Find Out The Deeper Causes of Brittle Nails | DrEricBergDC

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so I’ve gotten this question a lot

what remedy

can help with my brittle nails

now that’s a good question because

there’s a lot of different remedies that

can work but I always like to use the

now as an indicator to look deeper

inside the body and the nail is a really

good place to start because it gives you

a lot of Clues on what’s going on in the

body but brittle nails is very similar

to like a symptom of fatigue there could

be many different reasons for that

problem so you have several options you

can actually take a remedy to strengthen

your nails or better yet you can try to

understand what the nail is doing so you

can actually fix the problem once and

for all unfortunately in medicine they

don’t do that everything is based on a

certain symptom and a treatment so today

let’s do this differently let’s take a

look at the nail and look at all the

potential reasons why you might have

I don’t know slow growing nails or

brittle nails or lines to your nails

or a problem with the nail and when I go

through this I think what’s going to

happen is one or two things that I talk


will become more real to you and it will

pop out as a potential problem let’s say

for example something that’s missing in

your diet or maybe something that you’re

eating that you shouldn’t be eating so

let’s start out with protein your nail

is protein it’s a very specific type of

protein called keratin and the thing

that you need to know about keratin is

that it’s very high in Sulfur okay and

also amino acids because protein is just

a combination of amino acids so doing a

deep dive and understanding kind of

what’s making up this specific body

tissue can give you Clues on what you

may need to eat more of so the two main

sulfur amino acids are cysteine and

methionine and so for example if you’re

eating foods that don’t have those two

amino acids or are incomplete that could

be the reason why you are missing those

amino acids and developing problems with

your nail and realize if you have a

problem with your nails it’s not just

happening with your nails it’s happening

all over the place so you could either

be deficient in Sulfur okay which by the

way the number one symptom of a sulfur

deficiency is brittle nails or it can be

very specific amino acids that you’re

deficient in because you’re eating foods

that are not complete with the amino

acids now rather than bore you and

complicate things tell you all the foods

that don’t have that I’m just going to

recommend eating foods that contain

plenty of all of the amino acids that

way you don’t have to worry about trying

to focus on just you know increasing

very specific amino acids you got to

realize amino acids is not just about

making your your nails your hair your

muscle your skin it’s about making all

these other proteins involved with

biochemistry energy production digestion

everything your body has millions of

different enzymes and they need these

amino acids so what kind of foods can

you eat to get a complete amino acid

profile okay well the best foods you can

eat would be animal products

specifically things like eggs fish Meats


legumes or grain type proteins with

those you’re always going to be missing

one or two amino acids or those amino

acids are going to be very very low and

you’re going to have to do food

combining to fix this problem you also

have the factor of the hydrochloric acid

in your stomach if if you don’t have

enough hydrochloric acid you can’t

digest these proteins to extract the

amino acids from the protein and so how

do you know if you have a lack of a

hydrochloric acid well you have

indigestion you have gas you have

bloating heartburn if you have

intestinal inflammation

you could also have a problem with amino

acid absorption now the other thing

that’s interesting about protein is that

you may tend to not be satisfied when

you eat unless you have sufficient

amount of that balanced amino acids as

your requirements because out of all the

macronutrients like carbs protein and

fats proteins are probably needed as the

most important survival

raw material and so in other words let’s

say you’re eating a lot of food but

you’re not hitting that requirement for

amino acids the hunger won’t turn off

you’ll just stay hungry you’ll never be

satisfied so this is one problem with

vegans is that they’ll tend to try to

get their amino acids from plant type

things and Grains and legumes but since

they need to consume so much of those

foods to get the required amount of

amino acids they end up overdoing it on

the carbohydrates now if you want a

general pretty good estimate of how much

protein a person would need on average

now this is on average it could go up it

can go down I would do this I would take


grams times your body weight in pounds

that you weigh and you’ll get a good

estimate of roughly how much protein

that your body requires you know when

you’re deficient amino acids boy all

sorts of things will happen

not just the increase in appetite

without being satisfied

but you could even develop edema in your

legs a swollen belly you can be

chronically fatigued but again I’m just

emphasizing out of all the macro

nutrients protein is the most important

and if you’re deficient in amino acids

and it’s showing up in your nail realize

it’s also going to be affecting your

immune system your endocrine system your

reproductive system the next topic is

trace minerals and minerals trace

minerals act as helper called cofactors

or coenzymes for proteins so we just

talked about amino acids which are

proteins now to activate these proteins

that help you grow nails okay you need

certain helper minerals or trace

minerals which are just kind of minerals

needed in smaller amounts so the most

important mineral would be sulfur you

can get it in cruciferous vegetables you

can get it in eggs

you can get it in meats and fish you can

also get it in garlic and onion there’s

also a product that can help brittle

nails called MSM but I would recommend

try to get it from the food then you

have zinc another very very important

cofactor where do you get zinc red meat

animal products shellfish Seafood

selenium is another one copper is

another one magnesium is a factor it’s

not very common but the can show up in

the nails if you’re deficient in

magnesium and that would be more of the

leafy greens but the amount of calcium

that’s in the nail is very very very

tiny so if you have a Calcium deficiency

it’s probably not going to show up

necessarily in brittle nails I mean

potentially it could but it’s more

likely these other elements silicon also

a lot of people take silicon to improve

their nails because silicon is involved

in the formation of collagen now another

important vitamin to strengthen the

nails is is vitamin C now typically

you’re going to get enough C if you’re

doing leafy greens or sauerkraut or

Peppers or lemons but if you’re

consuming a lot of sugar that is

definitely going to block your vitamin C

biotin is another B vitamin that people

take in very high levels to help their

nails and yes that will work but what

you have to realize is that you produce

just as much biotin as you get from your

diet and chances are

the real reason why you might be

deficient in biotin has to do with your

gut micro Flora more than your diet

maybe you had an antibiotic maybe you

have some type of gut issue maybe you’re

not eating right maybe you don’t eat

enough Probiotic foods or Prebiotic

foods and that’s why you’re low in

biotin but biotin is very high in

chicken liver beef liver eggs salmon and

pork and a couple other reasons why you

might be deficient in biotin you drink a

good amount of alcohol you’re on some

type of medication you have low

hydrochloric acid you are an athlete

okay you exercise a lot that can create

a major deficiency in biotin or you’re

getting older and so the requirements

for biotin go up B6 is another vitamin

that is involved in the production of

protein but typically it’s not going to

be very common for you to have brittle

nails if you have a B6 deficiency B12 is

another factor that can affect the blood

flow to the nail any type of anemia

whether it’s B12 or iron can show up in

the now as a brittle now choline is

another they classify it as a B vitamin

if you’re deficient in choline maybe you

have a genetic factor that doesn’t allow

you to absorb choline like myself and

that puts you at risk for a fatty liver

and if you want to eat foods high in

choline eat more egg yolks now to keep

the Keratin strong there are two fat

soluble vitamins that are also very

important vitamin A and vitamin D

where do you get vitamin A from I’m not

talking about like spinach that’s

beta-carotene which turns into Vitamin A

but just a small amount you want to get

your vitamin A from egg yolk okay fish

or animal organs like liver and things

like that or even cod liver oil and of

course vitamin D is difficult to get

from the food but cod liver oil has it

you can get it from the Sun and other

types of fatty fish or seafood has some

vitamin D in it now I created another

video on nails so it’s actually quite

interesting that goes beyond just the

riddle now and if you haven’t seen that

video I put it up right here check it
