What Are Hormones And How do Your Hormones Work – Dr.Berg's Webinar (Part 2) | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys can you hear me I have the notes for you so I’m going to actually

post the notes right now you can download the notes there we go let’s see

here you can hear me okay

alright let’s see to let everyone get on let’s in so we can hear each other let’s

say here I post it um so you can download the notes put it out as we go

through this and it should be in the chat let me know if you can you see this

link because I was wondering if you could see it or not

did you guys get the link okay good it downloaded perfect let’s see I’m just

going to position this a little bit but it ah okay all right cool

let’s see here

okay welcome so we’re going to get started great we are going to talk about

this is part two and we’re going to be talking about estrogen and we’re going

to talk about the ovary we’re going to talk about testosterone we’re going to

talk about low testosterone will talk about the female hormones and as a

relates the thyroid and I just wanted to make sure that you guys this link is

correct so I’m just going to just test it before I move on just just because

let me just see if it works here okay that should work

yeah someone said the webinar us is it’s part one but this is part two yeah

all right cool

so good good good

you guys are already asking question and it’s totally fine so let me just kind of

what I’ll do is I’ll cover some data and then we’ll answer some questions how

about that awesome okay so last week we recovered some information about insulin

the adrenals so we’re going to talk about the gonads what are the gonads and

the testicle and the ovary as it relates to their main hormones now there’s a lot

to know about estrogen we’re going to cover the stuff that only problem that

shows up that relates to your body and I’m just going to make sure that my

references right here you just check everything

voila I have them right here okay cool so I’m

just going to open these slides let’s just close some of the stuff down here

okay perfect all right got it okay so I can make this a little bit bigger

but last time um the slides got stuck so tonight I’m going to just check on to

make sure these slides are working okay so we talked about the gonads what are

the gonads the gonads are male and female reproductive organs let’s start

with the ovary the ovary makes estrogen the ovaries create hormones to create

female characteristics it gives the woman their curve certain cultures have

different more accentuate occurs because they have more of a certain hormone

estrogen controls the menstrual cycle controls making the egg fertile in the

uterus and then you have the testicle the testicle makes sperm possible for

you Lupita a bone and muscle influences vitality and it also works closely with

another gland called a prostate now I’m just curious as I go through this I want

to make sure that there’s no words that I give you that you don’t fully get so

does anyone know what the prostate does

okay can you up to wait just a second here

what does the prostate do does anyone know give it a second here okay I don’t

know I don’t know someone says it produces testosterone gives us enzymes

no no no it’s where the semen is okay so apparently you

that’s totally fine so enlarges when you get old exactly

so the prostate does really two things it doesn’t make sperm it’s okay when a

male ejaculate the sperm goes out and it’s it pushes the sperm it also

provides a fluid that goes along with the sperm to help the sperm survive you

also have other glands around that that also assist okay so that’s what the

prostate does oh you know okay let me go back to my slides all right so I’ll try

it enlarged this so we can see and you’ll just have to I’m gonna see if

this actually advances you see if it if it worked we see yes it did work okay

good so I can do this awesome so we’re going to talk about estrogen

dominance this is the most common problem with women but not even before

menopause even after menopause and I’ll explain why because as you age you’re

supposed to lose your estrogen right but there’s other parts of your body and

tissues like your fat cells that make estrogen so if you have a lot of fat

after menopause your body can make a lot of extra estrogen yeah your adrenals

make estrogen the dreams are the backup organ to the ovaries so during menopause

you can have estrogen dominance for that reason and also because another hormone

called progesterone drops down to even more than estrogen so it gives a

relative increase of estrogen because estrogen and progesterone work together

so during menopause if progesterone really drops down to the bottom you’re

left with a relative high ratio of estrogen to progesterone you’re still

estrogen dominant so you need both of those hormones to work together

but if your estrogen dominant you’re going to get what’s called endometriosis

endometriosis is the condition where you get a scar tissue that time it develops

because of extra estrogen around the inside your abdomen around the uterus

inside the uterus all over the place the endometrium is kind of like the lining

of the the uterus okay so it’s the whole lining of the uterus that’s what it is

irregular periods cellulite especially in that in the outer hips the lower

pooch of your belly and your thighs in your butt

okay infertility that’s why they give you birth control pills more estrogen to

get to make you not fertile PMS mood change is depression all these different

things fibroids ovarian cysts breast lumps thyroid nodules so those are all

of the symptoms of estrogen dominance okay there’s more the next thing you

need to know is that during a menstrual cycle you have these hormonal shifts at

day 14 you have the spike of estrogen that spikes up and spikes down so in

other words day 14 is a very different time period for the cycle in that you’re

the most fertile that’s when you’re ovulating that’s when the egg is being

released down these little tubes fallopian tubes down to the uterus

become fertilized so you have this spike of estrogen so estrogen is the hormone

that spikes at day 14 okay it just comes up and it goes down you also have

another hormone called luteinizing hormone that’s for the brain and follow

the assuming that hormone that’s in the brain tube from the pituitary but don’t

worry about those at this point the thing you need to know is estrogen

increases at a 14 and progesterone increases about a week before your

period so if you have a problem like one week

before your period you know your cycles on that step or you have moodiness or

craving or whatever we know it’s progesterone if it’s during ovulation we

know it’s estrogen okay

symptoms of high and low estrogen uh too high breast tenderness bloating emotions

up and down pounding headaches weight gain yeast infections depression

excessive growth of the fibroid fibrocystic breast joints pain water

retention irritability blood sugar issues now if it’s too low you’re going

to hot flashes night sweats insomnia mental fogginess decrease sexual drive

in lubrication so draw vaginal dryness depression fatigue frequent urination

migraine headaches memory and concentration problems dry skin

osteoporosis other that you’re perfectly fine okay just want to make sure that

your your um okay so I’m just going to kind of answer a

question as we go through someone says that I thought they said I thought you

said if you have a hot flashes during menopause or postmenopausal that meant

that you have too little estrogen but you also have a belly fat that would

mean that the estrogen dominance so you have too little too much okay very very

very good question here’s what happens it’s very very similar to estrogen

resistance insulin resistance shows high levels of insulin on one part of your

body and low other say in with core so you can have symptoms of high cortisol

and low corstel because you have cortisol resistance so when the estrogen

becomes high downgrade and become resistance and so you have symptoms of

low and high at the same time that’s really what’s happening and so lying in

the vaginal area so you become dry so you it’s not going into it’s not the

adrenals are not backing them up effectively so you get hot flashes night

sweats so it’s it’s not clear-cut and that’s why when you take estrogen and

you have um flashes for example you can get rid of hot flashes just like that by

taking HRT hormone replacement therapy but then it creates all these other

problems of estrogen dominance so it fixes one thing but gives you another

problem like cancer so that’s what happens um now let me just see if

there’s any other quick questions here

okay slide didn’t

advanced darn it okay so we’re dealing with that again okay so what I’m going

to do is I’m just going to go back and forth so we can make sure lines okay

so I won’t go like five slides into it so let me just go to the next slide

right now okay estrogen therapy okay so here’s what happens

women some women take estrogen a lot of women are stopping to take that taking

the esterday each Norman placement therapy like they did like 10 years ago

or 20 years ago because it has some side effects

okay stroke my mother she worked as a nurse and I was able to acquire some of

the records in the nursing home of people who had been on estrogen therapy

or hormone replacement therapy and I noticed one common denominator there all

had strokes which is interesting so too much estrogen can lead to blood clots

okay cancer women who took estrogen are four

to seven times more likely to develop cancer now why does this relate to the

endocrine system because use with women there’s so many receptors for estrogen

like especially on the breast in the uterus and the ovaries and that’s what’s

happening of the estrogens going too high but from my viewpoint this is just

my opinion I don’t think this is coming from necessarily your estrogen it’s

coming from the environmental estrogen okay now there’s another question that

someone said well what about hormone replacement therapy like bioidentical

hormones okay is that better that’s better but my thought is that if you’re

going to go on HRT or a bio identical hormones what I would recommend is that

you first try to fix the real problem okay

it’s not normal for you to have symptoms even past menopause if your we are

working properly and don’t buy into that oh yeah everyone has is meant to produce

less those hormones but it should be fine so my whole suggestion is to fix

the ovary support the ovary the ovary is controlling the the estrogen and the

progesterone and the testosterone so why would you take a hormone because you’re

going to you’re going to inactivate your own hormones that are producing that

okay now someone says I had hysterectomy so I take estradiol for hot flashes and

night sweats it took them away but I recently started having night sweats

again so I started taking your cortisol could that be taking too much in causing

night sweats well what happens is the cortisol support is great typically for

hot flashes especially if you if you actually have a real true deficiency of

adrenal and ovary hormones because it basically helps you build more hormones

it’s not for people that have high cortisol as for people that have low

coarse or low the correct action for the remedy for hot flashes would be my ovary

support formula because that just supports the gland but then if it’s

really severe then we add the core social support so so the goal is to

support the ovary as much as possible and after you’ve done everything you can

if you still have problems go ahead and take the bioidentical but I don’t I

won’t just recommend going right to that right away because your side effects

cancer especially if a woman has taken estrogen over seven years

that’s like them that’s like the cut point cutoff point and I’m also talking

about birth control pills and I know that’s the situation for a lot of women

and I do have some solutions but the problem is that birth control pills or

replacement therapy it just gives you a lot of estrogen so estrogen therapy also

creates tumors it decreases testosterone

now depo-provera this is a type of synthetic progesterone it’s injected

every select three or six months actually I think it’s every three months

and it gives massive massive amounts of hormonal you know interference in your

body in fact in the 1973 the FDA denied the Peru of depo-provera but of course

they didn’t put it on the market it just has some it has some serious side

effects like breast cancer weight gain breast tenderness I do not recommend

depo now it’s more convenient for women because you just get one shot and you’re

good for three months I understand that but think about if you have to take

something to turn off your period for three months

you think that might create been creating a problem for your body yeah it

is um alright so no another question is what if I don’t have hormones what if I

don’t have ovaries okay then what you need to do is get get a spare skin go

find them clean them up and put it back now just getting what you need to do is

you need to support them with different things because you have a backup organ I

like to support the adrenal if you don’t have ovaries because the dream will make

the same hormones as the ovaries and so what you can do is you can take the

support the adrenal and you should be fine because the adrenals should take

over and start backing up the ovaries okay that’s what I recommend everyone’s

asking about breast tenderness and breast cancer I’m getting to that point

um and someone also mentioned my mother took des when I was pregnant when she

was pregnant with me des is a is called step diastole the best role

diethylstilbestrol I can even talk and that is a massive massive spike of

estrogen so des was used to prevent miscarriages for like 30 years until

they found that it caused miscarriages so it creates a lot of

problems for women and in the offspring hormone only for the thyroid it creates

a lot of problems so as we get to the seminar I must show you if you’ve been

exposed to DES a couple things to detoxify yourself okay all right so now

the next thing I’m going to talk about is the estrogen thyroid connection let

me show you something

okay so just bring this forward right here you can see this okay okay this is

the thyroid these are ovaries the estrogen is interesting because it has

the ability to decrease the thyroid hormones okay Wow the way okay so

estrogen can block the thyroid it can fit into the receptors of the thyroid

gland so when you increase the thyroid the ovary hormones like estrogen and

will lower the thyroid hormones and that is why during pregnancy so many women

develop trans because of the high estrogen most thyroid problems are

secondary to high estrogen during a pregnancy estrogen dominance taking

birth control pills other sources of estrogen okay there cause of thyroid

problems here’s your liver

the liver debates the thyroid hormones

t4 to t3 most thyroid problems are not primary they’re secondary to either

estrogen dominance or a problem with your liver or gallbladder okay there

isn’t that third condition which is the autoimmune condition

Hashimoto’s or grades which almost always occurs during a stress event so

because stress activates the adrenals that would then cause autoimmune Mona’s

is an adrenal problem okay so I just want to get into that and I’ll show you

what to do about in a little bit but let me just kind of continue on with my

slides okay now the thyroid hormones are made

from iodine so the t4 to t3 represent the number of iodine atoms in that

thyroid hormone okay so um the conversion process from t4 to t3 also

needs another mineral called selenium so you need both of these minerals to have

a thyroid work very very well so iodine you can get from sea kelp

seafood cranberries navy beans potatoes but we don’t recommend that

strawberries we’re not recommending fruit our berries right now selenium

Brazil nuts you can get oysters tuna sardines eggs spinach and seek help okay

so we need those two minerals and you can really help the thyroid function if

you actually have those minerals in there in the diet the problem is because

the soils are so low with these are trace minerals you never really see them

in the diet anymore you have to take them extra in an extra form like you

know if you eat seaweed or sea kelp or you have to consume more of

and outside source or a supplement to get those hypothyroidism a low thyroid

then can lead to slow gonads or actually a hypo ovary or a non functioning ovary

so we need that thyroid to work if that thyroid goes down you have a cascade of

hormonal problems that go really really wide to a lot of problems okay so we

have to be able to figure out is the chicken or the egg

in my experience the most common things and you have to ask the person when did

it start to get the clue of the primary problem and was it a pregnancy was it a

stress event was it a thorough it ectomy when they took with our it up see if you

if you know that then you can find out if it’s the chicken or the egg

now the breast tissue I’m guessing I’m hoping you can see these slides okay for

the breast the breast sized is controlled by estrogen so women that

have larger breasts have more estrogen it’s definitely a symptom of estrogen

dominance but not necessarily all the time you can have small breasts in huge

hips and happy estrogen dominant okay now a lot of women go to the doctor to

get a breast exam to make sure they don’t have any lumps or precancerous

benign cyst or and the breast okay so we’re going to talk about that but

here’s the thing um fibrocystic breasts which are little cysts in the breast or

even benign cysts in the breasts they’re all pre they come before cancer a lot of

time a lot of times you have a lump that turns into something over time so it

goes sometimes from benign to malignant okay so what we want to do is we don’t

want to wait until you’re 55 6 years old until you get cancer

Morgan I’m going to show you how to actively aggressively prevent cancer

because by the time you get it you’re going to be so freaked out about it

you’re going to be you know in a fear state which is not a good place to be

and then the doctor is going to scare you into removing your breasts or taking

out the lump or doing invasive surgery and chemo and radiation and that’s just

a lot of times it’s unnecessary because it can be prevented okay so before I go

on to the next thing I wanted to see if there’s any questions that you guys have

let me see

pitching underneath the breast symptoms of breast cancer no that is not a

symptom of breast cancer um postmenopausal bleeding let’s see about

to turn 60 let’s see you may have low amounts of vitamin A

that could be causing the bleeding uh article states certain amounts of

vitamin A build up in the listen Kathy if you have a lot of vitamin A cannot

it’s almost impossible to become vitamin a toxic unless you’re taking a

supplement of vitamin A that’s synthetic come too toxic from vitamin A from food

unless you’re eating bare liver or something like that okay where they have

super concentrations of vitamin A so it’s highly unlikely that it’s vitamin A

I’ll get into some remedies and solutions for that so this little

still sticking alright sorry about that I will um I must go send you guys the

slides and I will also not do too many slides at one time okay

I’m going to show you how to prevent breast cancer okay um I was act for mood

swings I’m going to show you what to do for that as well

you guys are in the right place tonight because I’m going to show you some stuff

that really works that’s very effective um

I thought I would start to fall under yeah my flower a certain fall to the

birth of my daughter and it means that you had a spike of estrogen and the

estrogen blocked the thyroid and so when you take two you may find that all your

symptoms don’t go away because the problem problem is not your thyroid it’s

the estrogen dominance that you need to clean up okay good questions alright so

let me show you the next slide here

menopause here’s what happens you know of course when you go through menopause

you can have a drop in in estrogen big-time but you you have way more

deficiencies of progesterone than you do estrogen so the relative ratios of

estrogen progesterone I will show you that you have too much estrogen so you

may not be estrogen dominant but you have way too much for um for the levels

of progesterone and so you have what’s called unopposed estrogen which means

it’s out of balance it’s very similar to sodium and chloride so salt in potassium

so let’s say for example the body you’re consuming too much salt without

potassium you get fluid retention so then you would you can avoid salt but if

you took more potassium you can actually lower your relative ratios of sodium by

taking the opposite mineral so the is that during menopause the natural

thing to happen is the adrenals take over and yes you’re producing less

estrogen but you may need some help to support the back-up Oregon the hormones

during menopause which is the adrenal okay so a lot of women actually get

results with progesterone creams and I’m not opposing that and it’s love that’s

natural but let’s kind of look at the whole picture first before we decide

we’re going to start taking hormones hormone creams hot flashes you can see

the adrenal glands are the back up to the ovaries if that ovary stops working

then the adrenals um also can’t back them up because they’re tired you’re

going to get hot flashes so with menopause we want to always support the

ovary in the adrenal at the same time okay I’ll get into what to do in a

second in a minute um now I want to make sure my slides are advancing okay let me

just I’m going to do one at a time I want to talk about something called

polycystic ovarian syndrome you might not have this but some people might have

it and I might just need to cover what that is PCOS now poly means many cysts

on the ovary or disorders could be could be called PCOD disorder or PCOS but in

reality it’s not really a cyst it’s a follicle which is very different

than assists they should call it Poli follicular ovarian syndrome but they

don’t it means that polycystic ovarian syndrome is going to produce more

androgens energy are the male hormone so you get facial

hair a deeper voice you get acne you get belly fat all right but the question is

why are you produced why um why don’t men have this problem you know what I

mean they have high estrogen because like you might say well it’s the high

level of androgens that’s causing this problem right it’s it’s really the

question is what causes this and I’m going to tell you it’s not there’s

another mechanism here and that is this it’s insulin insulin can increase

insulin has receptors in the ovary next to the androgen receptors when you have

high levels of insulin it can trigger an excess of androgens that’s the cause and

effect relationship and that is why every single person with polycystic

ovarian syndrome has insulin resistance but what they’re telling you is that

polycystic ovarian syndrome is a disease that has an Associated symptom of

insulin resistance that’s incorrect this is the cause of that how do I know

that because all you have to do is correct in some resistance and this goes

away okay now I’ve done webinars last webinar

on how to fix instant resistance I have videos and YouTube on my blog how to fix

insulin resistance so I’m not going to get into it because I have a lot to

cover but I’m just letting you know if you have PCOS you have to bring insulin

down down real low to be able to do this so watch other videos actually correct

that okay so that’s polycystic ovarian syndrome

okay good next association we’re going to talk about the Ola the prostate

okay the prostate is a pump and the question is what causes prostate

enlargement okay now on the webinar we have a bunch of women and a few men and

I’m going to tell you or you can actually even talk you know if you’re if

you’re married I’m going to just like here that’s a little bit better okay

close the shades worked in it okay so um here’s what happens a lot of

times we’re us men are told that we have to this is ridiculous

trying to get this light I think as this it’s reflecting off this thing here a

lot of time men are told that what causes prostate enlargement is excessive

testosterone a very powerful testosterone called DHT okay that’s

testosterone but it’s true why do men when they get older have prostate

enlargement but they show signs of low testosterone or you know lower

availability erectile dysfunction um prostate enlargement urination problems

they have all the symptoms of low testosterone

if high testosterone caused prostate enlargement that doesn’t make sense so

here’s the truth there are treatments out there that treat prostate

enlargement with DHT which is high powered testosterone so they’re actually

taking testosterone to fix the prostate because the truth is

it’s high estrogen so estrogen increases and make things bigger testosterone

doesn’t the truth of the prostate enlargement is that these men have too

much estrogen and they have too little testosterone okay so that’s why they

lose some of the hair on their legs this can become smooth their voice starts go

starts to go higher that a lot of urination problems because it’s high

levels of estrogen that’s what causes it so what they should do is lower the

estrogen to be able to fix the prostate okay Oh again I want to just check if

there’s any question so I’m sure there is um someone says that what can change

the health of the sperm oh I’m going to cover that says estrogen I’m going to

talk about that you guys are already there with me if you had your thyroid

removed you’re gonna have to take all right hormones okay so because you’re

going to need to take it but I’m going to recommend taking a natural thyroid

hormone so like armored thyroid if you can find it all right

I’m going to also talk about if you have PMS I’m going to talk about what to do

for high and low estrogen so no worries on that it C can you have PCOS without

ovaries no you cannot but you might have symptoms of facial hair and that could

come from the adrenals arian only occurs if you have ovaries can you reverse

facial hair yeah absolutely but you have to fix the insulin resistance watch the

videos from last week please show me stretches for exercises waiting from

your video just yeah we’re not going to be doing

exercises of this um if your voice is lowered as a result a PCOS is reversible

absolutely these hormones and can bounce back okay you can you can do a lot for

your hormones and so don’t have a biome that you can’t reverse a lot of these

issues okay all right so now I’m going to go into the next section here okay

testosterone what does it do produces facial hair produces sperm

prostate growth only when you’re growing as this as a you’re growing initially

but as soon as you hit like 20 years old stop growing okay

strength muscles a sex drive bone muscle that’s what testosterone does alright

this is what I want to talk about right now um a lot of you are probably

wondering like why did that might have estrogen dominance why why is there so

much estrogen after why are people getting breast cancer it’s because

there’s this environmental estrogen I don’t know if you knew this but um

there’s a term called endocrine disruptors or we can call them

environmental estrogens because endocrine disruptors basically are all

the different things in the environment that mimic estrogen okay and so it’d be

like pesticides insecticides herbicides fungicides heavy metals like estrogen so

they act like your own hormones all right there in your in the the weed

killers in your food there in the in your lawn there in the they’re all over

the place gardening there at the they’re like new furniture has endocrine

disruptors I there in the food supply there in the vegetables that

are in the plants or the corn and the soy that feed the animals so they’re all

over the place so it’s hard to be come to these things

now you remember um DDT it was banned in 1971 um

DDT is still being found in over 50 percent of children okay

nowadays that it was banned in 1971 so what I want to ask you right now how can

this be possible how can anyone be exposed to DDT but because it’s been bad

did anyone tell me where this DDT is coming from and I’ll wait for your

answer as I answer another question oh yeah

it’s in you just want to know what was the natural thyroid it’s called armor

they have other ones too like natural thyroid hormones okay the armor is one

that I know it’s like a natural it gives you all the hormones okay okay so

someone saying the soil of soil the soil

all right so Vivian you’re correct third wheel word world countries countries

like Mexico South America see in the US in the winter we get our fruits and our

vegetables from third world countries which there we sell are DDT to Mexico

and South America let me buy the vegetables back in the winter that’s

where you’re getting it from DDT DDT was banned for a reason so we got DDT um

still out there um it’s also in the soil probably not as much as it was 30

years after DDT was banned Americans still consume trace amounts of the the

insecticide along with 20 other banned chemicals welcome to Planet Earth now

the next thing my talk about it said the GMO okay genetically modified we’ll have

to give you a t-shirt GMO oMG WTF are we eating okay what are

GMO then the result of genetically altered foods so they take the DNA from

one species and they artificially forced it into the genes of another unrelated

plant or animal the foreign genes may come from bacteria viruses insects

animals or even humans okay that’s what GMOs are okay don’t worry it’s worse

glyphosate okay now I have to make sure that you’re seeing this slide can you

guys see that okay lye phosphate is

pretty good it is Roundup Ready that is the main herbicide we killer it’s

basically um in all the GMO oh because the reason why they make the GMO is to

resist that glyphosate herbicide so they can spray on the corn the soy the wheat

the beet sugar cotton the mangos the papaya so they can spray it so they can

basically have this plant resist that and sprayed more so these foods always

have residue of glyphosate okay so I just want to let you know that is the

main chemical that you’re being exposed to right now against your will don’t

worry that gets a little bit worse um widely it’s the most widely used

herbicide over 600,000 tonnes in 2008 all right it’s in the United States 33

percent Brazil Argentina China India in India glyphosate is found in the

urine at 93% of Americans tested Wow were they getting this from well you

don’t have to label GMO foods anymore so no you never did it in the US I think in

Europe you can label them but that’s where you’re getting it but don’t worry

Monsanto said that it’s safe they say it’s classified as a practically non

toxic chemical so you have nothing to worry about right they say on their

website that over 40 years of use 800 studies over 60 countries and it’s

completely safe however there’s been some studies done by some really

critical people a credible scientist that found they did the studies a little

longer than three months okay and they’re independent studies and they

found that they developed tumors and died earlier okay so but what’s

interesting it’s very hard to find this research because it’s been retracted

they basically force them to reject the the data which is is just incredible

that they did that they’re so powerful okay glyphosate is banned in France

Netherlands Brazil Colombia Bermuda so it’s mainly in America we just you know

we use it an MIT researcher stated that glyphosate herbicide will cause half of

all children to have autism by 2025 that’s another length that is

fascinating because we you know a lot of research is on vaccinations but you

never would think that would be on these GMO foods as well now I don’t know if

you can see this slide but there’s a there’s a little bit of a conflict of

interest between Monsanto who makes glyphosate or roundup ready and the

government so there’s a lot of the people who worked for months ahead to

even the vice president now okay okay even the works for the actually elected

to the Supreme Court used to work for Monsanto so you’re wondering why there’s

so much corruption but you don’t have to look very far

now here’s really what kind of blew me away and there’s a cold Monsanto

Protection Act where it was signed that if if at any time there was a lawsuit he

found that GMO foods were dangerous or whatever this would protect Monsanto

they can continue to sell it and they will not get in trouble okay so this is

Monsanto their sister companies for jente Dow Chemical Company Bayer DuPont

so they basically passed a law to protect themselves which is incredible

incredible so I wanted to press you anymore so let me just see make sure

there’s any let’s see if there’s any questions oh you couldn’t see the slides

I’m gonna send you all the slides it mows are banned in Europe that’s awesome

I love it that’s funny Monsanto’s cafeteria in England advertises that

they are not serving of foods in the cafeteria that is hilarious

Wow interesting okay so let me get to the next slide

yeah all right so let’s so let’s go and write into the solution now that you’re

done being depressed okay um is this one little amazing mineral called iodine

iodine decreases estrogen dominance awesome awesome awesome

iodine decreases insulin and helps insulin resistance iodine increases

testosterone it also iodine decreases the risk for

cancer iodine supports the thyroid the ovary

the breast and the uterus okay so that’s really really cool

the problem is that in the 70s we had 50% more iodine in our foods than we do

now the other thing that’s interesting is that if you’ve heard of women with

cysts and fibrocystic breast especially fibrocystic breast or cysts

on the ovaries so fast with iodine um it’s really it’s a fibrocystic breast as

a precancerous thing and you get a little iodine I like to give seek help

and that goes away okay so iodine is the known anti cancer

simple remedy all right so now is iodine salt absolutely not unless you have sea

salt and only then it’s going to be a very small amount

now ayodhya salt does have iodine more okay and that’s a there’s two types of

iodine there’s elemental from rocks and minerals and then you have plant based

iodine which I like because your body can absorb it better that’s why we use

seek help seek help is one of the best sources of iodine okay interesting

interesting interesting okay I know there’s some questions hang in there

all the problems of iodine deficiency dry skin cysts any cysts that you have

anyone to body fatigue thyroid problems ovarian probs see what I wanted to

mention was the you know here about iodine with the thyroid iodine is for

the ovary just as much as the thyroid your ovaries female reproductive organs

need iodine trace nose to get rid of a lot of problems including hot flashes

okay and for a lot of women not 100% of time but in a lot of women cognitive

problems menstrual irregularities weight gain a breast pain enlarged breasts

during a menstrual cycle cold feed infection psoriasis type 2 diabetes

thinning the hair depression puffy face miscarriages goes on and on and on okay

so I will send you the slides okay so here’s the next slide hopefully you can

see it so we know that low thyroid causes low testosterone and low iodine

can cause low testosterone and high estrogen causes low testosterone so

guess what you’re going to actually recommend for a male to improve their

testosterone iodine seek help that’s one of the best remedies okay now does

anyone want to know how to get this crap out of your body because we’re all

exposed to a tremendous amount of chemicals that they pumped in there we

want to talk about how to detox our bodies specifically the endocrine system

okay the endocrine system your endocrine system especially because it’s matron

fat is just probably filled with endocrine disruptors and the inner

constructors affect you later in life as it breaks down and it gets in the system

lady come in and we worked with her and we did very very very well with her

thyroid and I was working with her doctor and she basically she was great

and she left and then she came back like two months later I said what happened to

you she goes well is doing fine and then I went going to detox

I end up with a thyroid problem yeah because all this crap out of her liver

too fast it went in a blood stream in locked up her thyroid okay

so you want to detox like correctly I’m going to show you the best type type of

things to do this but I want to just mention this is a really good look on

the side effects of estrogen therapy and I wanted to show you the top things that

are kind of ignored like the doctors say well you just take a churchy not a

problem but the big thing is it causes cancer and the big things that causes

strokes so not only do us trojan in your bodies that it’s locked up in there but

it’s coming from the environment coming from chemicals okay there’s the world

World Health Organization actually did a whole bunch of research on endocrine

disruptors okay so I looked at through all the research found because I said

why don’t they clean scrap up it’s because of the EPA has an endocrine

disruptor subcommittee membership the people the organization that it controls

endocrine disruptors are a group of scientists that work from like Monsanto

Dow Chemical frito-lay Sargento pesticide companies they’re all involved

in what they’re allowing to be safe or not so it’s a huge conflict of interest

in EPA unfortunately and this is why you really haven’t heard much about this

this is why they’re not they’re not cleaning it up okay

look at this I have a book see this right here this is the book on

toxicology the study of poisons look at how thick it is this is all the body

conditions that are coming from pesticides insecticides herbicides

fungicides it has every single disease but there’s a huge disconnect between

medicine in toxicology they’re not connecting the

link between cause and effect I believe especially the cancers and a

lot of the other diseases are coming from a lot of chemicals in the

environment it just it’s the most obvious now let me just make sure that I

answer you keep up with your questions yeah I’m going to get to the detox next

well let’s see bring the ginger okay so um okay teri um will be notes again

unfortunately I missed the beginning yeah

I’m going to record this I’ll send you the I’m sending you this I’ll send you

the notes I’ll send you the PowerPoint so you can go through the whole thing

okay let’s talk about detoxification this is the way that I just needed you

to understand like how the body can get rid of these chemicals okay we’re going

to do it by to the liver there’s something called phase 1 phase 2

detoxification there’s a series of enzymes in your liver that are triggered

by certain foods but I’m gonna highly recommend that you they’re of and

include this in your diet immediately because this will slowly dismantle any

poisons that are sitting there waiting to make turn into cancer okay so in

phase 1 these enzymes which is amazing because they will convert poisons into

phase 2 and phase 2 basically makes turns these fat soluble chemicals into

water-soluble chemicals and so that way they can come out through the urine very

very safely so your body already has the ability to get rid of these poisons

isn’t that cool would anyone like to know what food that

this would be in fact let me just ask you what those do you think are good to

detoxify liver and the rest of the body from the

through the phase 1 phase 2 detoxification and as you’re answering

that I notice that there’s a question our coffee enema is safe to use i I

think they’re I think they’re fine I think that’s good good way to purge the

liver it doesn’t pull the chemicals out but I think it’s a great thing to do

okay kale watermelon leafy greens salads apples beets broccoli okay good you guys

are sharp you’re exactly right

it’s the cruciferous vegetables so let me just touch on that um a little bit

cruciferous vegetables are basically those vegetables have a cross like

symbol on the leaf so they’re little crosses on the leaves okay that’s that’s

why they call em cruciferous now they have unique properties and they’re

called phytonutrients or plant chemicals that have additional health benefits so

for example the radishes the red radish is very high in a certain natural

chemical called sulforaphane tine sulfur it will basically detoxify poisons that

trigger cancer and it will even kill cancer on contact there’s been Studies

on that so there’s tremendous amount of studies we’re just not doing anything

with the studies okay but you can use these foods to decrease your risk for

cancer even if you consume three servings per week you can decrease

cancer by 40% in certain types of cancer that’s incredible that is unbelievable I

mean you should be doing it more than three times a week but we have like the

kale the broccoli Brussels sprouts and the bok choy now I

put some other vegetables on here as well because those are real good

anti-cancer to like beet beet leaves garlic turmeric those are really really

important the chemistry of brussel sprouts

unbelievable anti-cancer unbelievable so how many of you consume cruciferous

vegetables in your diet okay on a regular basis and enough amounts go

ahead and tell me and then when I answer a couple questions and in a very good

question she said now what about wait a second we just start talking about the

thyroid and now we’re actually cruciferous and we take all these

cruciferous vegetables we are going to write and with thyroids are going to

work right well we’re going to actually add more iodine and take the cruciferous

because the benefit of the cruciferous for the thyroid to pull that estrogen

out is all we have to do is add some sea kelp so the combination of adding seek

help this is a perfect mat we’re not just going to take what it’s not going

to take straight you know cruciferous without any extra iodine because we may

deplete our iodine reserves a little bit but you’d have to consume a lot

okay so Carolyn says several several times a week hate them um I do five to

six cups daily um cool ok good see you guys are when I consume seek help my

throat feels swollen that could be because either the sea kelp is toxic

which a lot of times if you take seek help from a polluted ocean a lot of

extra heavy metals and chemicals that are very very reactive

your thyroid I use a type of sea kelp that’s from Iceland it’s or certified

organic I’ve never had a rare actually it works really really good lie too

I’m going to give you some solutions so I’m going to talk about the ovary kit

I’m sorry estrogen kit like some of you are asking about the ovary and and at

these webinars I always give you guys a little discount but here’s the thing a

lot of times it’s hard to find work consumed the amount of cruciferous in

the diet in the range of different types of Christopher’s foods so I use the

Chris whole cruciferous food combined with the organic sea kelp together and I

recommend that you would do um between three and six cruciferous and to organic

seek help in the morning now why do you do this in the morning

specifically the sea kelp because if you take seek out before bed it will wake

you up it’ll make you very very awake in your brain because it activates mental

alertness so it’s really good to take in the morning you don’t actually need

massive amounts of sea kelp the morning is totally fine okay now if you don’t

have a thyroid maybe you take an extra if you have five or cystic breasts you

can take extra okay now the ovary support that I have supports a low

thyroid and a high thyroid and a lot of you that I I’m recognizing you from my

membership site are already taking the ovary support basically no resupport

there’s a combination of herbal ingredients that support estrogen to

balance it out and glandular extracts for the ovary for the pituitary and for

the adrenal so let’s see it’s the best thing for a menopausal supplement and

also from PMS so if you would ask me what do I do for PMS or ovary problem I

give the ovary support okay so if anyone wants to have this kid I’ll just post it

right now let me just give it to you okay

so so this kit is basically designed to clean up the endocrine disruptors and

give you enough iodine and also support the ovary if you don’t have an ovary

then or ovaries then you definitely want to take this too because it kind of

supplies the raw material for the body that your whatever you’re missing

basically okay now what if you’re a male body I do have a solution for that but

I’m going to first answer some questions someone’s saying what about dim for

estrogen dominance now dim is extract of a cruciferous vegetable and I found that

dim is is is actually very effective but my thought is why not take the actual

vegetable itself because dim is one extract one just one cruciferous food

would have over 600 different types of phytonutrients so it’s very very very

more complex than just one one individual phytonutrients called dim and

so I liked them but I would recommend all of the cruciferous together if you

had a choice does the wheatgrass have seek help in it no it doesn’t but the

the whole crew surfers food does have some seek help in it okay now if you

guys get this kit um within today or tomorrow I’m also going to send you my

acupressure technique for the ovary now what is that how what can you do the

ovary and this technique is already in my membership site so if you’re in the

membership site you probably already have seen it however I’m going to just

get it with anyone who gets this kit and if you’re a male body you’re not going

to need this but it’s mainly to help support and ovary that is been damaged

or a menstrual cycle that is altered or a problem with the ovaries of the uterus

okay any problems whether it’s a fibroid a heavy period hot flashes you can use

this technique and the reason why developed a technique is to because it’s

it’s very difficult to find any type of acupressure techniques for the ovary so

I developed it over a long period of time and it’s very very effective it’s a

great way to do a demonstration at a seminar because it works very fast you

can see changes especially if someone’s like depressed that time of the month

or they’re having happy period you can see changes immediately if you do the

technique because an average female has over 400 mental cycles in their lifetime

that’s 400 traumas to the uterus and the ovaries not to mention if they had

pregnancies miscarriages abortions all that trauma needs to be cleared up the

tech you acupressure technique fixes the trauma from the female organs okay

that’s what it fixes because when you have this trauma you lose your

communication lines to that area of the body and it starts to become out of

balance okay and yes it would help you with an ovarian cyst

I took a lady who had a cyst the size of a lemon on ultrasound and we did the

technique and within three days it went away all of our pelvis that was kind of

rotated came back and she felt there all her back pain went away a lot of times

the pain for from an ovary will cause sacroiliac pain in the back of like

either the right or left side of your lower back

okay um it was asking question about fibroids fibroids are primarily an

excess estrogen problem the same thing is over insist this is too much estrogen

so you need to number one make sure you do the diet that lowers

insulin for sure okay because insulin can also make things get bigger make

sure you’re doing a lot of cruciferous vegetables because that is the thing

that’s going to shrink it okay and also iodine iodine will shrink it too but I’m

just giving a solution for a food base how much iodine should be considered if

one has the fibroid of the uterus I don’t like to recommend individual

milligrams of iodine I recommend more of a seat count because

it’s a food based complex with all the minerals with a heavy amount of iodine

it’s in a plant base so I would recommend for a fibroid I would

recommend six seek help a day but consume before lunch okay if you have

fibroids you have indigestion with cruciferous vegetables especially

broccoli like I do which by the way is the reason why I took out broccoli out

of the cruciferous because it was creating problems for myself and I

haven’t had many problems that have with people taking this blend umm because I

took out the broccoli but if you if you are very sensitive then you’re going to

have to consume like steamed them cook them or have other vegetables like

spinach or kale is pretty safe for people okay um did you say these

supplements have wheatgrass in it no these C supplements do not have any leak

rest and by the way we cress does not have gluten there’s no gluten in wheat

grass how much iodine let’s see how many whole cruciferous do you recommend a day

I recommend between 3 and 6 if you don’t have a problem and you want to do a

preventative do 3 do 3 a day I mean that’s that’s one tablet is equivalent

to one serving so you’re going to be protect your going to protect your body

your breasts your tissues over a period of time if you did it every day it’s a

great protective thing how can I overcome the effects of history

hysterectomy a gallbladder removal well you’re going to have to support the

adrenals and you’re going to have to UM probably take a little bile from the

gallbladder X formula to help help the liver detoxify a little bit better

does your kale shakes count um they count a little bit but it’s you need to

take it’s probably you’re going to have if you added the kale shake with the

kale and made a shake I think that would be a really good thing to do okay but

the cruciferous must be organic if you that’s a good question should the

cruciferous be organic now all of the vegetables that I’m recommending in this

product are organic but it’s sometimes it’s hard to find organic so if you

can’t find organic it’s much better to consume any cruciferous than no

cruciferous okay um I really like green beans any

benefits from this vegetables yeah so if you have green beans from a garden um

there’s great benefits especially in the flavonoids and vitamin C complex

what if you get a migraine on the third day of your period that almost every

single time that’s estrogen dominance okay what

percentage of the kale shake is kale um the kale shake my instant kale shake has

this basement serving size and there’s there’s like one cup of kale per serving

size per scoop of that kale okay what is bile and what does it do and yes I do

have a bile in a product called gall bladder formula which by the way is out

for another two weeks unfortunately because it’s a very popular thing but

we’ll get it in two weeks but you just take one after you eat

it helps you convert the thyroid hormone it helps you digest it’s help helps you

up for bloating it helps you absorb vitamin A for the eyes mented

cruciferous food okay I think it’s awesome yes it’s totally fine I

understand cranberries are higher in iodine but they’re high in fructose yes

they are high in sugar that’s why I don’t recommend getting your iodine from

that any more than I’d recommend getting potassium from bananas someone says said

pink pancreatin that’s an enzyme for the pancreas that’s actually in the crew of

the gall bladder formula bile is different than pancreatic bile is from

the gall bladder pink random pancreatin is the enzyme from the from the pancreas

okay how long will it take to see progress with seek help on fibroids I

think if you did everything correct and you really follow my eating plan for the

insulin resistance you would start seeing change within a couple weeks okay

more probably more change after a month because these these natural the seek

help and the cruciferous they work slowly and you don’t want to pull these

chemicals out too fast because it’s too toxic um let’s see I wish I would have

known this before having hysterectomy I know I know they really push those

things I have gas from eating broccoli I know it it just tears me up so avoid

broccoli our steam brought Brussels sprouts good absolutely yes it’s very

very good now someone asked what about men for testosterone okay there’s

another kit that for them and that’s slightly different I’m adding something

called DHA DHA is a healthy fat that um basically supports the testicle so it’s

the testicle the raw material okay so there’s a little kit there for men that

have low testosterone because what we’re going to do is we’re going to lower

estrogen thereby increasing testosterone the DHA is really good also for

increasing testosterone it feeds the the test of the testicle food for it to

manufacture more hormone okay so that’s the testosterone kit okay

can you just stop HRT you know I can’t tell you to stop anything but just

between you and me and the four walls even though we’re doing a live webinar

here I do not think there’s any problem with stopping it too fast as long as you

you can support the underlying root cause again I didn’t tell you to come

off of it I’m just saying that I don’t think there is a problem um what about

oxalates if you have oxalates high oxalates you need to be consuming a

lemon juice okay lemon juice or a lemon in your water every single day okay that

will handle that sylvia says will the discount be automatically deductible

warning it when ordering the estrogen kit yes it automatically is abducted you

click the link and then it will automatically UM take it off it’ll be on

the right column you’ll see it but it’s 10% off if you wanted to get it within

the next 24 hours okay so what if I try the adrenal package first not a problem

around you can do that totally fine um in the adrenal kit let me think

okay okay nevermind um let’s see here where can I find a diet for estrogen


what if if I take estrogen kit with cruciferous vegetables should I follow

the keto diet plan yes you should follow the keto diet plan because you want to

keep insulin low and I have a lot of videos on what to eat what diet you

should be on let me just see here let me just see if I can read that to also take

an insulin kit no you don’t take an instant kit you just need to follow the

eating plan that I recommend to lower insulin my sister has epilepsy and the

only time she has seizures let’s see was medication levels are low seizures are

related to insulin so if you go on a low insulin diet it’s called a ketogenic

that is wonderful for the brain and that also epilepsy yeah so check it out

ketogenic diet did we get potassium from you know it’s interesting you said that

because one of the best sources is seek help you have a lot of potassium in seek

out but also from leafy greens you need between 7 and 10 cups all right you see

here do you have the cruciferous foods doc yes yes and I know if your

backordered we’ve been sending it out ASAP we just got it in we have tons of

it yes it’s being shipped out you should get it any day now Sheila um ok so to

answer that question is drinking six to seven or five to six kale shakes

too much not if you’re doing this seek help and not if you’re there to counter

any possible oxalate stones okay what if someone’s very high progesterone in the

very low estrogen then I would increase your estrogen by maybe a non-gmo tempeh

it’s a fermented soy that might give you a little more estrogen support the over

with over a complex or a resupport because that actually gets your own body

produce more am I getting enough DHEA taking cotton oil sometimes you are but

make sure Lane the colorant where you’re taking is virgin cod liver oil don’t get

the regular cod liver oil is your cruciferous product raw

it’s basically under a heating like 106 degrees but it’s not completely

classified as raw but the enzymes are active pretty active but it’s I can’t

make a claim that it’s wrong but it’s organic how can I relieve restless legs

that drive me crazy that’s a B vitamin deficiency and adrenal deficiency so the

best thing for restless legs is the adrenal de handle it within a day mmm I

take we cross daily does it contain potassium it can it contains a lot of

potassium a ton do you have anything for toe pain and toe cramp that gets worse

while walking or taking d3 yes you need to take k2 to transport the calcium also

you need more potassium and then the third thing is you do acupressure on the

opposite toe so for example a big toe you massage the left big toe okay that

should get rid of your pain does taking K to increase estrogen since it’s from

NATO not at all minor minor minor amount of NATO it’s not filled with estrogen

it’s not going to be a problem have one ovary take of your support the

ovary support it really depends if you have symptoms like hot flashes you take

three to four bed if it’s during the day take three during the day I would

recommend taking three for a while and no maintenance but you’ll see that over

support creates some really cool effects for females because of the amount of

issues they have with the ovary find something that supports and over that

produces too much estrogen and not enough it actually balances it out is

there anything that isn’t in pill form I only have the wheatgrass but you could

just open up the capsules and pour it into something someone said they did the

active pressure on the gall bladder it was inflamed if you have an inflamed

gone all the other of Karen you want you don’t want to work on the goal that or

directly you want to work on the opposite side beside and that will help

because you want to treat it like an injury work on the opposite side what

our oxalates there are chemicals that form calcium stones so they bind to

calcium and they form stones and that can come from the cruciferous have a

like enough lemon in the diet so lemon is a really good thing to add in your

water is it possible to get rid of thyroid nodules you don’t merck manual

major medical books that you study in pre-med um back in 1850 um they used

iodine to cure thyroid nodules and all tumors back then but mysteriously they

don’t recommend that anymore because of course is no profit in it for nodules is

the iodine deficiency I know they just do biopsies and they don’t give you the

highlight is crazy like this with the adrenal day and night promo sure

Robert improving testosterone I recommend doing that kind of a

cruciferous and the sea kelp for that I have polyps and fibroids any natural

forms of birth control besides condoms that will worse my fibroids there’s

something called the lady cue stick now you’re going to laugh because the lady

q-tip is $25 on Amazon and you can put saliva on it look up into the light and

determine if you’re fertile or not fertile and I’ll have a different like a

fern kind of pattern and if you’re not fertile let’s see if you’re not fertile

we’ll have little specks so they’ll tell you when you’re the most fertile and

when you’re not so you can kind of use that to know if you the problem is

there’s always that small chance that you might be fertile when you know so

but they offer a money-back guarantee you can get your twenty five dollars

back okay um it’s true but I’m having them have it dry sensing here alright

the other thing with birth control pills and this is a really because what do you

do what do you do if you don’t want to use condoms

you have to use birth control I mean it’s I don’t really have a solution for

that I don’t um unfortunately because your you know it’s yours kit others pros

and cons like because the birth control pills have so many side effects down the

road it’s an issue okay I’m a mixed body type I already dream on what kid is best

start with the adrenal because the thyroid is usually secondary okay I have

too much calcium I’m in my blood that means you need to stop taking vitamin D

and take k2 only cows you from the blood okay so someone

says Karen says she has the tool yes sir are using the tube massage tool that

will help you to sleep ah let’s see dr. Berg let’s see here okay so if any of

you make questions like the last seminar you want the notes who you want the

webinar replay you can just call my office and get it his Parkinson’s

related estrogen dominance no it’s related to insulin dominance is have you

dropped the super nutrients yes I did because a lot of the ingredients are in

the weak rests so my my wheatgrass is my new super nutrients how much K is in in

the wheatgrass juice there’s actually a lot of vitamin K and that’s the problem

with people that are included which is oh let’s see here if you’re taking a

blood thinner and have low potassium I would start taking vitamin k2 and a lot

of them because they’ll help but last a minute do you assume that if you’re

eating got a lot of cruciferous that you have high oxalates chances are yes you

have high oxalates so just in case start chopping down on the lemons this nato

from k2 increase estrogen hardly at all it’s not gonna be a problem I have one

over uh I have one over three how many seek help and ovary support should I

take I would take to seek help in the morning three ovary support these stones

then you need lemon juice my doctor prescribed Lugar’s iodine for cystic

Burress well that will work to take it in a complex because they’re

plant-based minerals and they seem to work very very well so I have no desire

to take a individual elemental liquid item or all your products safe to take

when taking synthroid absolutely because they’re just food base that’s why I like

them they’re not synthetic anything do anything for foot pain have videos on

foot pain you should do a search with dr. bird anything for Parkinson’s yeah

do the lower the estrogen in the diet I only have one adrenal support the other

adrenal can I take over support well on the Lupron absolutely um menopause if a

minim paused is supporting ovary belly fat no it helps you lose fat around the

hips in the in the lower pitch in the stomach

we crest harvest at what point in time how long was lee crest growing yeah it’s

seasonal and that’s why i have to order it urine in advance because it’s

seasonal and i can if you want to email me I can give you specifics on that um

need to lose 35 pounds should I start with the adrenal kit um Rob I would

start with the adrenal kit if you primarily wanted to lose weight fast

drunken testosterone is mainly specifically for testosterone not

necessarily weight loss I had an ablation of the uterus is it

okay to take oh yeah then you that’s a trauma so you need to do the ovaries

formula and also the over a technique will send it to you via email which dad

should I fell from the insulin diet or the adrenal diet you need to do the

adrenals that because there’s that’s included that think in that diet you

know show you how lower insulin as you see I’m going real fast release I’m

trying to answer more questions this time um sounds going in and out well I

will send you the replay on this for three years is there a chance my

diary can recover yeah absolutely I’ve had people and synthroid for the 20

years come off that stuff so the thyroid can bounce back nicely anything for

Hashimoto’s I would I would do the the protocol for the estrogen protocol for

Hashimoto’s that’s what I would recommend um all in how many days to

heal PCOS with a keto and keto diet I think it’s gonna happen pretty fast

you’ll start seeing changes probably within a week or two um okay so someone

about orders if you have any questions you just call my office tomorrow um I’ve

been taking the adrenal night formula I dream more but I still wake still wake

restful oh you’re asking I still wake restful how does the adrenal night work

it basically relaxes the adrenal so you can get into a deeper Delta wave sleep

seek help even when taking sin through it yes you can please the need for synth

right over time but it won’t be a spike because in a food base alright okay up I

hit my hour-and-a-half limit here so I want to thank you guys again for

listening this long I appreciate your attention great questions thanks for

your interest um some additional the powerpoints for anyone who’s on here and

if you have any questions go ahead and email us and stay tuned for next

week we’re going to do this again I’m going to talk about a different set of

hormones okay so have a great week and I will see you guys real soon