The #1 Food Highest in Vitamin K2 | DrEricBergDC

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let’s talk about the number one food

that has the most vitamin K2 but I want

to just cover a little bit of history on

vitamin K2 now you see this book right

here is called nutrition and physical

degeneration by Dr Weston Price okay he

was a dentist but he did a lot of

research back in the 30s and the 40s and

he visited these remote cultures that

ate very very healthy foods and he was

trying to identify what was it about

their diet that generated such amazing

teeth as compared to nowadays everyone

needs braces you know we have our wisdom

teeth pulled because there’s not enough

space in her skull the teeth are

overcrowded a lot of problems with

overbite underbite not to mention my

teeth I pretty much had cavities in

every single tooth in my skull so

Western price looked at calcium he

looked at the fat soluble vitamins maybe

at first he thought it was vitamin D or

vitamin A or vitamin E but at the time

vitamin K2 wasn’t identified side and so

it was really interesting that he had a

term for it called activator X it’s kind

of like the X Factor just something in

addition to these regular fat soluble

vitamins that is creating really good

teeth like really good bones good bone

structure and overall good health he

just didn’t know about vitamin K2

because it wasn’t discovered yet and so

he looked at cultures in the Swiss Alps

and he found that they ate a lot of

grass-fed butter and cheese and really

really natural things and so he

identified their teeth being just like

really really good fast forward we know

now it’s vitamin K2

does vitamin K1 that’s all about

clotting and then there’s vitamin K2

which is all about calcium

Transportation vitamin K2 works with

vitamin D okay now vitamin D helps a

person absorb calcium in the intestines

by a factor of 20 times if someone

doesn’t have enough vitamin D calcium

really won’t be absorbed in the blood

too well

and so vitamin D is all about raising

calcium in the blood but vitamin K2

takes it to the next level it takes the

calcium from the blood and it pushes

into the bone and so the way it does

this is it activates certain proteins

and another thing that’s really

interesting about vitamin K2 it uses a

transport system called LDL that

so-called bad cholesterol that

everyone’s trying to avoid well it takes

a ride in LDL through the body and then

it ends up in your bones so it makes

your bones really really solid it helps

certain parts of your teeth become very

very strong

it keeps calcium from building up in the

arteries it prevents vascular

calcification it also prevents calcium

from ending up in your cartilage or in

your joints as an arthritis things like

that so it’s all about calcium

Transportation it activates a very

important cell called the beta cell in

your pancreas which makes insulin more

sensitive so if a person has insulin

resistance which the majority of the

population has it can really help

someone’s blood sugar by improving

insulin resistance because now it’s

going to make insulin more sensitive

then your body can make less insulin it

helps generate more ATP or energy in the

muscle cell you’re going to have a lot

more energy

to do exercise it also is involved in

supporting the cells that make

testosterone it also works on the brain

it improves spatial learning as well as

memory which is pretty cool and like I

said before it also inhibits this

calcium buildup in the arteries and in

the joints so you can see it’s a very

very important vitamin and we need to

have it in our diet unfortunately

there’s no requirements or rdas for K2

yet even though we need it now the

majority of vitamin K2 comes from

bacteria and so when a cow eats grass

that is loaded with vitamin K1 that

vitamin K1 changes into Vitamin K2 with

the help of bacteria vitamin K1 and

vitamin K2 are fat soluble vitamins so

it is stored in fat so if someone goes

low fat or they’re on medications that

block cholesterol for example example

they may not get enough vitamin K2 at

least the microbes in your own gut do


some of the K2 that you have in your

body okay and that’s made from vitamin

K1 so there’s a little conversion going

on in your gut and as a side note E coli

is one of the bacteria that has this

ability to help you make k2 and I’m not

talking about the pathogenic version I’m

talking about the version that is fairly

friendly in your body it actually makes

certain B vitamins and it also makes

vitamin K2 from vitamin K1 which is

interesting the number one food that has

the most vitamin K2 is cheese there is

one other food that has more vitamin K2

but most people are not going to consume

it so I didn’t want to even mention that

cheese is number two but I’m just going

to put it number one because most people

will consume cheese the number one

product is really NATO which is a

fermented soybean which if you ever

tasted it you probably would not like it

too much it’s kind of an acquired taste

it’s kind of like my dad lacking

Limburger cheese right which basically

has a very unique flavor which we all

couldn’t stand growing up but recently I

tasted some of it and actually now I

kind of like it it does not taste like

it smells but as far as the abundance of


cheese is at the very top of the list

mainly it’s the hard cheeses

but it’s also in the soft cheeses

but out of all of the hard cheeses and

the soft cheeses there’s one cheese that

it ranks number one and that is called

the monster cheese okay which is grown

in the mountains of France where they

create this cheese with raw milk not the

pasteurized milk that they use in the

U.S now it is true that vitamin K2 Will

Survive some of the pasteurization the

heating of the cheese but it also kills

off the microbes right that are making

the K2 so you’re always going to find

more vitamin K2 in things that are more

raw especially when we get into cheese

there’s all sorts of versions of vitamin

K2 right there’s this kind of like these

subset versions of vitamin K2 you have

like the MK4 mk7

Etc but in cheese you have

MK4 MK5 you have MK6 mk7 mk8 and also

MK9 so you have a huge variety of

different versions of this vitamin K2 as

compared to some other foods that may

only have one version like maybe MK4 or

mk7 but if you can find some raw cheese

that would always be better usually

European cheese high quality hard

cheeses are going to have a little bit

more soft cheeses will have a little bit

less but you’re still going to get a

good amount of vitamin K2 in cheese now

some people are going to say well wow I

thought this saturated fat and the

cheese was bad right it’s going to

create heart problems and now I’m

confused because vitamin K2 removes the

calcium out of the arteries and that

also helps prevent heart disease so

what’s more important removing the

calcium from the arteries or the

cholesterol that’s building up from all

the Scotty Foods well just to clear the

confusion I’m going to put some links

down below of some clinical trials and I

think you’ll find interesting

completely refuting this data that

saturated fat will make you die earlier

or increase your risk for heart attacks

or other problems there’s absolutely no

evidence to show that saturated fat is

going to worsen your health or cause

diabetes unfortunately there’s

recommendations that we should increase

our unsaturated fats the omega-6 to

replace the saturated fats is bad

information now I just have to say

something about those recommendations

the governmental recommendations first

of all anything related to health that’s

recommended by the government

um might not be true I mean if you think

about who is the government is there one

person is there a group is there a panel

are these recommendations slightly

biased from various groups that can have

influence over these policies the answer

is a big fat yes there’s definitely a

revolving door between industry and

government kind of goes back and forth

so anything recommended relating to

health from the government take it with

a grain of salt so we have cheese a

really good source of vitamin K2 we also

have grass-fed butter butter that is

made from cows that ate grains have very

little vitamin K2 why is that because

grains don’t have a lot of K1 grass has

a lot of K1 and that K1 gets converted

into the K2 so it’s grass-fed it’s grass

finished or another way to say that is

100 grass-fed that’s what you want to

consume as far as the butter and other

Foods if you want to get more K2 the

cool thing about butter is that butter

has it’s like great amounts of vitamin A

vitamin E it has vitamin D and it has

vitamin K2 it’s really good for someone

that has osteoporosis or osteopenia or

osteomalacia or even rickets these are

all problems with the bone and then you

have things like Goose liver duck liver

duck fat eel yes eel is loaded with

vitamin K2 beef liver or lamb liver

liver has vitamin K2 ground beef

grass-fed hot dogs I’m not talking about

the process you know hot dogs that you

would get when you go to a ball game or

something like that I’m talking about

like high quality grass-fed no sugar

added clean hot dogs has vitamin K2

bacon I’m not talking about the

commercial regular bacon I’m talking

about a higher quality bacon has K2 in

fact out of all the meats pork has the

most vitamin K2 which is interesting and

then you also have like sauerkraut it’s

a fermented product it has vitamin K2

with the help of the bacteria and also

cod liver oil is another great thing

especially for children growing up a

woman who is lactating

a child who’s growing up should have on

a regular basis high quality cheese

unless there’s some allergy and high

quality butter and cod liver oil and not

only will that help them avoid getting

braces but it’s going to improve their

entire health and if you’re taking

vitamin D always make sure you take

vitamin K2 with it because they work

hand in hand sometimes people are

concerned with the toxicity of vitamin D

but if you take vitamin K2 okay and

magnesium you can greatly offset the

toxicity that could potentially occur if

you’re taking massive amounts for many

many many months now since you’re on the

topic of vitamin K2 there’s a lot more

to know about it you should check out

this video that I did that has quite a

few views I’ll put it up right here