Are You Itching on a Ketogenic Diet? – Dr. Berg on Keto Rash | DrEricBergDC

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okay we’re back and we’re going to talk

about itching on a ketogenic diet first

one is allergies so number one is it

possible that you could have a food

allergy so what I like to do is compare

what you were eating before to what

you’re eating now and see if there’s

anything different that you normally

don’t eat and then omit that food to see

if the itching goes away and that’s the

best way to determine if it’s an allergy

or not because you don’t just develop

allergies for no reason so there’s a

some type of change some type of new

change the other question I would ask is

do you have a history of allergies in

general I had one lady come in and she

just blew up like a balloon and she had

pre-existing allergies and we found out

she was out allergic to so many foods on

the ketogenic diet she was just so

swollen from head-to-toe so we really

had to dig down to see what she could

eat and that was more difficult okay so

that’s number one

number two it could be just a regular

adaptation side effect from ketosis

where your body is going through this

transition and this adaptation in this

case you want to make sure that you’re

taking B vitamins and potassium so

nutritional yeast and electrolytes those

two usually will handle most of the

transition side effects going into

ketosis number three gallbladder and

liver if the liver or the gallbladder is

congested one of the symptoms is itching

okay so you’d want to see do you have

any symptoms of gallbladder or a

congested gallbladder or maybe even a

liver issue is you have a right shoulder

pain do you have bloating when you eat

under the right ribcage

do you paint next to the right shoulder

blade do you have any history of liver

issues if that’s the case you want to

make sure your vegetables are very high

and your fats maybe aren’t so high at

first gradually ease into it not to

overload the liver with too many fats

and of course we’re also talking about

eliminating any hidden carbs so I

already assume that you’re not consuming

that lastly it could be some of the

toxins being released from the fat cell

as you do the ketogenic diet you’re

going to be releasing a whole bunch of

fat from the fat cells and guess what

toxins accumulate in the fat cells so

sometimes the toxins can come out we

circulate in the body and create kind of

a reaction so that could be a in which

case you would just make sure your

vegetables are very high and consume

bentonite clay on an empty stomach so

it’s a it’s a very inexpensive way to

clean up the body as the poisons come

through the body and if you get some

bentonite clay take it and it should

clear it up within hours actually so

these are the four things that

potentially can cause itching on a

ketogenic diet

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hey that runs