinnie Guerette get

the kind that is not too sweet so you

want to avoid those and get the ones

that are a bit bitter and less sweet

okay guys there you have it this is keto

on steroids extreme weight loss go ahead

and try this and put your comments down


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