PROTECT Your HAIR During the Winter Months With This... | DrEricBergDC

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now what happens to a lot of people

during the winter is their hair gets all

messed up it becomes

dehydrated dry


split ends you start losing your hair

the hair becomes dull so i’m going to

give you some tips on what to do about

this the real question is why well

there’s three reasons and we’re going to

go right through them the first reason

is the obvious reason which is low

vitamin d because of the sun there’s no

sun so we’re not going to get vitamin d

so unless you take vitamin d you’re

going to be usually vitamin d deficient

and vitamin d directly helps you grow

hair so if you’re deficient you may have

hair loss now the second reason is is

actually quite interesting when you’re

deficient in vitamin d

you have this alteration in change in

your microbiome

your microbiome are dependent

on your levels of vitamin d

and the type of microbiome that i’m

talking about are the ones that help you

make b vitamins that are necessary to

build hair


and we’re talking about b2 b3 b6 vitamin

b5 and biotin and so without biotin your

hair is going to be very fragile it’s

going to break it’s going to be very


and dried out so by adding more vitamin


the microbiome becomes more balanced

and you generate more of these b

vitamins so you can take the vitamins

from nutritional yeast or you can take

vitamin d so your microbes can make more

b vitamins all right the second reason

during the winter months people

typically don’t eat as many vegetables

okay and the vegetables that they’re


are pretty much

empty of nutrients because there’s a

very big difference when you’re growing

vegetables during the winter months

versus during the summer months

especially when people have their own


or they’re going to the farmer’s market

and they’re getting nutrient dense

vegetables versus at the store

whether they’re growing them

hydroponically i just notice

even the taste of vegetables during the

winter are definitely um

void of a lot of flavor which means

they’re also avoid of nutrients so the

combination of not eating enough and

then having them nutrient deficient is

going to show up in your hair

so we’re going to have less vitamin c

vitamin c is necessary to build collagen

well guess what your hair is made out of

collagen and the other nutrient that’s

very very important for hair growth is

magnesium a lot of the magnesium comes

from the chlorophyll the green of the

plant which is in a lot of vegetables so

less vegetables less magnesium

more susceptibility for hair loss and

then another nutrient that’s in

vegetables is vitamin e especially in

salads if you’re deficient in vitamin e

you can definitely have more hair loss

as well as more dryness because the hair

needs that oil

in the glands to produce a nice texture

in the hair now the other thing that’s

interesting and people don’t consider

this a nutrient phytonutrients give your

hair and your skin and your body amazing

health benefits so if you’re consuming

less phytonutrients

that can show up in your hair all right

number three during the winter months i

know this might be shocking

but some people

or most people eat more junk food that’s

right i know you’re shocked and so more

junk food

deprives you of nutrients

and now you start developing what’s

called subclinical uh nutrient

deficiencies where you might not have

major nutrient deficiencies they’re

subclinical so you might not notice

these symptoms but they show up in other

subtle ways now this research was done

by professor ames and he came up with

this theory called the triage theory

which i think it’s not a theory i think

it’s absolutely true which describes

subclinical vitamin and nutrient

deficiencies being rationed out for more



purposes so let me give you an example

with selenium let’s say you have a

subclinical deficiency with selenium and

so you don’t have enough to provide for

all the different functions of the body

so instead of using selenium to prevent

hair loss the body is going to use it

for more critical

purposes like fertility and reproduction

so if your body is deficient in a

certain nutrient it’s not going to

allocate that to maybe long-term

maintenance of different body functions

or it might not allocate that for

longevity purposes or to prevent chronic

disease instead it might allocate it for

short-term survival mechanisms that help

you cope

but don’t really help you survive in the

long term so this is an interesting

topic because um a lot of times people

take vitamins and if they don’t feel an

immediate result

they might stop taking them not

realizing that you need these nutrients

for long-term

survival and the prevent a lot of

chronic illnesses i mean let’s just take

magnesium for example

it’s needed in over 300 different


let’s take vitamin d for example

are a huge part of our genome

is is dependent on vitamin d

and so if someone is just focused on

vitamin d for preventing osteoporosis

they’re not looking at the

hundreds of other purposes of vitamin d

so i have additional information on this

but the point is that when you consume

junk foods

you worsen these subclinical

deficiencies and it could definitely

show up in hair loss so the combination

of low vitamin d

not consuming enough of nutrient-dense


and eating junk foods can all worsen

your hair during the winter so what can

we do number one take more vitamin d

number two

eat more vegetables i would recommend

eating more brussels sprouts brussels

sprouts are loaded with sulfur sulfur is

great for hair sulfur is also good to

help you make amino acids which are the

protein building blocks for all proteins

including your hair

i would beef up no pun intended your

salads i would start to eat more

avocados and bell peppers which are

loaded with vitamin c you can also add

nutritional yeast to get all your b

vitamins but of course if you’re taking

enough vitamin d that’s going to help

your microbiome and then seafood can

help provide for all the trace minerals

like selenium zinc iodine iron


as well as the omega-3 fatty acids which

are also necessary for

maintaining healthy hair

now to be fully transparent i actually

have hair products i have a new shampoo

and conditioner and i also have a hair

growth oil and so if you want more

information on those products you can

actually check out my website but if you

have not seen my video on how to make

your own vitamin d i put it up right

here check it out