The Dr. Berg Show LIVE - March 31, 2023 | DrEricBergDC

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thank you

welcome back everyone we’re here with

another q a and anything that I say is

not meant to give you any cures if you

get cured don’t mention our names just

check with your doctor before

implementing any of the information

we’re going to share

okay all right Steve all right that’s

terrific let’s see here why don’t we uh

start off uh let’s see shamali can you

hear me dear it looks like your camera

froze she’s got set up on the schedule

shamali I think her camera froze if she

pops back up we’ll ring right on in the

meantime let’s do something just uh

throw caution to win and start off with

a quiz question this weekend Dr Burke

here’s the first one

all right so why does sugar

cause fluid retention in your lower legs

and your feet gross that’s the first

question that’s awful okay let’s uh

let’s then slide over to social media uh

Emma from YouTube could you please give

us some guidance on how to destroy

cancer cells without using chemo


um the the cancer cells uh they they

have this interesting survival mechanism

they they kind of avoid

uh committing suicide like regular cells

die they have a kind of a time limit but

can’t cancer cells live forever so you

want to create an environment that um

makes it very hard for them to live

um when you do fasting

you just turn up the dial on your immune

system by very very large amount and so

like the

tumor suppressor genes and all these

things that can actually fight things

fight cancer off go go up and so this is

why fasting is the most important thing

for cancer okay and there’s another

protocol that we recommend you can look

at my videos it’s in one of the links

um in some of the videos that I’ve done

uh that based on some research there’s a

protocol that we recommend but also the

foods that can create

um a great effect on

wiping out cancer would be like the


some of these um

garlic things like that that have a

really a negative effect for that cancer

cell it can’t survive

but those are a couple tips there’s a

lot more data on this

that I want to share with you but um

that would be the quick answer

all right very good Echo we’ve got some

Intel from the field as they call it

this gentleman whose parents rudely

named him spam Mouse how dare they from

YouTube uh says enjoy that extra cake

today birthday boy so he’s suggesting

that perhaps even you have some

weaknesses and may succumb to the cake

urge which because it’s your birthday so

happy birthday Dr Burke does he have

that right

well thank you and it’s I just really um

I hate going through these darn 40s

because I’m 48 and 47 was bad enough but

  1. that’s old I know just how you I

don’t know what’s going on I mean like I

don’t understand this like when you get

older you’re why is that your eyebrows

grow an accelerated rate you got to cut

them like on a daily basis you have

nose hairs coming out you know well they

shouldn’t be I mean it’s really rough

it’s really rough don’t neglect the ears

happens there too

at this rate my earlob’s going to be

down to my my uh my traps well nothing

like a cute braid to take care of that

anyway so happy birthday from everyone

Dr Berg that’s wonderful now let’s go

okay then we’ve got clapping going on

from June in The Green Room Samir from

YouTube please guide me to recovery

after a stroke I have no left hand

function anymore I have minimal left leg

function and my blood pressure is high

help with exclamation marks he puts hope

we can Samir

there is some great research on doing

the methylene blue uh that that can help

increase oxygen and the cells uh so that

would be one remedy I think two dropper

fulls of that

um pharmaceutical grade methylene blue

in some water in the morning maybe with

electrolyte powder because it doesn’t

taste that great

um could actually get more oxygen to the

brain now there’s other things too like

tocatrinals that would be good

um niacin is also good to help

um recover after a stroke but then of

course the basic stuff is fasting low

carb I mean you need to be on that like

right right away to help improve the


repair and function the worst thing you

could do is eat birthday cake that would

be the absolute worst worst thing you

could do I was looking to see if you had

any crumbs around your mouth but you you

passed the test doesn’t look like you uh

yeah succumbed to that Temptation I

don’t I moved beyond the birthday cakes

all right very good uh this is

um not good news Emily from Facebook I

have stage 3B ovarian cancer and stage

four melanoma what can I do to address

these conditions Emily sorry that that’s

what you’re going through

you know uh unfortunately



I’m not telling you not to do this but

the the

medical care just doesn’t have good

statistics on this so there is a lot of

alternative things that people do people

do combinations of medical and

alternative but I would watch all the

videos that I have and look at the

research and then make your own

decisions but there’s some great

protocols that you can take

um but like I said before

there’s one very very powerful thing

that is keeping quite a few people alive

even with the most worst case scenario

stage four cancer and that would be the

prolonged fasting

prolonged fasting has the most powerful

effect for a survival rate but there’s

other things that need to be done too

the only problem with that is how much

fat do you have extra in your body that

you can use to fasten a long period and

I’m talking about you know even weeks of

fasting and then taking nutrition but

that that’s the area that I would look

into if I had cancer I would be doing a

lot more of that and um take a look and

watch all these videos because I we we

have a lot of great information on that


okay Emily we’re all pulling for you I

hope that um you know um

we can find some progress in that awful

condition that you’re suffering from uh

let’s see the audience has given a quick

answer to the questions that they

usually do our first one asks why does

sugar cause fluid retention in your

lower legs and feet and a 70 percent of

our respondents say that it’s a lack of

potassium 20 say sugar affects adrenals

and the final 10 percent say that

retained water gives way to gravity so

they’re suggestion I guess that you’re

going to retain water but it goes plop

to your feet

it’s a double double-edged sword because

you have the sugar and then you have the

insulin Spike insulin tends to retain


that’s one thing but then the sugar

um has to go somewhere so a good amount

of it gets stored as uh stored sugar

that’s called glycogen and when it gets


um it gets stored with a lot of water so

for every molecule of glucose you store

three molecules of water so you can


um you’re holding this fluid-filled

sponge probably between

I don’t know 13 to 20 pounds of fluid in

your body that you’re just carrying

around unnecessarily and then also it

locks up a lot of the potassium too

because in order to store that glycogen

you have to use potassium so now we have

a potassium that’s stored and so this is

why when you eat refined carbs and sugar

refined sugars it tends to lock up a lot

of the potassium and then you have the

symptoms of a potassium deficiency just


when before I got married my wife and I

went to this Italian restaurant and we

had pizza and pasta and wine and

desserts and uh you could say it’s a

mass amount of carbs refined carbs

so I’m we’re about ready to leave and we

look around and everyone’s gone and

we’re the last ones and the guy with the

dessert table is going he’s going next

to us he goes you want do you want any

of these desserts before we shoot them

out and of course I don’t like to waste

food so after consuming

massive amounts of additional refined

carbohydrates I remember trying to sleep

that night and my I was hearing these

pounding in my ears pounding my heart

rate was pounding that was a classic

potassium deficiency little did I know I

could have just ate some potassium foods

and and countered that but didn’t sleep

the whole night so

that is a long answer to that short

question well you know doctor a quick

anecdote from me I’ve been a sauna freak

at the gym recently tons of saunting and

exercise Sonic exercise and I started

having AFib and I think what I realized

instead of looking to you is I wasn’t

drinking enough and I think I was

depleted and stuff so I started uh with

your electrolyte formula again and I

don’t know if that could have cured it

but I think I was dehydrated and maybe

that was low and could that cause a

A-fib if you have a lack of potassium or

well it when you lose sweat you do lose

some sodium as well potassium as well

and magnesium mostly sodium but just

just the fact that you’re losing

electrolytes in general probably made it

worse so if especially if you’re going

into it with um pre-existing

deficiencies so

actually Lori says I have tons of

pre-existing deficiencies but that’s for

another show

I’m talking about other things Steve

that’s right all right let’s see uh so

we finished with the quiz now here’s

Helena from Facebook what supplements

should I take to address chronic

constipation sounds like that meal you

had with the

with your wife years ago may have done

that we may have taken care of that now

that’s we are going to

um talk about that uh as one of the

questions so just stay tuned and listen

because we will answer that question

extensively all right Helena that is for

you so stand by for that let’s see uh

Ray from YouTube lab work shows protein

from the kidneys what can I do to stop

this I’m a diabetic with high blood


well diabetes is a a condition where you

have too much sugar that’s going through

the kidneys and it’s in the blood so

you’re filtering that all that Sugar

destroys the the nephron the filter and

um now the the protein is going right

through there which now that can create

edema swelling and all sorts of things

so you know

the most important thing you need to do

any diabetic should do is to

first of all realize that diabetes is

too much sugar and get the sugar out of

the diet stop eating sugar and refined

carbs go on a low carb diet that is this

the big solution

um and then hopefully your kidneys will

heal up but

um you know when you’re taking

medication that’s designed to lower

um blood glucose and manage your blood

sugars you better correct the cause of

it too at the same time which is your

diet and then what will happen is you’re

if you’re still taking medications

you’ll end up with low blood sugar so

you never want to take those medications

with low blood sugar because this is

going to push it down lower

so get with your doctor have them make

adjustments to the point where you can

actually not have to take that anymore

um but that would be the ultimate

solution okay in the doctor Berg this is

hilarious question and here it is

all right what is healthier to eat

the cereal from Kellogg’s Corn Pops or

the box it came in

well that’s going to be interesting I’m

I suspect an odd answer and let’s

quickly go over to all the people that

are answering and listening to your

questions and wishing you Happy Birthday

and so on and they are as from as

follows and we’d like to say hello to

everybody joining Dr Burr’s birthday

today thank you uh Terry for adding that

in from the UK Canada Mexico Sweden the

Philippines South Africa Trinidad and

Tobago the Netherlands Slovenia Mongolia

wholesale list Austria

uh Kenya India Germany Malaysia Portugal

Ethiopia Australia the Virgin Islands

France Norway Pakistan the United Arab

Emirates Switzerland Egypt Chile and

Nepal Italy Greece Belgium Oman Iran

Bangladesh Kuwait Thailand Austria

Armenia Peru Colombia Israel Poland

Finland and all across these United

States and is also as usual we’re going

to have some more stragglers that are

coming to say don’t forget about us so

that’s a fantastic fantastic list I was

listening to a YouTube show uh uh I

don’t know I can’t remember the subject

matter but the host said oh my gosh look

we have a viewer from you know England

and oh my gosh and here’s one from uh

you know somewhere else and I thought my

gosh if they listen to the list of Dr

Berg’s listeners how extensive it is

they just throw their show away but

anyway but they were very excited to get

a couple folks that were out of the

contiguous so this is really quite a

phenomenon Dr Berg that you have all

these people listening from around the

globe uh let’s see now uh

we posed the second question which is

hilarious why don’t we go to our green

room and

um let’s go to uh June from Juno Beach I

don’t know if she designed that somehow

to rhyme but that’s where she’s at or

and let’s see now if you’ll unmute

yourself June I will too oh you did I

was the straggler and guess what John

with Dr Berg with your one question for

30 seconds please go

okay well first of all happy birthday

you’re a blessing to me and I know to

all of us I wanted to ask you

um I am woken up at night from this heat

that ingredients


and I can’t get back to sleep I’ve been

very successful in a short time on the

program thank you very much



but this is where I’m at and then it

just wakes me up my blood sugars have

been awesome

thank you

I’m between 82 and 96.

did it start what what I’m sorry what is

your what’s your age

I am going to be 57 June okay great I

mean well I’m 58 so uh we’re a little

bit older but here’s a question um did

this happen

um in your early 50s or recently or when

did it when did it start this started um

in the uh early 50s I don’t have hot

flashes during the day

and I don’t sweat

okay so there’s there’s a definitely um

something in your

hypothalamus that uh is controlling

temperature of the body and it doesn’t

necessarily have to be whether you have

sweat it’s just a change in temperature

and it’s actually in the same little

area as the center that controls the

ovaries so apparently there’s this

glitch in the circuitry that the

adrenals are supposed to none take over

and everything’s supposed to be fine but

apparently there’s some

problems in the circuitry so we need to

fix that so how do you get rid of that

problem well there’s a couple things

that I tell people to try of course like

seek help with the iodine lot sometimes

that works sometimes tocatrinal

Works other times you need to support

the adrenal itself with uh the whole

desk the desiccated adrenal

um like glandular that a lot of times

that’ll help but these are just a couple

or three things that I always try and

sometimes you know you’ll you’ll get it

on one thing and then sometimes you

won’t and then you have to try other

things but

I’ve done some videos on this you

probably have watched them and you’re

probably ordering and you have something

you’re going to try but those are the

three most common reasons

and or things that you can take to

actually resolve it


and if it does it for some weird reason

if it doesn’t resolve then um come back

because there’s other things that you

can try as well

for example

there is a product from Standard Process

sometimes that I recommend is called

overtrofin PMG which um you know like if

you’ve tried everything else and

nothing’s worked like that that tends to

work but I wouldn’t try that first

because I would try these other things

and that usually should help you so that

would be my quick suggestion but I’m

glad you’re regretting getting these

other results that’s cool but of course

this heat thing is probably very

irritating because you need to sleep

wow well well anyway Junior I don’t want

to step over Dr Berg’s advice but you

live in South Florida how about Siberia

I think it’s going to cure your problem

completely especially in the winter

months no we hope yeah there you go

that’s another solution just move to the

north and stay in the cold and then you

have an internal heater that can counter

that problem yeah see I knew I was onto

something thank you June so much and I

hope that you get back with us and let

us know about your future successes

because I’m sure you can come up with

something and I know Dr Berg is grateful

for your birthday wishes as well so why

don’t we go on to the second quiz

question which has already been answered

um about a delicious recipe and it asks

what is healthier to eat the cereal from

Kellogg’s Corn Pops or the box it came

in and 95 of our respondents say that

it’s the box and the other five percent

says probably about the same

now there was a recall with Kellogg’s

there was literally


millions and millions of millions of

boxes that were recalled with four


cereals I think it was um uh Fruit Loops

um honey something and uh Corn Pops and

one more and so they’re like millions

and million box boxes were recalled

not because of anything in the in the

actual ingredients and it was actually

because of something in the Box itself

gave off the smell or this weird taste

that creates some nauseousness

so um apparently according to them the

box is uh worse than the actual material

on the inside so

I guess it’s okay to eat the uh the

actual cereal just don’t eat the box it

came in like every time you eat

something like that some of that box

does end up in the cereal it does leech

out and you’re actually indirectly

eating the box so it might not be good


what’s uh fascinating to me about some

of these cereals as I was looking I’ve

added like Steve I don’t know if you’ve

ever been to a grocery store lately but

they’re they’re actually and this is

hard to believe there’s actually entire

aisles that sell cereal entire aisles of

the grocery store that actually sell

cereal and uh you know I’m sure kids I

can’t imagine I know it’s hard to

believe but I’m just going what the if

you ever read what’s in there

and um it’s very funny though if you

look at um

you know Kellogg’s what they say about

the cereal it’s like it’s part of a

nutrient dense diet I’m not kidding

nutrient dense and and they can say that

because they’re adding synthetic

vitamins to it because there’s nothing

left but there’s hydrogenated oils

there’s um different types of sugar

there’s maltodextrin and MSG and there’s

just about every other thing you can

imagine but um


um and they also did say that it’s not

correlated with um with weight gain in


of course when you read that study

um what they did is they compared

eatiness I think some of that cereal

with uh

white bread or something like that so

anyway everything is relative

I’ll get off the topic but um I would

definitely avoid eating the box if I

were you that sounds like something you

know Dr bergam is 69 so my childhood was

like Mayberry and Andy Griffiths and so

on and you could not find a heavy person

on the horizon when I was a kid if

someone was overweight it was a

spectacle because we all ran around

outside or whatever and we ate crappily

I mean we had you know uh Wonder Bread

with peanut butter and jelly but we just

burned it off and I remember you

mentioning a couple of the hands that

work with you on the uh on the farm

there that are just in great shape but

they eat moon pies and RC colas for

lunch but they don’t stop all day so

there is a a benefit right I guess to

lower consumption or higher

um you know higher a greater deal of

exercise and when you combine uh Corn

Pops with uh sedentary lifestyle that’s

just especially awful Isn’t it

you could say that again you could

definitely say that again wow all right

let’s see let’s move on from there back


um social media a shout out to our

viewers in Saudi Arabia North Cyprus

Brunel Puerto Rico and Argentina okay

great I didn’t want to leave them out

they called her from YouTube can you

talk about Hyperbaric treatments uh can

how they might help with cancer

you know I tried that I I like them a

lot I um it’s great to help

um Drive oxygen into the deep part of

your body and and kind of resolve areas

of hypoxia and also a rehab of stroke

problems and I forgot to mention that as


um so I’ve had people go in there and

help even grow part of their bone back

that’s not been responding to typical

therapy so there’s a lot of benefits

including um there’s some research on

cancer so I don’t have all the data but

I think it’s worth to jump into but um

yeah you go into this uh just make sure

just make sure that when you go into one

of these tanks that you uh don’t have

any static electricity in your

you know your undergarments if you’re

wearing a t-shirt because we don’t want

a spark in oxygen right that would be a

bad situation so I think they have that

result because they ground you when you

go in there but it’s um I like it I like

it I do recommend it I think it’s a

great great therapy for a lot of

different things

sorry about that doc let’s see I got

distracted and that happens very easily

with me uh here we go let’s go to

Facebook Michael uh what healthy

alternatives can you suggest to

commercial toothpaste is that an issue

I think it’s a it is a minor issue but

it is an issue and I I have videos on

how to make your own toothpaste um but

there also is a you know convenient

um toothpaste that you can buy that are

alternative that doesn’t have um the

fluorides in them I I don’t like

fluoride in toothpaste

um I don’t even recommend the fluoride

treatments for making your teeth whiter

because it leeches into the in the

system and it’s very very um

um oxidizing and irritating to your

tissues and a good thing they don’t put

that in the water supply and I’m being

sarcastic because they do so you want to

get a

fluoride filter for your shower too to

pull it out and you’re going to find

your skin it’s going to be much better

if you don’t expose it to uh that

fluoride not to mention chloride

all right very good why don’t we kick it

off with another question these have

been so wonderful uh and here’s a real

quick one a true falcer

okay true or false oatmeal is gluten


there you have it climb on it audience

and let’s now go back to our green room

and let’s pick on Nancy who’s in

Maryland and Nancy if you would unmute

yourself you’re on with Dr Berg for a

quick question please

happy birthday Dr Byrd thank you


I started eating natto from the store

for vitamin K and I have been off of

oligums for uh several years in order to

control my diabetes

no meds for years

will natto disrupt keto or my blood

sugar and is the GMO soy going to

disrupt my endocrine system

also is black soy natto nutritionally

equivalent to the white soy product

and would you consider a future video on

Khan’s disease which is hyper

aldosteronism you know I I don’t know if

I’ll do a video on that simply because

it’s not as common but I will maybe do a

blog post on that for sure but uh

sometimes there’s all sorts of um things

that are just more rare that um

honestly like it would be just a

selective very small group of people but

uh let’s talk about this NATO NATO is um

a fermented soybean not as popular in

the U.S but some people are learning

about it but

um it’s very high in vitamin K2 very

good source about MK2 which is amazing

to drive the calcium into the bone to

keep the calcium out of the arteries

keep the calcium out of the joint so

that’s uh that’s good

um if you could find one non-GMO that

would be really good I’m not crazy about

the GMO soy because you’re going to get


that glyphosate that’s an herbicide okay

that’s an herbicide that’s in so many

different things it’s not just in GMO

food it’s actually they use it as a way

to kill

um oats

and kill


kill off the wheat quickly so they can

dry it up as a drying agent

because it kills plants really fast but

it does um tend to mess with our

microbiome right in our guts and it is

um definitely

um considered a carcinogenic so it does

cause cancer but of course

Monsanto said no it doesn’t it’s

completely safe so they’ve done their

own studies

um so the point is that um I would

probably find an organic one or get my

K2 from something else I’m not sure

about the different forms of

black soil versus the other one I’m not

sure about that um but if you want to

get a good source of vitamin K2 it’s

actually in a lot of a fattier cheeses

and it’s also an egg yolks and um


it’s also in grass-fed butter a little

bit of K2 is in there or you can give us

a supplement so that would be my long

answer Nancy but um

thank you

that’s great thanks so much Nancy for

joining us and please get back with us

you’re welcome that’s wonderful all

right let’s see why don’t we answer

another question and it was our third

question of the day which simply asked

true false oatmeal is gluten free and

simply answered


sixty percent of our respondents say

it’s false and forty percent say it’s

absolutely true

winners okay so yeah it’s been known to

be um gluten free but but there’s a diff

there is a type of


chemical or protein similar to gluten

uh and about 50 of the people who are

already sensitive to gluten they’ll have

a problem with oats okay so so it’s the

answer is technically

it is gluten free but there’s a similar

protein I think it’s called Avan avanine

Avenue or something like that but anyway

this protein can um

create similar effects but it’s delayed

as far as the effects so it’s sometimes

hard to identify it when you eat it it

doesn’t always create a reaction right

away it might take several days later so

you might not connect the dots and this

is a problem with a lot of things that

you know all of a sudden you start

getting headaches for example out of the

blue for no reason it could have been

something that you consume two days


so anyway uh that being said


oatmeal is um you know

a lot of people have it for the fiber

and unfortunately

um we’ll talk more about fiber in just a

minute but uh

there’s much better uh breakfast foods

and that would be like eggs things like


um but I know a lot of people will not

give up their oatmeal because

you know they have uncles that have

eaten it and they’re they’re 95 years

old and they’re fine so might as well

keep doing it absolutely here’s some

more gushing for you Dr Berg Ruth from

Facebook thank you Dr Berg for your many

videos to help us uh stay healthy my

husband and I watch you frequently so

have a wonderful birthday and thank you

for your kind and giving heart we so

appreciate you so isn’t that great doc

that’s awesome all right thank you and

here’s some other ones that want to

selfishly ring information out of you so

go to Gina from Facebook what is a good

remedy for dry skin caused by guttate

psoriasis you hear that one



if you have dry skin the the best

antidote for that would be um

the um it’s it’s actually an oil uh you

want more essential fatty acids like the

omega-3 fatty acids but specifically

that is called GLA

um which is a type of fat that you can

get in borage oil

I’m sorry not Voyage oil it’s a black

currant seed oil that would be the best

black currant seed oil um helps in that

conversion of the um the oils to

something that you’re

sebaceous glands which are the oil

glands can actually accept and


that should help your skin overall but

you can do it topically or I would

recommend just taking it as a supplement

and you definitely want to avoid the

Omega the other common omega-6 fatty

acids even though GLA is an omega-6 you

want to take um you want to avoid the

soy corn canola those oils because that

can throw off this GLA oil that’s

actually really good for the skin

especially if you get like dry flaky

skin that is an Omega

fatty acid deficiency because you’re

having too many of the wrong ones

okay very good

roses and daisies is a person’s name

from YouTube how can you increase

aromatase or estrogen production in a

pre-menopausal females that necessary


I don’t think you want to do that I

don’t think you want to increase the

Roma taste that’s going to turn the

testosterone into more estrogen I don’t

think that’s the best way to do it I

think um

another way that if you want to balance

out your estrogens to make sure you have

let’s say a nicer balance so there’s

less of the

the harmful one more of the others

um cruciferous vegetables will do it

that will do it so

um but yeah you don’t want to start to

do increasing aromatase because it’s


create problems yeah don’t fiddle with

that huh okay heimel from YouTube I have

a sun allergy after a c-section that’s

interesting I tried B3 as you suggested

but it’s not working I eat only organic

foods and not on any Pharmaceuticals

well else can heimel try Dr Berg

yeah I’m doing a lot of DNA testing and

I’m finding a lot of people

um a lot of people have a have a

resistance against vitamin D

and so

um Believe It or Not vitamin D actually

can protect against some of the UV

radiation and

um so vitamin D would be one thing to

take as a supplement especially if you

have some genetic problem with that but

the other thing is vitamin B1 B1 helps

to tolerate


problems with either too much irritation

from too much sun or heat

or even cold so let’s say for example

you’re sensitive to heat or cold or sun

then vitamin B will help you so that way

you can tolerate more of that of these

extreme temperatures and definitely jump

into that ice bath that you’ve been

dying to jump into and tolerate it

okay some people just are going to hang

onto this oatmeal thing and that one is

and from Facebook what are your thoughts

on sprouted oatmeal is that a phenomena

or something good I think that’s awesome

I think that’s a great option in fact

you can you can eat as much grain if you

as you want as long as you sprout them

and Sprout them into microgreens and put

those on your salad that way you can

have your grains and you get all the

phytonutrients and without the

anti-nutrients which is the phytic acid

so that would be a really smart solution

wow Terry I thought he might fuss with

you but no you’re on the right track so

keep keep on sprouting sounds like a

great thing to do all right let’s uh go

back for another question here this is a

true falcer and as promised doc someone

was asking about constipation and here

you go

okay question true or false constipation

is caused by a lack of fiber in the diet

what do you think audience

okay let’s see um

we already asked about toothpaste and

you said go for that let me look here

I had a stroke


oh here’s interesting pure Spirit from

YouTube what are your thoughts about red

light therapy

I think it’s awesome awesome the red

right therapy gives you infrared and it

has all sorts of really cool benefits it

can increase uh melatonin not I mean

this is a melatonin that’s in your whole

body which is a very powerful

antioxidant and it’s not just about

hearing your sleep cycles so it’s one of

the most powerful antioxidants so

there’s people use red light therapy to

um from many different reasons but it

penetrates the body in fact over 50

percent of the sun Sun’s rays are

infrared and you also get infrared when

the sun sets so um sitting you know at

night when you watch the sun set you

actually get get some good more

infrared and it’s easier to be be

exposed to that and also a campfire or a

fireplace or a candle you can get

infrared but infrared is um very

therapeutic for pain inflammation and

overall healing uh I like it people use

have these lasers for their skin and for

their brain health and but it does

penetrate a couple inches into the body

so I’ve done a whole video on that I’ve

done several videos on that laughs

I mean cough button

I can’t believe it I pushed the button

then start coughing that’s not the way

it’s supposed to work okay

excuse me audience while I choked it out

okay the uh

fourth question was quickly asked

there’s a true false or constipation is

the cause is caused by a lack of fiber

in the diet and as usual our audience

has an opinion 65 percent of them say

it’s false and 35 percent say it’s true

anyone left embarrassed here doc you

know it’s it’s always this everyone

knows that it’s lack of fiber right just

eat more fiber you know here’s the

here’s the data on that and I’m going to

create a video on this the great

majority of people have constipation

especially chronic constipation are

already consuming a lot of fiber it’s

not working so that I mean think about

what constipation is it’s a traffic jam

you’re completely impacted you’re

congested right and then to add more

fiber which adds more bulk and and

volume to an already over congested

colon would that make logical sense

Steve what do you think

I’m guessing no no it’s not a good thing

you you’re gonna find you’re going to

find that if you actually reduce the

fiber you probably will your

constipation will probably go away now

this is one of those things that goes


consent the medical consensus but it

it’s true I remember

um switching or meeting all this fiber

and of course I was doing fiber from my

so-called whole you know whole grain


um with beans and everything I remember

going to uh just more meats and

hamburger and I was like why are my my

bowel movements are so much better


um it was just bizarre but the point is

that the fiber sometimes for for a lot

of people can bind them up now I’m the

guy that recommends vegetables right but

if you take them and it binds you up

that means you need to do carnivore if

you it means that you probably have some

low grade inflammation or something

going on with the colon in which case

you can’t tolerate those vegetable

fibers but if you can I would recommend

it because there’s a lot of benefits

in Plants but

um I also think you should do Meats at

the same time for those people that have


low tolerance they can’t they just have

they don’t tolerate red meat and things

like that it’s probably because they

don’t have enough stomach acid to digest

it more than anything else

so that’s a whole different topic

alrighty Danette from YouTube I have

scoliosis and polymyalgia any natural

ways to address these conditions

well I would get on it get in a um a

really good

um ketogenic diet reduce inflammation


um in your joints and but with scoliosis

chances are the the underlying root

cause of that um happen when you’re

really young because somehow you were

deficient in vitamin D which can create

um all sorts of structural skeletal

problems in life

so unfortunately if the bones if you’re

older now it’s not it’s going to be hard

to reverse that and in fact probably POS

impossible because the Bones have

already grown in the S shape so you’re

going to have to work on a lot of

stretching and myofascial stretching

that’s what you want to do is you want

to stretch the fascia the fascia through

the body and that’s um there’s you can

just look that up on YouTube and do that

but that’ll probably give you the most


um out of anything

um but uh yeah that’s a that’s

definitely a situation but um in reduced

the inflammation too by omega-6 fatty

acids a really good

uh natural remedy for inflammation I

like is nettle root stingy nettle root

it’s uh quite and you can grow it it’s

very easy to grow it’s like it grows

like a weed it’s probably even growing

in your backyard and


you can go ahead and take that and put

it into a tea or a in the blender and

put it in your salad and eat it yum okay

let’s go back to the Green Room little

needles in it so be careful of that very

good and Beth anticipated I was going to

call on her because she snapped to

attention and she’s in front of the

camera and she’s now determined to ask

you one question and get it out in 30

seconds Beth go

happy birthday Dr Berg

um I’m questioning about what

supplements to take to heal thyroid it’s

hyperthyroidism and

um I want to get off the medication

which hasn’t been helping me and also

wanted to know if the prolonged fasting

will hurt my thyroid or not

I think the prolonged fasting will help

your thyroid because

um it the thyroid can is all about


metabolism and so

um it’s going to work less if you don’t

eat but do you have an autoimmune


one time my doctor said that it was or

wrote that it was Hashimoto’s but she’s

never actually told me that it was


so it was it hyper or hypo because um

hypo okay yeah so selenium selenium

that’s the trace mineral that you need


um that’s the thing that I would

recommend because that’s going to build

up the

um the glutathione that’s going to be

um the detoxer the thing that you really

want to avoid make sure you avoid like

the plague is any any type of gluten

because gluten has been known to um

trigger that autoimmune and start

working on your gut too

um probiotics things to heal the gut

that’s been a really good effective

remedy for the autoimmune as well as

higher amounts of vitamin D3 and then

lastly it wouldn’t hurt to do a good DNA

test because

you know as I’m looking at the DNA test

there’s a whole bunch of um interesting

information on why someone could


have continued health problems and it

could be related to

a whole spectrum of things but without

getting that test you’re just guessing

you know sometimes it’s the

boy my body doesn’t detoxify other times

it doesn’t make antioxidants so I have

oxidative stress other times it’s um

I’m not able to absorb B12 that well or


or have iron overload all these things

can create a problem I’ve actually just

did two recently uh and they had

problems with iron they accumulate iron

and I’m like

wow that’s important to know here you

are trying to get healthy and all of a

sudden you take red meat and you feel

worse well it’s because it’s too much



um there’s all sorts of great data you

can get I will be doing more videos on

that topic

um very soon but there’s a it’s a big

project so

hang in there

sounds great and Beth I’m going to give

you a little trade secret here and if

you want to watch more videos from Dr

Berg conveniently you’re going to want

to immediately download his app and

that’s for Android or for iOS so that’s

another organized way of getting through

the wonderful information the doc has


and uh Beth please get back with us and

let us know how you’re doing we always

love to hear the aftermath of a

successful regime okay Kareem from

YouTube he’s 18 and been diagnosed with

stage two Hodgkins my doctor said I’ll

start chemo in three weeks and he’s

scared of it

um you know anything that he could do I

mean is that something well I know you

don’t want to well there’s definitely


one point about Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

there’s a high correlation with the



so um what I would do is I would um

research that and completely and utterly

get that out of the diet I would watch

my cancer videos I would start doing a

prolonged fast start doing that and then

do the protocol that is recommended for

that now again these are none of my

supplements so I’m not trying to

tell you that there’s any cures but if

you’re doing I think it could be done

parallel with what you’re doing with

your doctor but of course check with

your doctor before implementing that

and um

so that’s that’s what I would recommend

very good uh all the best to you Kareem

and I guess that’s that’s Roundup isn’t

it is that glyphosphate or

that’s correct and even in Roundup

they’ve even found that there’s some

additional additives

that create problems as well in the

Roundup that’s not even glyphosate so

and uh it’s very hard to um

find out what those are but they have

identified it and um I think it’s one of

my videos that I did on this but so it’s

not just glyphosate it’s the whole

package that it comes with

all right very good let’s go back to a

truth false or hang up

let’s go to our final question here and

here it is Dot

okay so what is the best way to increase

microbial diversity in your gut

okay fascinating question audience climb

on it please and let’s see we have this

is really interesting a disembodied gas

named Richard and he’s floating around

out there in The Ether somewhere and he

doesn’t have a picture but uh Earth to

Richard are you there

I’m here there you go go ahead with your

one question 30 seconds from The Ether

happy birthday hey thanks


I’m 76 years old I was born with

excessive amount of mucus and gas that

I’ve had every moment of my life I’ve

tried a number of different things to

deal with it including um going on a

fruit diet in 1971 for eight years

because I read the mucous diet healing

system so I’ve tried a lot of different

things I’ve been trying to figure out

how to determine where the mucus

originates you said it could be in the

back of the throat it could be in the

larynx the sinuses

and um

I have a lot of other questions too

which I’d like to ask you but let’s

start with that I think there’s a I’m

glad you gave me two at least two things

to kind of look at because there is a

connection between both of these right

here if we take a look at what gas is

yes it could be from some foods that

you’re eating including fruit that can

increase gas but typically

having gas usually means low stomach

acid and it just so happens if you have

low stomach acid you could also have

generated more mucus that kind of can

come up all the way up into esophagus up

through the back of the throat believe

it or not so what I would do at least

try if I were you is I would start

taking betaine hydrochloride and take

small amounts like maybe one with a meal

and then each meal add another one

throughout the meal as you’re chewing

and swallowing so you can spread it out

until you achieve a state of no more gas

and and see if that affects the mucus

too because it could be

coming up because the valve is enclosing

for some reason I tried beating oh sorry

yeah go ahead I tried beating

hydrochloride and I on two of them it

there was an intense burning sensation

okay so if there’s an intense burning on

just two of them what that tells me you

probably have because it’s been going on

so long right atopic gastritis that is

another condition that’s very common

um especially as you get older where the

you start losing the stomach uh the wall

of the mucosal layer and then the body

overcompensate with more mucus but you

start losing the the production of

hydrochloric acid the cells that make it

and then the body will start making more

it kind of comp overcompensates so it

creates more problems and more acid or a

gastric acid and uh so now you have the

situation where you might be very very

deficient in B12 because there’s a

connection between

something else connected to that so B12

and folate is something that you

probably want to take in the right forms

too like the methyl versions of that

um that if it’s uh one good remedy for a

atropic gastritis would be sulforaphane

in the Sprouts if you can grow them

yourself that would be best especially

like cabbage Sprouts or consume cabbage

that might be a good thing to start

healing that stomach but

um I will be releasing a video soon on

digestion that I talk more about that in

more an extensive way so we can get into

it more but uh start looking at the

atropic gastritis because I think the

problem is we have to acidify the

stomach to fix it but we can’t because


there’s inflammation still in the

stomach itself so you have to heal that

with various things and then eventually

acidify it and then you’ll probably be a

lot better hey Richard I wish we had

more time for some questions but

unfortunately we’re on a short clock but

please do follow Dr Berg’s

recommendations of watching his videos

and then uh talk anyone can write you a

Dr Berg is that right not

that you can answer all of anyone could

write me I don’t know if they’ll they’ll

get a response now but no I’m just

kidding um now that’s what we do the um

that’s why we do this show here because

um I mean I just like even the video

that I did I think it was yesterday

within the first couple hours there was

four thousand

you know comments and questions so it’s

like it’s it’s hard to do this so I’m

thinking about just giving out my cell

phone number so I can just one by one

answer it but that’s that would be crazy


um I think the best thing to do is kind

of just write it in the comments I do

read these a lot and I’ll start doing a

video on the questions and but I’m

telling you I’d say

90 of most the questions are in a video

the problem is just trying to find them

right and so

I’m creating some books right now and

also on the um if you go to my even my

website Dr Berg it’s easier to search

specific things than on YouTube

okay very good by the way I’ve got your

cell phone uh right here audience you’re


I better not do that all right let’s see

but you do hey Richard a second well I’m

just following your your guidance and I

know anyway I did I did a video I did a

video once and uh


in person with someone and they somehow

my cell phone got on the video and all

of a sudden I started getting all these

calls from people all over the place and

I’m like how did you get my number

so yeah wow all right so uh put another

video yeah so yeah absolutely let me see

here Dr Berg uh

uh let’s uh I think we’ve got everybody

in the green room that’s terrific dead

man six from YouTube my wife uh is a

Kidney donor is it safe for her to do

the keto diet I guess she’s already

given up the kidney

well I think you have well you have well

one kidney or you have a new one that um

I think she donated it yeah

you know if you have advanced

Advanced kidney disease well then that’s

a whole different topic because

um you have to be in a special diet but

if it’s not Advanced uh I think a

ketogenic diet can protect the kidneys

because it’s it’s very gentle it’s a

very anti-inflammatory and um

even with the the type that I recommend

that the more vegetables the the

potassium is very um it’s protective of

the kidney this whole idea that you

can’t have potassium

because it’s going to just destroy the

kidney is

completely a lie because it’s only if

you have advanced end stage kidney

failure when you can’t have potassium

and phosphorus and other things so um

then people associate oh my gosh

then I can’t have potassium at all no no

you need you need potassium for the

kidney believe me

okay very good let’s see

what uh Anil from Facebook what is the

best treatment for hypertension for a

female over 65 years of age

well the the two things that jump right


um vitamin D will help lower blood

pressure more vitamin D

also potassium will lower blood pressure

those are the two ones and I’m assuming

you’re on the ketogenic diet because

having too many carbs can

create stiffening of the arteries

and that can increase the blood pressure

as well


I would say 90 of all hypertension is


and you’re probably going what does that

mean it means idiopathic means unknown


they don’t know in fact it goes along

with a lot of other diseases but I would

say out of that vitamin D is probably at

the top of the list and also potassium

so those are the two things I would try


okay very good our final question today

asked and we got to them all very proud

of that what is the best way to increase

microbial diversity in your gut and our

astute audience 80 percent said

fermented feuds like kimchi and

sauerkraut 10 say probiotics and the

last 10 percent say prebiotics

guess what everyone is correct because

if you actually if you can

um give eat a food that has um a variety

of microbes now think about this you can

get a probiotic right and if you look at

the back of the label it’ll just it’ll

say like maybe between 1 3 10 maybe if

you’re lucky 15 different strains but

guess how many strains you have in

sauerkraut or kimchi or even kefir

you have hundreds of different or even

thousands of different of strains of

microbes so talk so getting eating more

Diversified microbes will improve your

diversity but also diversity of foods so

Steve let me ask you when you eat a

salad what type of lettuce leaf do you

use in your salad

Dr Berg I can’t hear you hello are you

there no I I actually Iceberg yeah

Iceberg and I do like salads I mean I’m

not a good guy all the times with diet

but I love salad so iceberg is what I

generally use and sometimes I guess


okay so if you were to go to the grocery

store like I know you do and you shop

for your family and your wife you should

buy a variety of plants things you

haven’t tried before and make your salad

with different types of plants and

um and salad leaves not just the same

the diversity of those different plants

will start to increase the diversity of

your gut and you will find that that’s

going to improve so many things for your

immune system to your digestion and so

you know stick some parsley and cilantro

in there and all sorts of things don’t

just have like one thing

um and also if you add in micro greens

that are grown in actual soil whether

you make them yourself or buy them

it’s hard to find them on soil believe

it or not we just had them tested we

went we I was sent into the lab had them

tested because I was curious

you talk about

hundreds and hundreds of different

strains of microbes in that micro grain

hundreds of difference of microbes

you’re actually eating a probiotic when

you’re eating some of these plants and

uh I looked at one of the microorganisms

and I looked at also

the DNA

the proteins in that in the microgreen

and I’ve I was I was I’m not done

evaluating but just one thing like these

things they have programs to make

vitamin B1 so they’re making B1

um it’s fascinating so there’s a there’s

a lot more than just uh the vitamins and

minerals and phytonutrients in some of

these soil based healthy plants there

are microbes that you can get they have

their own microbiome that you can take

as a probiotic Believe It or Not wow so

you know I’m really excited Lori and I

and I know the audience is too about the

idea of growing some stuff in the house

I don’t know if you’ve launched a video

on that or not but man I’d love to start

that what we’re doing is we’re um I’m

working now

with this with this Farm we’re growing

our own ingredients it’s a big project

but we’re also

um I have a very uh awesome expert

farmer who’s helping me with this so he

we’re actually um he specializes in

microgreens he’s gonna he’s creating a

course right now

um just to teach people how to grow

their own food in their house

um not just for cost benefits but for um

making the healthiest salad you ever had

and I know this might be shocking but

not Everyone likes to eat 10 cups of

salad a day so you could do a small

amount of microgreens a very tiny bit

and get a similar uh nutrients so that

would be another benefit for Steve


and maybe you can replace your iceberg

lettuce uh with some of that Steve I

mean come on Iceberg come on well they

got a whole big case of it over there at

Food Lion so

oh my goodness I’ll I’ll get with you

later Steve on that we’ll have a

consultation all right on that on that

no I want to just say thank you for

everyone for um the wonderful um

birthday wishes I appreciate that all

your attention the comments have a

wonderful weekend and uh like I said

before it’s I’m not looking forward to

being in my 40s but um but it’s rough

you know but have a great weekend I will

see you next week same time same place
