Boost Growth Hormone As You Age | DrEricBergDC

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I’d like to discuss a very very

important hormone called growth hormone

in relationship to how to increase it

especially as you age unfortunately as

we age growth hormone just really tanks

if you’re over 65 years old your growth

hormone is likely to be 65 percent lower

than what it should be and growth

hormone in an adult versus a child works

completely differently so if you don’t

have enough growth hormone as a kid

you’re going to be shorter but in an

adult it has everything to do with

protein synthesis I’m talking about

muscle building building of your tendons

your ligaments your collagen your joints

and your bones now what’s pretty wild

about this is that the levels of growth

hormone in someone over the age of 60

are equivalent to someone younger with a

growth hormone deficiency pathology or

some dysfunction with the pituitary

gland because the pituitary gland makes

growth hormone so a lot of people are

deficient in growth hormone and they

don’t connect the dots on what that’s

doing to their body they’re going to

have a difficult time building muscle a

growth hormone also has everything to do

with fat burning the breaking down the

lipids or fats primarily in your


so someone with lower growth hormone is

kind of a problem with muscle building

they’re going to have cognitive issues

usually have a lower mood relating to

either depression or anxiety they may

have higher levels of LDL hair loss and

insomnia but growth hormone and

typically an adult uh helps you with

protein very similar to testosterone so

not only does growth hormone go down as

you age testosterone also goes down as

well so growth hormone is produced by

the pituitary gland that’s in your brain

and that hormone signal comes down and

works through your liver initially and

it works with this other thing it’s like

a hormone it’s called insulin-like

growth factor number one now it sounds

kind of a strange name but basically you

can think of that very similar to growth

hormone because it has very similar

functions except for growth hormone has

a more potent effect on fat burning

whereas igf-1 or insulin growth factor

number one has a weaker effect on fat

burning now there’s a very important

reason why I brought that up because I’m

going to be talking about the liver in

just a minute but I just wanted to give

you the general function of what growth

hormone does professional athletes that

take human growth hormone uh when

probably they’re not supposed to because

it’s illegal in many different sports

and it does have a lot of side effects

and but that doesn’t seem to discourage

certain athletes from taking it and

there’s a lot of people taking other

types of things to try to stimulate

growth hormone I’m I’m going to focus

more on the natural ways that will keep

you out of trouble that don’t have side

effects what blocks growth hormone the

biggest thing is insomnia especially if

you have sleep apnea sleep apnea is a

situation where you’re you have this

obstruction in your back of your your

sinus cavity or maybe the back of the

throat for some reason and you’re not

able to get enough oxygen there’s some

interesting connection between getting

enough oxygen when you’re sleeping right

in order to sleep so if we have this

imbalance and we’re not getting enough

air we’re not going to be able to get

enough sleep growth hormone is mostly

elevated during the first part of deep

Delta wave sleep so if you don’t get

that you’re not going to be able to have

the the benefit of growth hormone in

fact they tested people with sleep apnea

and their growth hormone is much much

lower and even when they wear a CPAP

machine and they get more oxygen okay

that’s that mask over their their nose

where they’re in their mouth where

they’re getting oxygen and their growth

hormone comes back to where it should be

which is interesting so if you can fix

sleep apnea you can greatly increase

growth hormone when you’re in a room

when the windows are not open and you’re

not getting enough oxygen because maybe

you don’t also have enough plants in

your room which give you oxygen you may

have a tendency to have more CO2 in that

room and just that alone can affect your

sleep in a negative way and this is why

when you open the window if you can or

you get a plant next to where you’re

sleeping you can definitely sleep better

just for the fact that you’re increasing

the oxygen and you’re lowering the CO2

so many people

are spending all day in a room with a

higher level of CO2 and not enough

oxygen so this greatly higher CO2

situation can affect

cognitive function especially if you’re

like a student and you’re taking a test

and you’re trying to have the best

intelligent Focus that you can while

having this imbalance of CO2 and oxygen

can greatly affect that but it also

majorly affects your sleep the next

thing that really messes up growth

hormone is something called

hyperglycemia that’s too much sugar in

the blood from a high carbohydrate diet

or let’s say you’re a diabetic that can

inhibit growth hormone and there’s a lot

of things that you can do to fix that

like going on a low carb diet but what

you need to know is that one common way

that growth hormone is suppressed is

through either high sugar or high

insulin now this insulin topic is very

interesting because high level of

insulin will suppress growth hormone the

same as a severe deficiency of insulin

so we really need to have normal insulin

and this is maybe a confusion that a lot

of people have with keto they think that

they need to bring insulin down to zero

because insulin is really really bad no

insulin is really necessary it’s a

normal hormone we want it normal we

don’t want it too high or too low and

unless you’re a type 1 diabetic and have

you know loss of the the cells that

produce insulin usually when you are a

diabetic or a pre-diabetic not type 1

but type 2 you can have a situation

where you have high level of insulin and

low level of insulin at this exact same

time now how can that be well because

the body develops this resistance so in

this receptor you have this blockage so

the insulin comes out triggered by carbs

goes into the receptor the receptor is

blocking it so we have low insulin

inside the cell the feedback loop

actually tells the pancreas to produce

more so now we have the situation where

we have more and more and more insulin

and over time the insulin becomes so

weak that it can’t regulate the blood

sugars anymore because the pancreas is

exhausted so one really simple way to

know if you have a severe insulin

deficiency is this you want to do a test

a fasting blood glucose test you don’t

even have to go to the doctor you can

just get a kit at the local drugstore or

buy it online but it’s a blood test kit

and you test while you’re fasting maybe

like when you wake up in the morning

normally it should be around you know 75

  1. if that blood sugar is higher okay

let’s say it goes up to you know 100 115

120 things like that then you know you

have a deficiency of insulin think about

it what’s happening when your blood

sugars are going up you don’t have

enough insulin to suppress the blood

sugars because that’s what insulin does

anytime your blood sugar goes up you

don’t have enough insulin and that could

be created from this insulin resistance

situation and one really interesting

thing about a diabetic on a good portion

of their high blood sugar it may not be

a hundred percent from the diet in fact

it’s not

a good portion of their high sugar is

because the liver is making too much

glucose it’s making it a protein and

even fat and even ketones so that brings

up the next point that I want to talk

about the pituitary gland as one of its

functions is the production of growth

hormone and if you think about these

hormones they’re made by glands hormones

are Communications that travel between

different points right from the

pituitary to the liver and then also

there’s a feedback loop that comes back

to turn it off so you have this entire

communication going on and my thought is

not to replace

the message or the hormone with some

synthetic version instead why don’t we

actually support the gland that actually

makes growth hormone It’s A New Concept

for a lot of people but it’s much much

wiser because that way you don’t mess

with this hormone that can then shut

down the gland so anytime you take any

type of hormone replacement whether it’s

estrogen or even testosterone or even

growth hormone you end up causing the

gland that makes it to go to sleep it

atrophies it shrinks it doesn’t work

anymore so one really important thing I

think would be good to increase your

growth hormone especially if you notice

a loss of muscle and these other issues

I mentioned is to take a pituitary

glandular support one that I like and

I’m not affiliated with this company I

don’t get any Kickbacks or anything but

it’s standard process there are

pituitrophin product PMG this is

something I used in practice seems to

work good not by giving you growth

hormone because they take the hormones

out but by giving you the raw materials

to support the gland that makes your own

growth hormone and a lot of people have

reported back that they sleep better and

their nails and hair starts growing back

much better so you might want to make a

mental note of that also stress a little

bit of stress is good for the growth

hormone but chronic stress right it can

really inhibit your growth hormone but

intermittent stress is good as in

exercise intense exercise has the

ability to stimulate growth hormone up

to 2 000 percent and I’m talking about

sprinting as the most intense can help

someone increase growth hormone if you

have a liver problem okay as in a fatty

liver or an inflamed liver or even a

liver that has cirrhosis that can really

mess with your growth hormone so

anything that can improve liver function

will help grow growth hormone and I’m

talking about milk thistle that’s

probably one of the best things you can

take to improve many different aspects

of your liver I mean it’s kind of like

something that actually counters

poisoning in your liver whether it’s you

know from Tylenol poisoning or a snake

bite or poisoning from mushroom milk

thistle counters that but it has a lot

of other cool things it can do as well

and from a diet standpoint moderate

protein can help increase growth from

them that sounds familiar sounds like

the ketogenic diet right now what type

of protein is best the most bioavailable

complete protein the protein that has

basically the best concentrated amino

acids red meat eggs fish all of that is

really really good and also red meat and

other types of meat are loaded with zinc

and if you’re zinc deficient you’re also

going to be low in growth hormone as

well as testosterone so you want to make

sure you do the healthy version of the

ketogenic diet which includes includes

all these nutrients like all the trace

minerals to help now when you exercise

okay I’ve talked a lot about doing the

cold immersion or even a cold shower to

help increase anti-aging factors and

things like that but cold therapy also

increases something called heat shock

proteins which increase growth hormone

heat as in a hot shower or a sauna or a

Whirlpool or a Jacuzzi will also

increase growth hormone significantly

even more than cold therapy okay so heat

therapy will increase growth hormone by

a factor of 1500 percent which is even

more than exercise so this is why I’m

bringing this up because maybe you can

combine it and also this heat will help

you sleep at night which will

automatically increase your growth

hormone but I’m not talking about when

you’re in the bed staying warm I’m

talking about sometime during the day

getting a sun on them because at night

you want to keep the room a bit cooler

you’re going to sleep better and maybe

you just sleep with a sheet or something

like that and the other aspect of growth

hormone is to do intermittent fasting

it’s actually very very potent I’m not

talking about necessarily lowering your

calories especially if you’re trying to

build muscle I’m recommending to keep

the same amount of calories but just eat

them less frequently so if you did two

meals and you did enough calories and

you didn’t snack you have the ability to

increase growth hormone by 2 000 percent

which is pretty fascinating I want to

just bring up the topic of your muscles

okay sometimes people when they get on

the ketogenic diet they feel that the

muscles are just flat they kind of lost

their size they look dehydrated because

when you do keto at least initially you

lose your glycogen stores glycogen is

basically the storage of glucose a lot a

lot of water and potassium and when you

initially cut down your carbs okay

you’re gonna also use up some of your

glycogen Reserve and you’re gonna lose

water weight okay and uh then your

body’s gonna burn more fat you’re going

to get leaner but how do we handle this

flat muscle situation well here’s how

you would handle it uh there’s a real

interesting study with athletes okay

that do keto and apparently there’s no

glycogen difference in their muscles

versus someone who’s not doing keto they

have the same amount of glycogen now

think about what happens with an athlete

they have to use this glycogen initially

to run a certain way and then if they’re

fat adapted they can convert over to

burning fat and they burn three times as

much fat as anyone else they’re like a

fat burning machine but what if you’re

not an athlete okay and you’re not using

up this glycogen to then cause your body

to replenish it you might have lower

amounts of glycogen well number one make

sure you consume enough fluid with the

electrolyte potassium and sodium very

very very important to keep the

hydration of the muscle because we want

to avoid this carb loading bodybuilders

do where they basically just eat a lot

of refined carbs and they just fill up

the muscle with glycogen which is a lot

of it’s water so it makes the muscle

look fuller we don’t want to do that

because that comes with the package it

creates problems with insulin resistance

but at the same time we don’t want to

look dehydrated so we want to make sure

that the electrolytes

including sodium and potassium are

consumed with enough fluid and maybe if

you have a problem with this you need to

bring your carbs up to 50 grams so that

would be roughly about three cups of

berries per day but we don’t want to

just do any like straight sugar because

that’s going to inhibit our growth

hormone so I’ve given you a lot of

different things you can do related to

growth hormone and there’s a lot more to

learn about this but if you have not

seen this video and how to help someone

with sleep apnea that would be a really

good one to watch I put it up right here