How to Fix Your Low Estrogen Levels | DrEricBergDC

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now in the past i’ve done a lot of

videos on what to do for estrogen

dominance but in this video we’re going

to talk about what to do if you are low

on estrogen okay let’s say you’re

postmenopausal or you just have low

estrogen these are the some of the

symptoms hot flashes thinning hair

breast atrophy vaginal dryness



loss of collagen

so you do not want to do a low fat diet

you want to do the ketogenic diet that’s

a higher fat diet cholesterol is needed

to make estrogen all right number two

boron this is a trace mineral which is

very very important in maintaining

normal cholesterol levels and boron will

just help balance estrogen whether it’s

too high it needs to come down or too

low and needs to be brought up all right

herbal remedies that will increase

estrogen black cohosh


wild yam and a very special herb from

thailand pereira marifika all right next

thing is fasting in a low-carb diet why

because fasting and low-carb diet



now what’s the relationship

insulin will increase androgens in a

female body and indirectly lower



if you eat very frequently and you do a

lot of snacks and you’re on a high carb

diet that’s going to lower your estrogen

all right next one is vitamin e why is

that so important

because out of all the glands in your

body the pituitary needs a lot of

vitamin e especially

after menopause so if you’re deficient

in vitamin e you may not produce the

hormones that signal the ovaries and the

adrenal to make estrogen

if you’re going to get vitamin e make

sure it’s not just a synthetic version

you want the tocopherol and tocatrino

complex together

this can actually greatly help someone

next thing is adjust your stress levels

if you have high levels of stress you

have high levels of cortisol that is a

hormone that will just shut this right

down because realize that during

menopause the adrenal glands are

supposed to

back up the ovaries they make the same

hormones but just in smaller amounts so

if your adrenal glands are already


and weakened going in the menopause

they’re going to everything’s going to

be magnified and the same part of the

gland and the adrenals that make

cortisol also make estrogen so the

bottom line is

lowering your stress is going to help

you make

more estrogen because the adrenal glands

will be able to work better

and lastly you have to adjust your

exercise and make sure you’re not over


if you’re exercising too much you’re not

recovering that alone will shut down

estrogen so the key is making sure

you’re sleeping well making sure you’re

recovering and make sure you don’t over

train some people do very well on one to

two workouts a week and as soon as they

do three or even four their body’s

breaking down they’re constantly sore

and their estrogen will plummet all

right there you go these are the things

that can help you

increase your estrogen levels

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