Join Dr. Berg and Karen Berg for a lively discussion on KETO and IF | DrEricBergDC

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everyone welcome here

we’re back and uh karen’s here

karen’s here hi yeah welcome listen guys

anything that we say is not meant to

diagnose you

just check with your doc before taking

any recommendations

i do want to mention we’ll mention this

throughout the show we have a new

channel a youtube channel it’s a cooking

it’s a keto cooking

channel it’s a keto recipe channel and

there’s a lot

of keto recipes and

you’ve been asking so the best way to

find it is just go to our

youtube channel and then under channels

you’ll see it right there

and you can subscribe so um you know if

you’re in lockdown

might as well cook some things we have

some really great recipes coming up

and karen is going to be filming today

one of my favorite

foods in the world it’s lasagna totally

keto friendly

and you guys are going to literally die

when you consume this food

in a good way right it’s going to be the

quickie version

the quickie version yeah

the most important information because

some of the filling

is a personal thing you know some people

like certain filling in their lasagna

as long as you do it like you exactly

like exactly like i did except the last

time was a complete

create on the fly so it’ll i’ll remember

that’s why i told you to write all the

details down because that was good let’s

go to weston

uh from west virginia are you there


are you there weston um i think my mic

i think we tested everything i think it

should be working

let’s try another call okay let’s try um

esther from oklahoma are you there

it sounds like it’s uh it needs to be

retested or

something with my could be something

with my


okay i have facebook but i don’t have

youtube here

what about jason from santa barbara

okay all right i’ll let these guys fix

that so

um we’re going to jump right into a quiz

guys because um

i have some questions to see if you’re

on top of things

so the first question

is you know it’s all related to vitamin

d vitamin d is

just so so powerful for the immune


and other things but i have a question

for you and the question is

what has more vitamin d herring

or salmon all right

i hope the answer’s salmon well karen

we’re going to find out

once we see the answers there right now

i don’t have youtube coming up here


crazy it’s showing okay but i have


okay in the meantime while we’re letting

these answers come up

is it okay to take vitamin c on an empty


yeah in fact it’s uh it’s a water

soluble vitamin it’s not fat soluble so

yes you can it’s better to take the fat

soluble when you eat something but it’s

not a necessity so

like the fat cell would be vitamin a

d e k okay k1 and k2

you want to take those like with food

but you don’t have to

um the d3 and k2 that i have and i’m not


has some bile pure5 bile salts

so it helps the absorption much better

and especially if you have anything

going on with the liver or sluggish


but you know the thing that you don’t

want to consume with vitamin c

which i know won’t be a problem for a

hundred percent of our viewers is you

don’t want to consume any sugar

because when you eat sugar it competes

the chemistry vitamin c is very similar


sugar so sugar in your body you’re not

going to absorb vitamin c

so that is what’s going on let’s see

can is weston are you there weston does

that does it work yet

all right hey yeah can you hear me yeah

i can hear you perfectly

hey i’ve been on healthy keto for a year

and out of nowhere for the last three

months i’ve been experiencing extreme


body aches loss of appetite brain fog

but um sometimes i feel okay for a few

hours but then i’ll start feeling

exhausted so i had a previous infection

of ebv count like it was high but my

blood work doesn’t indicate that i have

an active infection could this still be

related to

the epstein-barr virus good question i

have a question for you though

are you finding that potentially you’re

not out in the sun

very much and you’re not really taking

vitamin d is that a possibility

i take 10 15 000 i use the vitamin d but

i’ve been going outside because i’ve

been stuck in the house because i feel

so bad

okay what about zinc are you taking


30 milligrams of zinc by glycinate


okay good so you’re good on that um what

about are you under

any type of stress yes extremely

okay um because here’s the thing and i’m

gonna just kind of

i’m gonna put you on um silent i’m gonna

tell you what’s going on

which i think um epstein-barr virus

is the virus that can go into um


goes dormant it’s called latent and it

just goes into this state where it just

kind of sits there and it waits

until you go through stress or you’re

nutritionally deficient

but i will say stress is the number one

thing that will put that virus and kind

of reactivate it

and maybe not even a full activation as

an infection

but activating it enough so some of

those viruses

are creating some problem with your

immune system

creating more histamines and you’re

experiencing fatigue

so one of the things real simple way to

do this is to

isolate the exact stress do whatever you

can to improve it

and i think you’re going to feel much

much better now

many people experience the epstein-barr

virus after like they have mono

in high school something like that

there’s a this is just an acupressure

thing that helps relieve stress and it’s


very beneficial to reduce the body

stress and

i don’t know what it’s classified under

on my youtube channel

but you would want to do the acupressure

on the upper part of the neck

and then the lower part of the neck and

that seems just to reduce a lot of


in the upper part of your body it’ll

just feel like a good relief you’ll

sleep better

but yes that virus definitely can create

an immune reaction and

keep you in a state of fatigue for sure

so that is my advice find the location

of the stress and

kind of do what you can to improve it


all right let’s see if esther is


uh from oklahoma are you there yes

i am can you hear me yes hi how are you

great how are you

good good to see you guys back yeah

and i an

issue with i just did a black test uh

about 10 days ago and my segmentation

rate was 38 my theory active was

2.8 you hear me

yeah yes and the last time i spoke to

you you

i asked you about carnivore diet and you

said why don’t you go ahead and try it

for a month and i started it a week ago

this saturday my issue is

i cannot eat as much meat as they say

i should i can hardly eat beyond

13 ounces or 12 ounces anyways less than

a pound

and the other thing is i’m reading a

book by dr sean baker about

a carnival diet and he says the

carnivore diet is not for

weight loss it’s for being healthy

and i have lost 45 pounds

with keto and i don’t want to gain back

and i need your advice so i keep on

losing weight while i’m getting rid of

this inflammation

okay i mean sean baker is a um

he’s a medical doctor he recommends the

carnivore diet which is

great i i recommend it if you have any

type of

inflammatory digestive issues maybe sibo

for a period of time but the

the version of keto that i recommend has

been working so nicely

i’m not going to change it or recommend

something else but it’s a healthy

version of keto were you doing

plant-based vegetables

not grains and also high quality protein

meats and things like that so a

combination of both now

as far as your situation i think that

you definitely if you’ve been doing it a

week and a half that’s great i would

continue to do a little longer

but as far as inflammation goes the best

bet for that

honestly is to increase

beef up no pun intended your vitamin d


okay so take more vitamin d for pain in

your knees

and your shoulders because that is the

topic of it today and i think that will


reduce your c-reactive protein

and you’re set you’ll help your sed rate

so try that

and be very strict

with your carbs okay thanks very much

and let’s go right to the answers karen

what are people um

is it going to be salmon or

it’s kind of 50 50. really i’m gonna say

uh youtube answered way more than the

guys on on facebook this morning

i think facebook was more salmon

but a lot fewer answers youtube guys

it’s pretty

uh 50 50. so what would you guess i’m

gonna go with what i’m really hoping

which is salmon okay and then if you

weren’t hoping what would you go with if

i wasn’t

hoping i would still say salmon

and if you wanted to pick another answer

and if i went

with um the answer i thought or hoped it

wouldn’t be i would definitely say


you’re right yes all right awesome so

the answer is herring so herring has a

bit more vitamin d but here’s the thing

that’s okay salmon also has a tremendous

amount of vitamin d

so both are going to be fine it’s it’s

the fattier

the fattier the fish the better okay and

that’s going to roll right into it

amsterdam is a fattier fish than salmon

amsterdam i mean i’m sorry i just read


i was like i’ve heard about that fish


wow that just yes circuits well i’m with

karen because

salmon is the only fish i’ll walk by in

the kitchen and pick off more and just

eat it

i mean it’s so good like snack cake

but i never thought herring or amsterdam

was fatty yeah it’s a fatty country um

but what happens is that you have um

wow you have certain amounts of

you know the fat soluble vitamins are in

the fat so um

you want fattier things so you’re not

going to

well i think i just blew it i blew the

coi i blew the next question

i’m going to ask it anyway maybe no one

heard me no it’s okay there was so much

going on you should ask me a question

anyway all right here’s the question is

there any significant vitamin d

in cod fish yes or no

cod fish yeah you didn’t say anything


cod i know i didn’t

so is the question is is there any

significant vitamin d in cud

fish okay and while you are answering

that uh let’s go to jason

well we haven’t asked a single social

media question

oh okay go ahead huh these guys are


here right i know there’s a lot more of

those questions i know

karen’s got your back i i’ve got your

back amsterdam

okay so is it okay to do no protein on


uh no it’s not okay because um what are

you gonna do about your

your requirements for your own

replacement of your

your muscles all the protein

interactions the chemistry

uh hormones and then the repair

what are you going to do about that if

you have no protein and keto now i think

i know what you’re asking

is it okay to do no animal protein on


it’s more difficult it’s more difficult

as possible

it’s just a lot more difficult so that’s

my answer on that

fair enough here’s the next one what are

some other signs of a fatty liver other

than a belly

what if you don’t have a belly does that

mean you then absolutely you don’t have

fatty liver no

no because it could be hidden it’s um

deep down inside there so

um it’s really really difficult to pick

up a fatty liver until certain stages

until it like gets in a major way

because you can have a

you know a good portion of the liver

fatty and not even know it

so i would say the other way is also do

an ultrasound

that would be a good way um but another

way is just to

if you have symptoms of

insulin resistance and the other way is

if you’re doing carbs we know you have a

fatty liver if you’re doing a lot of

carbs on a regular basis

eventually it’s going to be converted

into fat and

kind of spill over i mean if you think

about it to have

even a fat in your belly what’s

happening you’re getting

spill over from your blood into your


that’s filling up with fat and then it

spills over into the organs around the


so you might kind of look in the mirror

and go i have a big belly it’s fine but

what’s happening is you’re getting all


extra uh storage and it’s your body is

stuffing it here and there because

he doesn’t want it in the blood so the

blood might be fine but it’s

being stored in other places in your


okay good uh and then speaking of grains

is it okay if someone is a long distance


is it okay to add some grains into your


no i don’t i don’t recommend grains

under any circumstances

if you’re a long distance runner and you

want to add some carbs i would do

probably berries and maybe

sweet potato but i would definitely stay

away from the carbs

you might say well what about brown rice

well what about brown rice

well the broth good question the brown


apparently has been found to have higher

levels of arsenic

and also the phytates in the brown rice

because it’s like a whole rice

what’s a phytate phytate is is a


that locks up certain things in that


that then can create a difficulty in

absorption of zinc

so when you have food that have the

fiber with it like the whole grains or

brown rice and that’s going to block

your ability to absorb

zinc and you’re going to show zinc

deficiencies and

zinc is kind of important when your

immune system is trying to work

right so all right

so what do we have for the answers to

all the the question which is

does cod fish have any significant

amounts of vitamin d

so again it’s a mixed bag yes and no yes

a lot

no it doesn’t cod liver oil has

d no we’re not talking about cod liver

oil ah talk about cod fish

cod fish the actual fish i

see so these guys some of these guys

jumped right to cod liver oil

yeah no no we’re not talking about so

just the fish all right well why don’t

you tell us

it’s no it is very almost insignificant

amounts of vitamin d

wow so if i was going to the fish fry

you don’t want to do the cod i wouldn’t

do the cod if i was looking to get my

vitamin d

from that fish no you’re not going to

get any see the thing is like people

have this idea that well i’m going to

have a

lean fish and like even like trouts lean

unless they do like

maybe some farm raised that’s been

enhanced with vitamin d

or you’re not going to see significant

vitamin d from those fish and

that’s one of the benefits of fish is

the vitamin d the vitamin a

would you want raised anyway no you want

wild caught

right so you you know now the next

question is

what about all the toxins what about

mercury okay

well these fatty fish just happen to

coincidentally have lots of

selenium and selenium is the buffer it’s

the counter measure to the mercury so

if that hasn’t it has a little bit more

selenium which it does then mercury

you’re going to be

totally fine and the benefits of that

fish are just huge


so yes i have some more interesting

questions coming up so

don’t go away um i’m going to go to

jason okay

from santa barbara jason are you there

yeah i’m here hey what’s your question

what’s going on

okay my question is uh ken what

uh i want to mix uh i want to try to mix

some of your electrolyte

with apple cider vinegar is that okay or

i’ve been i’ve been doing it i haven’t

had any side effects that i know of

but i just can’t i don’t like drinking

it plain it’s just too harsh

so i’ve been doing like 16 ounces of

water one scoop of years and i do three

tablespoons apple cider vinegar and i

drink it down

no problem i’ve been doing it for a

while so i just don’t know if

well okay i’m gonna run with it here’s

the thing if you start

twitching underneath the left eyelid no

you’re going to be fine jason

grayson that’s not a problem at all in

fact um i’ve done that before it gives a

lesson a little kick

if you mix the outside of vinegar with

water electrolytes it makes a nice

little drink absolutely

no way will be negative in fact that

acidity will help you absorb these


a little better so i think you’re doing

the right thing

thanks jason okay so

what do we have karen okay well question

about keto and gout

yeah when you go when especially when

you do

intermittent fasting or even keto

sometimes you may have

a flare-up of gout and i want to talk

about that because

gout comes from the kidney not releasing

and getting rid of uric acid and uric

acid if

can come out of solution and go into the


especially your big toe um

uric acid is also considered an


so you might not realize that but a very

simple way is to if you’re consuming


vegetable your ph will go in the right

level it becomes slightly more

it’ll it’ll just prevent some of the

acidity from the keto

because ketones are a bit acid and so

that will actually put that gout in

remission and you might want to even


potassium citrate would be a good thing

to take to kind of alkalize

the blood because this gout attack tends

to happen in an acidic

environment in your urine the other

thing is that

when you consume a bit too much protein

that could aggravate the gout situation

and this is but if

you’re not going to run into it if

you’re doing the healthy version

of what i’m talking about right here

which is

keto which is you know it’s not just

protein because

keto is just low carb but we want the

healthy version we want to add all the

nutrients in there as well

um but yeah there’s there’s other things

you can do with gout as well there’s

like vitamin e will help

because like it’s loaded with a cool

vitamin an antioxidant

make sure if you do vitamin e do the

tocopherols and the tocotrienols

kevin he looks at me because i can’t say


i’m sure i could say if i pres practice

it but

yeah i don’t i cut your mic off and you

say it so if you blow it no one will


yeah i’ll just chuck

um what he said i have another question

go ahead okay so scoliosis

and we were just talking about this um


what are some of the causes or what are

you familiar with with regard to

scoliosis and what

could be done in your wheelhouse that

can help

well i think i’m going to turn that into

a question because that was one of the

questions that i had

okay um so here’s the question guys out

of all the vitamins

which one if it’s deficient

is most likely to cause

scoliosis kyphosis lordosis

or any problems all the doses yes with

any type of

spinal malformation i’m talking about a


i’m talking about like a c-curve of your


or an excess you know curve in your

lower back where it sways inward

what vitamin deficiency is most likely

to cause those especially

if your mother is deficient in it when


you know carrying you or she’s deficient

when she’s

breastfeeding you now you were looking

at me for a long time i was looking over

there karen

i wasn’t even looking at you i was

looking at that figure out over there

that came

something you must think something i’m

looking that way

okay so that was a question and as

people are answering the question i want

to go to connie

from michigan are you there connie


hi hi hi

what’s your question um i was

just released from the hospital


with dehydration low sodium

high phosphorous and high potassium

and diagnosed with stage for chronic

kidney disease and i wanted to know what

i can do to prevent it going any further

to stage five

okay um yeah you’re you’re stuck between


rock and a hard place because it’s you

can’t just jump right into the keto diet

because we recommend

lots of potassium and if you have a

later stage

kidney problem and the doctors will tell

you this so you want to ask your doctor

about this

what minerals do you have or what

vitamins and minerals you have to avoid

as much as possible because your body is

going to retain them

so once you have that data then you need


adapt your eating and there are

books out there that you can find even

kindle books that will tell you

what foods are low in certain nutrients


unfortunately you need them but your

body just is holding on to them they’re

not getting rid of them

i will say though for the rest of the


who doesn’t have advanced kidney disease

potassium is

protective against the kidney so don’t

be afraid of it doesn’t

cause kidney problems even in large

amounts because your body can release it

but here’s the thing the most important

thing connie so if you’re listening

make note of this keeping

the carbs low keeping your carbohydrates

as low as possible

because as soon as the carbs go up okay

your glucose goes up

you lose glucose through the urine and

water follows you become dehydrated

and you you create imbalances the best

support for kidney function is being

doing something

which is the opposite of a diabetic

which is keeping your carbs low

because the sugar is high because

glucose kind of destroys the kidney

also you want to

possibly find some natural

phytonutrients to support kidney

function because you have a lot of

free radicals going on and damage but i


i would research what diet you can do

that’s a low potassium and probably low


there’s there’s there’s books out on

that okay connie

thanks for your call all right

we had a question did we answer it no

do you remember the question yes it was

the doses question

yes what vitamin deficiency will create

these um back curve typhosis lordosis

and scoliosis okay so we got a variety

of answers i would say

the number one answer is d hmm

what are you doing there were other

things what do you think you said

vitamin right

yes so there other people gave some


let’s see i would say

d you are correct karen you are correct

okay so you know for all the d’s if you


up um research on scoliosis

the causes it’ll say it’s coming from

the environment

which i’m like what do you mean

environment just bad posture no it’s not

coming from that

or they’ll say that 68 of it’s


and say oh okay what does that mean it

means unknown cause

and they say well you know partially

genetic but we haven’t isolated a gene


but it’s complex so basically they don’t

have a clue they don’t know but if you


at the definition like the more data on

vitamin d deficiency one of the side

effects would be

scoliosis so um because vitamin d is

necessary in the formation of bones

especially when you are young

and it creates ricketts

what what happens with records you got

your your knees start to be

going inward you have bow legs but you

have your knees can actually knee knock

knocking of the knees you can have um

just problems with your bone formation

in general so

what does all this mean this means that

you need to

the next time you women get pregnant you

need to start taking vitamin d in large


if you’re breastfeeding you need to just


get a lot of vitamin d now the other

thing if you’re an adult

one way to know that you’re deficient is

if you have like bone

pain if you were to press on your

sternum right here

and it hurts you might need some or your


press on your shin if it if it’s sore

you might need some vitamin d it’s a

good indication because bone pain

a lot of vitamin d also low back pain is

vitamin d

um high blood pressure is vitamin d um

depression is vitamin d deficiency

there’s a lot of things related to that

and vitamin d is probably one of the

most important things for your immune


which i will be doing a video and one

last little

interesting tidbit karen because i was

going to tell you this when i

woke up this morning that you were still

asleep but um would you love

for me to come i love that every morning

i come in and i have something to

teach karen but she’s like could you

wait a little bit can you wait till i

wake up every minute i open my eyes

and he says did you realize that during

the black

the black plague right or did you know

that the

mitochondrial blah blah blah like this

well i have a question for you guys do

you mind sharing with us how much

vitamin d your

d2k whatever i take it i take two of

those a day how much do you take

see here’s the thing i would take like

you’re taking 20 000 ius totally fine

i like that that’s what i take if anyone

says oh yeah that’s

too much just ask them for a reference

they won’t be able to find it

there is no problem like when you get up

into maybe 150

000 ius which no one’s taking that much

there could potentially be

um a side effect of hypercalcemia which


could be a kidney stone but that’s so

rare and if you’re drinking enough water

it’s not going to happen

so but i do want to kind of complete the

one little thing i was i was going to

tell you about this

this black plague you know they they


since in the topic they actually found

some um

graves um unmarked graves in northern

london and they found this was from the


1364 or

it was either that or right around that

year and uh

i don’t know how they determine that and

so they found that

that was at uh a burial site where they

um from the black plague and

they looked at these skeletons and there

was a very

large percentage of people who had

rickets which is fascinating and they

had terrible teeth

and that that’s actually a vitamin d

deficiency which

which makes sense because if you have

this vitamin

this huge systemic or this huge pandemic

of vitamin d deficiency

you’re going to be very susceptible to

getting you know all sorts of infections

and so i think and i just released a

video recently i think we have a

pandemic of vitamin d

74 percent of the population worldwide

has a vitamin d deficiency which is a

primer for you know having an infections

you know or epidemic so anyway i just

want to point out that

interesting piece of information karen

if you wanted to know interesting

okay good good all right sandy from

texas had a question are you there sandy

hi guys i’m so glad to talk to you guys

i want to thank you for

everything you’ve done for me i was 270

i’m 185 with that pizza recipe

awesome awesome just love it

thank you that pizza’s wonderful my

question is this

um i had to get an emergency

hysterectomy at 38 years old and

i’m 51 now and i’m just wondering

like the menopause so far from 38 to 51

i’m kind of handling it pretty good they

gave me

zoloft and blood pressure medicine now

i’m wondering

the doctor when i go in she’s like you

lost a lot of weight do you want to get

off your

blood pressure and your zoloft and i’m

kind of excited want to

kind of scared too i know a lot of girls

are doing

hormones and all kinds of stuff at my

age and with the exercise and eating


and you know a lot of prayer i’m working

on it

my mom says she still has menopause and

she’s 80. so it’s obviously it’s just

going to continue

but i was wondering um do you recommend

anything besides the zoloft that seems

to be the thing

i’m kind of like don’t know if uh

anything that you could suggest that uh

for me

yeah i think i would totally agree with

your doctor you should come off those

medications and i would also

um recommend that you take the b


um nutritional yeast is a good source

but take a lot more b vitamins and

you’re going to find that your mood is

going to come up with the vitamin d

both of those together will help to

replace what you’ve been taking but

you’re doing great test the waters and

see how you do

um it’s great that your doctor’s

recommending that you come off

the medication i mean that’s not our

our area to tell you what to do about

medications but it’s always i think it’s

always a great sign when you have a

medical doctor

that is actually looking at your body

and looking at your

vitals and and everything that’s going

on and says hey how about we take you

off something

no matter what it is i think that’s

awesome you have a good doctor

if there’s if you could find um a

product a standard process

just look that up and there’s a product

called utrophin utrophin

pmg it’s called get some of that as well

take about two maybe three before bed

and i used to use that when i was in

practice it’s a great product for

women that had a hysterectomy okay

so i think that should help you sandy

thanks for your call

all right i have an itch karen at my

nose okay sometimes you just gotta

scratch the edge

sort of i won’t that’s a saying right


okay so

i i lost the name here but

someone wrote in that they’ve they’re


they’ve been on keto for one week

and they’re not losing a lot of weight

which means they’re losing

some weight the very first week on keto

yeah what do you say to that this is why

we call you a patient because you must

have patience and we put you in a

waiting room because you have to

you know it’s a waiting process but um

there’s a real good principle that you

need to know and that is that

it’s not about losing weight getting

healthy it’s getting healthy

first if you really understand that and

i’m talking about

health being one of the most important

indicators first is your

hunger goes away your cravings go away

that means it’s working

realize how long you had this problem

this does take a process to correct

uh i’m surprised that you’re losing any

weight in the first week a lot of times

right you don’t lose anything so what i

would do

i would maybe if you really want to

speed things up

you know just reduce your carbs even

more fast

longer and you will you’ll do fine

but your body will go after the fat loss

around your liver first you might not

see it

so you know focus on the health your


inflammation and with that karen

i have the next question for people okay

all right go ahead

okay what plant source

will give you the most vitamin d

i’m sorry i was listening to steve

that’s fine i was asking everyone here

you go ahead i’m back now go ahead what

ask again i was distracted

i like that when you’re talking to

someone like i’m sorry i wasn’t painting

i wasn’t listening

at all i heard steve and terry howling

over there and i thought

so here’s the question what plant source


uh the most vitamin d okay

what kind of plants can you eat to get

vitamin d tell me

very good question okay yes this is a

very good question

all right so now i need to go to susan

from saint paul

are you there yes i am good morning good


my question has to do with i finally

found a doctor who would order

a home ir test for me

and the the

lab results that i got back call it a

serum insulin test which i understand is

not as accurate as a homo ir

and the the measurement on the lab

results were measured in

lowercase u lowercase l capital u

slash lowercase m lowercase l

or i’m sorry capital l and it says that

the range is 1.9 to 23.0

and mine came back 6.7

which according to this test tells me

it’s low

but when i went online to investigate

houma ir

their measurements were not the same as

the measurements they gave me and

according to what i’ve read online

i’m actually very um insulin resistant

and i need to know how to

interpret this because i’m going to see

her again this month

okay susan so there’s an interesting

question because

there’s really not a lot of agreement on

what normal

is so people

that i study medical professionals in

the keto

world they recommend to keep

that cla that insulin right around like

two to three

area right there so i wouldn’t say it’s


crazy high but i would say you would

strive to get it lower okay

and to do that you just get unhealthy

keto bring your carbs down

do intermittent fasting and just do it

for a longer period of time

and but it’s i’m glad that you got the

test so now we have a baseline so you

can go back

let’s say two months from now and retest


and probably be a lot better but

insulin resistance does for some people

take a bit of time

to correct that and so an insulin

resistance by itself

will cause a compensatory reaction of

the pancreas to make more insulin so

that could be why you’re having this

problem but i’m glad that you did get

the test

and now we have a baseline but strive to

get it down to

maybe ideally a two okay

thanks for your question susan all right

all right let’s see what people have

said karen okay

so there’s the dark green leafy greens

category and then there’s more

specifically kale

and then there’s mushrooms and

flaxseed okay are the primary there’s

some other

couple of people said spinach is part of

the leafy green

and then there’s some other egg and fish

there’s one person

avocado okay yeah that egg is an

interesting plant uh

that okay um okay so the answer is

he got you there the answer is

zero there is no vitamin d in plants

now we’re set up so here’s the

here’s the uh here’s some additional

information um

mushrooms or fungus i guess maybe you

can consider that a

plant but i look at it more like a

fungus oh

mushrooms do produce vitamin d2

that has to be converted in your liver

to d3 but

it’s not going to give you a lot of

vitamin d i’ll promise you that

but it does have some plant okay okay


then that would be one that has a little

tiny bit some mushroom

so if you’re a vegan and you want to get

vitamin d

you could do algae and that does have

vitamin d3

um i guess would that be a plant or as

an algae

any well you know are you sure

or not phylum class order genus species

it’s somewhere in there i would call it

a plant okay karen

and there’s some biologists did anyone

say algae

not that i saw okay so that’s

so sun so really yeah

that’s a nice plant too but here’s the

thing um you don’t have to worry about

plants if you get out in the sun

you know just for the fact that there’s

there’s not a lot of vitamin d

if any zero in plant tells us that we

need to have a variety of foods

the ideal you know eating is a variety

of foods to get all your nutrients

but of course you got the sun so but

what are you going to do in the winter

karen the sun still shines in the winter

so what what foods have the most

what animal foods have the most vitamin

d now i’m just going to ask you

well i think we covered this fatty fish


karen college listening yes

this is probably one of the reasons why


higher latitude northern hemisphere

countries like the nordic countries that

consume a lot of fish

have a lower risk for the covid because

um they consume fish and cod liver oil

and i knew they they get a good amount

of sun as well they they sunbathe and


i think they have a um sun

sun tan now they actually have a the sun

well it depends

because it’s also dark depending on how


you go it’s dark for half the year well

if you’re in love

it’s interesting so um but here’s the

thing you know who

what countries have a very large

percentage of

vitamin d efficiency it’s the middle


um probably because you’re wearing a lot

of clothing maybe

but there’s other other issues too food

wise that could prevent that

interesting yes okay okay good

so now uh let’s go to brian from orange

county california are you there brian

i am thank you dr berg for taking my

call sure

i have a question about hypoglycemia um

i found out that i had hypoglycemia

after suffering it for most of my life

about a year ago

i started the keto diet and i felt

immediately much better

but now it’s starting to fade

i’m starting to feel the effects of


more again and so i would like to know

if you have any tips for me

and then also i have not been able to

find any supplements for people that

have hypoglycemia there’s plenty of

supplements for blood

you know sugar control of that are

trying to lower their blood sugar

but is there a supplement that will help


balance my blood sugar you know is there

a supplement

for hypoglycemia good question um

can you quickly briefly tell me

what generally type of what type of

foods do you eat

during the day

so in the morning it’s typically uh eggs

and bacon something you know or

something similar to that

yeah um in

the afternoon and in the evening

generally some protein with

salad okay and how many meals do you

have some peanut butter

okay how many meals a day do you have

i’m still

see even with the keto i’m still having

to eat multiple times and if i don’t

then i wake up you know a few hours into

the night

starving okay um so

that’s it’s it’s a nasty cycle and it’s

i’m so driven by food and i’m

i’m i’m tired of it you know when you

wake up in the morning are you hungry

yes okay so here’s what you do brian

um first of all you gave me a good you

gave me a really good idea for

one of my next videos because the


for hypoglycemia definitely definitely

definitely vitamin d

and definitely potassium and magnesium


as an electrolyte powder

so the one i have has a thousand

milligrams so i would probably do

two of those the potassium is going to

really speed things up

all you really your goal should be to

address insulin resistance so that’s

really what’s happening because you have


your insulin goes higher and this has a

stronger push down

wave for your blood sugars you end up

with low blood sugar um

i think you really got to focus on large


with that protein that you have but i

had hypoglycemia just like you

and it did take a bit of time to turn

things around

and i was i did what you did with the

protein things but if you have just the

protein and the several meals a day

it doesn’t seem to correct hypoglycemia

you have to also

get your fat up a little bit to create


effect and then you need to have a lot

of of the minerals

potassium and vitamin d and probably

even vitamin c from from the greens

i think that’s going to help you right

there and the second thing is that

your goal should be to try to work on


fasting as much as possible and it might


done at a very gradual way because

you know your insulin resistance could

be very severe so

you would want to increase your fats

so you can now you’re actually not

hungry you do not want to go low protein

lean protein you want to go fatty

protein and you want to reduce your


and lastly nutritional yeast

a lot of b vitamins are going to help

this tremendously

so do those things and then i think it’s

going to

allow you to fast longer and then the

more you fast less meals you have

the better it’s going to be and then

make sure that you do not have any

hidden carbs because that’s going to

screw everything up

thanks brian all right karen

let’s see what kind of questions we have

do you have a couple

i have a couple so one gal

is allergic to fish and is wondering

you’re giving all these great


about fatty fish for vitamin d

yeah then if you allergic to fish just

do the um

eggs and meat like

lamb or beef or even some high quality


okay that has the same amount of d um no

no it doesn’t but would she need to

supplement i would

get a lot of sun and sun is actually

pretty cheap

source of vitamin d you can save a lot

in fact it’s uh i think it’s even free

but here’s the thing when you go in the

sun and you only have exposure to your


and you think even 15 minutes you’re

getting a lot of vitamin d you’re

getting some

you need to kind of um expose more of

your arms or your legs go out with

shorts and get more

exposure but without burning yourself

okay if your skin’s darker you’re not

going to absorb as much

so you may need to get more sun

or add more vitamin d in fact um

probably be best to just take some

vitamin e just to make sure um

yeah okay cool uh now what could someone

do they have

this person has very dry brutal hair

brittle yeah that has to do

with either an iron deficiency

it could be zinc but it’s usually the

trace minerals

that actually allow you to make

wonderful hair because hair is a protein

and there’s all these little enzymes

that make hair

and you need the trace minerals as these

called the cofactors to go in there to

do that

the other thing is that cofactors

minerals also work with

healthy essential fatty acids so again

we need the

um you can do like the fish oils omega-3

fatty acids um

and don’t don’t go low fat anything

okay good all right let’s go to sunny

from india are you there

yeah hi doctor hi

good morning good morning

so uh i’m a big fan i have been

following your videos since

a long time and i have got a huge help

in any of the matters

now my question today is that i have

been suffering from autoimmune since

childhood so

to list down i had alopecia for three to

four years

which went off then

i have eczema and psoriasis

mild i would say but since like six to

seven years

and now i’m 30

and i have started suffering from

erectile dysfunction since last one and

a half year

okay so sorry i came across your video

on proto most person and i would like

some advice

okay i have a question for you um

do you have any problem with um

slouching or bad posture like your

your back is kind of hunched over easily

um yeah i i if i get a question yes i

have lower back problems and i had a

lower back

pain since many years but which has gone

off now

since the last two years and one more

one more thing i would like to bring to


that my father is suffering from chronic

kidney failure

since last 18 years and he is also

having autoimmune

uh symptoms like psoriasis and he is

which is very uh severe i would say and


he’s also suffering from arthritis and

mostly 60 70

disabled now so you know i am starting

to see all those symptoms in myself

got it one last question um

do you do you have a history of taking a

lot of antibiotics

or anything that could have destroyed

your good bacteria

i would say yes because you know i

whenever i used to do some exercise

in the last eight ten years uh if i go

to work out

for a gym for a couple of weeks and then

i fall in very

frequently which i understand from now

from your videos that you know

when it is autoimmune the body gets

inflamed very easily and then you know

it’s like fever

and then like digestive infection and


obviously i have to go on antibiotics


okay let me let me just give you my two


it’s a classic vitamin d deficiency as


it sounds like because vitamin d is

wonderful for autoimmune and

inflammatory conditions

but also the erectile dysfunction is

more of a zinc deficiency now

what’s the link between vitamin d and


they both need to be absorbed in the

small intestine not the large but the

small intestine

and if you had a history of antibiotics

then what antibiotics do is they really


not just the flora but they can they can

create a problem with

inflammation if you’re deficient in that

and that can scar

the small intestine to the point where

you’re not able to absorb vitamin d

that well or zinc for that matter so you

could be taking it but not really seeing

the benefit

so what do you do there is a type of

vitamin d that you can get

which is liquid and you can take lar

higher amounts of that okay maybe 40 000

iu’s a day

so the liquid kind of is much better and

that can help you and then the zinc you

might have to take more zinc

as well um so those two together

with healthy keto and especially

intermittent fasting

and i’m also talking about your dad as

well your father put him on that as well

i think you’re going to be in good good


there is um one product that you can try

to locate as well and i think i may have


i may have recommended that pmg but it’s

basically finding um

a glance not a glandular product but an


extract and i think that you were the

one i talked to before

but it acts as a decoy if you have an

autoimmune to your gut

but i would do those things vitamin d

and zinc and i think that’s going to


benefit you greatly because vitamin d is

majorly necessary for anyone with an

inflammatory condition especially if

it’s autoimmune

and autoimmune conditions tend to

originate from the gut

all right thanks for your question all


i am ready for another question karen

you are yep

okay so what what could someone do if

they needed to regrow their hair what

vitamins are supplements

well trace minerals are one the b

vitamins are second

um biotin is one of them but your biotin


actually made by your gut from in the

gut so

usually you need more probiotics to make

that vitamin so

you know people will take biotin oh my

gosh my hair is growing back but then

they stop taking the hair goes away

that’s because you need to take


but the hair is like a really good

reflection of what’s going on

all over and it’s not just about taking

vitamins it’s about

getting the foundation your diet


so if you’re going through a lot of

stress and you’re taking vitamins

it might not might not work so you have

to get rid of the stress

keep a low um you know i’m going to


karen i’m going to do i’m releasing a

video on

being too serious and that

i think will help people recognize

sometimes they’re just way too serious

and they need to just chill out reduce


and you’ll be surprised how much your

hair comes back from that but

the other thing is like um making sure

you have keto as a foundation and

intermittent fasting i’m not looking at

you karen i’m looking over there

at steve well karen’s got this big

lion’s mane of hair so she’s the poster

child for

doing keto right apparently people with

hair problems she’s certainly not among


oh thank you steve you see you know if

you said that

every day i would be less stressed

thanks steve i appreciate that let’s go

to brooke

from phoenix arizona got a question you


310 pounds hi dr berg good morning

and good morning your beautiful wife

karen hi

uh yes dr berg i’ve lost 310 pounds with

your program thank you so much for your

content sir

wow thank you

thank you um i have put on 27 pounds of


in the last year and a half but since

the corona has hit the gym has been


i’ve been working out at home and still

doing a good job staying healthy and fit

sticking with the program healthy keto

if omad

but i just don’t have access to those

heavier weights that are at the gym

and my body feels healthy and strong but

my mind is

feels like i’m withering away so my

question is

how well is my body maintaining all that


that i’ve worked so hard yeah i think

you’re going to be okay though in

general but i think that

um in addition to the the weight

training if you could do more

body weight type things because you can

position your body and it really

makes them serious that’s what i’m doing

now it’s like push-ups on the angle and

all these things you can actually create


good amount of resistance but the long


will help reduce cortisol the long walks

produce or reduce

reduced cortisol and adrenaline

more oxygen less stress which will

automatically counter

the um the stress and also it’ll if your

cortisol goes down

the hormone that is really important in

muscle growth and protection of muscle

loss is growth hormone

that will go up if cortisol goes down so

i would focus on keeping the stress down

with long walks

i mean we walk probably an hour a day

and then also

make sure your sleep is really really

good and also

make sure your protein is moderate and

then the exercise is intense intensity

is a good factor to stimulate growth

more than just

heavier weights so if you were to do go

outside and do sprinting

that is the ultimate but some people

can’t do that because the knees

so anything high pulse rate high

intensity interval training is going to

be awesome so

but well done on the amount of weight

loss that’s amazing and also

so well done and the amount of muscle

gain um

keep checking in with us there’s some

other things you can do but um for right

now focus on that yeah google

as many bodyweight exercises as you can

yes those cans of tomatoes

right congratulations from the control

room that’s unbelievable

that’s amazing all right do we have a

another question

oh i was so busy listening to that one i


all right you look for someone i’m going

to look for another one i’m going to go

to joann

uh from pennsylvania are you there

yes i’m here hi hi dania yay

the poconos right pocono summit yes sir

karen knows about the poconos i do it’s

great where are you from

i’m originally from brooklyn but i’m in

pokemon summit right now oh you are in

25 years

oh wow yeah

cool what’s your question

how do i know if i’m eating enough on

omad or who must yeah

good question started last week okay

well this is always a question that

comes up because people are so used to

counting those calories measuring the


and so there’s a much better way to do


i would not recommend counting your

calories and even worrying about

calories i want you to go by your

ability to perceive that you’re

full or not so you eat the meal

and you’re eating the right things and

there’s going to be a point where you’re


i am really full but then stop don’t

keep going to your stuffed

yet because here’s the thing you’re if

we go by calories it’s going to be so

difficult to figure that out because

some people like

i can’t consume that amount of food and

then other other group is like i’m still


so i would go by what your body is

satisfied with

and let’s say for example you sit down

on your first meal and you’re going to


you have these greens and meat right so

start with the vegetables

your salad first because if you start

with the protein especially if they’re

chicken wings

you may find that you’re not hungry for

that salad after you ate like

like about 20 of them so and i’m not

making any names

steve so what you want to do is start

with the salad first large salad and

then have your protein

second and it seems to work out good and

you’ll be

very satisfied and then see how that

works out

and if you can go for a period of time

let’s say i don’t know five hours later

or four hours later

have the second meal and then you just

have two meals and then you do the same


and then you’re gonna find that you’re

not gonna be too stuffed

yet you’ll have enough so that’s what i

would do

and i have done some videos on that for

more details on that

but because we have 30 seconds you know

we’re going to

leave it at that okay in the last 30

seconds we’re going to mention two

things one we mentioned early on which

is our new

keto recipe channel yes go to go to our

the youtube channel under channels

you’ll see it right there

been asking for recipes so here we go

and i’m really excited to also karen

makes the world’s best lasagna

now i love lasagna i know you do but i

like it keto

but this lasagna that you can make karen

is like literally over the top

it’s identical to commercial lasagna but

so much healthier and i’m very looking

forward to that and i know you’re going

to be

very excited about getting that recipe

but go ahead yes

and uh i was going to ask a survey

question myself but

uh what what i’ll do is i’ll mention the

keto summit when you go to the youtube

channel or you go to the keto

summit is completely digital so whether

you’re in france or

iraq or amsterdam or malaysia or greece

or the philippines or anywhere in the

u.s you can join it it’s a virtual this


so check that out and my final survey

question with regard to recipes

are and you can enter this even after we

hang up are you guys

interested in things that are really

simple and fast or are you ready for

something a little uh more complex not

complicated but something that takes a

little bit more

time and create so let me know fast and


or you know a good sound recipe because

that’s good it’s a good recipe it’s a

good question

yeah because we want to know what you

want okay great

so that’s it then well i will say

that um some of these recipes might be

complex but we have to

teach how to do them and i think that we

have to we have to teach you how to do


yeah because they’re so they’re so good

you can’t pass them up yeah they’re all

delicious but we want to know

do you want simple or what on that note

karen we will see you say goodbye

next week same time same place

