Is Your Brain Shrinking? – Dr.Berg On Brain Health & Brain Atrophy | DrEricBergDC

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you feel that your brain is actually

shrinking and you have brain atrophy

well as you age the brain potentially

could shrink by 0.4 percent every single

year and that can lead to all sorts of

cognitive deficiencies like a lack of

focus a lack of attention on something

you are a very a DD you can’t complete

things without starting something else

over here your memory isn’t that great

you can’t concentrate and focus like you

used to and lot of that has to do with

just losing the amount of brain that you

have left so when your brain actually

shrinks you actually lose circulation

and you also lose your ability to use

glucose feel so you can’t actually get

the fuel in the cell anymore so

Alzheimer’s patients for example

Parkinson’s their nerve cells cannot

absorb glucose that well so they

basically starve and they don’t connect

anymore there’s a lack of communication

so is it possible to grow back your

brain and how do you do it and yes it’s

possible and here’s how to do it there’s

several things involved one is the B

vitamins your brain needs a lot of B

vitamins if you’re deficient in vitamin

b1 for example one of the symptoms is

amnesia you start forgetting things so

that’s very very important B 6 is very

necessary b12 very very important so

your brain is composed mostly of fat the

nerves are insulated with fat and now

you become deficient in B 1 and B 12 you

start to lose that fat myelin sheath

around the nerves also folic acid is

very very important you also need an

omega-3 fatty acid called DHA a good

percent of the fat in your brain is that

type of omega-3 fatty acid so how do you

get this fish fatty fish cod liver oil

and this is a really good product that I

recently started using myself cobb liver

this is not sardines this is actual Cobb

liver it tastes a little bit like tuna

but it’s like pudding

it’s like tuna pudding it’s really

actually quite amazing I’ll put a link

down below so you can order some of this

but you just need a little bit each day

to get your

daily amounts of DHA and you also need

phytonutrients fund of nutrients are

kind of giving you that protection

against environmental stress it’s the

the toxic effect of foods poor diets so

all that oxidizes the tissue and creates

free radicals so if our nutrients can

help protect the damage from that

alright let’s talk about blood sugars if

the blood sugar is too high or too low

or you have what’s called insulin

resistance in which it’ll be your blood

sugars would be kind of normal at first

but you have high insulin this is going

to create a massive problem with your

brain and this is probably the most

common problem right here I have tons of

videos on it I’m not going to get into

it right now I’ll put a link down below

but blood sugar problems will cause

neuro degeneration and then you have the

stress component which if you’re under

stress the high levels of cortisol can

also create a very similar effect and by

the way high levels of cortisol will

mess up your blood sugars okay so it’s a

combination of cortisol directly

creating a problem and the insulin

creating the problem from the blood

sugars and of course not sleeping from

the stress can greatly affect the

function of your central nervous system

alright and of course you have the

smoking and the drinking will affect the

brain physiology too now if you’re in a

situation where you don’t have the full

capacity of brain function and you’re

starting to lose your focus and

concentration you don’t want to run the

majority of your brain on glucose

there’s another of fuels that you can

run your brain on part of the brain

needs glucose but don’t worry about that

because your body can make it its own

glucose from fat or protein in your diet

the thing about the brain is the brain

it doesn’t have a storage sugar reserve

it doesn’t have glycogen like your

muscles do so it depends on what’s going

on in the blood so if there’s not enough

sugar in the blood then it starts to

starve and that can come from what’s

called insulin resistance and so despite

having a lot of sugar in the blood if

you have insulin resistance like in your

brain it won’t work so you don’t want to

run the majority of your brain on


you want to run it on ketones your brain

cells love ketones if you have any

question on what a ketone is watch the

video on ketones I put down below but

ketones are the byproduct of burning fat

and your brain cells will be much more

efficient energy wise running on ketones

and now last the most important thing is

the same called

intermittent fasting where you’re not

eating so frequently and of course

you’re going to do the combination of

both of these

but intamin fasting will increase this

compound in your brain called brain

derived neurotrophic factor B D and F

this is like miracle-gro

for the brain this will help regrow the

brain cells okay so you have to do a

combination of intamin fasting and

healthy ketosis to get your brain to

come back alright guys thanks for

watching I’ll see you in the next video

so if you want more knowledge on how to

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notifications that sounds weird well

I’ll just remind you on a daily basis

how about that