9 Warning Signs of Parasites | DrEricBergDC

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So today we’re going to talk about the

warning signs that can help you detect

if there’s parasites in your body

but I have some news to break with you

regardless of what you’re doing

health-wise chances are you have

parasites in your body right now they’re

just not creating any problems now what

is a parasite a parasite could be either

a virus a worm a bacteria or a fungus

that has a very different relationship

with your body it’s not a friendly

bacteria or a friendly microbe basically

leeches things from you creates problems

for you but in return it’s there’s no

benefits at all so that relationship is

more pathogenic now of course there’s

even people that are parasitic they

leech off other people they don’t

exchange back with people they just keep

taking and taking and taking and you

probably know some people like that but

as far as microbes go as long as you

have a relationship where there’s

exchange then there’s no problem but

these parasites are literally robbing

your nutrients okay and so let’s go

through some of the symptoms that you’re

going going to experience the first big

symptom has to do with your digestion

and all of these digestive reactions

from parasites are mainly due to your

own immune system trying to kill off

these unfriendly microbes okay and so

you’re going to have usually diarrhea

like what would be positive about

diarrhea well it’s a way of fleshing out

parasites so diarrhea is one of the most

common symptoms or signs that you have

parasites especially if it’s kind of

right after maybe a long trip going out

of the country and you accidentally

drank the water from some place where

you don’t have the immunity like other

people do other symptoms related to

immunity is nausea okay you feel


that symptom is related again to your

immune system reaction to killing off

the parasite you can also have a lot of

bloating you can have a lot of gas you

can even have constipation now the next

symptom that you may experience from

having parasites how has to do with

fatigue mainly from the parasites

robbing your nutrients they’re

competitive they’re going to eat up all

the nutrients in your small intestine

and leave you deficient so you’re going

to feel tired you’re going to feel

lethargic you’re going to feel wore out

you’re just not going to have the energy

that you need not to mention the fatigue

coming from the immune system working

really hard to kill off the parasite and

it could be like high levels of

histamines too histamines are kind of

fatigue poisons that occur in immune

reactions now another common symptom

with parasites is itchiness in your

private parts now you can also have


throughout your whole body but that

would be a common symptom of parasites

another common symptom would be mood

changes right it’s going to affect your

mood you might feel irritable you may

have blood sugar problems simply because

what these microbes are doing to your

Chemistry you will probably have skin

changes eventually especially if you

have a worm infection like if it’s

ringworm or roundworm you may have some

skin problems you might have redness or

some type of rash if you had a tick bite

as in Lyme disease many times you may

also have craving for milk sugar okay as

an ice cream or sweets the worst thing

you could do if you have a parasite

infection or even a Candida infection is

to continue to consume milk sugar or any

sweets at all now with some people

depending on how long you’ve had this

parasite infection you may find that

your appetite either goes up or goes

down depending on the stay of this


you can completely lose your appetite or

probably in the beginning of this

infection you’ll have more of an

appetite because you’re not able to

benefit from the nutrients in the food

that you’re eating because they’re

robbing it but the other thing too with

infections in general is that one

defense mechanism that your body has

against infections is losing your

appetite and going on a fast which

indirectly strengthens your immune

system to fight this thing off better

like a lot of animals for example when

they get infections they lose their

appetite as well so this idea of eating

more to nourish your body isn’t always

the best thing when it comes down to

your immune system now you may also have

brain fog as a common symptom from

parasites from both the immune reaction

as well as some of the byproducts or the

toxins that some of these parasites are

giving off as your immune system is

killing them and you may also experience


excessive sneezing

from having a parasite infection you

always want to find out when did these

symptoms start and what happened just

before the symptom in practice I had a

fairly large number of nurses that would

come in and many times I’ve noticed that

nurses tended to have more parasites one

common cause of getting an infection is

being in a hospital

which apparently is the worst place to

go if you’re trying to avoid infections

because you have all the sick people

there right and you have this

concentrated group of sick people

with all these pathogens floating around

parasites are very very common about

three billion people a year in the world

get parasitic infections I think over

200 000 people die from parasites this

is why it’s so important to understand

that your immune system is your best

weapon you need your immune system to

keep these parasites and pathogens in

check that’s what it’s there for and one

of the primary modes that these

pathogens have against you is

suppressing your immune system to block

nutrients like zinc vitamin D and other

nutrients so they can have the unfair

Advantage but you really need to put

attention on the immune system so if you

don’t have this in consideration you can

be susceptible to

I don’t know accidentally destroying

your immune system as you’re trying to

destroy the pathogen or the disease so

really put attention on the importance

of your immune system in any treatment

that you get because as soon as you

suppress your immune system

you’re more susceptible to more

infections more problems and this

definitely relates to your microbiome in

your gut the microbiome in your gut is

probably responsible for at least 75 to

up to 80 percent of your immune system

so above everything try like hectic to

keep those microbes alive and keep them

very happy and friendly and make sure

that relationship doesn’t change to

being unfriendly because the environment

is so stressed out I mean there are like

over 300 000 different types of

parasites so they’re all around us we

can’t avoid them and we can’t live in a

sterile environment so the greatest

weapon is just to take care of our

immune system so what is the best

antidotes to parasites okay well it

would be those natural antidotes that

have very powerful anti-parasitic


um yet have the least side effects okay

so I’m gonna go through them right now

and there’s four of them and there’s a

lot of other things as well but these

are plant-based

see plants are also susceptible to

parasite infections and they’ve been for

eons uh developing certain strategies

and certain chemicals that kill off

parasites and we can piggyback on those

plants consume them

for that benefit for our own parasites

and so the number one antidote to

parasite says garlic so you want to eat

plenty of garlic number two wormwood

extract okay wormwood extract a very

potent anti-parasitic and it’s a good

dewormer as well and the next one is

clove okay there are certain

phytonutrients in Clove that have potent

anti-parasitic effects then you get the

famous black walnut Hall extract it’s

extracts from those outer covering of

the black walnut okay which is very very

uh pungent and very very potent against

parasites you don’t see a lot of

parasites around the halls even for

animals for example the cattle that I’m

raising you can use apple cider vinegar

as a dewormer instead of a drug that’s a

dewormer so why is that important

because anything that gives you more

acid in your stomach can help kill off

parasites probably one of the reasons

why people get parasites in the first

place is the pH of your stomach is not

acid enough to kill off the parasites

that are in your Foods so that stomach

acid is another really important barrier

to keep the microbes from surviving now

since we’re on the topic of parasites

and digestive problems and especially

this one called diarrhea there’s some

slightly different remedies involved

with diarrhea to stop the diarrhea that

I think would be very important for you

to learn about and I put that video up

right here check it out