Autonomic Neuropathy: Common Under-diagnosed Problem | DrEricBergDC

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today we’re going to talk about a very common

yet under diagnosed condition autonomic neuropathy

now what does autonomic neuropathy mean neuropathy means nerve damage and with

autonomic we’re dealing with the part of the nervous system

that’s called the autonomic nervous system which controls things

automatically which is a combination of the flight or fight stress response

and the parasympathetic nervous system which is rest or digest

and the enteric system which is another system that can control your digestive

system that part of the nervous system is on

automatic and you don’t have to do anything it just

works on its own as in bladder control cardiovascular system control i mean you

don’t have to think about your heartbeat it just automatically

works digestion and genitals you may have heard a condition called

peripheral neuropathy where you have damage to the peripheral nerves on the

bottom of your feet or your hands those are the sensory nerves that get

damaged from conditions like diabetes for example where your hands or feet get

numb like a burning sensation or even severe

pain and here’s the thing the number one

cause of this condition is diabetes but if you think about it

you don’t just end up with diabetes overnight it gradually goes from high

insulin to insulin resistance to pre-diabetes to

eventually a diabetic right well you don’t end up with this

condition overnight either it gradually occurs so you may have

one or more of these symptoms and that could be the beginning of this condition

i’m increasing your awareness so you can do something about it before you end up

with this condition just because you weren’t diagnosed with diabetes

doesn’t mean that it’s not related to a blood sugar issue

another cause of this could be some type of autoimmune condition to

part of the nervous system or maybe even a virus but diabetes is number one

on the list so let’s go through the symptoms urinary retention

a lot of people have this symptom but they never connect the dots with

it being connected to maybe a pre-diabetic state or even

a blood sugar problem number two hypertension

we know diabetics usually have high blood pressure at some point

well now we know why then you have number three

abdominal pain or achiness and that can show up in kind of an

uncomfortable feeling in your abdominal area number four

malabsorption this is a real big one you may not feel this but it might show up

in nutritional deficiencies which is a whole other series of

symptoms number five gastroparesis this is simply a condition

where your digestive system is very sluggish

it’s slow and things just move at a snail’s pace

well guess what that’s what’s causing it coming

usually from this or a pre-diabetic state number six

constipation a very common symptom number seven sleep apnea number eight

abnormal sweating that could be either your body is too dry

or you sweat too often so many people have an abnormal

sweating situation either they don’t sweat enough or they sweat

too much number nine orthostatic hypotension

this occurs when you stand up and you get really dizzy your blood pressure

drops too low another name for this would be pots

all right number 10 arrhythmias so that would

involve the cardio as far as having autonomic neuropathy

of the genitals that can range from pain to just lack of function of those organs

what can be done about this condition there’s two things

that i would recommend benfotamine which is a

fat-soluble b vitamin which works really good on peripheral neuropathy but it

also is effective in all types of neuropathy

especially if it’s related to diabetes or pre-diabetes

and alpha lipoic acid both of these act as a very powerful antioxidant to

repair not only the free radical damage that’s coming from this

but both of these are fat soluble and they support

the myelin sheath around the nerve which is the protecting part

the effectiveness of this in this i believe is dependent on if you’re also

doing keto intermittent fasting because this gets at the the root of this

problem right here but these two right here would be two

really good recommendations for this condition all right thanks for


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