Is Fasting Good or Bad for the Liver? | DrEricBergDC

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someone recently asked a question about

fasting is it good for the liver is

going to cause any damage it’s very good

for the liver the liver is one of the

only organs that can completely

regenerate if you have at least 25% of

your liver left so it takes a beating

but it can actually rebound so on this

side we have what happens when you’re

eating and this side is when you’re not

eating you’re fasting so let’s say for

example you’re gonna do an 18 hour fast

so that would mean that you ate at 12:00


and your second meal at 6 o’clock so

that’s a 6 hour

eating window that would be when really

all the good things start happening now

if you fast longer for that and you get

to 20 hours that’s even better

but that’s a really good sweet spot a

lot of people are just doing one meal a

day and that’s even better if you can do

it especially for regenerating liver

function one of the biggest things that

is going to happen when you’re fasting

is you’re going to deplete your glycogen

Reserve so in a very short period of

time there’s not going to be any more

stored sugar in the liver in the muscle

yes but not in the liver so now all that

fat on the liver can then be used as


after the glycogen has been tapped out

and by the way glycogen is just stored

sugar many people have a fatty liver and

they don’t even realize they have a

fatty liver unless they do a test

ultrasound or a cat scan or an MRI but

one easy way to know that you have a

fatty liver is just looking down and

seeing if you have a stomach if you have

a gut chances are you have a fatty liver

so by doing fasting you can release the

fat from the liver and use that as

energy so you’re reversing a fatty liver

also if you have enlarged liver it can

help reduce that probably because you’re

releasing fat as well as inflammation

it’s coming down because one of the

things that fasting will do is it gets

rid of inflammation so if your liver

enzymes are elevated fasting could

greatly help you because it gives the

liver and the immune system a chance to

reset and heal and you can also improve

fibrosis at scar tissue or even

cirrhosis because you’re decreasing the

inflammation and you’re also stimulating


called a tapa G which really starts to

kick in about 8 hours 20 hours Tavo G is

the recycling of old damaged proteins so

if you have scar tissue fibrosis in the

liver and you’re doing regular in a

minute fasting or a periodic prolonged

fasting you can stimulate a tapa G and

really help to reverse the damage the

key is keeping your insulin low now if

you’re overweight or obese

chances are you have high insulin

because you have insulin resistance if

you’re a diabetic you really have high

levels of insulin sometimes nine times

higher than normal so just by doing

fasting you can greatly improve the

insulin levels bring that down and

that’s when the magic starts happening

when you’re eating you’re stimulating

insulin so in the presence of insulin

you can’t release fat from the liver you

can’t burn fat and you have inflammation

so this is why intermittent fasting is

so vitally important there’s actually an

interesting gene that gets expressed or

activated when you fast that helps to

get fat off the liver if you want more

technical information about that I put a

link down below one last thing about

this other hormone called igf-1 like

growth factor number one this hormone

also increases when you’re fasting when

you’re not eating

and this is very similar to growth

hormone growth hormone is a fat burning

hormone it’s anti-aging it helps you

with protein building and repair now I

know I said one last thing but there’s

one additional thing I almost forgot

about and that would be taking choline

if you have a fatty liver choline is a

fantastic natural B vitamin to help

speed up the reduction of fat off your

liver you can get in a powder or pill I

don’t have a specific brand you can just

look around for something that has good

reviews and try that the choline is good

by the way did you know that the food

that is very high in choline is egg

yolks yeah interesting

egg yolks can help with the fabula ver

you would think it’s just the opposite

the other thing is outside the vinegar

apple cider vinegar is really good

to help counter a fatty liver it’s also

good to help stabilize blood sugars all

right now I’m really done so if you want

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