If You're Tired But Can't Fall Asleep, This Video is for You! | DrEricBergDC

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you know some people are actually too

tired to be able to sleep and rest

no matter how exhausted they get

their body just does not allow them to

get into the deep dealt with sleep

yet other people have way too much

energy and they can’t sleep because you

have too much adrenaline or nervous

energy flowing through their bloodstream

so it takes a healthy amount of energy

in your energy factories called the

mitochondria to be able to have this

really wonderful sleep so today we’re

going to talk about three things that

you can do to improve not just sleeping

but resting

there just happens to be

a clock

in your brain it’s called the Supra

chiasmatic nucleus that tells you or

tells your body when to go to sleep and

when to wake up and so I’m going to give

you some tips on how to get your clock

to work better okay

all right let’s first talk about energy

right um we’re talking about the

mitochondria and this is in relationship


um healing or supporting the

mitochondria in the brain the organs

that have the most mitochondria

are in the heart and your brain okay so

both of those organs need a lot of


and when they don’t get oxygen when

they’re dysfunctional

you have problems so there are several

things you can do to increase oxygen

into the mitochondria into the brain to

help you

really sleep and go to sleep quickly the

first one is the obvious one exercise so

when you exercise you get more oxygen

and so I like to do two types of

exercise mainly every day I do a higher

intense exercise and I do weight

training and with the higher intensity

exercise I do really short durations

but I always do long walks or hiking

um I go up hills things like that so I’m

always doing that that which is a low

intensity walking and that’s great for

sleeping okay so exercise is the top of

the list number two be one another name

for a B1 or thiamine deficiency is


pseudohypoxia that’s right hypoxia that

is a lack of oxygen

and so this can occur in the brain

at the very heart of the autonomic

nervous system which is in the brain

stem which has everything to do with

your breathing okay and so when you’re

deficient in B1 your breathing is going

to suffer and your oxygen is going to

suffer and you’re going to trigger

What’s called the stress reflex and try

to sleep when you’re stressed you can’t

so it’s all about increasing the amount

of o2 in the mitochondria and B1 before

bed is a great way to do that the next

thing is just to open your windows if

you can at night when you’re sleeping

that is going to give you more oxygen

than trying to recirculate some of this

kind of stale air that’s in your room

having plants in your room also will

increase the oxygen because they give


oxygen and they take in CO2 another

thing that increases the oxygen is a

coenzyme Q10 and then another great

remedy is called methylene blue this was

the first drug that medicine ever

introduced in their Health Care System

methylene blue it’s been around since

the 1800s methylene blue will make your

urine green okay because it the blue

mixes with the yellow and then it turns

out green but there’s a lot of

interesting positive things when you

take it in small or diluted amounts okay

and I’m going to put the link down below

on that video so you can learn more

about it but it can greatly increase

oxygen in your brain and other parts of

your body all right so now let’s talk

about that circadian rhythm controlled

by the Supra chiasmatic nucleus how do

you get that to work uh correctly

it’s controlled by light in dark Cycles

okay so when you are in your house at

night with the lights on all the way up

until the time you go to bed that is

going to be very very

bad because it’s going to work against

that rhythm

the ideal situation is to work with this

light and dark cycle with this rhythm

with nature and that means that you

would want to start to turn down the

lights at Sunset okay now

that’s really difficult in the winter

isn’t it when it gets dark out at 4 30

but typically in the summertime starts

to get dark at nine o’clock so if you

were to be in your house and start to


um like dim lights okay that would be a

really good thing so your body’s

starting to get used to this this

decrease in light and you can even

replace certain lights in your house

with incandescent lights which give off

more infrared which is uh very very good

for your sleep cycle so infrared you can

also avoid blue lights like your

computer now that’s hard for some people

but not for me because I’m not on my

computer at night I’m in the computer in

the morning

but that the blue light that’s emanating

from your electrical devices definitely

can can worsen your melatonin okay the

thing that helps you sleep at night you

can get some red lights you can start

dimming your lights get some

incandescent lights and not be around

the LEDs

if you had the light from your fireplace

or a even a campfire

where that you have that yellow golden

light that’s giving off a lot of

infrared and very low blue light if any

that’s very therapeutic for sleeping or

um let’s see you get the blue light

blocker glasses and you can filter out

that blue light that’s beneficial

but the point is that if you’re going to

start watching TV turn off the lights in

the room okay so it’s really dark so you

have just smaller amounts of light that

is going to be very very uh therapeutic

for your circadian rhythms and I even

wear an eye mask when I go to sleep

because I have to have it you know pitch

black my wife can sleep if it’s the

lights are on I can’t your timing of

eating okay you’re gonna find that if

you don’t eat too late you’re gonna

sleep better

I mean if you can really do this if you

let’s say you ate one meal a day and

that last meal was right around three

o’clock that would be the ideal

situation to eat to improve your

circadian rhythms but it might interfere

with your social life because a lot of

people don’t

eat at that time so you might be eating

by yourself

or if you’re doing two meals a day maybe

you do the first meal in the morning and

the second meal at three right that

would be ideally the situation if you

can’t do that then do something that’s

related to that and just avoid eating

five hours before you go to bed so if

you go to bed at 10

consume your food at five okay that will

at least give you five hours for your

system to kind of get settled in to

start aligning with their circadian wave

I mean just do an experiment eat a very

heavy meal before you go to bed and then

see how you sleep

just doesn’t work so I just want you to

experiment with it and see if it doesn’t

help you if you’re traveling okay even

in the same time zone

that is going to interfere with this

clock in your brain and the GPS that’s

in your brain that can identify where

your location is in space

and so a good way to handle jet lag when

you travel is to take a lot more vitamin

D3 Apparently that is the key nutrient

that helps reset those mechanisms to

really help get you on track a lot

faster I do this all the time so I might

take like say 30 40 50 000 I use the

vitamin D if I’m traveling two different

um Country Now what time should you go

to bed typically the best time to go to

bed is like 10 o’clock I tend to go to

bed between 9 30 and 9 45 but some

people can’t do that they’re just

there’s too much going on you definitely

want to avoid going to bed before 12

right because there’s there’s definitely

a situation if you go past 12 all of a

sudden the body will start waking up and

you miss that wave and now you have to

kind of wait like 90 minutes before your

body’s tired and that’s happened to me

several times where I’m extremely tired

at 9 30. and I’ll push through it and

then now I’m awake now I have to wait

for a period of time until I’m tired

again so you want to work with your

body’s waves and you want to catch the

wave so you can go right into the deep

sleep you know experiment what works for

you but uh 10 o’clock on average would

be the best for most people I do a

little bit earlier and then I will sleep

for seven hours sometimes seven and a

half hours some people need eight hours

but anywhere between seven and eight

hours is the best situation if you get

up in the middle of the night let’s say

a two ish or even one that usually means

that your adrenals are stressed out and

you need to support the adrenals with

certain types of adaptogens and hold

desiccated adrenal supplements and if

you’re getting up urinating frequently

that means that you still have to deal

with insulin resistance I have videos on

that if a muscle cramp wakes you up you

may need more magnesium potassium or

calcium now I think sleep is so

important for so many things and if you

haven’t seen my more comprehensive video

on sleep you should check that out and I

put it up right here