Trace Minerals, the Missing Nutrient in Our Soils, Plants and Bodies! | DrEricBergDC

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so I want to talk to you about trace

minerals okay I finally got these in

I’ve been waiting for these things and

they’re amazing now trace minerals are

typically those minerals needed in very

small amounts you don’t need a lot of

them maybe probably about

micrograms not like huge amounts like

calcium magnesium but very small amounts

so trace minerals are essential to build

the cells and the body the DNA there’s

even studies that show that this thing

called mitochondria I don’t know if you

remember biology mitochondria the energy

factories that’s where all the

metabolism occurs that’s when you burn

fat you need that mitochondria

if you’re deficient in trace minerals

what happens is the mitochondria they

don’t work anymore they actually age

faster so there’s all sorts of studies

that show that Trace mineral

deficiencies accelerate the

mitochondrial Decay and they they break

down so

um here’s the problem

from 1950 to 1999

certain trace minerals are deficient by

79 okay in other words broccoli for

example had like 130 milligrams of

calcium in 1950 but in 1999 it’s like

  1. so the soil is becoming more and

more depleted

um but they only found three minerals

that were deficient and I was I was

curious like why are they only finding

like three minerals deficient from that

time period then I found out in 1950

that’s all they tested for three

minerals they didn’t look at all 74

minerals because you need all these

minerals right so I know that there’s a

lot of deficiencies even more than three

it’s like all of them so the problem is

the farmers are are not replenishing the

nutrients or the the minerals back into

the soil so other than three minerals

it’s called NPK nitrogen phosphorus and


if there’s no minerals in the soil

there’s no minerals in the plant

the minerals are needed to make the


there’s two types of minerals and when

you go to store GNC and you buy these

minerals what you’re really getting is

you’re getting rocks and one is calcium

carbonate that’s like limestone

your body does not absorb rocks so the

absorption rate from these Metals these

metallic minerals these rocks these

salts you know like they call them Trace

mineral salt

they don’t absorb like four percent at

the very very most what you need is

plant-based minerals because typically

what happens the the plant digs down

into the soil and it breaks down the

Rocks absorbs the rock into the plant

and then we’re designed to eat the plant

because the plant is converted that rock

into an easy absorbable

nutrient or mineral all right so

plant-based minerals are about 10 000

times smaller than rocks or regular

minerals so it’d be like the equivalent

of a let’s say we have a golf ball in

the Empire State Building

so the golf ball will be plant-based

minerals they’re very small they absorb

100 in your body so when you take them

to go in like a rocket ship the problem

is where are we going to find the trace

minerals so I found a company that I got

them from which is from

a period of time that went back 60

million years ago when you had the

prehistoric type plant-based stuff and

what happens that’s when the soil is

really really rich that’s when we had

all the nutrients so now we can’t find

it so I found these minerals that they

actually liquefied them in cold water

processing units and now we can actually

take them in small amounts to actually

get our nutrients and enhance our diet

so I just want to tell you what happened

so I took these minerals uh

last Friday okay Friday Saturday and


so normally my son who’s about he’s

about 180 pounds he’s a wrestler I’m a

wrestler but he’s pretty strong okay

well I was a wrestler so I was pretty

strong and uh back then but now I’m not

I mean he can just like take me down

right so I took the minerals and I’m

wrestling him on Sunday and I took him

down like a rag doll like what the heck

he’s like Dad what’s gotten into you I

said I know I just feel really really

strong he says like you’re like the

Incredible Hulk I said Thank you so I

found that these minerals help build

muscle repair

ligaments tendons they build the

foundation of your cells so I’m like I’m

waking up in the morning feeling more

refreshed I’m sleeping deeper so then I

start giving into my staff and

roxanna’s like what the heck we’re in

those things that’s I feel so good in

the morning I work out a lot so the

tradesmitter actually gave me I think a

little bit more energy especially in the

morning because I do a 6 a.m boot camp

class so it actually gave me more like a

boost so it was actually and I’ve been

taking it ever since it’s pretty cool

I’m not like the best eater but I do eat

salads kale and stuff like that just

like I’ve learned from working here and

I just feel like this is going to give

me more nutrients especially for my hair

my face my nails and stuff like that

stuff that I am very interested in like

personally so I I feel like it’s going

to help me a lot well I mean I didn’t

feel anything initially you know it was

just felt like I was just drinking water

and then the that night I slept a little

better it wasn’t a huge huge difference

but I woke up more refreshed than I did

before and then the next night was

better and better and better and it just

got kept on getting better so and also

my energy just added my energy is

staying longer like where I would have a

burst of energy and then sort of mellow

out and then have another burst this

time my energy was it was longer


some of the purposes of trace minerals

are to help your immune system I mean if

you take trace minerals you’ll knock out

a fever like that especially in infants

or little kids

um why because trace minerals suppress

viruses you can’t kill a virus because

it’s not alive it’s a piece of genetic

material wrapped in a Sac it comes out

of remission when your resistance is low

so the trace minerals build up your

resistance to infections and viruses so

it takes that virus and puts it right

back in remission and so if you take it

a regular basis you kind of keep the

viruses and stuff at Bay so trace

minerals help proteins and what part of

your body is protein you got hair nails

skin collagen that glue that holds your

body together you got your joints you

have your eyes it helps prevent macular

degeneration that’s a that’s a little

thing in the back of the eye that helps

you focus right so we have that so when

if when you have like all these like

weird symptoms like dry brittle body

tissues you have dry skin little hair

dried out that’s just trace minerals

okay so um

you need about

74 minerals you don’t want to get them

from the sea you want to get them from

the plants because they’re much better

to absorb okay so blood building

muscle repair Rejuvenation if you feel

burnt out I reckon I normally recommend

it for people that are burnt out and

because they’re not sleeping and they

just kind of wore out this is really

good for heart repair

so there’s many different things that

you can use it for and

there’s I mean even increasing fertility

um wound healing and diarrhea did you

realize that the number one cause of

death worldwide is diarrhea yeah you

would never think that but it’s actually

in other countries and stuff so they get

some parasite or something and then they

diarrhea and they lose all their trace

minerals those are electrolytes

electrolytes are trace minerals so they

lose them and they die so how do you

stop a diet a person with diarrhea

you’ve given trace minerals it stops it

like that alopecia okay that’s your hair

that just starts coming off in little

patches that’s autoimmune that’s for the

adrenal so trace minerals are really

good to support the adrenal from the

stress responses

I always wondered about why Europeans

are thinner than Americans I wonder why

people from Africa have great bone

structure in perfect teeth

and I’m like I mean I had every single

one of my teeth kind of cavities growing

up so I’m in Northern Virginia and so I

find that this is a Melting Pot of all

these different cultures and people so I

got a chance to kind of ask and pull the

string and see what’s behind this and

even though these people from Africa

come from poor countries they’re very

rich in the trace minerals I really

think it’s the trace minerals because

if you start out with good trace

minerals and you and you take them even

as an infant or your mom is

breastfeeding you it comes through the

mother you’re going to end up with

really good structure musk mus muscles

longevity Health it’s going to be way

way better than America and so you’re

gonna even you might find when you’re

growing up you know a tomato would taste

really good now it’s like Wax there’s no

nutrition I mean it’s like very very

depleted so when you eat food it doesn’t

really satisfy you why do you think so

many people are craving so many things

especially the salts and the MSG and the

foods I mean they put MSG to make it

taste better to get you to eat it it

dilates the taste bud but they’re not

really giving the trace minerals okay


trace minerals are nutrients and the

purpose of nutrients

is this

it’s to give your body energy

repair the body growth help you detoxify

and it’s kind of like a repair mechanism

our bodies are constantly replenishing

these minerals and vitamins we really

don’t need more vitamins we need more

minerals but we need trace minerals


I built a software that analyze is

nutrition and and you could run down a

whole profile on on vitamins and you’ll

find that most of them are fulfilled

it’s the trace minerals that always

deficient so that’s really what’s

missing in the soil

so there’s a big difference between dirt

and soil soil has all the nutrients it’s

anyway typical soils only replace

three minerals NPK nitrogen phosphorus

and potassium sometimes sulfur calcium

and magnesium but mainly it’s commercial

soils are actually only three so that is

the problem because the nowadays the the

way they grow things are very condensed

so they suck all the nutrition out of

the soil and you end up with a depleted

nutrient dense soil so the plant gets

its nutrients from the minerals the

plant turns the minerals into vitamins

without the minerals you don’t have the

vitamins and so

we’re eating food that’s very deficient

in nutrients specifically trace minerals

because it’s not in the soil so that’s

why we have to enhance because it’s so

hard to get you would have to eat 27 000

calories of food to get your Trace

mineral content you’re required and

that’s almost impossible and that’s why

you’re seeing so many problems with all

sorts of things and I even think obesity

is a problem too with nutrient

deficiencies and even Cravings so

and it’s hard to find soil it’s hard to

go I went to the farmers market to get

my my lettuce and my tomatoes but I

can’t always do that so you have to

either grow your own food or get a trace

mineral that has all the nutrients but

make sure it’s it’s a plant-based

minerals not C or metallic or salts or
