Is Your Poor Posture Linked To Vitamin D Deficiency? – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey I’m back in today we’re gonna talk

about an interesting connection between

poor posture and vitamin D now you may

know vitamin D is involved with calcium

metabolism most people know that but

there’s a secondary major function of

vitamin D that many people don’t know

about and that is this the development

of osteoclasts what is that those are

the cells in your bone that actually

help you absorb calcium so vitamin D

actually helps those cells develop so

you can make bone now when a child is

severely deficient in vitamin D they get

this condition called rickets okay like

bowed legs it starts to affect the

structure of the skeleton well there’s a

mild version of rickets you see this in

adults and even teenagers

that’s called osteomalacia okay so it’s

a milder version of rickets in which

you’re getting a lack of mineralization

of the skeletal system so you don’t have

this strong support of let’s say the

arches on your feet or the your back so

one of the symptoms of osteomalacia or

vitamin D deficiency is kyphosis which

is basically hunchback your posture

starts going forward like this because

you don’t have the minerals to support

this structure so this is just another

important reason to take vitamin D or

get enough Sun especially for your kids

if you’re pregnant if you’re

breastfeeding you need to take vitamin D

for sure one last point one of the first

symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency and

one of the big symptoms of osteomalacia

is aches and pains so if you have any

extra pains or especially low back pain

try some vitamin D you may notice some

really great improvement on that alright

guys see you in the next video

hey before you leave I just wanted to

give you a little quick history on some

of the books that I wrote this was one

of the first books that called dr. Berg

body shapes it was my attempt at writing

about body types what was very

interesting about this book is I

actually did all the images myself don’t

ask me why they look actually not quite

as professional as some of the images

that I have in the new book but anyway

this is my first attempt right here

called dr. Berg’s body shape diets and

then I wrote a book more extensive

called the seven principles of fat

burning I don’t even have a copy anymore

actually because it’s outdated the next

book I put about a thousand hours into

this one right here called a new body

type guide major updates on the body

types I put a lot of energy into this it

has professional images graphics all

sorts of things now the problem with

this book is it doesn’t really describe

what this is really about body types are

only a small portion of what’s in this

book and that’s why I change the name to

the healthy keto plan okay if you happen

to have this book you don’t really need

this book because there’s some only very

very minor updates but if you don’t have

this you need to get this one right here

this book goes into every single detail

that you would ever want to know about

it goes into the seven principles of a

burning goes into hormones the body

types the basic keto plan it goes into

in a minute fasting I talked about the

ten fat burning triggers and blockers in

that burning strategies with a lot of

details in every single chapter I go

into body issues that interfere with

losing weight there’s very few people

that just have a weight problem they

have a lot of body issues whether it’s

sleeping problems stress problems

inflammation menopause I cover that

extensively in this book then I talk

about how to get rid of stress and I

show you a technique then I get into

exercising and then I have a lot of

really good recipes in this book as well

so this is a good reference guide on my

website if

you get this book you get this one free

it’s called health Aikido and then it

fasting this is the shortcut a quick

guide to this book and the reason I

created this book is to have you within

45 minutes learn how to do keto ok in in

a minute fasting exactly what you need

to do then you can fill in the blanks

with this book right here so right now

I’m doing a special if you get this book

you get this one totally free or you can

go to Amazon and get these individually

so I just want to clarify the difference

between this book and this updated one

right here if you don’t have this you

need to get this right here that way you

can get the exact correct information to

do it healthily