Gallbladder Function: What You MUST Know If You Don't Have a Gallbladder – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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Hey guys, this is doctor Berg here.

I want to talk about what you must know if you don’t have a gallbladder, okay?

People are told they don’t need their gallbladder, it’s an unnecessary organ and you won’t have

any problems but there’s some long-term effects.

First of all what is the gallbladder?

It’s a little sac that hangs underneath your liver, about the size of a little potato and

there’s a tube that comes from your liver and this little sac that hangs off this tube.

The key is what it holds, what it stores.

The gallbladder stores and holds bile, B-I-L-E.

What is bile?

Bile is the very important fluid that helps you absorb fats, absorb fatty soluble vitamins,

regulate cholesterol, help balance hormones.

It does a lot, it helps lubricate the colon.

We’ll talk about all those but basically without a gallbladder you don’t have the concentrated


Normally the bile is concentrated by five times the amount, in that little sac there.

We need that bile to secrete out when you eat fats to be able to pull that in.

Without that gallbladder you’re always going to be deficient in bile.

It’s just going to trickle down, because it’s made by the liver it’s going to trickle down.

By the way, bile is what prevents gallstones.

Probably the reason why you had a gallstone in the first place is you don’t have enough


Now, they take the gallbladder out and you don’t have the bile, you continue to have

other problems.

Let’s take a look at, without a gallbladder all the potential issues.

Number one you’re not going to balance the cholesterol anymore.

Cholesterol is necessary in the building of hormones, specifically stress hormones but

other hormones too, like testosterone.

They’re made from cholesterol, your brain needs cholesterol, the nerves need cholesterol.

Also free cholesterol needs bile to help break it down.

You can have more of a buildup of cholesterol without bile, so we have an imbalance of cholesterol,

the good and bad.

That’s number one.

Number two, you may find that you’re not actually eliminating toxins.


Because the toxins go through this bile duct when they come and they’re eliminated, so

the bile helps in the breakdown of toxins and the elimination of toxins, not to mention

the lubrication of the colon, so you may end up with constipation.

The next one is thyroid.

T4, the inactive thyroid hormone is converted to T3 through the liver and the gallbladder,

without a gallbladder you’re thyroid can suffer, in that it won’t convert.

You might end up with a thyroid issue which affects a whole host of problems because we

need that gallbladder to do the conversion.

The other one is preventing fatty liver, because the fat can actually build up in the liver

if you don’t have the bile, bile breaks down fat.

Now, if you don’t have the fat soluble vitamins, vitamin A the vision suffers, you won’t be

able to see at night when you’re driving in the dark.

The vision just kind of goes down, you need vitamin A in general for your vision.

The skin becomes dry, you have issues with skin, the inner skin of the inner sinuses

become a problem, sinus problems, sleep apnea, immune system, that’s all vitamin A. Vitamin

D is the regulation of calcium.

You may find that your calcium is off, especially the metabolism of calcium, you get bone pain,

you have issues with the immune system, things like that.

Also in people who are low in vitamin D, they have problems with depression during the winter

time because they don’t have enough vitamin D. Vitamin D is also good to prevent asthma

as well.

Okay, vitamin E, very essential for the heart.

Vitamin E increases the oxygen to the heart by 250%.

That actually increases oxygen to the heart to prevent heart cramps, it’s great as an

anti-angina nutrient.

Vitamin E is also called the anti-sterility, so it prevents becoming sterile, it helps


Vitamin E is important in the skin, so many women use it on their skin, vitamin E oil.

Now we’ve got vitamin K1, that’s to prevent bruising and to help clotting.

Vitamin K2 prevents the soft tissue calcium from building up in the arteries, in the joints,

very, very important.

There’s even certain phytonutrients, like plant based chemicals in the cruciferous vegetables

that are fat soluble too.

We have Lycopene, Lutein, Carotenoids, those are all fat soluble, those are all very, very

important in protecting the eye, protecting it against macular degeneration, just helping

you see in general.

Those are fat soluble.

Then, also you’re not going to absorb the omega 3 fatty acids, think about why you need

omega 3 fatty acids?

That’s all anti-inflammatory, I mean it’s precursor’s to build body tissue, so many


These are a small list of potential issues that you could have if you don’t have a gallbladder,


I hope that gave you some enlightenment.

The question is what do you do if you don’t have a gallbladder?

Well, what I would recommend is to take some type of bile support to supplement your body

so when you eat you have enough bile to prevent these issues.

You have to realize that it’s going to be a slow process, it doesn’t happen overnight.

You may see symptoms months after the gallbladder’s removed.

All right, thanks for watching.

I’ll see you in the next videos.