Acidify, Don't Alkalize Your Body | DrEricBergDC

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so i keep getting this question over and  over and over and over again so i’m going  

to do another video on this topic people want  to know is it healthy to alkalize my body okay  

the truth is it’s better to acidify your body  than to alkalize your body let me explain first  

of all we have this scale of ph and at seven we  have neutral okay anything higher like in 8 9  

10 11 12 you get a ph that’s more alkaline  okay so the numbers that go higher are more  

alkaline the numbers that go lower like six five  four are more acid and for every whole number  

you’re going lower from seven to six you’re  getting a compound effect by the factor of 10.  

so for example if you have a ph of 5 that  is 10 times more acid than a ph of 6. okay  

all right so that’s what ph is you have a lot of  different parts of the body that have a lot of  

different phs the one that’s really significant is  the stomach the stomach should be extremely acid  

like between one and three now if we compare  this to the different fluids of the body the  

stomach is the most out of range ph okay in the  entire body and so you have the stomach which is  

kind of like the main organ that is at the very  beginning of the digestive cycle or the chain of  

events and so if that stomach doesn’t work right  or you have a problem with it from that point on  

nothing else can work right and the reason i’m  bringing up the stomach is because you have  

various enzymes that are activated by your ph in  other words enzymes those things that help you  

with digestion those magical little proteins that  allow all the biochemistry to work are controlled  

by an optimum ph for example pepsin which is  in the stomach which helps you digest protein  

works and is activated between the range of  1.5 and 1.6 i mean that’s a very narrow range  

and that’s extremely acid so pepsin will not  work in an alkaline stomach okay that means  

you’re not going to be able to digest protein and  if you’re not digesting protein that can end up in  

the small intestine is undigested protein and  it can start creating purification and create  

all sorts of problems throughout this entire  chain of events because you have like at least 30  

feet of intestines right so you can imagine if you  have undigested protein at the very beginning part  

what happens at the very end part then we have  lipase which is an enzyme that helps you digest  

lipids or proteins that works in the pancreas and  in an alkaline ph now there’s another lip base in  

the stomach that works in an acidic ph at four to  five but the lipase in the pancreas works in an  

alkaline state so you have different enzymes in  different parts that create different effects  

and then you have amylase which helps you digest  starches right and that works in a slightly acidic  

to a neutral ph atp the energy currency of the  body in the mitochondria works at a ph of 9.  

that’s very alkaline and then arginase which is  another enzyme to help you break down arginine  

works in a ph of 10 extremely alkaline so what  you need to know is that these magical enzymes  

that do their work cannot work unless they’re at  their optimum ph okay so why is that significant  

because if you start to alkalize your  body whether you’re using baking soda  

calcium carbonate and acids you’re going to  create dysfunction throughout the entire digestive  

system it’s going to create a cascade of effects  that’s not going to be good if you alkalize your  

body why because the stomach is the main first  digestive organ it’s in the beginning part okay  

and also the acid in your stomach triggers  the bile release which is alkaline and the  

pancreatic enzymes it’s like bicarbonates  from the pancreas that helps neutralize the  

acid both of those things are triggered by the  acid stomach so in other words if you were to  

instead acidify the stomach you start to  activate enzymes that help you break down  

proteins and now we’re going to have a  more complete digestive chain of events  

and incidentally 22 percent of the population has  low stomach acids that’s called hypochlorhydria  

okay i’m going to list out the symptoms of low  stomach acid heartburn gas bloating food allergies  

mineral deficiencies gerd which is treated  with antacids by the way and because you’re  

having acid reflux gut infections because  the acid is supposed to kill off the microbes  

malabsorption because the acid stomach is supposed  to help you absorb certain minerals you’re not  

going to be able to absorb b12 that well and  also you’re at risk for cancer in the stomach if  

you don’t have enough acid in your stomach but the  other point i want to bring up is to have a strong  

acid stomach it’s not always necessary to take an  acid okay because to make hydrochloric acid a lot  

of times you just need the raw materials you need  chloride for example that comes from salt which  

i would highly recommend consuming sea salt so if  you’re low on chloride you can’t make hydrochloric  

acid you also need sodium potassium zinc and even  iodine to make hydrochloric acid however a lot of  

people see improvement by drinking just regular  apple cider vinegar and retain hydrochloride which  

actually can help you acidify the stomach as well  here’s the point you’re going to be much healthier  

if you attempt to acidify the body than  to alkalize the body simply because the  

stomach is the first huge significant organ of  digestion and it’s very very acid and so when  

you start to alkalize the stomach now we create a  problem through the entire rest of the digestive  

tract all right thanks for watching hey before  you go if you’re benefiting from any of my content  

i would love to hear about your success  story please share it in the link down below