Why is Agave Nectar Bad if it's Low Glycemic? | DrEricBergDC

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so I want to talk about why agave nectar

is bad if it’s low on the glycemic index

did you realize that agava

is only 19 on the glycemic index I mean

sugar is like 70 Gotha is low so it’s

sometimes considered as a keto friendly

sweetener right well here’s the problem

Agathe is 70% fructose and fructose is

very different than glucose it’s 7 times

more damaging than glucose to certain

parts of the body and it can create a

hundred times the oxidative stress to

glucose so when you consume glucose you

don’t initially get a spike in blood

sugar this cells of your body don’t

absorb fructose only the liver now -

toast corn syrup is about 55 to 58

percent fructose it also is a big

problem because it - creates insulin

resistance and a fatty liver because

we’re actually drinking this liquid

sugar in very large amounts table sugar

is 50% fructose and 50% glucose so it

can also be a big problem and they also

get people that will tell me when they

consume fruit it doesn’t spike their

blood sugars because the fructose well

the thing about fruit is yes there is

fructose but there’s also fiber which

buffers the response and you also have

nutrients that protect against the

damage but there still is fructose and

fructose will stop your ability to stay

in ketosis anyway I wanted to create

this video just explain why it’s bad

even though it’s low on the glycemic

index and thanks for watching

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