Before & After Intermittent Fasting & Keto Success – Dr. Berg Interview – Aysha Islam | DrEricBergDC

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all right so welcome everyone we have a

great interview today

aisha is with us and hello hi hi so nice

to find a donkey nice meeting you too

and so what I want to do is I wanted to

I saw you before and after I am very

impressed and I wanted to get to know

your story and what happened before and

then after can you tell me a little bit

about yourself as far as your you know

weight or health in the past yeah so I

always struggled with weight I remember

being in kindergarten and you know being

teased for having like a belly or chubby

like I was always like the chubby kid in

college so I was always bullied and but

and you know eventually as I grew water

as a committee in a genetic I was always

rapidly gaining weight and I wasn’t

really doing any so I didn’t know why

what was the reason why am i gaining

weight so because I was eating the same

muse my friends were the same stuff my

siblings were eating so why is it that I

was gaining weight so just recently I

found out that I have something called

insulin resistance

so that’s why you know I was putting on

so much weight and I’ve done everything

I can crash tires I’ve been on extreme

weight loss program they like help

temporarily I do like about 4 to 5 kg

and then as soon as I stopped I gained

it all back it feels like I gained it

overnight and what where do you live are

you in India no I’m in Karachi Pakistan

and what’s the food like over there is

it really healthy and all really low

carb no no no no no no no it’s a very

high car lot of needs ourselves nons and

what we use is not healthy at all people

are becoming health-conscious but we all

really have access to good quality like

vegetables and fruits and it’s cheaper

to eat like flour rice and pasta so yeah

so Rice’s rice is really big there right

yeah right and also fly flour wheat

flour Wow no wonder you had struggles

are there people to gaining weight as

well oh yes yes

like it in Pakistan

like the number-one killer like diabetes

everybody is diabetic like everyone I

know their families is like the

grandparents I did time I take depends a

diabetic I’m pre-diabetic my doctors

have told me that’s the thing you know

because it’s all because of my diet Wow

question your grandparents growing up in

Pakistan was there a problem back then

let’s say you know seven years ago I

think maybe not as much but yes I think

the dice then was super maybe they just

had smaller quantities because like my

grandparents what is told me that we

were formed like poor backgrounds if we

didn’t have a lot to eat so maybe they

ate less but it was I think generally

two things interesting

and then the other question I had was

has like GMO foods gotten into Pakistan

yet are they growing genetically

modified foods there now yes like we

have seen lots of videos on Facebook as

well you know not just like I see like

pictures of babies being dyed and we

have watermelons that are being

repainted with can’t and like vision

that that’s the concern you know I keep

seeing all the thing I try to eat

healthy but then I do I’m not sure if my

like even if my salads are you know if

tinder is a husband I’m seeing on social

media so so even if I’m eating healthy I

don’t really know anything here oh my

gosh so here you are going along

struggling with your weight and then at

what point did you hit your worst weight

where you’re like okay that’s it I can’t

get any bigger oh that was two years ago

I think do one and a half two years ago

yeah I was like I was really really

overweight and then I tried you know I

went on an extreme weight loss program

is called fortitude a challenge here in

Pakistan and I lost about 4 kg and it

was like a month and a half long and I

only lost like four kids but that’s also

because the diet you know I have insulin

resistance and they are cute eat sweet

potatoes and have one apple have a

smoothie and it just did not suit me

didn’t work for me and I always knew

that you know this is the some

long there must be something else for me

and then in December last year I was I

had to attend a wedding my one of my

closest friends was getting married and

I wanted to look fit and I tried using

wait I did lose some weight I lost like

5 kgs and you know I got a lot of

interest around my waist and I look good

for a few days but once the wedding was

over and I get told back and then I

think I was on YouTube just like just

searching about insulin resistance and

what it really is because I just didn’t

really know what it was and then I came

across one of your videos about cars and

insulin resistance it was just like two

or three minutes nah I was like okay

there’s all the other videos in like 45

minutes long I can’t watch those so I

started watching videos and I loved it

and I watched all of them in one go and

then it was like you know I just clicked

when I saw that video on insulin

resistance and how are you supposed to

eat less frequently or else if I could

incident and then I was like okay this

makes so much sense maybe you know I was

eating healthy before when I was Swingle

guys but I was eating like five six

seven times a day so even if it was the

salad and grilled fish I was still you

know getting a lot of it so it’s like it

just made sense it was like your videos

and I some pieces of jigsaw puzzle you

know they all fit and I was like okay

something in me just service just like a

light bulb went off and like okay I’m

going to have to try this I know it’s

going to work this time so and yeah ever

since it’s been seven months now but I’m

not going to count this one because I’m

in slim and it’s a month of ramadhan so

I have to eat two meals a day or as I

was just eating one meal a day and so in

December I just first thing I did was I

got rid of all sugar I just was like I’m

not going to have any sugar

I got rid of all the pie from the white

carbs no rice no potatoes no nothing and

I started losing a lot of weight so the

first 5 kgs I lost it felt like I lost

an overnight but I was like now you know

I’ve done this before I got the 4 kgs I

gained it back but then I was like very


consistency was key for me I was a

patient inconsistent and I said I

started noticing that I started I was

still losing weight and before I knew it

I had lost 10kg and I think it I was

like I lost most weight by much mid

March beginning of April I was a chemist

and then I went on vacation I mean the

vacations with my family and I was at

that time I started having like I was

already having one here today but you

know I mean I went there and they were

like house parties and you were going

out and I was eating stuff so what way

did you start it and what wait did you

end up at at your lowest um my highest

weight was 102 kg and I think it was aa

Durden uh in pounds almost over that’s

really dated we don’t think it’s 2.2


okay that’s fine and then how many I’ll

have to use my calculator I’m terrible

at math so then at the your lowest

weight how many kgs right now my lowest

was 90 kg 90 okay good yeah so right now

I’m 91.3 I just checked but that’s

because I’ve been eating a lot of fruit

for six months I had no food nothing not

even a bite of food except occasionally

we’ll be very we make at home but other

than that I had no app because once I

heard you say that a that an axle has 90

grams of sugar I was like I was so

shocked and I stopped eating it and

people look at me like I’m crazy

right yeah but it helped so when you ate

one meal a day what did you eat um I

usually eat like five to six eggs and

eats like a pig on it I put an entire

capsicum inner in the two lots of

tomatoes and onion and I put soy in some

like turmeric and salt and pepper and

red chili and I just you know make like

a giant omelet and I eat that so it’s

like a breakfast but not really I eat


I eat around with me around 12:30 1:00

o’clock but I am starting to like I’m

going to start eating often of the on

ends I’m going to eat around me so that

I can like you know no longer like

because around sometimes I sleep late

and then I’m like I start getting hungry

so I don’t want that even though I have

like coconut oil and all of that I have

a regular did you find that you had to

gradually go into eating one meal a day

do you still like to and then eventually

one and then you’re good

yes so in December I started like from

the beginning of December I started with

three meals a day and then I came down

to two musicals a day quite quickly like

not even a month yeah it was it was so

easy and I started having to news a day

and then in March I switched to one meal

a day but I still feel like the two

meals a day was the best I said like

most energetic I just loved it and then

the one meal a day was maybe for

psychological thinking oh that’s too

crazy one ability are not going to

survive but I’m unsterilized so I think

the one Villa day is fine until I reach

my goal weight sometimes occasionally I

have to miss when you know if I’m like

if I’m doing too many chores and going

out so I feel like any practical news

only then I have to leave as I just have

one enough and I don’t get hungry my

skin is glowing always so yeah my skin

has some creepy tasks on okay that’s

fascinating because when you when you

drop insulin you improve androgens which

then get rid of acne especially for

women their polycystic ovarian syndrome

thing clears up if you have that but

here’s the other here’s the other

there’s two you have that too there’s

there’s two points I want to make number

one egg pretty much has almost every

single nutrient almost so it’s very

balanced so you can actually do very

well in eggs also the people that I

recommend one meal a days are those

people who either really need to lose a

lot of weight you know they want to lose

it in the fastest way possible and then

are those people who maybe have thyroid

issues and have no metabolism left

because they destroyed it through

dieting over the years and there may be


you know they need like one meal a day

and I had bodybuilders there

they are fine but the problem is trying

to get all your nutrients in that one

meal it’s a lot of food to consume so

you have to eat such quality and some

people they do they do intermittent

fasting with junk food and I’m like no

you don’t want to do that because you

may lose weight but you’re you’re going

to be unhealthy because you’re just

putting garbage in your body so so tell

me so you would do eggs and you do

spices and tomatoes and curium that it’s

big big bowls of salad you recommend ten

cups I think I have more than that

because I’m also eating the omelette and

then I’m having like a big salad and it

fills me up sometimes I make a pig likes

chickpea salad

I love chickpea salad I have that I have

lots of um we trust you yeah it fills me

up I don’t need food after that I don’t

create my you know sugary snacks I used

to crave a lot of chips this time last

year I was having like I was having

snacks regular tea you know I would hang

out with my friends and watch TV shows

and we’d have like popcorn and chips

there it was like a regular thing and

then I had like break out and it was

terrible and held on I don’t have a lot

of headaches now I was always struggling

with hair loss also I was I always had a

tight justice problem and like for like

a couple years I was almost constantly

constipated it sounds disgusting yeah

but I was every single day I was just I

just had such terrible concentration

it’s not stupid

yeah so I yeah so I just started having

a lot of lemon juice as well and a lot

of apple cider vinegar and that really

helped that was like instant remedy yeah

because that’s going to improve your

digestion and then what about your

energy level is that improved yes my

energy doesn’t also my memory I have

such terrible maybe I still do but I had

like such horrible nandi 50 in college I

remember I wouldn’t even remember what I

had for breakfast that morning or what I

was wearing yesterday what I got for

homework so my memory has really

improved but I still need to improve it

oh yeah I want to talk today I still

need to do the power

  • any more candy I think okay well you

know over time it’s good at your doing

in a minute fasting with Kido is going

to actually regenerate brain cells it’s

going to actually help but it does take

some time to really you know completely

change over people always want want it’s

like oh yeah six months I’m going to be

a but it takes longer and then I was

going to ask you do when people look at

you now probably kind of strange like

why aren’t you eating all this and

they’re probably pushing all this food

with parties and events right so how do

you how do you deal with that people

look at me like I’m crazy you know they

look at me they like wow he’s not so

much weird because we know I I never

really lost any weight now all of a

sudden I’m losing weight so and they’re

like what what you have what’s your meal

plan and what what diet are you

following and like it’s not a diet it’s

a lifestyle and when I tell them what

I’m eating and how I’m eating is they’re

like they look at me like I’m crazy they

give me like such dirty looks like

you’re crazy you’re going to collapse

one day this is fun healthy and what are

you doing to yourself you’re going to

get like this disease and your phones

are going to get weak and blah blah blah

and I’m like look at me and this is the

like Henry’s I’ve been in years

I remember being 11 and 12 and not like

fitting into any jeans not being able to

find clothes yeah so yeah I don’t know I

find proof that it’s okay they like you

one day you’re going to like fly yeah

I’m going to give you a little tip

because I run into that all the time

okay so here’s a little tip especially

with family never tell them what you’re

doing have them go to a video because

they have to get the why first they have

to get the why you’re doing it and

explain a little bit of why versus the

hey just do this because it doesn’t seem

to be is impactful because they don’t

understand it and it flies against their

fixed ideas and so it’s just good

they’re going to reject it and I’ve done

it I mean so many times so sometimes I

feel like when you know I’m telling

somebody I mean they’re asking to show

interest and then when I tell

and it feels like it’s sad because I

feel like they don’t want to listen it’s

not like they know that cards aren’t

good for you and sugar isn’t good for

you but it’s like they just don’t want

to listen they don’t want to stop eating

and it’s sad like it hurts me now yeah I

know and I think well because I run into

that as well I’ll do something like this

they’ll say well you want to know what I

did if I you know of course if I told

you to have to kill you so I just kind

of played with them back and forth and

I’ll say well I’ll tell you what I will

let you know in about a week from now so

just call me like I’ll kind of push them

away get them to reach a little more and

then I’ll send into a video but because

here’s the thing you have all these

people there are not ready to change

they almost have to hit bottom just like

you did like I did I had to be really

sick before I actually said okay that’s

it I’m willing to do whatever it takes

you know so with those people they might

want to know I wouldn’t actually tell

them I would just say well go watch this

video and that way they can be a little

bit more enlightened but I do know what

you’re running up against it’s like

frustrating you want to help everyone

but some people aren’t don’t want your

help so it’s kind of crazy we go out and

eat you know it’s like going out with

friends and I all just eat like with a

fork like a barbecue with the fork and

everybody’s having like delicious like

nons and Aiden is there everyone goes

like who wants dessert and I’m like I

did you want it but I’m not going to eat

it it it’s actually I don’t let allow

myself to think as soon as the question

is asked you want to develop no and

sometimes I even surprise myself I’m

like okay I just said that so quickly

but I always did know before I say yes

that is yeah because I think that’s your

biggest challenge especially in India or

Pakistan it’s like people around you

dealing with all the people around you

with the food and oh my gosh it’s just

such a part of the culture like what you

don’t want rice are you insane

in potatoes I mean like no thank you

so I know I feel your pain so well this

has been awesome so you’ve done really

well I’ve seen the before and after so

we’re posting them throughout

this interview so it’s quite amazing but

anyway I want to thank you for your

story it’s going to inspire a lot of

people and maybe you’ll do like a little

follow-up in several months and see you

know when you hit your ultimate goal

we’ll just kind of do a little post

video interview thank you so much for

your videos I’m so grateful seriously

such a motivation to watch you think oh

my pleasure thank you okay have a great


good bye