The #1 Remedy for Sinus Mucus ⧸ Pressure ⧸ Postnasal Drip | DrEricBergDC

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I have a lot of videos on what to do for

mucus especially upper respiratory mucus

sinuses but this video is going to give

you another tip that is very very

powerful and I think you’ll like it and

it’s very effective so if you have post

nasal drip chronic rhinitis or sinusitis

or sinus pressure or sinus headaches or

cluster headaches or even sinus

allergies okay this can apply to you an

average person might do the steroids

they might do medication which always

creates more side effects or they might

do the surgery and the complications

from that are are pretty huge but

there’s a another thing you can do that

is very powerful and you can either do

it as a nasal spray or you can consume

this food and I’m talking about like hot

peppers like Cayenne or other hot spicy

peppers now there is this thing called

pepper spray which is kind of like a a

weapon against people and you spray it

in their eyes we’re not talking about

that concentration we’re talking about a

very very diluted

cayenne pepper or it could be

horseradish or other types of pepper in

a spray that in greatly improve your

sinuses and I’m going to talk about this

the main phytonutrient in these Peppers

that is doing all the magic is called

capsaicin you know when you eat these

hot peppers it’s that phytonutrient that

creates this hot sensation has nothing

to do with increasing the temperature

it’s all a chemical signal that tells

the brain that it’s very hot and it’s

the plants defense mechanism to get

predators to not eat that plant and so

there’s different levels of hot okay but

what’s interesting is that the tarantula

Venom uses the same pathway and so that

would make sense because there are


that are so hot that’ll literally like

burn your mouth and it can create a

serious problem with your breathing and

everything else you know like you’re

sweating and some people can tolerate

them some people don’t but there’s some

great research on what capsaicin can do

for your sinuses other people get it as

a cream and they put it on their body

for pain and arthritis and like

rheumatoid or Osteo or even gout but

there’s actually nasal sprays that have

um some cayenne pepper very diluted or a

concentrated extract giving you this

capsaicin that you can spray into your

sinuses and so if you look at the


it can definitely help Purge mucus from

your sinuses it will help drain off this

mucus versus some of the medications

that suppress the mucus this one kind of

purges it out but it then reduces the

nasal hyper reactivity so you’re going

to find that your

mucous membranes are not reacting nearly

as much as they were before to the

environment whether it’s an allergy or

something else that’s creating this

mucus so it can help open the sinuses

drain the sinuses and it can help

desensitize the mucous membranes okay so

they like I said before now they’re not

as sensitive so

that irritation that redness that

inflammation goes away not to mention

having another property of antimicrobial

so many people who have a chronic sinus

problems chronic rhinitis have like a

fungus growing on their sinuses or even

a bacterial infection now you have a

couple choices you can use it as a nasal

spray or you can start consuming these

Peppers okay and it will create a very

similar effect I tried an experiment

long ago which I will never repeat I

actually drank 12 ounces of daikon

radish juice okay and I had so much

mucus drainage I don’t even know that

much mucus could be drained out of your

sinuses but it just came out and then I

noticed about an hour later boy I just

dried right up so radishes can be used

too they’re pretty spicy and any Peppers

that are hot will do the trick now

sometimes when people consume these


it’s so hot they have to neutralize this

this hot burning in their mouth so they

start drinking more water water is just

going to intensify this hot sensation

another remedy which is even better than

milk but milk will help neutralize it

okay some people use ice cream but I

recommend milk but there’s something

even better than milk

because it’s the casein the milk protein

that is the antidote okay to this


sensation in The receptors so what has

the most casein

and the answer is cottage cheese that’s

right cottage cheese is just loaded with

casein but I wanted to give you another

remedy that you can do if you have this

chronic sinus problem that’s pretty easy

and it’s pretty highly effective I’ve

done another video on mucus not just in

the sinuses but mucus that can drain

onto the lungs and that actually got a

lot of use if you haven’t seen that I

put it up right here check it out