Dr. Berg Live | DrEricBergDC

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and I’m just checking the mirror that

the signal is okay let me know if you

can hear me looks like we got one person

on right now that’s pretty exciting

chances are he we got one thumbs up too

so it’s just I think there’s a little

delay so alright trying to beat this

okay good alright are you guys doing

hello from Switzerland

alright Robin we have Robin here Bona

Bonita is here awesome

all right Denise is here good good

Jennifer great from DC Jennifer is

actually in DC right down the street


alright guys so have a little time I

wanted to answer any questions I know I

you know there’s so many questions so I

wanted to get back here to answer any it

looks like there’s 729 people so go

ahead and ask away and yeah

let’s do it oh we got people from London

Georgia Florida Jamaica UK awesome

California all right Debbie’s here from


Kalamazoo Missouri all right Martha is

here in the house so we can get started

now Eva for Northern Ireland so I have a

question about Ireland how is the butter

there I could imagine

I bought Kerry gold butter and it’s so

good you guys must have some incredible

rich vitamin K rich butter over there

alright what should a teeny with within

a minute fasting exactly the same is

what we do there’s no difference yeah

there’s no difference with teens

especially if saw teen is overweight

they can do in a minute fasting I’m

having some issues now with cheese and


since keto for five years what do I do I

think what happens to is if you change

up your foods so you’re not eating the

same thing over and over again it’ll be

a lot better because sometimes our body

you know develop sensitivities with

eating the same thing over and over

again so switch it up I same thing each

day I don’t have a problem some people


I think cheese is a big problem for

people so I don’t think eggs are as much

a problem

well hc’ said I changed your life that’s

awesome thank you okay I’m follower of

quito in a minute fasting and after this

my my periods first time for that my

life hormonal imbalance Wow please help

so if your periods are you know if

you’re missing a period for example what

I would do is I would increase your fat

soluble vitamins specifically vitamin E

that should help the glands make sure

you do not go a little fat but a lot of

women are starting to have more periods

like postmenopausal and they haven’t had

it for a long time so it’s it’s it’s

normally it’s gonna help you initially

there might be a glitch in the

transition especially of insulin

resistance so but if you keep doing it

healthily it should be it should

actually improve your hormones

hey dr. burr got a question about um

let’s see fat burns what’s your opinion

on Rubert Merman I don’t know who that

is so I couldn’t answer the question

sorry my mother is better with her

arthritis before keto but one of her

fingers is hurting anyway could you

could it be well if you do keto and you

have more pain that means you’re

sensitive to oxalate stones so you want

to cut back on almonds almond butter

peanut butter spinach in chocolate yeah


dr. Burke help my sugar level is high

and my insulin level is also high

why does my insulin not control my blood

sugar level well you have insulin

resistance in insulin is it

insulin resistance you have a failure to

control blood sugars so you have all

this insulin that’s high but it’s

unavailable to you because it’s not

going in their cells so because it’s not

in the cells the signal comes back the

pancreas has to compensate by making

more insulin but it’s not working so you

have a combination of high blood sugar

because there’s no control of it because

the insulin is low in the cell but

externally there’s high insulin so

that’s why you have that problem

it’s very common actually by the way

okay let’s see ah 48 hours I fasted got

diarrhea after 12 hours of breaking the

fast and then after that I’m feeling

great I’ll try again in three months

after 72 hours when you break the fast

sometimes you have to go really slow

with your food because your body is so

used to not eating so don’t eat up a

huge meal if you’re fasting for 72 hours

you want to eat a little bit a little

bit more a little bit more also if you

have diarrhea on this just change up

your vegetables because there is a it’s

usually when people do this they start

eating more vegetables because I’m

telling them but they’re eating ones

that they haven’t developed the enzymes

to break it down so you just have to

slowly go into this with that if you

have diarrhea okay increase testosterone

at 13 years old how you want your 13

years old you want to know how to

increase testosterone well one way to do

it naturally is just to cut down your

insulin by doing keto insulin is a

killer to testosterone okay

I have Cushing’s syndrome that’s adrenal

high cortisol but did not test positive

for it oh you have the symptoms okay

should I keep searching for answers yeah

I mean where is it my book I have a book

on this it’s called the adrenal body

type you can prank go to my site and

watch my videos but you want to look at

the dream about any type and follow that

because that’s really a cushioning

syndrome type case even though it

doesn’t show up it could be a problem in

your receptors your receptors could be

downgraded that’s called cortisol

resistance and that’s gonna produce more

cortisol same thing with insulin

resistance so that is very common and

because people are stressed out so I

would go after those I mean I have a lot

of videos on this so you just watch the

adrenal videos okay any tips for dry in

a minute fasting and Ramadan or Muslims

yeah it’s I mean it’s the same thing

nothing different just eat

before the Sun rises eat after the Sun

sets and you got you to meals you eat

really healthy

I just don’t drink any water and I think

you’re gonna be fine all right

do you ever incorporate complex carbs

into your version of a keto diet well

what do you mean by complex carbs we got

vegetables so yes we want to incorporate

the vegetable carbs for sure I you

probably talk are you talking about


what kind of carbs now the one thing if

you’re trying to gain weight you really

have to watch your carbs and make sure

you eat carbs that are like closer to 50

grams and sometimes it’s hard because

you’re like what am I gonna eat so you

might do some berries you might do more

nuts but if you’re sensitive of that

maybe you could do a little dairy in

some cases I might recommend a little

bit of a yam but not a lot

probably one cup which will give you

like 30 grams of carbs you know it’s

better than a potato okay hi dr. Berg um

please let me know what my wife should

do to satisfy her sugar cravings very

simple sugar cravings are a complete

reflection of your insulin levels so if

you keep in some low you won’t have that

push down wave the reaction after you

eat so you wanted to get rid of sugar

cravings you have to eliminate sugar

from the diet that’s the secret so you

cut this trigger out now the body’s

forced to burn fat

once the burnt body burns fat you’re not

gonna burn sugar so you’re not gonna

crave it

you can add greens potassium to lower

sugar cravings also there’s a really

cool thing it’s called gymnema it’s an

herb you can get it you can even chew on

it and it blocks the taste of sweet so

it ruins the sensation the pleasure

sensation of sweets so you can you know

chew on that and then try to eat a sweet

and you can’t do it because it’s like

takes bitter so it turns sweet into


all right so what what about Candida


very simple in a minute fasting healthy

keto cut the sugar down yeast and

Candida live on sugar you starve them

off they die and they don’t come back

it’s that simple okay I have trouble

with extreme fatigue even though I’m

doing in a minute fasting and I’m

getting all my veggies please help yeah

you need the B vitamins there’s a couple

things b5 b1 but nutritional yeast

should usually help there is a product

called mitochondrial energy this is a

this has a natural B vitamin b1 in it

which is really hard to find and it’s

very very expensive it was like eight

eighty seven hundred dollars per

kilogram of the top the synthetics are

like nine dollars a kilogram I wanted

the real stuff so that stuff will

increase your energy if you workout

especially you’re doing keto and a plus

it’s in a blend of a lot of other things

that support the mitochondria k2 will

also help your energy with keto K to

give you endurance like crazy so I take

it really works okay what’s your take on

parsley I think it’s great love it

parsley is has the most vitamin A more

than kale but of course it’s a pre

vitamin A but still it’s good alright so

how do I build muscle under a minute

fasting and low carbs you’re gonna have

to increase your calories you’re gonna

probably have to keep your carbs around

50 grams and do heavy weights lower reps

or moderate weights to fatigue there’s

no other way that your your calories

don’t have to come up so with me I have

a very fast metabolism

so I have to do I have to keep my

calories like 3000 3 3,500 sometimes so

the problem is I love in a minute

fasting I don’t feel as great when I eat

very frequently so I’m trying to squeeze

it out with two males and let me tell

you it’s not easy okay

breastfeeding in ketosis is it safe


it’s totally safe yeah not a problem

yeah I would just you know don’t do as

much strict in a minute fasting but

healthy key though for sure all right I

need to

what’s the RDA for potassium on oh man

one meal a day now I’m just gonna guess

but it’s definitely not 4700 it’s

probably gonna be 3,000 milligrams per

day yeah you don’t need as much

potassium when you’re doing oh man you

don’t need as many nutrients when you’re

doing all that awesome thank you for the

wonderful comments guys you guys are

very appreciative and I appreciate that

don’t drink as much opposite of vinegar

it’s a lot of acidity if you don’t drink

outside the vinegar and you get this

like sour stomach that means you need a

good probiotic it means there’s some

floral problems lower in the GI tract so

if you did a good probiotic I like the

liquid liquid one it’s called effective

microbes I have more data on my website

but if you take that that will get rid

of the sour stomach but some people do

have a sour they feel worse when they do

apple cider vinegar okay I have a

partial tear I’m guessing that’s


for that you need manganese it’s trace

minerals but I would recommend like a

whole manganese with a trace minerals

blend that will help I don’t think I

have any right here to show you but that

blend will give you the mineral

connection to the enzymes to help make

collagen but you can repair tears one

more thing about tears vitamin D vitamin

D actually if you’re deficient vitamin D

you could get literally micro fractures

too so vitamin D is so so key all right

let’s see how do I gain weight well

taking Ritalin honestly I think I should

do a video on this but very much against

Ritalin I would I would try taking b1 in

large larger amounts and to be complex

and there’s other things that support

the adrenals that will help but I’ll

create a separate video on that but you

know it’s I think it’s a purely a

nutritional problem okay so my sugar is

high and my insulin levels are also high

I think I already answered that question

oh no I didn’t I have a fatty liver

prostate enlargement

okay well the prostate enlargement and

fatty liver what do they have both in

common it’s both high levels of insulin

so how do you lower insulin simply cut

your carbs down eat less frequent take

more potassium have the right balance of

nutrients magnesium will help lower


exercise will lower insulin actually Sun

will lower instant as well and try to

keep a low stress life okay how do i rid

brain tiredness after work I would do

the k2 k2 seems to give you a lot of

endurance and you’ll feel yo how’d you

just keep going going going going


is keto okay if you have high

cholesterol yes yeah because it’s gonna

cut down insulin insulin converts carbs

into cholesterol so that’s really what’s

happening a lot of people end up with

lower cholesterol lower triglycerides

when they do

keto some some people will increase

their LDL but that’s normal and I

explained it in the videos because we’re

running off of more fat so you’re gonna

have more transportation of cholesterol

and that’s the lipoproteins LDL low

density lipoprotein

and hi-hi dense lipoproteins as well

those are just carriers of cholesterol

where do you get k2 from please now you

can get it from a supplement or you can

get it from food it’s in certain

grass-fed cheese’s it’s actually in

goose liver it’s a NATO which is a

fermented soy it’s in a little bit of

grass-fed butter it’s in pasture raised

organic eggs so it’s a lot of the

fattier foods can water retention look

like fat around the belly yes it can

especially cellulite cellular Salus okay

why what your what’s your feeling an

oxygen in the blood to heal your body

yeah you need oxygen in the blood and

then the muscle tissue here the body

what will increase oxygen is the vitamin

E complex tocotrienols that’s the

vitamin E complex I have a whole book on

it it will increase your oxygen carrying

capacity by 250% and it’s you can do

tramatic see before and after difference

in strength of muscle because you have

more oxygen into the tissues what

deprives oxygen in the tissues is sugar

creates a hypoxic state

all right colon cancer survivor oh man I

have weight loss stall for months

absorption problem well if you’re

stalled with your weight I don’t think

it’s an absorption problem I think you

need to tweak some things with your if

you had digestive issues probably there

could be damage down there so you might

want to tweak your vegetables and you

might even want to try the carnivore a

diet for a month and see how you’re

doing that and then try to cut down some

of the you know make sure you don’t

overdo with the protein on the carnivore


okay can I lose my period and the pita

on keto forever no no I don’t think so

is tinnitus a real big deal a big deal

um no it’s not a big deal but that

usually is um it’s kind of a neuropathy

problem it’s usually comes from insulin

resistance so if you did Bend vote to

mean that may help you question what do

you know about the sugar alley lows I

like it a lot

I do like Al Ali Ali lows a lot because

it’s um it’s a sugar alcohol and it has

it tastes like sugar and it’s low on the

glycemic index it may be zero

but I’m gonna be using it in some future

projects okay how do I get rid of keto

breath I had an awful breath since I

started about a month ago I would do the

vegetables so make sure you’re doing the

seven to ten cups of vegetables so you

get all the chlorophyll and kind of cut

down your protein you might be doing too

much protein all right so my feet in

toes edge is it liver a gallbladder yeah

that’s a liver and gallbladder issue you

want to support the gallbladder with

purify bile salts there’s a product that

I use called gall bladder formula that

helps but it’s really a bile deficiency

and you’re getting this histamine back

up in the body so I think as you go

along in the future and these things

start to improve it’s one little red

flag that once that gets better you know

the liver and the gallbladder is gonna

do better okay how can I lower my ast

enzymes you need to you know milk

thistle is good but get you know get on

the healthy keto plan and just get the

insulin low your liver will start to

heal intermittent fasting is gonna be

really important to outside a vinegar

choline I think is good add more

cruciferous vegetables and your liver

enzymes will do much better all right

dr. Berger you talked a little bit

exercise well I actually have quite a

few videos if you type

with exercise should I do long walks in

the days off H high-intensity interval

and all training yeah you should you

should all alternate those go on long

walks on the days that you don’t do that

so you and I talked about this you

actually extract stress it’s important

to do that I think it’s really good

because it’s increasing oxygen and it’s

low stress all right

oh let’s see here I love popcorn can i

popcorn on cute though unfortunately no

it’s pretty pretty bad on keto it’s just

high on the glycemic index for those of

you that like popcorn you like things

that may be salty I know the starch what

you might want to do is an alternative

one of the best nuts is the pistachio do

that instead as you as you Alt as you

transition off your addiction I’m sorry

your popcorn okay

nerve pain in the feet any remedies yes

been thought to mean that’s what you

need benfotiamine it’s a type of bee

wand what’s the best time to take

potassium pills I think in the morning

that would be best because if you take

them before bed you’re gonna be up all

night peen okay so I’m taking a lot of

digests formula for GERD it’s not

getting and I’m not getting the warmness

should I keep increasing the acidify

errs yes you want to do that but you

also may be you may see some other

benefits from a probiotic - I like the

liquid liquid one that I have if you

take that with the stomach acidifier

you’ll actually take the a big stress

off the whole system because you have to

look at it like a whole also make sure

do a little more intimate fasting that

will help

all right which is better for sleep

electrolyte powder or spirulina well

spirit espera espera Lina is just a

chlorophyll compound that shouldn’t

necessarily affect us sleep as much but

electrolyte powder has magnesium and

potassium those both are physiological

relaxers and that will help you sleep

all right another question if you eat

less carbs you will store less fat but

why do you gain fat