Zinc Deficiency: The 7 Symptoms You've Never Heard About | DrEricBergDC

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I’d like to talk about some not commonly


symptoms of a zinc deficiency and

because zinc is so important in your

body it’s a trace mineral you don’t need

a lot of it but if you’re missing it it

can create a lot of problems I think

this video is valuable to identify all

these kind of abstract symptoms that you

may not connect with a zinc deficiency

now typically people might know usually

that a zinc deficiency can produce a

loss of smell because of the

concentration of zinc in the sinuses and

also in the brain right behind it which

is called the olfactory bulb and also if

a child is deficient in zinc early on

they’re not going to be as tall okay so

they can have a lack of development and

of course most people know that zinc is

so important for the immune system so if

you’re deficient you’re going to be more

susceptible to having infections

especially respiratory infections and

especially viruses you may also know

that if zinc is deficient the thyroid

might not be able to convert T4 to T3

the active version of the thyroid

hormone and they may also know that it’s

related to hair loss or thinning of the

hair and diarrhea as well as dermatitis

because of the concentration in your

skin and they may also know that it can

create some mental

agitation or irritation or even fatigue

but I want to explain seven symptoms

that not many people know about so let’s

talk about number one okay we talked

about lack of smell

but let’s talk about lack of taste and

I’m talking about when you eat food you

may find your food is just Bland

it might taste more bitter it might be


metallic number two is a lack of flavor

okay which relates to the uh something

being Bland but with a zinc deficiency

you won’t be able to perceive different

flavors which would really suck if

you’re trying to enjoy your food and

everything is just like the same flavor

that would be devastating so having

enough zinc can help you

perceive through your taste buds

different flavors which is very very

important in that perception that

normally we’re supposed to have number


hypogonadism okay so in other words the

testicle actually shrinks it gets

smaller which is going to relate to a

decreased testosterone okay it’s also

going to relate to lower amounts of

sperm because out of all the fluids in

the body a lot of the concentration of

zinc is in the sperm for a survival

mechanism and also to increase the


of sperm and so this could relate to

infertility and low testosterone is a

big deal with men and so and having

enough zinc is a real nice way to make

sure that your testosterone is at the

right level number four we take the

brain and we look at the areas of the

brain that has the most concentrated

zinc the hippocampus comes up as number

one there’s other parts of the brain the

hippocampus normally should have a lot

of zinc so if you’re deficient in zinc

what can happen what kind of symptoms

could happen if the hippocampus can’t

work well let me remember what was that


memory problems

an inability to learn

okay a problem with spatial location all

right number five a higher

susceptibility with an infection around

your nail bed

so if you’ve ever had like this red

swollen puffy tissue around your nails

that is a zinc deficiency since we’re on

the topic of nails there are some other

things too like you may have these

little white dots you may also have

white lines that go horizontal and they

can actually have different shapes too

but if you see these little horizontal

white streaks that is a zinc deficiency

all right number six a lack of repair it

takes forever for your body to repair

after exercise after an injury any

trauma so zinc speeds up your body’s

ability to repair and number seven night

blindness now typically night blindness

is associated with a vitamin A

deficiency but also zinc now I mentioned

the hypothalamus being concentrated with

zinc but the retina is also part of the

brain and it too has a very concentrated

amount of zinc and so when you run out

of that zinc it can affect the retina

which is basically brain tissue that’s

extending out of your skull in your

eyeball that allows you to see and

especially at night okay so anyway I

wanted to cover these very important

points and I also want to mention

why people are typically deficient in


usually it’s because they’re consuming

too many refined carbohydrates in the

form of sugar or pasta or cereal

especially or bread because not only

does this concentrated carb deplete zinc

the phytic acid in the so-called healthy

whole grains also blocks your ability to

absorb zinc so when you see things on

bread that says whole grain bread or

whole grain cereal whatever

that bran is where the phytic acid is

and that can block zinc so you might say

well okay well I won’t do the whole

grain I’ll do the refined grain well

then I’ll let sugar can also deplete

zinc in another way there’s a really

simple way to find out if you’re zinc

deficient you can buy a zinc test which

basically is a little bottle with a

dropper full and it has some zinc in it

and you put about two teaspoons I think

it’s 10 milliliters okay in your mouth

and you hold it for 10 seconds now if

you are deficient in zinc

you won’t taste anything it must be

Bland there’ll be no taste but if you

have sufficient zinc

you’ll start to notice it’s going to

taste metallic there’s a bitter taste to

it now I’ve just talked about the

symptoms of a zinc deficiency let’s talk

about the benefits of what could happen

if you put the zinc back in and for that

information I put it up right here check

it out