When NOT to Eat Vegetables? - Dr. Berg On Phytonutrients & SIBO | DrEricBergDC

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alright guys I recently did a video on

why you need to consume vegetables okay

this is a continuation of that when not

to consume vegetables okay in the last

video just to quickly summarize you want

vegetables between 7 to 10 cups for this

reason one is to get the nutrients that

you need so vegetables provide the

nutrients especially potassium magnesium

also the fiber in the vegetables because

we’re not doing grains feed the microbes

and microbes need this fiber to actually

survive and they will give you a

friendly acid it’s called Peterik acid

that then feeds your colon that helps

normalize blood sugar 2 decreases

inflammation now final nutrients that

would be like carotenoids all the

phytonutrients lutein that go beyond

just regular vitamins and minerals that

give you additional health benefits ok

this is very very important and the

oxidants things like that also the

vegetables buffer the pH so if you’re

just doing meat you’re going to certify

things a bit too much and the vegetables

act as a great buffer for the pH so it’s

not always so acidic alright now when

not to do vegetables well when you have

this condition called SIBO small

intestinal bacterial overgrowth ok what

is that that’s a situation where your

microbes are not all located in the

large intestine the last part of this

huge tube that you have which is like 27

feet long I think it’s like 31 feet long

the last part last five feet is the

large intestine that’s where most of the

microbes should live but in SIBO you

have those microbes now living in the

wrong place they live into the small

intestine which is the the first part of

the tube okay so if you have these

microbes is called flora or microbiome

living in the small intestine when it

should be in the large intestine they

can compete for nutrients so basically

you’re supposed to absorb all this

nutrient in the small intestine well

these bacteria will eat that up and keep

you deficient in nutrients so that’s not

good you’re going to have tremendous

amounts of bloating

because you’re gonna have a lot of

excessive fermentation and gas being

created because this these microbes are

just in the wrong location so you get

nutritional deficiencies and then if you

add the fiber that just makes it worse

so if you’re consuming vegetables and

you’re getting so bloated and you’re

getting your you feel like you’re

gaining weight and you’re retaining

fluid and you’re getting gas then

chances are you could potentially have

SIBO you can actually get a test from it

okay or you can assume that you have it

and do the following which I’m going to

get to in a second another thing that

would make it worse would be if you

consumed a probiotic why because you

don’t want to add more bacteria to a

place where you have too much bacteria

already because this is an overgrowth so

one of the reasons that you’ve got this

in the first place is your stomach

wasn’t acidic enough or maybe you took

an antibiotic so you don’t want to

consume vegetables or probiotics if you

have this situation I mean a real good

way just to know if you have it it if

you feel bad when you consume vegetables

then just avoid them for one month

let your body reset you can call this

the carnivore diet if you want whatever

but we’re just basically eliminating

vegetables we’re giving our body some

time to remove those bacteria from the

small intestine and push them down into

the large intestine so you’d want to

avoid vegetables in probiotics you want

to sit if I the stomach with episode of

vinegar and something called betaine

hydrochloride you can get those in a

combined product I put a link down below

to make it easier but you want to

acidify the stomach two reasons one is

that acid will allow for a lot better

digestion to occur at the beginning of

your digestion because the last thing

you want is incomplete digestion right

here so we have half undigested food

entering in the small intestine and then

we get more gas and more fermentation

and more bloating and we want to do

fasting why because the normal transit

time the time it takes for food to go

through your entire digestive system is

between 36 and

40 hours so if you’re eating every hour

and a half the food is just being

crammed down there crammed down there

you never give your system a chance to

clear out so we want to do in a minute

fasting and even longer fasting if if

you can to let the body reset very

important I mean even the stomach alone

takes five hours or four to five hours

for the food to get through the stomach

so if you’re eating like every two hours

or three hours and you’re not waiting

long enough you’re putting food in in

this tube through this little pipe when

the food is still in your stomach not to

mention the small intestine and large

intestine so we we constantly are

crammed and food down that we never let

a digestive system rest and then the

last thing is herbal antibiotics clove

oregano and garlic there’s many other

ones but this is a really good

combination to help kill off the

microbes without the side effect okay so

this is what I’m going to recommend I’m

also going to put a link down below of

more additional data on SIBO down below

you can check that out but in this is a

situation where you’re not going to be

vegetables but for everyone else I

recommend to actually add the vegetables

in there thanks for watching

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