The Low Fat Diet to Prevent Gallstones "Myth" – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hello dr. Burke here we’re going to talk

about the low fat diet to prevent golf

stones myth there’s this rumor going

around that view of golf stones you need

to be on a low-fat diet because high

saturated fats caused golf stones that’s

absolutely not true let’s talk about

some actual facts what triggers bile

release which bile is the stuff the

gallbladder stores that comes out of the

gallbladder to help you digest what

triggers the BAA releases saturated fats

such as saturated fats release bile from

the gallbladder that is the main trigger

okay number two bile salts dissolves

golf stones okay I’ll put a link down

below for more information on that but

yeah when you take bile salts that

actually helps dissolve gall stones gall

stones are a bile deficiency that’s why

you get them okay so that makes sense

that’s what causes them you have this

super saturation of cholesterol that

makes the stone because there’s not

enough bile okay so number four high

insulin can all can deplete bile other

things can do it too like high estrogen

birth control pills being pregnant

that’s why a lot of times women get that

a lot of diabetics like golf stones

because they have high insulin the high

insulin from insulin resistance is the

number one cause from my view point that

depletes your bile that caused the

stones now should you be a vegan or

should you be a meat eater well it

really depends if you’re a vegan that’s

eating a lot of grains and sugar you’re

going to get gall stones because you’re

going to buy insulin if you’re a

meat-eater that eats a lot of grains and

sugar you’re going to have high insulin

and you’re going to deplete your bile

and get gall stones so it really is the

absence of the sugar and keeping your

estrogen down or normal then you’ll be

safe so the real problem is not too much

fat it’s not enough bile and that’s why

sometimes even vegans that go no

saturated fats they don’t produce a lot

of bile and they can end up having

problems with the gallbladder not all of

them some of them but same thing with

meters depending on what they’re can

not having enough vegetables and they’re

adding sugar and grains they’re going to

create a problem okay thanks for

watching put your comments down below

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