Sharp Stomach Pain That Comes and Goes | DrEricBergDC

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we’re going to talk about why you may

have sharp stomach pain that comes and

goes there are actually 10 reasons for

this specific symptom the first one is

something called SIBO and that stands

for a small intestinal bacterial

overgrowth now take a look at this you

have the small intestine right here and

you have the large intestine right here

sound normally you’re supposed to have

all the bacteria or most of the bacteria

in the large intestine and not the small

intestine now you have some bacteria in

the small intestine but the majority is

in the large intestine where it ferments

especially fiber when you have an

imbalance we have too many microbes in

the small intestine what happens when

you eat especially probiotics because

you’re actually taking in microbes or

fiber as in vegetables when the fiber

goes in here you see microbes start

eating the fiber and start to create

this fermentation so you get all this

gas and the microbes also will compete

for the nutrients so you end up becoming

deprived of nutrients because they’re

pretty much eating everything that they

see normally you’re not supposed to have

all those microbes in here instead

you’re supposed to have enzymes

digesting the food from the pancreas and

the lining of the small intestine and

then breaking down the food and 90% of

it is supposed to be absorbed in the

small intestine so the worst thing to

consume when you have SIBO is vegetables

so this is a good time to be a carnivore

for a couple months so you can actually

clean this thing out and if you do have

SIBO and I have videos on it I’ll put a

link down below you need to be taking

betaine hydrochloride to acidify the

stomach so you can kill off the microbes

in the stomach so they don’t end up in

the small intestine number two let’s say

you have a part of your intestine just a

part of it the the part that’s at the

very end right here let’s say this is

inflamed okay let’s say you have a itis

which is inflammation of the ileum right

down over here and you eat food

and it goes through this long little

tube right here no pain no pain and then

it hits this area of inflammation that’s

raw and you just start hurting okay so

if you have inflammation in a certain

part your colon that’s why you get this

sharp stomach pain and this usually

comes from damage with something you’re

eating whether it’s a food allergy okay

like gluten for example or other

allergies in which case you need to do a

food allergy test and avoid those foods

so you can start healing this area so I

probably should just add gluten and food

allergies also if you have an ulcer in

part of your colon that can also cause

pain and by the way chlorophyll is a

great way to heal an ulcer all right

number three a gallbladder and the bile

duct so you got the liver right here

that makes bile it comes down into this

common bile duct it’s a little tube and

it goes into the gallbladder where it’s

concentrated and then when you eat this

same contracts and it pushes it out into

the small intestine with help of the

enzymes from the pancreas together so we

have bile plus lipase which is the

enzyme from the pancreas to help break

down fats but if you’re eating the wrong

type of food or you have high levels of

estrogen or cortisol you can develop a

stone either in the gallbladder or on

the bile duct and that can create a lot

of irritation or if you’re eating the

wrong type of foods like junk foods and

vegetable oils like corn oil or soy oil

which is highly inflammatory that can

irritate these ducts right here and

cause all sorts of pain and bloating

when it becomes distended okay that

pressure can cause pain so a problem

with the gallbladder and this bile duct

is very common I put some links down

below for you to get more data on that

area number four the pancreas or the

pancreatic duct okay so the pancreas

makes enzymes the pancreas also makes

insulin okay so it actually makes a

hormone actually several hormones and


both functions if you’re consuming too

many carbohydrates you’re gonna cause

that pancreas to work really really hard

because it has to pump out a tremendous

amount of insulin now realize this

pancreas has a dual function it’s making

hormones and it’s also making enzymes so

if you’re stimulating one part of the

pancreas you’re also stimulating the

other part too so you’re creating a big

strain and that can interfere with the

normal flow of digestive juices coming

through here and it can swell up and

cause all sorts of problems with pain

congestion especially sharp pain in

grains and it’s probably the number one

reason why a lot of people have sharp

pain in their stomach and for some

people this could be literally poisonous

to their system and really create a lot

of damage into the small intestine

through here and again the food

knowledge is as well okay number six

fortification what do I mean by


well they enriched flour products with

iron and synthetic vitamins iron is a

very very toxic to the microbes and to

your body especially with men and

postmenopausal women who are not

menstruating and getting rid of their

their blood each month so our bodies

don’t have a good ability to get rid of

excessive amounts of iron and iron is

very very damaging to our brains to our

gut and to the liver especially you can

create all sorts of issues including

cirrhosis so when someone’s consuming

grains in America especially in Canada

in the UK it’s fortified okay with iron

and that’s one of the reasons why it

just tears up your stomach in other

countries that don’t fortify that they

can somehow get away with consuming

grains and not have the bloating and the

digestive issues but they still have the

weight gain because it turns into carbs

pretty fast but the other thing that

European countries will do and other

countries around the world is that they

will make bread products a little bit

differently they’ll make the dough and

then they’ll let it for men

overnight as compared to the bread in

the US where they don’t ferment it very


it ends up fermenting in your gut so you

feel a lot of bloating and anytime you

feel bloating you’re gonna get pain

we’ve already talked about vegetable

oils these are like the soy oils canola

the corn oil cottonseed oil these are

highly inflammatory to the digestive

system and the amount of consumption of

these oils are off the charts and this

is hidden in a lot of foods especially

salad dressing mayonnaise and you’re

consuming on a regular basis and not

even really realizing that this could be

the reason why you have all this pain in

your gut and then we have GMO grains so

this would be soy and corn and even

wheat is sprayed with glyphosate which

is the Roundup Ready which can really

irritate your digestive system and

affect these microbes number 9 low

stomach acid this is very very common if

you don’t have enough acid in your

stomach what’s going to happen is the

food is going to go through here

slightly undigested and as the food is

not digested up here it ends up down

here creating a huge strain and you’re

gonna get abnormal fermentation bloating

and pain a simple problem you just need

to add outside of vinegar and betaine

how to chloride and problems solved and

last thing is frequent eating if you’re

doing six meals a day three meals with

three snacks not a good idea when you do

it with fasting you allow the gut to

heal and rest so if you’re experiencing

sharp pain and you’re getting bloating

you really need to do in a minute

fasting it’s the absolute best thing to

do it gives your whole system a chance

to reset and heal as far as protein goes

you don’t want to do too much you want

to do a moderate amount because too much

protein can also overload the digestive

system especially if you don’t have

enough stomach acid and also you want to

keep your carbs lower because that can

really irritate the liver and the

gallbladder and especially the pancreas

and normally I recommend a lot of

vegetables but not if you have SIBO

alright thanks for watching and I’ll see

you in the next video and if you haven’t

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