Reverse Fatigue When Fasting (Intermittent Fasting) - Dr. Berg's Chronic Fatigue Treatment | DrEricBergDC

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so in this video we’re going to talk

about how to kill fatigue while doing in

a minute fasting so many people are

tired why they’re fasting so we’re going

to talk about exactly what it is and how

to get rid of fatigue so you have a lot

of energy now the most obvious thing is

when you first start this and you’re

doing a ketogenic diet hopefully and

you’re going through with something

called keto adaptation okay and that’s

when your body is adapting from sugar

fuel to fat fuel now most people are

going to be tired in the situation

because they’re tapping out there sugar

reserves their glycogen stores but

they’re not quite able to tap into the

fat yet because they haven’t built up

the cellular machinery or the enzymes to

really tap into that fat so that comes

with a little time sometimes it takes

three days sometimes it takes up to a

week to be able to tap into your

reserves and you have a lot of reserves

you have like a hundred thousand

calories of fat sitting there unused and

you’re running off this small little

tank of seventeen hundred calories of

sugar fuel every day up and down up and

down and so when you start this and

you’re not able to tap into the fat

that’s when you’re gonna feel fatigued

okay and with time that will go away but

what I want to focus on is what happens

when you’ve already adapted you’ve done

it for a period of time and you’re still

tired what’s behind that that’s usually

a nutritional deficiency okay so when

you’re doing it amid fasting you’re

actually running off here reserves okay

there’s a bunch of nutrition both a fat

soluble and water soluble vitamins and

minerals that you have in your reserve

tank that you’re using but if you don’t

have the reserves there in the

sufficient quantities that really has to

do with your foods when you’re not doing

fasting okay what you ate before you

even started this process and that is a

really important topic to really cover

because so many people have nutritional

deficiencies and they don’t even know it

what we want to do is we want to focus

on the meals in between the intermittent

fasting so we have enough reserve to be

able to do intermittent fasting longer

and longer and not have any fatigue or

any problems the number one nutrient

that we need to talk about first is

potassium why because in all of your

cells you have something called a

potassium sodium pump or I think it’s

called the potassium or sodium potassium

one of the two but the point is that

potassium and sodium are involved in a

pump that helps you generate electricity

and energy so a potassium is very very

essential in generating energy in the

body okay and it does a lot of other

things too and so it’s probably one of

the most important minerals but to get

them out of potassium you need you need

a lot of a certain food because you need

4700 milligrams every single day very

few people even get close to that and

yes you can take a electrolyte powder to

try to actually achieve that ideally

it’d be good for you to start getting it

from food and probably the easiest way

to get it is not to do bananas because

that has too much sugar you want to do

actual vegetables okay in large

quantities you’re gonna have to consume

about 7 to 10 cups an average American

only consumes 1.6 cups of vegetable per

day a little too short they’re not

they’re not going to get their potassium

they’re gonna be heavy on the sodium so

they have fluid retention and low in the

potassium so they’re gonna be tired and

their like water log your ankles are

gonna be swollen and that type of thing

so a lot of the processed foods and junk

foods are unloaded with salt but they

definitely don’t have potassium so that

right they are focusing on getting more

potassium is gonna really start beefing

up your energy alright and we don’t want

that actually forget about salt as well

because if you’re low on sodium you’re

gonna feel tired and weak and you can

even have muscle cramps

you can also have muscle cramps when you

have a potassium deficiency - now a lot

of times when people are doing fasting

they’re told to drink a lot of water

which is fine but here’s the thing when

you’re drink just pure water you’re

flushing out electrolytes now think

about it you haven’t eaten right for a

period of time and you’re drinking more

water and you’re not putting those

electrolytes back in and you’re peeing

out not water but electrolytes and other

fluids and other things as well so this

is where you can start to dilute your

sodium when you’re doing in a minute

fasting and not consuming enough sea

salt okay so I highly recommend if

you’re doing in a minute fasting

probably to take a little bit of

Himalayan sea salt dissolve it in water


drink that and also you know add a

little episode of vinegar in there too

because that’s gonna also add a friendly

acids to help reduce insulin and speed

things up tremendously but you don’t

want to forget about the sea salt

because that’s just as important as the

potassium okay but of course you’re not

going to necessarily be consuming

vegetables but you can definitely have a

little sea salt with a fasting program

especially if you have like your muscles

feel weak if you kind of go up the

stairs and you feel kind of tired or you

feel drained because that’s really a

sodium deficiency okay so we want sea

salt we want a lot of potassium when

you’re eating very important for

electrolytes and the vegetables will

also give you other minerals too like

magnesium calcium and there’s a lot of

other trace minerals as well trace

minerals our minerals needed in a lot

smaller amounts but you still need them

the next nutrient that I’m going to talk

about is vitamin b1 why because vitamin

b1 is essential in helping your energy

factories produce energy which is called

ATP okay the mitochondria which is the

energy Factory needs desperately b1 and

other B vitamins to be able to create a

good metabolism to actually break down

food into its energy storage form which

is ATP in the body

so without b1 you will definitely feel

tired and so what I recommend for a lot

of people is just to take b1 but I also

recommend getting nutritional yeast you

can get it in tablets because that has

the natural version so if you’re taking

a synthetic version fine but to also

take a natural complex with it to make

sure that you don’t create any problems

down the road but b1 is really key to

boosting your energy and it’s wonderful

for people with chronic fatigue syndrome

so the B vitamins are very important so

you might say well how am i b1 deficient

well mainly because your past history of

dieting included a lot of refined

carbohydrates white rice starches sugars

that’s the biggest thing to deplete b1

there’s a lot of other things that will

deplete it as well but that’s really the

big one okay the third thing we’re going

to talk about is a common mistake that

people make is they waste their results

on poor quality food

here the here they’re doing in a bit of

fasting which it’s not easy you have to

kind of work up to it you have to adapt

your body fat burning and then when it’s

time to eat they eat some crappy food

either from a fast-food place or they

might just consume like a little bit of

peanut butter for a meal I’m like why

would you do that you’re not going to

get enough nutrition you want to consume

nutrient-dense foods to be able to build

up your reserves so you feel good when

you’re fasting we’re also gonna be tired

and rundown and not look good so we want

to be able to get you healthy from the

inside out and that’s why it’s really

important to start getting the

nutrient-dense foods in your body so

instead of iceberg lettuce you have kale

okay you can do a cow shake salmon is a

high quality make sure it’s well caught

a high quality fish that gives you some

really good amounts of omega-3 fatty

acids which you’re going to need for

your skin your heart your eyes and your

brain that’s good as an

anti-inflammatory as well instead of

other fats like soy oil and corn oil

that are in all the commercial foods

which is just you want to stay away from

this step because it’s highly

inflammatory grass-fed animal products

grass-fed beef very very important

pasture raised organic eggs really good

nutrient-dense different types of

vegetables make sure they’re organic

it’s going to add more fiber okay as

well as the nutrients and by the way the

fiber is what the microbes will eat and

they’ll make certain by product type

acids like beech uric acid to feed your

colon the food it needs so if you don’t

have enough fiber yes you’re not going

to be as filled but you’re also going to

not produce the energy for certain cells

in your colon so you want to really kind

of look at the whole picture of of what

food actually is doing high quality nuts

so peanuts are low on the list the stasi

O’s are good pecans are great walnuts

are really good and then you have the

seeds as well seafood very nutrient

dense organ meats very nutrient dense

that way you’re building up your

nutrient reserves you’re getting tons of

energy you’re getting the iron that you

need as well from food so that’s

actually very very important getting


sleeeeep and there’s two factors with

this because you can eat really good and

you can do everything correct but if

you’re not sleeping you’re going to be

tired so we need at least seven hours

per night a lot of people need more I

actually even recommend if you can’t get

seven hours then get a nap okay and

that’s totally fine like a power nap

some people could do it some people

can’t personally I can do it I can go

out BAM and I will feel refreshed so

sometimes I’ll get six and a half hours

of sleep and I’ll take a nap and I’m

good to go

so this is really important getting the

amount and then the quality of sleep I

have a separate video on that but you

want to be able to go to sleep get into

the deep four cycles of delta-wave sleep

and wake up feeling refreshed and

recharged very very important and I have

several things you can do from a

technique and also from a nutrient

standpoint and from a food standpoint I

put a link down below if you have a

problem with sleep but the combination

of getting a good night’s sleep with the

nutrients that you need

making sure potassium B vitamins high

quality foods and over time you’re going

to adapt to more and more fat burning

which is going to give you so much

energy while you’re fasting guys thanks

for watching

hey guys so there’s a whole bunch of

people that really need this information

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